The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 12

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “You have completed marvelous deeds for our future, but there is yet much to be done. Soon it shall be nightfall. Guests shall begin to arrive for the night’s festivities. King Dhaval must be deprived of life before this juncture.”

  “As you command. I shall bring to fruition what I have begun, and depart at once to the king’s chambers. But first, I must borrow your dagger, for mine lies at the bottom of the pond in Pratap’s chest.”

  “There shall be no need for daggers. The king is old, sick, and weak. Your hands shall suffice.”

  “Yes, my prince.” Rama bowed his head and set forth to do the deed.

  Lily hopped off the prince’s bed, and together they began to clothe themselves for the night’s festivities.

  When Rama strolled into the king’s chambers several servants were assisting him in preparing for the night. “Your Highness, if I may have a word with you?”

  “Indeed, please break words freely.”

  “I shall need a moment alone with you. It is regarding Prince Kamal.”

  King Dhaval ordered his servants to leave his chambers and gave his utmost attention to the minister.

  “Prince Kamal is in love with Princess Manju, and I believe she feels the same about him.” Rama prowled the king’s room as he spoke and crept behind him. “Both Minister Pratap and I feel the two youngsters shall––”

  Rama placed his hands around King Dhaval’s feeble neck. He squeezed with all his might. The king struggled, trying to pry the minister’s bony hands from his throat.

  When he could not remove the hands crushing his gullet he began to scratch at them, his eyes large with fear. Small ragged gasps escaped his throat.

  The old man dug his nails into the minister’s sinewy fingers. Rama winced, but continued to squeeze. Pressure began to build in the king’s head. His eyes bulged.

  Guards rushed into the king’s chambers and saw Minister Rama strangulating the king. Rama released the old man’s neck and gawped at the soldiers. They seized him.

  Lily ran into the king’s chamber, her face wet with tears. A flock of servants followed her in.

  “Help the king! Take him to his bed!” Lily shouted.

  The king’s servants carried him to his bed and tended to him. She hurried to his bedside. Holding the king’s hand, she glared at Minister Rama. She ordered the guards to remove him from the king’s sight.

  Rama’s large eyes zipped in every direction. His face was ashen. He looked baffled and was unable to form words. The guards dragged him away to confinement where he would await his penalty.

  “Your Majesty, I am so pleased you are fine.” Lily kissed the king’s hands. “I have long suspected Minister Rama was an evil being, thus, I kept close watch on him.”

  “You have done well. You saved my life. I have always loved you like a daughter, and now, even more so.” King Dhaval tried to caress her face but was too weak to lift his arm.

  “My king, oh my king, what sad truths I bring.” Her eyes glistened. “My heart breaks at the thought of uttering these truths.”

  “My sweet child, why do you suffer so?”

  “I was able to save your life, but I was too late to save the life of the princess.”

  King Dhaval’s skin turned white as the snow covering the Niharian landscape.

  “My daughter! Where is Princess Manju?”

  “She is no longer in the land of the living.” She stared at him. “The evil Rama poisoned her with the stems and leaves of the Lahota flower.”

  King Dhaval gripped his chest and grimaced. She saw how he struggled to live, so she tried to finish what the minister had begun.

  “Princess Manju suffered a horrible death,” She whispered in his ear. “At the end her naked body was twisted and deformed by the broken bones and contusions brought about by her violent and painful spasms.”

  The king’s expansive eyes stared at her. He coughed and wheezed. His mouth moved, but words did not escape them.

  Prince Kamal entered the king’s chambers. He proceeded to Lily and stood by her. He regarded the king with furrowed brow. “Why does he yet live?”

  “Princess––princess––” King Dhaval clutched his chest and groaned. His face twisted into a painful grimace. It appeared madness had defeated his mind, for he seemed unable to cope with the grief of having lost his daughter in such a cruel fashion.

  “Listen, everyone!” Prince Kamal shouted. “King Dhaval has proclaimed Lily to be the new princess, and heir to his throne!”

  The remaining guards and all the servants present directed their attention to King Dhaval.

  “Princess––” The king tried to speak but only managed to croak. “Princess––my daughter––” He grasped Lily’s arm.

  Everyone in the room bowed to her.

  “Princess Lily!” they exclaimed in unison.

  Lily leaned over and kissed the king’s forehead. “I shall be a far better queen than your daughter might have hoped to be,” she whispered into his ear. She smiled as she pried his fingers from her arm. She stood tall and smiled at the guards and servants.

  King Dhaval began to sweat and gasp for air. At last, the king drew his final breath.

  There was a beautiful burial ceremony the next day for both King Dhaval and Princess Manju. Her casket remained closed. The following morning, Minister Rama was publicly executed for the murders of Princess Manju and Minister Pratap, and for the attempted murder of King Dhaval.

  A week later, there was a huge coronation ceremony for Queen Lily. Citizens from the lands of Nihar and Arathi came to join in the celebration. A month later, Queen Lily wedded Prince Kamal. Together they ruled the Kingdom of Kokin.

  The End

  There was a long silence after Lilith’s tale. Throughout her story, Gabriel and the other angels’ faces had become ever more slack and ashen. Disconcerted by her narrative, Gabriel could not form words. Her story revealed more about her soul than even he had anticipated.

  Raquel glanced at him in a manner that suggested she was concealing emotions she hardly understood. The story perturbed her and yet in some ways, she wished to be the Lily in the story, so she could experience the love of the one most dear to her.

  Esar wore a haunted expression. He carried feelings of guilt as he imagined over and over, quite vividly, certain elements of Lilith’s story. Cam glowered at her, and gray smoke drifted out of Hashmal’s nose. The angels were impacted by her story, and they had a lot to ponder.

  Gabriel cleared his throat and finally addressed her.

  “The beings you described do not inhabit the planet Thanda-Garam. There are no such life forms there.”

  “I spun a tale for you,” Lilith said. “Were you not pleased?”

  “I expected you would tell me about the creatures that live on the planet and how they survive in their habitat. I did not expect you to fabricate an entirely unique species and weave such a tale.”

  “Did I do well?” She relished the terrified look on his face. She peered at the angels around her. She saw from their faces that she had succeeded in awakening desires from deep in their minds. She saw doubt, uncertainty, and fear in their eyes.

  “You did well in revealing your true nature.” Gabriel’s words emerged rough and barely audible. His characteristically soft blue eyes seemed hard. “You need to talk to God and ask him for direction, for you are on a path to damnation.”

  Lilith’s story was meant to disturb him and make him think of possibilities, but she did not like his demeanor or the implications of his words.

  Michael came forth and looked at her with an anguished expression. “Lilith––” He brooded. He took her hand. “Please, come with me. We can go to the golden doors and ask God for an audience. When you feel His presence––”

  Lilith pulled her hand from his. “I knew these deceitful tests held an underlying purpose: for the elite to judge those they did not care for, so they could control and manipulate us.”

  “No Lilith, you are mistaken.” She i
gnored his words and strutted past the other angels without so much as a glance in their direction and stormed out of the atrium.

  Michael watched her leave. Many angels followed her. “This marks the end of the Lilith I knew and loved.”

  Gabriel approached him. “It is impossible to disregard the implications of Lilith’s story. Her vanity, skills of deception, and ambition for power hold no bounds.” He shuddered.

  Hashmal, Esar and Raquel stood beside them. Raphael advanced to Michael and put his arm around him. Lucifer stared at them. He had a confused expression on his face.

  “Come brother. You belong with us.” Michael extended his arm.

  Lucifer reached out to take his hand, stopped half way, regarded him with doleful eyes, and retracted his arm. He turned and flew after Lilith.

  “Lucifer!” Michael called after him to no avail. “No.”

  Lilith smirked as she left the atrium and realized so many had followed her.

  Her vision had served well as her story. She had simply placed the dark, wingless angels she had so often seen interacting in her dreams on the planet Thanda-Garam, and told Gabriel about one of the many visions she had had involving these mysterious beings––with a few embellishments, of course. She had thought it would make for a fascinating story. Apparently it had the effect she desired on him and the others.

  Chapter 11

  Celestial Hierarchies

  “I have an announcement from God,” Michael shouted above the chatter of the angels congregated at Triumph Gardens. “There shall be a ceremony held in the atrium. God shall divide us into three Celestial Hierarchies according to our abilities.”

  The angels glanced at each other, excited and fearful. Michael, Cam, and Hashmal led them to the atrium.

  “Let us fall to our seats,” Michael said.

  The angels sat, some excited, while others were apprehensive, concerned, and on edge.

  Michael walked past Lilith, who sat between Lucifer and Samael as she often did. He stared as he walked by but she did not look his way.

  She shifted in her seat and tapped her feet, her hands intertwining over and over.

  “I grow weary of your restless moving about.” Lucifer frowned. “What have you to fear?”

  “I know not. There are stirrings within me that cause me great torment.” She sat brooding.

  Lucifer furrowed his brow, confused and concerned by her statement.

  A brilliant opening appeared above them and all heard God’s words.

  Hashmal, come forth, for thou shall speaketh my words.

  Hashmal hastened to the front and faced his brethren. He cleared his throat and spoke God’s words.

  “In the First Hierarchy, the highest order of angels are the Seraphim,” he began. He called the Seraphs in ranking order.

  “Michael, Raphael, Lucifer and Cam come forward and accept God’s highest distinction.”

  Lilith gasped. She looked at the faces of the angels around her to see if they were as shocked as she was for not hearing her name called. Her heart pounded in her chest. She balled her hands into fists. How was this possible? She should have been up there with Lucifer. She was supposed to be a Seraph.

  Beginning with Michael, the Seraphs transformed. They grew taller and brighter, and they sprouted four additional wings, so that each possessed six. They stood before their brethren as angels of the highest order––Seraphim.

  “You may join your brethren.” Hashmal bowed his head, humbled by their magnificent presence.

  Lucifer strolled toward Lilith, and she could hardly contain her excitement and pride, for he yet gazed upon her with love and admiration. At the same time she pitied herself, for not having been chosen to be in the highest order of angels. Lucifer merited more than being merely second to God. He would be first and rule Floraison, and she would rule by his side.

  “The second order of angels ranking after the Seraphim is the Cherubim.” Hashmal emitted fire and lightning from his mouth.

  “Lilith, Gadreel, and Beelzebub, you are among the ones God has chosen to serve as Cherubim. Come forth and accept your rank with reverence.”

  They also transformed, becoming more beautiful. An extra pair of wings sprang from them, so that they each displayed four.

  “The last order of angels in the First Hierarchy is the Thrones. Esar is among those chosen by God to be a Throne angel. He shall be among the angels of pure humility, peace, and submission. Esar shall be a living symbol of God’s justice.”

  The Second Hierarchy of angels included the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers. The angels chosen for these ranks would act as governors.

  “Raquel and I were chosen by God to be Dominions, angels of leadership.” Hashmal’s irises were white with excitement. “We shall regulate the activities of all celestial beings and design tasks for angels in the lower orders.”

  “Raquel, you are assigned by God to watch over the good behavior of the other angels.” “What?” Lilith rose to her feet. “How is this possible? Raquel is to keep watch on me? I rank higher than she, in the first hierarchy of angels!”

  It had begun. This was what she had feared would happen. What good was it to be ranked in the first hierarchy of angels if a lesser angel could govern her?

  “It is God’s will, and He knows all things.” Hashmal thundered.

  “I did not hear God speak––only you.” Lilith dropped on her seat.

  “I was appointed to be God’s mouthpiece. From this time forth, I shall make known His commands to all celestial beings!”

  How convenient for you and your friends. Lilith gnashed her teeth.

  As Hashmal roared, a terrible eruption of fire and lightning burst from him. The surrounding angels flinched and retreated, moving a good distance away.

  Gabriel was classified as a Virtue. God granted him control of the elements and power to govern all nature. He was chosen to be the spirit of motion and commander of the seasons.

  Jetrel was ranked a Power warrior angel, defending against all evil.

  Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Cam were also given this second designation of Power angel.

  Samael, Dagon, and Fornues were positioned within the Third Hierarchy.

  Samael and Dagon were ranked Principalities, divinely beautiful angels of the third-highest order whose physical beauty is powerful and beguiling. Lilith was also given this title. Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel were also among the order of Archangels. They would have a unique role as God’s messengers when the time came.

  Fornues was ranked in the lowest order simply called, Angels. He would have the capacity to access any and all angels at any time.

  At the end of the ranking ceremony, all angels knew where they fit in the Celestial Hierarchy and what their specific duties were.

  Lilith frowned. She approached Gadreel. “I am not satisfied with my ranking. I should have been a Seraph along with Lucifer. I’m also offended that other angels, whom I consider lesser than me, would have the ability to monitor me.”

  Gadreel’s eyes remained fixed to the ground as Lilith spoke.

  Lilith was confident that her abilities to manipulate and persuade the minds of her fellow angels, along with her incredible intelligence and intuition, would keep her always one step ahead. Besides, she also had her visions and the instruction of the dark, wingless angels, who had taught her many ways to succeed over her enemies.

  Chapter 12

  God’s Tidings

  Some time after the angels were ranked and became settled in their new roles, God decided to address them once more.

  Hashmal, thou shall summon thy brethren to the atrium for I have a new revelation.

  Hashmal listened to God’s words and did as commanded. He obtained the help of his friends Michael, Esar, Raphael, and Gabriel in order to expedite God’s will. Gabriel played his horn, which was heard in all corners of Floraison and served to call together the angels.

  They gathered in the atrium. Most were excited to hear God’s tidings, while others
were uneasy.

  Michael proceeded to Lilith and Lucifer and nodded once with a half smile before taking his seat.

  Lilith stared forward and did not acknowledge him. Lucifer greeted him but did not smile.

  Michael sat a few rows behind them.

  “Why do you think God summoned us to the atrium once more?” Gadreel asked Lilith.

  “I do not claim to know God’s mind but I did not benefit from the last few times we were here. So I do not look forward to being summoned again.”

  Hashmal stood before the angels. He waited for them to be seated and quiet.

  “I stand humbly before you to make known the directives of God.” His eyes were like blazing red-hot coals, and his straight, strawberry blonde locks stood upright and away from his face as if carried by gusts of wind.

  Lilith sat by Lucifer in front––she did not wish to miss anything. She was certain these new tidings regarded the creature God meant to create. She hoped to comprehend the reason behind the conception of the new life form.

  “The new being God is to create shall not live amongst us.” Hashmal’s statement was interrupted by an eruption of shouts and applause by a large group of the angels. He waited until they became calm once more. “God shall create a new world for these mortals to live in––a planet where they shall thrive and live in peace and harmony.”

  Lilith spun to face Lucifer with furrowed brow. He smiled and resumed listening to God’s words through Hashmal. He stared at the fire-breathing angel with fascination.

  “The happening shall be called Creation. This important event shall represent seven epochs, which shall cover the making of mankind. All shall be welcome, from the princely Seraphs to the angels of the lowest order, to witness this magnificent occasion.” Flashes of lightning burst from his mouth as he concluded God’s announcement.

  The angels glanced at one another in wonderment.

  “He took but a moment in time to create us, yet he is taking a significant period to create this new being.” Lilith said aloud to Lucifer, hoping others in the vicinity would overhear. “Already God favors this creature above us.”


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