The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 10

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  The king pondered the request. He was always curious about the fiery lands across the river Jal, but unlike his predecessors, he had never visited Arathi. When he inherited the throne, there was peace between the two lands, and there had been ever since. He never deemed it necessary to travel to the frightening land or meet King Agnimukha.

  King Dhaval was now old. His beautiful daughter, Princess Manju, was his only heir and would soon succeed to the throne of Kokin. The king desired to ensure that when the princess became Queen of Kokin, the kingdom would be at peace and on good terms with the Kingdom of Aag, as it had been for centuries.

  However, he suffered nightmares of a vicious war arising between the two realms, which robbed the king of peace of mind. The stories of bloody wars past, told to him as a child by the ancients, were terrible. He did not wish this upon his daughter.

  King Dhaval trusted his Minister Pratap, a creature of dignity and distinction. “What do you think, Pratap? Should I accept a visit from King Agnimukha?”

  “I believe it would be the wisest thing to do, Your Majesty.” Pratap bowed his head.

  King Dhaval nodded in agreement. “Yes, I do desire for peace to remain throughout my daughter’s reign. I shall welcome the king with open arms. Send my response without delay and make preparations to receive our guests.”

  “Yes, Your Highness, I shall execute your commands without delay.” The Minister bowed and left the king’s presence.

  In anticipation of the frosty weather in the Kingdom of Kokin, Minister Rama commissioned fine coats for himself and several others, including the prince, King Dhaval, his daughter, and his minister. The luxurious, warm coats were made of pelts of mala, large furry beasts dwelling near volcanoes. Mala fur was nearly indestructible, impermeable to both fire and ice. It was soft, rare, exquisite, and a suitable gift for royalty.

  Soon Prince Kamal, the minister, and a handful of guards were on the Bandhutva Bridge on their way to the Kingdom of Kokin. A while after passing the midway point of the bridge, they began to tremble from the frosty air. They put on the mala fur coats and were instantly warmed.

  At the end of the bridge, Minister Pratap and a dozen Niharian soldiers greeted them. An elegant carriage waited for them. Large, muscular, two-legged mammals with long iridescent white hair and sapphire eyes called Bāladāra Bhaloo drew it. Pratap invited Prince Kamal and Minister Rama to come onboard and ride to the Crystal Palace with him. The soldiers were to accompany the carriage on foot.

  It was warm and comfortable inside the carriage, but Prince Kamal shifted in his seat, ill at ease sitting between the two ministers, who scrutinized each other.

  “Prince Kamal, although it is a great honor to meet you,” Minister Pratap said, “I am saddened your father, King Agnimukha, was unable to make it to Nihar. King Dhaval shall be disappointed.”

  “Yes, my father, too, was disappointed he could not meet King Dhaval, but he is much too old for such a journey. On the other hand, I am young, fit, and strong. My father’s wisdom has been passed to me, and seeing as I shall soon be ruler of Arathi, it is only wise that I, the future King of Aag, and Princess Manju, the future Queen of Kokin, should meet at this time.”

  Minister Pratap jolted, stunned by the prince’s vanity and pride.

  When the carriage arrived at the Crystal Palace, Prince Kamal was the first to jump out. He was eager to meet the princess and get started with his deception. For a moment, the prince stopped to admire the enormous palace and surrounding country.

  “The Crystal Palace is a masterpiece!” Minister Rama said. “Behold how it glitters in the light of day, reflecting the pink Niharian sky like a multicolored gemstone.”

  Prince Kamal nodded in agreement with a look of awe. Together they gaped at the palace and the countryside. It always snowed in Nihar, sometimes a light dusting, other times a heavy downpour. The crystal snowflakes reflected and refracted the light of its surroundings, making Nihar a sparkling paradise.

  “This magnificent structure was carved from the mountain where it now sits. It is made of a powerful crystalline solid, which reflects light beautifully.” Minister Pratap pointed to the castle as he boasted. “Let us enter the palace, for there are many wonders inside to delight you.”

  The visitors followed Pratap into the palace through massive white wooden doors. Once inside they smelled an enticing, smoky scent—one their noses had never detected before.

  “What is the irresistible fragrance emanating from the entire castle?” The prince inhaled deeply.

  “It is a native flower called Lahota.It is found only in the tallest, iciest peaks. Its alluring fragrance compels the king to send his finest soldiers to the treacherous summits every year when they are in bloom to collect them and bring them to the palace. We put them around all the fireplaces.”

  “It is an incredible scent that all together brings about feelings of excitement and relaxation.” Prince Kamal closed his eyes and breathed it in.

  “There is a perfume made from the Lahota flower. It is potent in its ability to influence the male gender. The fragrance adapts to the individual chemistry of the female wearing it, making her scent alluring.” Minister Pratap grinned. “Few females are privy to this fragrance. Princess Manju, her lady-in-waiting, and a select few noblewomen in court have small containers of the perfume. They wear the fragrance in moments of their choosing.”

  They strolled along a corridor with cold, white stone floors. The walls of the passageway were decorated with beautiful portraits of the princess and other royals carved in flat gemstones, above which were light fixtures to illuminate them at night.

  The corridor led into a large open room with crystal walls. The walls appeared green-blue since they absorbed the light of the raging fires in the two huge fireplaces located on either side of an ample, spiraling staircase in the middle of the room.

  Exquisite, colorful floor coverings masked most of the stone floors. Standing in a semicircle in front of the spiral staircase were the royal court and staff, waiting to greet the visitors.

  “Prince Kamal, I am honored by your presence!” King Dhaval beamed as he waddled toward him with Princess Manju in hand. Princess Manju’s lady-in-waiting remained by her side.

  “The honor is all mine, Your Majesty.” Prince Kamal bowed to the king. “I regret to inform you that my father, King Agnimukha, was unable to attend, for he is old, and the journey here would have been too taxing for him.”

  “I understand, for my bones are not what they used to be, and such treks are best left to you young people. I am, however, disappointed that I may never meet your father.” King Dhaval frowned. He changed his manner to introduce his daughter. “Prince Kamal, I introduce to you my beautiful daughter, Princess Manju.”

  The princess stepped forward to greet the prince, as did her lady-in-waiting.

  “Greetings, Prince Kamal. I hope your journey here was a pleasant one.” Princess Manju’s face flushed a bright pink.

  The prince smiled at the princess, but when he caught sight of her lady-in-waiting, he leered at her.

  The princess frowned. “You were saying, your highness?”

  “I have longed to meet you, my princess. No journey would have been too long or strenuous.” The prince took the princess’s hand and kissed it.

  The prince glanced at the princess’s lady-in-waiting. What a striking creature.

  I have never been in the presence of such an enticing being.

  “I am certain you and your men are exhausted from your journey.” The princess took her assistant’s arm and yanked her forward. “My lady-in-waiting shall show you to your lodgings where you may rest and later prepare for our dinner celebration.”

  “Go now!” Princess Manju waved at her lady-in-waiting. “Make sure the prince is well accommodated.”

  “Yes, my princess.” She curtsied and led the prince and his entourage up the spiral steps to their rooms.

  “This is your room, Your Majesty. I hope it is to your fancy.”
  The prince gazed into her extraordinary eyes and smiled. “What is your name?”

  “My name is Lily,” she said in a smoky voice.

  “Lily, return to my room once you have shown the other guests to their quarters.”

  “The princess shall be awaiting my return. I must help her prepare for tonight’s event.” She angled her head downward while turning her eyes toward the prince.

  “The princess stated she wished for you to see me well accommodated, did she not?”

  “Yes, my prince, she did voice it so.” She smiled. “I shall return soon.”

  The princess’s lady-in-waiting had instantly captured Prince Kamal’s heart. He bathed and waited for her return. When she returned, she knocked on the door, waited for his official sanction to enter, and proceeded into the prince’s room.

  Prince Kamal stood in front of the fireplace in the nude. Lily gaped at him, never before having seen a naked male body.

  “Come to me,” he bid with bated breath.

  She glided toward him, making the blood boil in his veins. The prince grabbed her. He kissed her in ways she never been kissed, and touched her in ways she had never been touched. She smiled and moaned with delight.

  He removed every bit of clothing from her body until she was as naked as he and took her into his bed. He did things she had never imagined with his mouth, hands, and body, making her feel intense pleasure. When he proceeded to penetrate her, she trembled, but her eyes shimmered with excitement. “I have never been with a male this way.”

  “I vow I shall not hurt you.” Prince Kamal took his time and was gentle.

  When the deed was done, they held each other for a while, enjoying the culmination of the moment.

  “I must soon depart, for Princess Manju must be missing me.” Lily’s eyes were doleful.

  The prince kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, her lips, and finally her neck.

  “Go and wash my scent off your body. Return to the princess with a quiet tongue.”

  She left the bed. Before she exited the room, she glanced at him over her shoulder. He wore a satisfied smile, making her feel like she was floating on air.

  She returned to the princess’s chambers. Princess Manju wore a scowl.

  “You have kept me waiting! Where have you been?”

  “I apologize, but our guests required much attention.” Lily looked at the floor and squirmed.

  “Was Prince Kamal satisfied with his accommodations?”

  Lily bit her lower lip to thwart a giggle. “Yes, Your Majesty, I believe he is well satisfied.”

  “Fine, help me get ready for the celebration dinner. I wish to look my best. I intend to steal the prince’s heart tonight.”

  Lily frowned. She had fallen for the handsome prince.

  Princess Manju is a daunting rival. She is quite fetching with smoldering russet eyes, and long, gleaming hair, dark as a raven’s feathers and skin smooth and a beautiful shade of brown. In addition, she is a princess. How could I contend with that?

  However, no other had ever looked at her the way the prince had, and the heart knows not of ranks and majesty. It only knows what it desires. She would not simply relinquish the prince to Princess Manju on a silver platter. She would fight to win his heart and mind. Once that was done, she, too, would be a princess in the Kingdom of Aag.


  The Crystal Palace dining room was vast and elegant, adorned with marble columns and statues of Princess Manju and past princesses and queens. A long table in the center of the room was decorated with centerpieces of colorful and exotic flowers, which filled the room with intoxicating fragrances.

  King Dhaval sat at the head of the table. Minister Pratap sat at the other end. Princess Manju took Prince Kamal by the hand and sat to the left of her father. Lily sat across from them, next to Minister Rama.

  The princess wore a strapless, glossy silk gown the color of a frosted pomegranate. It featured a stunning bodice encrusted with jewels, and a gathered ball gown skirt with gemstone beading. On her head was a superb tiara of teardrop-shaped diamonds mounted on white gold. The jeweled coronet glinted, contrasting with her dark hair. Her cheeks were rosy with rouge and her lips a dewy cherry. Her warm eyes were outlined with kohl, giving them a sultry look.

  Lily’s dress was neither ornate nor luxurious but unadorned and colorless. She wore no make-up, for the princess forbade it, and she boasted no jewelry. However, when she strolled into the room, she caught everyone’s eye, prominent as the sun at midday.

  Many exquisite dishes were served. Everyone ate and drank their fill. Lily, however, found it difficult to swallow her food. The prince never laid eyes on her. Instead, he devoted all his attention to the princess.

  When the celebratory dinner ended, the princess took the prince hand and led him outside where a carriage awaited. “I wish to show you the beauty of the land of Nihar at night.”

  The prince smiled and nodded and they entered the carriage.

  “Have you been enjoying your stay in the Kingdom of Kokin, Your Highness?” Princess Manju batted her eyelashes.

  “Yes, I have, and I believe you are the reason why.” The prince gazed at her in his usual captivating way.

  The princess returned his smile and shivered.

  “You are cold. Let me warm you.” He seized the moment and nestled close to her. He placed an arm around her shoulders and with the other caressed her face. He leaned his head toward hers, all the while gazing into her eyes. Princess Manju melted into his arms as he kissed her.

  At the end of the night, they went their separate ways to their individual quarters. Princess Manju was enamored with the prince, and he wooed her for several days. However, he was unable to eliminate Lily’s image from his mind and was eager to have her in his arms once more.

  “Summon the princess’s lady-in-waiting to my chambers,” Prince Kamal ordered Minister Rama.

  “What is your interest in the princess’s lady-in-waiting?”

  “Do not concern yourself with my pastimes. You have more serious issues to consider.”

  “Your activities are directly related to the outcome of our task here, so it concerns me that you are calling the princess’s lady-in-waiting to your chambers. Everything is working flawlessly between you and Princess Manju. In no time, she shall throw herself at your feet. Why risk success for one night of pleasure?”

  “I understand your concerns. Fear not, I shall not be reckless. Do as I ask, minister, and bring Lily to me, for I need her to carry on my deceit.”

  “As you wish, my prince.” Minister Rama bowed his head.

  He searched the castle for Lily. He finally spotted her as she left the princess’s chambers. He lingered in a dark corner awhile to be certain she was alone.

  “Lily,” he called in a loud whisper.

  She turned and gasped, startled by the dark figure appearing out of nowhere. “Minister Rama, how do you come to know my name?”

  “The same way you came to know mine.” He observed her with an inscrutable expression. “Prince Kamal would like the pleasure of your company in his chambers.”

  “Please inform the good prince I am unable to do his bidding at the moment, for I am fulfilling Princess Manju’s requests.” She continued on her way.

  Minister Rama looked surprised by her boldness but understood at once what the prince found so appealing about her.

  This Lily is dangerous. I must take strong measures to rid the prince of this untimely impediment. He returned to prince’s quarters to deliver her reply.

  “What do you mean, she refused me?!”

  “She stated that she served Princess Manju, and she would not always be available to fulfill your wishes.”

  Prince Kamal’s face flushed a deep scarlet and his chest heaved. He was unaccustomed to being rejected by the opposite sex. He stormed from his room to find her.

  Minister Rama’s mouth hung open, shocked by the prince’s emotional outburst, he joined his eyebrows together in
thought. “I must proceed with my plan before all is lost,” he murmured under his breath.

  He would put an end to Lily’s hold on the prince.

  The minister had learned that the Lahota flower was renowned for more than its seductive fragrance. Many of the guards sent to harvest the flowers, and numerous chemists who produced the perfume, had died horrible deaths in the process of handling the bright purple stem and leaves, which carried powerful toxins. Now Minister Rama set about procuring some for his purpose.


  Prince Kamal found Lily in the Crystal Palace’s dining room, overseeing the decoration of the salon for the night’s dinner. He stormed across the room. Although his fists were balled tight, he spoke in a restrained voice.

  “May I have a word with you?”

  “Yes, my prince.” She followed him to the outer hallway.

  The moment they were alone, the prince grabbed her by the upper arms and pushed her against the wall. He pressed his body against hers.

  “How dare you reject me?”

  “It was not my intention to refuse you. Your Majesty, I serve another, and my time is not my own.” Her glistening eyes stared into his.

  The prince became docile as he gazed into them. He put his arms around her in a tight embrace and kissed her.

  “Do you love the princess?” Lily asked in a brittle voice.

  “I do not.” He continued to gaze into her eyes.

  “But you shall make her your wife, and when her father, King Dhaval, departs this life, you shall be king and she your queen?”


  “Thus, I shall not love you, and you must release me.” Her eyes expressed the pain of a broken heart.

  “My kingdom is dying,” he said. “As we speak, massive volcanoes are spewing their liquid fire across our lands, poisoning our water and crops and making our air toxic. We need a new kingdom; we need the Kingdom of Kokin!” Tears shone in Prince Kamal’s eyes.

  “As a consequence, you must marry Princess Manju in order to obtain this Kingdom,” Lily said, finally understanding his plight.

  “Naturally––but you are the one my heart desires. What can I do?” He caressed her face with his and whispered in her ear, “I risk losing all by divulging this to you. I hope it is proof enough of my devotion.”


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