On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession

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On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession Page 10

by Michelle Cary

  She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it soon became obvious that all the participants were exhausted. Jason took off at a run, but Calen sidestepped him, and he ran headfirst into the steel ring post. Immediately he crumpled to the floor and didn’t move. Calen climbed into the ring and turned right into a spear from Logan. They hit the mat with a thud, Logan rolled away, and Cole went for the pin. One-two-three! Amber silently counted as the crowd chanted, and the timekeeper rang the bell.

  “Your winners, The Tribunal.”

  The ref motioned for the cage to be lifted, then crossed his arms, signaling for medical attention. The moment the cage was high enough to maneuver, Amber rolled beneath and hopped up into the ring. Cole reached for her, and she did her best to take his weight as he dropped to his knees. “I got you,” she said as she looked toward the ramp.

  Paramedics, trainers, and Dr. Martin all ran toward the ring. “Jason,” Cole rasped. “Check on Jason.”

  Amber looked toward the ring and found Lexi with her arm around Logan’s waist. “Have you seen Jason?”

  Lexi looked around and shook her head. Making sure Cole wouldn’t fall on his face, Amber gently let go and edged over to the side of the ring. Jason was facedown unconscious on the floor. Dr. Martin assessed him. “I want a backboard and C collar,” he ordered. “Watch his breathing.” He looked up at Amber. “Cole?”

  “Exhausted and bleeding, but better than Jason right now,” Amber replied.

  Dr. Martin slid beneath the bottom rope and rushed to where Cole rested on his knees. “Let me see that cut.” He lifted a hand and began assessing Cole’s injuries. Amber stood behind Cole, helping to hold him in place. “Maybe a stitch or two but not too bad.” He held up his hand. “How many fingers?”

  “Three,” Cole replied.

  “Good,” Dr. Martin said. “Other than being exhausted and possibly a little dehydrated, his injuries aren’t that serious. Can you help him out of the ring?”

  Amber gave him a nod. “I’ll do my best,” she replied even as Dr. Martin had moved on to check on the others. The trainers began arriving, helping the exhausted and battered men from the ring. All she could think was thank God it was over.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She couldn’t sleep. Amber propped herself up in the corner of the couch and scrubbed a hand over her face. Every damn time she closed her eyes, images of Cole and Logan bloodied and Jason unconscious flooded her mind.

  Over the years she’d seen plenty of videos where matches ended in bloodbaths, but seeing it in real life was so much different, especially when the man she loved was involved. She glanced at the clock, then threw the blankets off. Maybe a quick bathroom break would help her to get back to sleep.

  She stood and walked to Cole’s bedroom door. With Jason in the hospital overnight for observation and Lexi caring for Logan, the only one unattended was Cole. When they’d arrived back at the hotel, she’d briefly considered sleeping in Jason’s bed, but it felt wrong. So she did what she’d done for the last two weeks—she slept on the couch.

  Instead of disturbing Lexi and Logan, she’d just sneak into Cole’s room and use his bathroom. That way she could also check on him in the process.

  Careful not to make too much noise, she opened the bedroom door and peeked at Cole. He lay on his side with his back to her. She slipped inside, closed the door, and tiptoed to the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, she eased her way out of the bathroom and started for the bedroom door. Halfway across the room, she froze as Cole rolled over. His low moan broke the silence and Amber’s heart. She glanced at the door, then back to where he lay. There had to be something she could do to ease his pain. He shifted a second time, and the pained expression on his face made up her mind.

  She padded over to the bed and crouched next to him. “Where do you hurt?” she whispered.

  His eyes flickered open for the briefest of seconds before he closed them again. “My back,” he murmured. “Muscle spasms.”

  “Let me see if I can help.” She rushed to the bathroom, grabbed the liniment the trainer had given her, and walked back to the bed. “Can you roll onto your stomach?”

  Without opening his eyes, he gave her a nod and slowly inched his way over. She climbed onto the bed next to him, squeezed out the liniment, and began working it into his tight muscles. He sucked in a quick breath. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Fuck!”

  “I’m sorry,” she replied. “You know I’d never intentionally hurt you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” he mumbled.

  After a few minutes he began to relax. The abused muscles in his back began to loosen, and the tension drained from his body. Working his shoulders and biceps, she continued until her fingers began to cramp. Regretfully, she pulled back and waited for him to respond. Instead, she noted his steady, deep breaths and smiled. It felt good to know she’d helped him.

  She started to climb off the bed when Cole’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the thigh. He turned his head toward her and opened one eye. “Stay?”

  She couldn’t think of anywhere else she wanted to be at that moment. “Let me put this stuff back in the bathroom.”

  He released his grip, and she scooted from the bed, hurried to the bathroom, and set the liniment on the counter. She washed her hands, then paused at the doorway to look at him. How was it that she’d spent years avoiding anything that even resembled a relationship, but in less than eight weeks she’d fallen for a gorgeous badass with long hair and the cutest smile she’d ever seen?

  This wasn’t about sex, per se. She doubted in his current condition that idea even crossed Cole’s mind. No, this was about intimacy and creating a bond between them that would span more than just the physical. It had everything to do with her giving him her heart.

  She thought about Lexi and Logan. It was obvious to anyone who spent even a few minutes with the couple that they were head over heels in love. The way they looked at each other, with passion and respect, made Amber wish for their kind of relationship.

  Could Cole give her the one thing missing from her life?

  She walked across the room, and careful not to jar him too much, she crawled onto the bed and settled in. Before she could close her eyes, he rolled onto his side and reached for her, pulling her back against his chest. His warm breath drifted across her neck and he pressed a soft kiss to the sensitive spot at her nape. “Thank you for staying with me.”

  “No need to thank me,” she replied. “Right now there isn’t any place else I’d rather be.”

  * * * *

  Morning light spilled around the curtain’s edge, filling the room with a warm glow. Amber stretched, then turned over to check on Cole. He lay behind her, eyes open, watching her. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning. How do you feel?”

  “Sore and just a little anxious,” he replied as he reached out and pulled her to him. “I have a powerful need building for you, baby.”

  She smiled as desire stirred within. “You’re injured.”

  “When has that ever stopped me?” he replied as he took her lips in a scalding kiss. Passion flared, and she had a sudden need for him also. Though with him still recovering from last night’s match, no way was she going to make him work. With a shove she sent him back against the pillow, then rose over him. He watched her, amusement and desire in his eyes.

  She placed both her hands on his shoulders, lowered her head to his, and consumed his lips in a hungry, carnal kiss. Gasping for breath, she pulled back and noted the grin on his face. “I hope you’re planning on having your wicked way with me,” he said.

  “I’ve never had my wicked way with anyone before, but since you’re injured, that’s exactly what I intend to do.” She trailed a finger down the middle of his chest, noting the hint of a bruise on his left upper quadrant. Gently she pressed a kiss to the injury, then another to the darker bruise around his rib cage, and finally another to the scratches along his abdomen. He’d taken so much punishment duri
ng last night’s match, it amazed her that he wasn’t in more pain.

  He sucked in a breath, and his fingers tangled in her hair. “Amber.”

  “Shh,” she whispered as she lifted up and stripped off her nightgown, then wiggled out of her panties. She straddled him and slowly rubbed up and down, spreading her wetness over his erection, enjoying the currents of electricity that zipped through her body.

  Beneath her Cole growled, and he curled his fingers around her hips. “Tease.”

  She leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss along his collarbone. “If I were a tease, that would mean I have no intention of finishing what I started.” She nipped at his jaw. “And I intend to finish this task.” She moved her head to the side and sank her teeth into his earlobe.

  He groaned and shifted underneath her, nudging her. “Damn it, woman, I need to be inside of you now.”

  She lifted her head so she could see him, then reached between them and guided him into her before sliding down and engulfing him in one smooth motion.

  His entire body tensed, and his fingers dug into her flesh. “Oh God,” he groaned. “Baby, you feel so good.”

  “So do you,” she replied, breathless. Nothing in the world felt as good as him filling her. He completed her in a way she never realized was incomplete until she met him.

  She slid her body up, creating a delicious friction between her legs that had them both groaning in pleasure. Then with her palms resting on his chest, she slowly inched her hips down until he was fully within her again.

  “Harder,” he rasped as he thrust his hips.

  She leaned forward, gripping his shoulders, and lifted her hips, then lowered them, starting a slow and powerful ride of pleasure. Her body trembled as passion boiled just beneath the surface. His hands slid up her body until he wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place. His eyes widened, and he stared up at her. “I love you, baby.”

  In an instant, tears welled. His words seeped through her veins, warming her at her core. Never had anyone ever spoken those words to her. “I love you too,” she whispered as the first tear fell.

  He lifted a hand and brushed the dampness on her cheek away with his thumb. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “They’re tears of joy,” she replied, then took his mouth in a kiss she hoped conveyed to him everything she felt.

  Connected on the most intimate of levels, she rode him, speeding up until the sound of their flesh slapping filled the room. She panted, and he groaned when a sudden frenzied need ravaged them. She watched the strain on his face as he struggled to hold off his release. “Come for me,” she whispered.

  He gave one last hard thrust up; then his body began to jerk, and he groaned. The sensation of him filling her sent Amber tumbling off the precipice with him, and she cried out while her body pulsed around him.

  Chapter Twenty

  Lexi grabbed a towel and draped it around her neck while she walked toward the locker room. “So things with you and Cole are going well?”

  Amber wiped her brow, then flung her towel over her shoulder. “Why do you ask?”

  Lexi grinned. “I thought I heard you and Cole together the other morning.”

  Heat flooded Amber’s face. She’d tried her best to keep quiet. “Y-you did?”

  Lexi let out a laugh. “No, but now I know for sure that you slept with Cole.”

  Amber couldn’t hide her grin. “That was rotten.”

  “But effective,” Lexi countered. “I’m sorry, but I just had to know why things seem to be different between you two. Now I do.”

  Amber arched a brow. “Different how?”

  Lexi shrugged. “I don’t know exactly. I guess it’s just the way he looks at you and stuff. Like you’re the only thing in the world that matters.”

  Amber’s grin widened. “You mean the same way Logan looks at you?”

  “Yeah, I suppose it’s that.” Lexi giggled; then her expression turned serious. “He loves you, Amber. You can see it in his eyes.”

  She slid a sideways glance at Lexi. “I love him too. God.” She sighed. “I never intended on falling in love with him or anyone else for that matter, but damn it, I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Funny how love just kinda sneaks up on you and sucks you in before you even realize it’s happening,” Lexi replied.

  Amber nodded. “You know what’s even funnier?”

  “What?” Lexi pulled on the door leading to their locker room.

  “If it hadn’t been for Mark putting me with you, I’m not sure Cole would have taken such an interest in me, and I wouldn’t have what I do now.”

  “Which is?” Lexi arched a brow.

  “Love and friendship.” A knock on the door prevented Amber from continuing her statement.

  “Anybody in here?” the female voice asked as the door opened.

  “Yeah, Kiera,” Lexi replied. “Come on in.”

  Kiera Diamond stuck her head around the open door and peeked in at them. “Hey, Lexi?”


  “Mark wants to see you in his office, now.”

  Lexi pursed her lips and frowned. “Okay. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Kiera shook her head. “Just you, Lexi. He didn’t ask for Amber.”

  Lexi looked at Amber, concern on her face.

  “Go.” Amber waved. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Lexi glanced between Kiera and Amber.

  “Positive,” Amber replied. “Now go. You don’t want to keep Mark waiting.”

  “Okay,” Lexi replied as she moved to the door, “but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Amber watched Lexi go, then shook her head as she turned back to her bag. Ever since the hotel fire, the team made sure someone was always with her. While this would be the first time since that terrible morning she’d be alone, she wasn’t worried. Too many people lurked about for anyone to try harming her.

  * * * *

  Mark opened his office door and motioned for Cole and company to enter. “How you guys feeling after your big match the other night?”

  “Sore but not bad,” Logan replied.

  “I’m still dealing with headaches, but otherwise good,” Jason replied as he eased down onto the couch. “No spinal damage, thank God.”

  Mark nodded. “That is good to hear. Just take it easy, okay, because concussions can take some time to get over.”

  Cole took a seat next to Jason on the couch in Mark’s office while Logan slid into the empty chair. Mark closed the door and turned back to them. “Who is with Amber right now?”

  “Lexi,” Logan replied. “They’re working out.”

  “Good.” Mark nodded.

  “So what is this about?” Cole asked. Something about Mark’s nervous nature set him on edge. Mark never called anyone into his office just to chat. Which meant something else had happened.

  Mark eased down behind his desk and leveled a look at Cole. “I received a phone call from the detective working the hotel fire. They got a break in the case.”

  Nervous excitement blasted through Cole’s body, and he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Oh yeah? What do they know?” He could only hope that the police found the criminal stalking Amber and they could all put this terrible situation behind them.

  “After scouring all the camera footage they caught what appeared to be a man in disguise lighting the door on fire. They then secured footage from other businesses in the area, and it led them to a homeless man that they know.”

  Jason frowned. “A homeless guy? How would some homeless dude have known Amber was in that particular room? More important, why would he have lit her door on fire?”

  “If he’s homeless, then how would he have come across the materials to start the fire or the disguise he used to get in and out of the building?” Logan asked.

  Mark leaned back in his chair. “All good questions. Apparently the answer lies within something more sinister. After interrogating this homeless per
son, the police have learned that he was paid by someone to set fire to her door.”

  Mark reached for a paper on his desk and handed it to Cole. “He said his job was to write this on her door and set it on fire, but he accidentally kicked over the container with the accelerant, and the fire got away from him.”

  Cole’s blood boiled as he studied the picture, the word SLUT clearly etched into the door by the flames and propellant. “Who?” he asked as he handed the photo to Jason. “Who is the fucker who paid this guy to torch her door?”

  Mark’s look turned somber. “The description the guy gave the detective didn’t match anyone in their area but did match one of our own.”

  “Who?” Cole demanded.

  Mark pointed a finger at him. “If I tell you, you have to promise not to do anything yet. The detectives are working on securing an arrest warrant, but it’s going to take some time. They’re still gathering evidence and building their case.”

  “Who. Is. It?” Cole ground through his teeth. His frustration had reached a boiling point, and if the person was who Cole thought it was, he might just blow a gasket.

  Mark sighed. “Based on the description, we believe it may be Sean Sable.”

  Cole shot to his feet. “I’ll kill him!”

  “Now wait just a damn minute,” Mark growled. He pushed up from his desk and pointed to Cole. “Nobody is going to do anything just yet. Sit your ass down.”

  For a moment Cole remained standing; then Jason reached over and grabbed him by the belt. “Sit down before you make things worse.”

  Reluctantly, Cole eased back onto the couch.

  Ignoring Cole’s apparent fit, Logan asked, “What else do they know?”

  Mark returned to his chair. “Apparently, he wasn’t home recuperating like we originally thought. Investigators in both of the cities where the incidents took place, found receipts in Sean’s name. Hotels. Gas. Fast food. He used his credit card in those cities during the times we were there.

  “They have an eyewitness who says he was paid to do Sean’s dirty work and hotel receipts that place Sean near the scene of each crime. What other evidence do they need?” Logan asked.


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