The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 7

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  Beelzebub waited. His cheeks were red from rubbing. When he was certain Gabriel was sound asleep, he edged closer to him. He laid his head on his shoulder, arm on his chest. He watched it rise and fall with each breath. Moving his hand to his midsection, he passed his fingers across the peaks and valleys of his abdominal muscles. He continued sliding his hand downward.

  Ruled by desire more powerful than his restraint, Beelzebub was compelled to do things forbidden. In doing so, he enjoyed a jolt of pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

  Gabriel awoke to find Beelzebub clutching him. He blinked owlishly looking groggy and confused as he stared at him. His mouth moved to speak, but words did not form. In an instant, he became fully awake and leapt to his feet. He assumed spirit form—a shimmering, translucent fog in his likeness gliding like a gentle breeze.

  “Apologies! Please forgive me, I know not what came over me,” Beelzebub said between sobs and laughs. Gabriel glowered at him, his brows woven together in deliberation.

  Beelzebub hopped to his feet and flitted about, touching his face. He reached for Gabriel’s hand, but it was like immersing his hand in glacial water. Beelzebub rubbed his frozen hand and stared at him.

  “You are never to place your hands on me, for any reason.” Gabriel drifted away from him.

  “I shall never lay hands on you. I swear this, please forgive me!” Beelzebub’s wings quivered. He collapsed in a stupor.

  Gabriel took pity on him. “I shall leave you now. Do not follow. I do not wish to look upon you for a long time.” Like a mist, he faded into the air.

  Beelzebub pulled his hair and screamed.

  Lucifer awoke, eyes wide. “What is amiss?”

  “I have done terrible things!” Beelzebub sobbed and rubbed his eyes.

  “What have you done?” Lucifer watched Lilith emerge from the water from the corner of his eyes.

  “My longings for Gabriel overwhelmed me. When I am close to him, I lose all restraint.” Beelzebub convulsed with laughter, as tears fell from his eyes.

  Lucifer looked confused and his eyes kept diverting to Lilith.

  She strutted toward him, clad in the soaking wet, transparent garment that hugged her every curve. She led with her bosoms, her head held high, and shoulders relaxed. She wrung the lake water from her long, thick brown hair, while she swiveled her hips from side-to-side. Her rhythmic movements were a powerful distraction. Lilith noticed his entranced gaze and smiled, delighted to witness her control over him.

  “What did you do?” Lilith asked with a coy grin.

  “I touched him!” Beelzebub sobbed into his hands.

  “What is your meaning?” Lucifer sucked his teeth and glanced to the side. “There is nothing wrong with touching someone.”

  Beelzebub burst into a fit of nervous laughter.

  “Well––that would depend on where and how you touched him.” Lilith smirked. “Where did you caress Gabriel, Beelzebub?”

  “I seized his male organs. I stroked them, and I clutched them in my hands.” Beelzebub rubbed his already bright red cheeks and avoided their stare.

  Lucifer squinted, trying to make sense of what he had revealed.

  Lilith tossed her head and laughed, to their amazed expressions. “How did he react to your fondling?”

  “This is not amusing, Lilith!” Lucifer sighed and gestured to Beelzebub to answer her question.

  Beelzebub lowered his head and stared at the ground while he spoke. “He was sleeping. I caressed his body but he only woke when I went too far. I groped his parts, and gripped him tightly. He took on spirit form and became as a dazzling mist and disappeared.”

  Lucifer gulped air and moved closer to him. “I have only seen Gabriel achieve this once, and even then, he did it by chance. Are you saying he can now take on spirit form at his bidding?”

  “Yes. It would appear so. I wish to leave now.” His voice had a low, raspy sound and his swollen, red eyes still aimed at the ground. “I intend to hide for a long while. It is Gabriel’s wish. Farewell, my friends.”

  He trudged away with a bleak expression on his face.

  “So long. If questions arise regarding this matter, I shall have words on your behalf.” Lucifer looked troubled.

  Lilith scowled at him. “You shall not. You are much too important to involve yourself in such trivial matters.”

  “This is not a trifling matter. If Michael and the others were to learn of what happened here, it would have disastrous consequences for Beelzebub. Lascivious behavior such as this is strictly forbidden, and the punishment is severe. Since it was done against Gabriel’s will, Beelzebub may be destroyed.”

  “Beelzebub is close to Cam. Perhaps he would speak on his behalf,” Lilith said in an undertone.

  “No, Cam does not have the tolerance and patience needed for a situation such as this,” Lucifer said. “He would have him go to the throne room, and confess his sins to God. And that would be the end of him.”

  Lilith closed her eyes and groaned.

  “I advised that fool to stay away from Gabriel, but he did not heed my warnings.” Lilith shook her leg as she often did when upset. “It has been obvious to me for quite some time that Beelzebub lusted after Gabriel, but I sensed he would never concede to his advances. I had warned him to resist the urge until the time was right.”

  Lucifer scratched the back of his head and sucked his teeth. “Clearly, it is too late now to worry about what he did or did not consider. I can only hope Gabriel chooses to forgive him and keeps Beelzebub’s indiscretions to himself.”

  “Well, I no longer wish to concern myself with Beelzebub’s lack of judgment. Besides, I always knew his reckless behavior would someday have consequences.” Lilith’s frown turned into a smile as she changed her demeanor. “We should go for a stroll.”

  She grabbed Lucifer by the hand and pulled him along the grassy field. He gazed into her eyes and at her enticing smile. Lilith held his gaze. Deep is your desire for me, Lucifer.

  It served her purpose, for she had great aspirations for both of them. God had made him powerful, more powerful than any other angel. Yet she believed someday he would crumble at her feet, and he would offer her Floraison if she so desired. She would need only whisper.

  Chapter 6


  In Guidance Park, Michael and Jetrel were geared for combat training. Every day, they trained hard, with many others, throwing the spear and wielding the sword for hours to keep their bodies healthy, strong and fit.

  The angels’ typical training consisted of running, calisthenics, and swimming to build physical strength and vitality. To gain combat skills, they fought with weapons shaped from heavy wood. They marched for miles with full battle gear to build stamina and endurance. They also sparred with one another.

  The angelic beings had never stood in battle. They did not understand the reason for the intense training, but most of them knew better than to question God’s purpose. Early on, they understood He knew all things past, present, and future. He was preparing them for something great, even if they did not yet comprehend what it was.

  One of Michael’s favorite places to spar was near the Divina Waterfall, which was the highest in Floraison. The falls’ clear waters poured beyond the edge of a magnificent red mountain called Mount Verve. Fluffy white clouds gathered at the mountaintop, for it was thus high. The base of the falls fed into the River of Life, which advanced to the throne room.

  The water possessed healing properties. Only with God’s direct permission could the angels enter the river. However, there were no laws against standing near the torrents, thus Michael enjoyed the waterfall’s refreshing and invigorating misty spray as he trained with his friends. He also enjoyed the falls’ deafening roar, for it put him in a competitive disposition.

  Michael’s combat skills were clearly superior to Jetrel’s, but he worked with her often to help her improve and refine them. He held great esteem for her. She was strong, fierce, and devoted to G
od’s purpose.

  She took pride in being devoted and tough. Standing six feet tall with a muscular, athletic build, she had the suppleness of a leopard and the speed of a cheetah––a force to be reckoned with. Michael was determined to make her one of his most ferocious warriors.

  While he considered her a good friend and sparring partner, Jetrel regarded him as much more. In her mind and heart he was her lover, and she was his spiritual paramour. Her devotion to him was complete. Everything she did, she did for him. He was unaware of the depth of her commitment to him, and she realized it must remain so.

  Lucifer and Lilith strolled into the park through the great wooden doors as Michael and Jetrel prepared to spar. Lilith always found their sparring sessions irritating, but not on this day. She and Lucifer sat on one of the flat rocks on the riverbank to watch.

  Lilith stared at her with an expression full of scorn. Jetrel was strong, skillful, and yet she could not hide her feelings for Michael––at least not from her. Lilith enjoyed observing the raw attraction she tried to hide from him, the careful way in which she touched him, and how she gazed at him with those expressive indigo eyes that revealed so much desire.

  They began to spar at a slow pace, as was their custom, increasing the pace a little at a time until their bodies heated, thus protecting their muscles from injury. When Michael considered his apprentice ready, it was time to really work. He pushed her as hard as he pushed himself. Jetrel gave him her all. She desired to let him and everyone present know how good a fighter she was.

  She studied Michael’s every move. He did not go easy on her, demonstrating his best technique and self-discipline. They both aimed to do their best, making their sparring sessions interesting to most. When they stopped to rest, Jetrel sat by Lilith on the bank of the River of Life.

  “You did well.” Lilith smiled.

  “Yes, indeed, thank you. I have improved much. I owe it to Michael.” Jetrel lifted her abundant black hair off her neck to cool off.

  “Oh, I am certain you deserve some merits.”

  “Michael is an excellent teacher and sparring partner.”

  “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if he could be partner to you in every way?” Lilith carefully tested her boundaries with her. She watched Jetrel’s face twist awkwardly in angst.

  “I do not think of such things. It is unlawful.” Her face flushed bright pink.

  “Oh, apologies. All this time, I thought it was all that occupied your mind. I have seen the way you ogle him when you think no one is looking.” Lilith snickered at the haunted expression on her face.

  Jetrel gasped.

  “I also noticed you stand just a little too close to him. You search for any excuse to touch him, and you shadow him everywhere.”

  Jetrel’s mouth fell open and her big blue-violet eyes widened in shock. Her chest began to heave and she glowered at her, the pink hue on her cheeks becoming a deep scarlet.

  Lilith smirked. Could she use her knowledge of Jetrel’s forbidden feelings to control her?

  “Judging by your response it must be true.”

  Jetrel leapt to her feet and flitted away from her side. Lilith jeered and cackled as she fled. Jetrel made a dash for the park’s wooden doors.

  Michael observed Jetrel’s abrupt departure. He detected distress on her face. He hurried after her. “Jetrel! Please wait a moment.”

  Lilith watched him chase after her. She frowned and pursed her lips.

  Jetrel stopped, but did not turn to face him.

  Michael stepped around her and looked into her eyes. She shed tears. He had never seen her so troubled or vulnerable. He stared at her, brows together, looking confused by her conduct. “What pains you? You did quite well in our fighting session. You gave me a rigorous workout.”

  “I admit I did well. I have a great teacher,” she said.

  Michael embraced her. She swooned. She seemed comfortable in his arms.

  He took hold of her strong upper arms and moved her away gently.

  “You know you may confide in me?” He brushed his hands up and down her arms. “Break words and unburden yourself if you must.”

  “I am aware your friendship is true. I am most grateful for you, Michael.”

  “Then reveal what is behind your sad eyes. Why do tears flow from them?”

  “Lilith is cruel. She taunts me and upsets me so.” Jetrel bit the inside of her lower lip.

  “Whatever strife exists between you and Lilith must end now,” Michael said in his usual mild manner. “You must be the one to lead by example, for you are able. She enjoys causing discord and manipulating the other angels. She has lost her way.” Michael’s face was etched in sorrow. “We must help her return to the right path, rather than become lost on the wrong one with her.”

  Jetrel nodded and swallowed hard. “I understand. I shall try my best.”

  “That is all I can ask.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed his forehead against hers.

  She closed her eyes and her smile was tremulous.

  “I must return to the Performance Circle. I spar with Lucifer next. Please choose to stay?” Michael gazed at her and grinned.

  Jetrel bit her lip. She considered Michael’s enthusiastic smile. “I’m almost convinced your bright smile contributes to Floraison’s brilliance. Yes, I shall stay long enough to watch you spar with Lucifer.”

  Michael laughed and glowed bright red. He rushed back to the circle.

  She returned to the riverbank but sat as far away as possible from Lilith, while still having a good view of where Michael would fight Lucifer.

  They were the most skillful and entertaining fighters in Floraison. Michael had not been able to win a match in a very long time, but it had been a while since they last wrestled, and he had improved a considerable amount since their last bout. Yet, Lucifer devoted most of his time to Lilith.

  Guidance Park was soon packed with angels who cheered and clapped while waiting for the sparring session to begin.

  Michael and Lucifer faced each other in the Circle. They were dressed in short white one-piece garments. Over their garments they wore a battle skirt and cuirass made of a strong, heavyweight green material encrusted with bluish-green emeralds for added strength. Scaled guards made of gold shielded their arms and legs. They also wore layered gold neck and shoulder guards, and thick sandals studded on the bottom and attached to the foot with interlacing thongs.

  They kept their knees bent, a technique developed by Lucifer that enabled them to move quickly and easily in any direction. Lucifer positioned himself with his hands by his temples, elbows tucked into his sides. Michael placed his hands by his cheeks; elbows also tucked into his sides, to more easily block his opponent’s powerful blows to the head and body. Both appeared focused and ready.

  Lucifer glanced at Lilith. He gave her a nod.

  “Let the fight begin!” she yelled. The combat began to the roar of the angels.

  Immediately, Lucifer threw punches at Michael’s face. Michael blocked the blows, and stepped farther away from his two-inch reach advantage.

  Lilith jumped to her feet and clapped. “That’s it, Lucifer! You’re the best fighter in Floraison!” Lucifer grinned. Michael frowned and glanced at Lilith with an agonized expression.

  Michael’s quick retreat assured Lucifer that he had struck him hard. Michael leaped off the ground, rolled in the air, and kicked him hard in the chest. Although Lucifer expected the kick, he was unable to block it and teetered off balance. He almost collapsed but regained his balance quickly. Lilith cheered. Lucifer lifted and jutted his strong chin with pride.

  Michael’s nostrils flared as he stepped closer and punched Lucifer in the torso. Lucifer tried to return the punch, overcome him and slam him to the ground in order to grapple. He did not succeed.

  He threw an elbow at his face. It connected with Michael’s jaw and rocked him. Pressing his advantage, Lucifer bashed him with his strong-as-iron wings, knocking him to the ground.

; Lilith’s cheers could be heard throughout the park. Jetrel sprung to her feet, eyebrows raised.

  Lucifer leaped through the air to plunge on top of him. Michael rolled away and Lucifer crashed to the ground. The collision knocked the air from his lungs. He lay wheezing and gasping on the dirt. Michael glanced at Lilith, anger etched on his face. He pounced on Lucifer and delivered blow after blow to his body until he was incapacitated, winning Michael the fight.

  Jetrel bounced and cheered along with many of the angels.

  Lilith gawked at Lucifer, who lay beaten. “Rise, Lucifer!”

  “The fight has ended, Lilith. Lucifer lost.” Jetrel’s lips curved into a gratified smile.

  Lilith frowned. She sauntered to where Lucifer lay defeated, grunting and writhing in pain on the ground. She never thought she would see him conquered. His eyes, wide and imploring, gazed at her. She grimaced and did nothing to help him.

  Was she wrong about him? Did she put her faith in the wrong angel? No. This was but one fight. It meant nothing. Lucifer was powerful and second only to God––at present.

  Michael inched over to Lucifer. He did not make eye contact with Lilith. “Take my arm, Lucifer, I will help you to your feet.” From the corner of his eye he saw Lilith glowering at him. Lucifer groaned as Michael helped him stand. Lilith looked away, scrunching her brow and nose.

  Michael pulled at his neck guard and then crossed his arms while staring at the ground. “Apologies, for I confess I fought with excessive aggression. I vow it shall never happen again.”

  “Nonsense, you fought well.” Lucifer sighed deeply.

  Michael beamed. “I have been training quite hard of late.”

  “Your mentor taught you well.” Lilith’s tone was abrasive.

  Michael bowed his head in a respectful manner. “Of course, sparring with you has taught me many lessons, but as of late, I have missed you in the Circle, my brother.”

  “You are right. I have not been training as hard as I should.”

  Michael glanced at Lilith. He raked her with freezing contempt and made it clear he held her responsible for Lucifer’s lack of interest in training. Sensing his disapproval, she smirked and tossed her long, dark hair over her shoulder.


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