The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 14

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

“I described worlds I have observed from right here in the atrium. In the planet Thanda-Garam, every creature is allowed a companion. I have had visions of the future of this new life form God calls human being. They shall multiply and fill the Earth and they shall share their bodies and their emotions.”

  “How is such a thing possible?” Dagon seemed perplexed. “God has created one human being, and he shall be as we are, above companionship and carnal pleasures.”

  “God shall create more humans. You shall see. Even the animals on Earth have companions. We are the only beings not allowed by God to mate.” Her resentment was evident by the glint in her eyes.

  Dagon sighed.

  “How would you consider a new Floraison where loving Raquel would be celebrated and not chastised?” Lilith grinned.

  “It would be a home I would truly be happy in––a genuine paradise.” Dagon looked confused and shrugged. “But it shall never be so. Floraison shall never be different than it is now.”

  “Floraison can change if there was a new Supreme Being to govern it.” Lilith ran both hands through her hair, waiting a moment for her words to penetrate his mind. “Lucifer could be our new ruler.”

  Dagon stared at her, his eyes questioning.

  She smiled and returned her attention to Creation, knowing her carefully chosen words would permeate his mind. There were many angels susceptible to her wiles. She would convince them with her powerful arguments and her suggestion of a new Floraison.

  Creation continued and Lilith returned to her seat by Lucifer. God placed the man he created among the tigers, zebras, and bears and told him, Thou art master over all the other creatures on Earth.

  Lucifer’s eyes sprang open once more upon hearing this declaration.

  “He makes man ruler of all his domain,” Lilith whispered in Lucifer’s ear. “What do you preside over?” He glanced at her with an offended expression.

  “God made you a Seraph, second only to Him,” she continued. “What has that title earned you? You should reign over all the angels in Floraison, but instead God put other angels of lesser ranks like Raquel and Hashmal to oversee you and me.”

  Lucifer clenched his jaw.

  God did not wish the man to be alone but did not deem any other creature He created thus far suitable to be his partner. So once more, God decided to create another human being, a woman, to be the man’s companion.

  God called the first man Adam—meaning ground, from which He had created him. He allowed Adam to name the first woman, his wife, and he named her Eve—meaning life, since from her life would spring forth.

  The woman God fashioned for Adam was exquisite in every way. Her oval-shaped face was adorned with dove-like eyes the color of mahogany.

  Eve’s high, wide cheekbones and rosy cheeks displayed a lingering smile. Her lips were full and plump, the color of pomegranates. Her smooth flawless skin glowed from within and her abundant long, beautiful hair glistened like golden honey reflecting sunshine. Eve was pleasing to all the senses.

  God completed the act of Creation by establishing a home for Adam and Eve. He enclosed a vast land covered in lush green grasses, unique magnificent trees laden with fruit, flowering bushes, and countless exotic flowers and verdant plants. Refreshing ponds and sparkling lagoons were placed throughout. Four long rivers extended from a great lake near the center of the garden. These private grounds included all the beauty and miracles of nature in exclusive form, and it was a true paradise.

  God placed Adam and Eve in their blissful home, and they were happy and excited. He observed what He prepared for them, and was delighted. God spoke to Adam and Eve.

  Be ye fruitful and multiply.

  Chapter 14

  The Seduction of Lucifer

  Lucifer sprang to his feet. “Eve is the most beautiful life form I have ever set eyes on. I do not comprehend why God considered it fitting to bestow her upon Adam.” He looked at Lilith. She scowled at his words.

  “God placed these mortals in paradise to be fruitful and multiply?” Lucifer appeared perplexed. “Perhaps you were right all along.” He gazed at Lilith. “God has grown bored of us and means to replace us. He created us to worship Him and entertain Him, yet Creation seems like an act of pure love. God has given these humans everything He has always denied us.” Lucifer frowned. He had witnessed enough of Creation.

  He got to his feet, intending to leave the atrium. He appeared broken and defeated. His sense of security was fading; disgrace and confusion filled the void.

  Lilith followed him and it was not long before Samael, shadowed by Gadreel, Dagon, and Fornues, did the same.

  “Lucifer!” Lilith ran past the seated spectators. “Please wait for me!”

  She reached him and grasped his arm. He stopped and turned to look at her.

  “I know a place where we can speak in private. Away from the prying eyes and ears of the heavenly governors, and all those who think so much of themselves.”

  “What would we speak of in secret?” Lucifer asked with a black visage.

  She led him into a small vacant hallway leading to the rearmost rooms, and the others followed. “We can discuss the truth––that your moment has arrived. You, princely Seraph, must take your rightful place in Heaven’s reign.”

  The others stood by, they appeared to teem with interest and fear. Gadreel gnawed on her fingers while standing on her toes.

  “What is your meaning? I have been bestowed the highest place among the ranks, second only to God, and my powers grow stronger every moment. I am a Seraph prince!” Lucifer lifted his chin with pride.

  “Michael is a Seraph also and so is Raphael, Cam, and countless others.”

  Lucifer sucked his teeth, waved a hand, and began to shuffle away.

  “Yes, you are the powerful Lucifer, Light Bearer, Morning Star.” She chased after him. “No other angel can compete with your enhanced strength or combat ability. Your ability to track other angels and objects with your mind and create mental maps has no match. Your power to manipulate energy is astounding and when you master these––you will be mightier still.” She caught up to him, and he stopped.

  She turned him around with the tips of her fingers, and to be sure she had his attention, she gazed into his deep-set eyes.

  “Why settle for second status, Almighty Lucifer?” Lilith asked to the gasp of the others standing around. She then directed her speech to all. “Lucifer is awe-inspiring even to God. Why would God not give him the throne to Floraison––if he earned it?”

  “Enough! What you say is blasphemy.” Lucifer scowled at her.

  “Lilith speaks the truth. You are powerful and right for the purpose.” Samael dared to step forward.

  “I would serve with pleasure under your rule, Lucifer.” Dagon bowed his head in reverence.

  “I would follow you to the ends of the universe.” Fornues’ voice trembled. Gadreel stared at Lilith and then at the others. She swallowed hard and furrowed her brow.

  “Do you see? You have many loyal followers.” Lilith extended her hands to signal his devotees.

  Samael bowed with great flare in front of Lucifer. “Rule Floraison, and I shall be your most loyal subject.”

  Gadreel placed the back of her fingers over her mouth and bit the knuckle on her middle finger.

  Lucifer glanced at the small group. “You are but a fraction of the angels in Floraison, and the most powerful—Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Cam, Raquel, Jetrel, Hashmal, and Esar—would never be convinced to follow me. This can never be.”

  He turned and walked away.

  “Lilith, you must convince him of this. You are the only one who can.” Samael licked his lips while ogling Gadreel.

  “I shall discuss this further with him, but I need all of you to do your part.” She bid Samael to confer with the female angels he believed he could turn, for he was popular among them. “Make whatever promises you have to, and sway them to come to our side.”

  He nodded and smirked.

�Gadreel, use your talents and charms to entice other angels to join our cause,” Lilith said.

  Gadreel nodded with a downward gaze. “I do not––”

  Lilith drowned her words and stared at her. “This is too important for you to question. You are either with us or against us.”

  Gadreel jolted at Lilith’s snarling voice. She glanced wide-eyed at Samael, who also waited for her answer. “Of course I am with you––”

  “Then say no more and do what I have asked of you.”

  Gadreel indicated agreement. “I shall do all that you require.”

  Lilith told Dagon to begin filling Raquel’s ears with thoughts of a new reign. “If Raquel could be convinced to side with us, we would have a powerful ally. Our chances of swaying Michael and Raphael into joining us would be much greater. However, you must choose your words carefully. Be wise in your ways.”

  Dagon nodded.

  She instructed Fornues to observe the angels and report to her all those he found were unhappy or displeased with their new ranks and duties, angry with God, or disgruntled with the way things were. “We must seek out our dissatisfied and resentful brethren, for they shall be the easiest to persuade.”

  “What if I say the wrong things?” Fornues shuffled his feet.

  “I did not ask you to speak, only to observe and report to me,” Lilith said. “Do not say a single word to anyone about the rebellion. Simply be watchful.”

  “I can do that.” Fornues puffed.

  They all agreed to do Lilith’s bidding and went their separate ways. She departed to find Lucifer again.


  Once the atrium was cleared of angels, Lucifer returned there to be alone with his thoughts.

  It was not simply about how he was second only to God, yet others seemed to have more power. It was about Creation, how God decided to create other beings and made these humans in His own image. It was about how Adam got to live in paradise with Eve by his side. Yet, despite his own high ranking, he still could not hold Lilith in his arms.

  He slouched in his seat. His eyes burned with hatred as he stared at the new blue and green planet God called Earth.

  Earth’s rustic beauty––its majestic mountains, rolling green hills, golden deserts and large bodies of water––offended him. In the midst of all the Earth’s magnificence, God created a secluded paradise for His humans, Adam and Eve.

  Why would God give them so much? Why would He favor the humans more than His Celestial creations––more than me?

  He peered farther into the home God provided the humans and saw Adam and Eve together in the Garden of Eden. They held hands and strolled through the beautiful botanical paradise and gazed into each other’s eyes and kissed on the lips. They walked to a tree heavily laden with food.

  The man reached for one of the delightful fruits and picked it from the tree. Without hesitation he handed it to his wife. She took a graceful bite and offered it to Adam, who in turn ate from it. Lucifer watched as they consumed the juicy fare and enjoyed every delicious morsel together.

  Lucifer continued to track Adam as he lay on lush green grass, holding his spectacular woman in his arms. He caressed Eve’s beautiful glowing skin and kissed her again and again. The man did things forbidden to angels in Floraison. Lucifer’s throat contracted, and he was unable to draw breath or swallow as his frustration swelled.

  “What are you staring at?” a sweet and seductive voice asked. He jolted, as he was caught unaware.

  “Lilith,” he said, breathless. “I am watching planet Earth and the new human creatures.”

  She glided to him, placed her hand on his shoulder, and squeezed. He experienced a strange but pleasant sensation when she did so.

  “You should not have left me so abruptly.” She frowned, her lips primed, demanding the fullest consideration. His mouth curved into a lackluster smile.

  Despite her frown, she caressed his face in the same fashion Adam stroked Eve’s and edged closer to him. She also nuzzled his cheeks with her lips. Pressing her mouth over his, she kissed him. A surge of pleasure coursed through his body. Bumps developed on the skin along his arms. His heart thumped, and heat spread throughout his body. He inhaled a sharp breath and exploded out of his chair.

  “What are you doing?” He stared at her in disbelief. “How do you come to know such acts?”

  “I have had many visions that show me the future of humans and how they interact with one another.”

  “You know these acts are prohibited to us.” Lucifer lowered his head.

  “When I lay my hands on your skin in forbidden ways, how did you feel?”

  “I have never experienced anything finer.”

  “Why are these acts not permitted to us?”

  Lucifer inhaled a deep breath and blew out slowly. “God sees us as above such acts.”

  “Why are they not prohibited to humans?” Lilith clutched Lucifer’s face between her hands. “Why should they experience pleasures forbidden to us?”

  Lucifer lowered her hands and wandered a small distance away, staring sightlessly. “God tests our righteousness at this very moment. We are superior to the humans, and He expects much more from us.”

  “Perhaps God is amused by our actions.” Lilith smiled with scornful derision. “After all, He gave us free will so that we may choose our own course.”

  He whisked around and stared at her slack-mouthed. A smile dangled on the corner of her lips.

  “Imagine a realm where we can express ourselves any way we desire. A place where we can experience such pleasures whenever we wish.” She walked to him and guided him by the hand to his seat again. He sat and hung his head.

  “Oh––such a world does exist!” Lilith nodded with a cynical look on her face. “The world God created for his humans is filled with pleasures beyond our imagination.”

  She watched him lift his head in recognition.

  “We were meant to experience these things. Don’t you feel it? Our bodies and minds demand this.”

  She saw a scintilla of acceptance in his eyes, as he contemplated her words.

  “Brilliant Star, you could create a world such as this for us if you were in command.” She caressed his face and whispered in his ear, “I can bring about in you incredible sensations if you would only permit me. What I achieved earlier was but a small taste of the pleasures I can bestow upon you if you were to reign in Floraison.”

  “I admire your astonishing beauty. You weaken me.” Lucifer’s chest heaved. “I want to believe every word that falls from your lips, but––I sense unfamiliar sensations occurring in my body that make me feel like I may lose control of myself.” He sprung to his feet.

  She pushed him back down and placed her hands strategically on his thighs. He drew a sharp breath and closed his eyes for a moment.

  He gazed at her through partly closed eyes and took short, quick breaths. She came closer still and kissed his neck while running her fingers through his long, dark hair. He reclined his head. She felt the hairs on his neck stand upright.

  “A powerful yearning overwhelms me,” he said with bated breath. “Part of me wishes for you to be still, but a greater part of me craves for you to continue.”

  Lilith smiled. Before long, he gave in to her completely.


  Gadreel tried to find Samael to let him know she had located others who, like them, were unhappy with Floraison’s current rule and aspired to be followers. She spotted Lilith and Lucifer in the atrium and decided to give them the news first.

  She stopped short. “What is Lilith doing?” she whispered under her breath. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes grew large with disbelief. She watched Lilith kiss Lucifer’s lips, face, and neck. She passed her hands across his entire body, and he allowed her to do so. Gadreel gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

  They were violating one of the two most important pledges an angel makes. Gadreel bit her lower lip. “I should leave.” She spun and took a few steps––she stopped and
looked over her shoulder–– “I cannot pull away.” She hid behind a row of seats and gawked. She covered her mouth to restrain excited giggling as she watched them kiss and stroke each other.

  Gadreel flinched when she heard a loud thunderous voice. “That’s Cam’s voice.” She gasped and leapt to her feet and ran to warn her friends.


  Lilith stopped her actions at once and tidied herself. Lucifer sat upright, arranged himself and crossed his arms.

  “Apologies. I did not mean to interrupt you, but I heard Cam’s voice nearby.” She searched the ground, red faced.

  “You did well to warn us, Gadreel. I am grateful,” Lucifer said, without meeting her eyes.

  Lilith glowered at her and exhaled a sharp breath.

  Cam entered the atrium and approached them. “Have any of you seen Beelzebub?”

  “I believe he is tucked away in his chambers,” Lilith said, in a sour tone.

  “I have not seen his face in quite a while.” Cam scrutinized them. “Why would he isolate himself in his room for so long?”

  “He claimed to require a period alone for reflection, but I am afraid that if you need know more, you’ll have to ask Beelzebub himself.” Lilith crossed her arms and lifted the eyebrow above her blue eye.

  Cam peered at Lucifer, who gazed at the floor while shuffling his feet.

  “All is right here?” Cam considered Lucifer’s shrunk demeanor.

  “What a strange question.” Lilith smirked. “Why would anything be wrong here?” Her face was marked with disdain as Cam’s bright green eyes focused on her.

  “You are a most curious angel,” Cam said in a calm manner. “Maybe one day you shall learn to be humble and reverent.” He glanced at Lucifer in a prudent way and left, but before he could get too far, Lilith retorted.

  “You, Cam, are a most vexing angel. Perhaps someday you’ll learn to humble yourself in the presence of a supreme being.”

  Cam stopped and glanced over his shoulder at her, his eyebrows knit close together. Then without saying another word, he continued on his way.

  Lilith blustered and looked at Lucifer. “How dare Cam address us in such a way? Do you see how they behave toward us?” She put her arms around his neck, rested her head on his large muscular chest, and played with his hair. He embraced her.


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