The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 20

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  Beelzebub tugged Lucifer’s garments. “We must stop!” His red face looked horrified.

  Lucifer saw the fear in his large, round eyes. “Halt!” All heard his sonorous voice and stopped just short of knocking the angel ahead of Beelzebub into the fissure. The angel collapsed to his knees, leaning away from the crack. His outstretched arms gripped the sides of the tunnel, while he panted.

  “What do we do now?” Beelzebub gulped and caught his breath.

  The angel ahead of him got to his feet. His skin singed, and smoke curls spiraled from his garments. Lucifer walked ahead to see for himself what hindered their progress. He observed the tunnel’s vent and sighed.

  A female angel moved ahead from the rear. “There is only a small separation between this part of the tunnel and the other side. We could fly across the fiery crevasse.”

  “Very well––go on. You fly across first.” Lucifer stepped back and leaned against the wall.

  Lucifer gestured to the angels to lean against the wall to give her room. The female angel went as far to the rear as she could to build momentum. She took a deep breath and ran toward the crevasse. As she did so, she tried to expand her wings to take flight, but she was unable to spread her wings fully, lifting herself only a little off the ground. Realizing this too late, she fell into the pit and burned. The troops stared motionless at Lucifer.

  Lucifer stepped forward his face marked with stolid indifference. “There is not enough room to expand our wings in this narrow space. If we cannot expand our wings, we cannot fly.”

  “There must be a way to get across to the other side.” Beelzebub rubbed his temples. “The crevasse is almost thirty feet across. We must cross this blazing pit before we burn alive.”

  Lucifer peered at the angel in the front who held onto the wall for dear life. “Leap across the fissure.”

  The soldier began to whimper, shaking his head. His eyes pleaded, first with Lucifer and then with Beelzebub. “S-she fell––she f-fell into the p-pit and b-burned.” His teeth chattered.

  Beelzebub turned away from his imploring gaze.

  “Jump across to the other side!” Lucifer glared at him, but he did not move. Lucifer turned to Beelzebub. “Push him off the edge.”

  The other angel opened his eyes wide with disbelief. He opened his mouth to speak, but words did not come. He extended his arms in front of him and waggled his hands.

  Without hesitation, Beelzebub shoved the angel into the fiery pit. The other soldiers stared with stunned and terrorized looks on their faces. Beelzebub tittered and then stopped. His trembling hand covered his mouth, but at Lucifer’s glance his way, another giggle bubbled forth.

  “Draw back as far as possible.” Lucifer moved backward along with his soldiers, and pulled Beelzebub with him. He created a gap of a few feet between him and the crevasse.

  “I shall create momentum and leap across the fissure to the other side,” Lucifer said with confidence.

  “After I get across,” he told Beelzebub. “I want you to arrange the angels to do as I do and follow me to the other side, one by one, until they are all with me, at which instant, you shall take the leap and join us.”

  “As you command.” Beelzebub bowed his head.

  Lucifer moved back as far as he could. He ran to the edge, creating drive and without hesitation, he leapt across the fissure, making it easily to the opposite side. The soldiers clapped and cheered.

  Beelzebub followed his orders, and one after another, the soldiers leapt across the crevice. Lucifer extended his hand to help the first soldier who jumped across, and then assigned him to help the others when they landed. He watched his courageous warriors soar above the fire pit to join him. A few angels did not make it across, but the majority did.

  Now Beelzebub was the last angel standing on the opposite side of the fissure. He stared at the crevasse, gulped and rubbed his forehead and cheeks. “I am not as brave as the other soldiers. What if I waver and fall to a fiery death like several others did?” He paced.

  “Go on Beelzebub, take the leap,” Lucifer said.

  “Apologies, my commander. My intellect advises me to jump, but my body does not respond.”

  “Lingering and burning alive is no better choice.”

  “Please do not leave me here to die!”

  “Leap across now, or we shall continue without you.” Lucifer scowled. “We have already wasted too much time.”

  Tears spilled from Beelzebub’s eyes and evaporated in the heat of the tunnel. He moved off the sidewall, positioned himself in the center and faced Lucifer and the others. He placed the palms of his opened hands over his cheeks and pushed them in, making his lips poke out. He took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder to be sure he was as far back as he could be. Shrieking, he ran forward as fast as he could and leapt across, eyes closed.

  He crashed against the ledge of the fissure. He opened his eyes to realize he had not yet made it across and gripped the edge of the crevice.

  “Help me! I burn! Assist me, I implore you!” he screamed. The last soldier to cross before him reached his hand to hoist him onto the shelf.

  Beelzebub took his hand. But the angel could not lift him. His feet were burning, and he shrieked in agony.

  Lucifer sucked his teeth and made his way to the rim and leaned over the edge. He grabbed Beelzebub and pulled him onto the surface. Once more, the soldiers cheered.

  “Move onward. We must leave this passageway at once.” Frustration crept into Lucifer’s voice.

  The passage became narrow and low for a stretch, and his soldiers began to crawl again, until the shaft opened into a larger cavity in which the rebels were able to stand and walk once more. Once all the surviving soldiers were out of the tunnel, Lucifer commanded Beelzebub to lead them once more.

  “I can see Floraison’s light from here.” Beelzebub trembled with excitement. “It is the light in Guidance Park.”

  “We must proceed with caution and be silent.” Lucifer pushed him forward.

  As they got closer to the light, they heard the roar of the Divina Waterfall. They began to hoot, laugh, and rush toward the familiar sound.

  “Maintain formation.” Lucifer glared at an angel guffawing. “If I have to silence you once more, I shall rip your throat out with my bare hands.” The soldier and others became silent at once.

  “We shall wait behind the waterfall until I sense all troops are ready for my signal. Then we shall attack with a force Floraison has never seen.”

  The soldiers nodded their approval.

  Beelzebub had not betrayed them after all. They would storm out of this cave from behind the Divina Waterfall. As they made their way into Guidance Park, they would be soaked with the holy water, which plunges into the River of Life. Drenched in this healing water, Lucifer would be invincible. He would have his victory and rule Floraison with his queen, Lilith, by his side.

  Chapter 26

  Signal to Slaughter

  Lucifer stood behind the waterfall. He closed his eyes, sensing his generals and all his insurgents scattered around the perimeter of the park. By now, the generals would have discussed in detail a well-devised strategy of attack with their troops.

  He felt their energy. They were waiting for his signal.

  “Beelzebub, hand me your bone flute.” Lucifer extended his hand.

  Beelzebub searched throughout the front and sides of his garment, but could not find the instrument anywhere.

  Lucifer frowned. “Where is it?” he asked under his breath.

  “I––cannot––”He tittered, at a loss for words.

  “Here it is,” a soldier standing behind Beelzebub held the flute.

  He stepped forward and handed it to Lucifer. “It was hanging off the back of Beelzebub’s garment. Perhaps it had shifted from its original place when he leapt across the split in the tunnel.”

  Beelzebub exhaled with relief. Lucifer closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. Then he grinned, and faced his unit.

bsp; “The others are ready and waiting for my signal. Prepare yourselves. After I give the signal, we shall run through the opening behind the waterfall, immersing ourselves in the pure waters, and enter Guidance Park in full mental and physical capacity. We are fierce warriors. We shall slaughter Michael and his holy angels without mercy. Then Floraison shall be mine to govern, and you shall be free.”

  Lucifer’s soldiers beamed, nodding and fidgeting as their leader brought the musical pipe to his lips and blew.

  The sinister and gloomy disharmony, amplified by the Divina Waterfall, drifted from the cave into Guidance Park. Michael and all those in the park, as well as Lucifer’s hordes standing by at the perimeter, heard the terrible music loud and clear.

  Michael cocked his head and looked at his generals. “What is that?” His generals looked as confused as he. The holy angels covered their ears and cringed.

  “What is producing that crippling sound?” Michael scanned the park.

  His generals glanced at each other, disoriented by the sinister music, while their troops remained dazed and confused. Most continued covering their ears, many closing their eyes and yelling to muffle the unpleasant sound.

  Cam leaned with his right ear, his eyes twitching now and again. The music sounded familiar. Where had he heard this devastating sound before? He placed a hand on his forehead, cocked his head left and rolled his eyes to the right. “I remember––” He lumbered across the platform to Michael. “I remember visiting Beelzebub in his chamber while he played a horrible bone flute. I left his bungalow in a hurry, unable to tolerate the depressing noise.”

  Michael inhaled a sharp breath and leaped into action feet hammering the flat rock podium. “Holy angels!” He stretched out his arms. “The enemy means to debilitate and distract us with this wicked disharmony. The sound comes from a device made by Beelzebub’s treacherous hands! We must not focus on this instrument of deceit!”

  The cacophony stopped.

  Rebels rained down from Mount Verve, swarmed from the East, West and South, and emerged from the River of Life.

  Michael and his generals leaped into action and stormed off the platform to fight.

  Dark angels dashed in every direction. They stabbed, speared and gouged without mercy each holy angel they made contact with, and with ferocity never before witnessed in Floraison. The violence and depravity of the attacks stunned Michael’s army. Despite their superior weapons, they were being annihilated.

  Michael battled his way through the melee and climbed atop his platform rock once more. “We are God’s Heavenly forces.” Michael’s silvery voice rang through the park. “The conflict between good and evil has begun. Wield your weapons without fear, holy angels, for we have the strength of God on our side.”

  Michael scanned Guidance Park and witnessed a myriad of his soldiers being cut to pieces. He slammed his eyes shut and opened them again. “Father, we need you!”

  A mass of whirling air developed in the sky above him. The center of the vortex opened and a resplendent light poured over Michael.

  His verdant eyes rolled skyward. An ethereal hand advanced through the opening and one finger touched the crown of his head. A shimmering, translucent chrysalis formed over his skin. Above Michael’s head where God’s finger touched him a brilliant, airy ring formed. “The strength of God courses within me. I am powerful, my senses are sharper, and I know that good shall triumph over evil.” Michael declared in a booming voice. All angels were compelled to stop and listen.

  “Holy angels, it was for this moment we were created! I do not need to tell you your duty. I do not have to inform you who you are. Lilith, Lucifer, and their dark forces have chosen to defy God and revolt against his followers, and for this, His wrath shall be terrible.” Michael spoke with a faith and strength neither rebels nor righteous angels had ever heard, and his words gave the holy angels the might and assurance to succeed. “Show these rebellious angels no mercy, for you shall receive none!”

  The consecrated angels were inspired and fought with conviction, defeating rebel after rebel, capturing many and detaining them for judgment. They secured the west side of the park and kept the captured in the West Forest with the help of the warrior vegetation. However, many rebels remained in the south and dominated the south portion of the River of Life, creating a safe passage for injured comrades to enter the healing waters.

  “We shall wield the hand of God and cut you down!” Michael pointed at the rebels still fighting.

  Across the park, Lucifer set his sights on Michael and took long-legged strides in his direction, slashing with his short swords through groups of holy angels trying to stop him. He must put an end to Michael’s rhetoric for it had motivated his troops too well.

  Lucifer met Michael’s unrelenting stare and continued to rush toward him. Michael’s eyes narrowed to slits and flung his golden spear. The gilded weapon struck Lucifer in the chest, hurling him against a group of his rebel soldiers.

  Lucifer felt an explosion in his core. Excruciating, vivid pain, unlike anything he had ever experienced, blinded him. The spear pierced his chest wall, missing his heart, exited his back, and pinned him to the ground. He stared dumbfounded at it, shaking his head. He attempted to pull it out, but howled and wailed instead. As rebel angels around him tried to help, holy angels who were waiting for Michael to claim his prize eliminated them at once.

  Lucifer’s eyes flashed wildly while he continued to shake his head in denial. He could not be defeated. He stared wide-eyed before him, as he lay sprawled on the ground, immobilized. The physical and mental anguish overwhelmed him. Lilith, I have failed you. He drooped his head and wept for the first time.

  Michael lumbered across the park to Lucifer. He hovered over him like a threatening storm. Lucifer clenched his jaw at the sight of the manacles he held.

  “You did this to yourself.” Michael shackled him with ease.

  Meanwhile, Lilith barged ahead searching for Lucifer. Battling her way through clusters of holy angels, slashing one after another with her sword. She skidded to an abrupt halt when she caught sight of him, crumpled on the ground, captured by Michael. She pivoted on her heel and ran, dragging her sword on the ground, to take cover behind a large tree nearby. Her chest heaved, and her eyes stung with gathering tears. She sagged against the tree, the color drained from her slack face. She peered around the trunk and stared wide-eyed at Lucifer.

  Jetrel had been stalking her for a while, following her from the south to the north and watching her strike down many of her friends. Jetrel witnessed Michael’s victory over Lucifer, and she desired a victory of her own. What could be worthier than capturing Lilith?

  Lilith no longer wore an arrogant, self-satisfied expression; instead she appeared devastated, as if she were already captured. As she stared at Lucifer, Jetrel moved stealthily and crept her way up to her.

  Jetrel grabbed her and Lilith struggled to get away. Raquel rushed over and struck Lilith’s leg with her mace. Lilith became disoriented and completely susceptible to Raquel’s bidding.

  “Lilith, stand and surrender,” Raquel said. “Proceed with Jetrel to face God’s judgment.”

  Upon witnessing both Lucifer and Lilith captured, many rebels collapsed in stupor and captured, others dropped their swords and surrendered.

  Soon Michael and his holy angels gained the upper hand. Hashmal annihilated large groups of rebels at once with his ability to emit fire. Fornues was caught in Raphael’s indestructible net and was rendered paralyzed, allowing Raphael to bring him to justice.

  Dagon flew over Cam’s head and kicked him in the upper spine, rendering the Seraph breathless. He prepared to strike again, but Cam swung his blazing sword and sheared his wing. Dagon fell to the ground face down, his wing severed and burning. Cam leapt on him, tied his arms behind him, and detained him.

  Hidden among a pile of rebel corpses not far from where Dagon was captured, Beelzebub peered in the direction of the Divina Waterfall. If only he could reach his once p
lace of refuge, he could hide in the cave behind the falls until the conflict ended. He moved severed limbs, torsos, and heads until he was able to stand. He took a deep breath and ran.

  A few steps from the entrance to his cavern, a vicious yank held him. Beelzebub struggled to get loose, agape, flailing his arms about, and flicking his eyes in every direction. An invisible force held him, preventing him from moving forward.

  Raquel swooped upon him and clobbered him with her mace, smashing his cheek against his teeth. Once the weapon’s stone head made contact with his skin, Beelzebub surrendered to her will. Gabriel materialized before him, revealing himself as the powerful force that prevented his escape.

  Across the park, Gadreel spun about several times searching for an escape. “We are defeated––how has this come to pass?” Her eyebrows bumped together in a scowl. She balled her hand and held it tight against her mouth so no sound would escape. Her eyes shifted to the River of Life. For a moment the roar of the river suppressed all other sounds.

  She could disappear into the wide river. Gadreel panted and trembled. She would hide underneath the water letting the current take her, poking her nose and mouth above the water only when she must draw breath. Once she escaped Guidance Park, she could emerge from the river and hide until it was all finished.

  She skulked past the edges of the troops and slid into the water submerging herself deeply in the River of Life. As she held her breath underwater, a feeling of dread crept over her. A cold wave passed through her and brillante turned to nightglow as an enormous dark figure loomed above her, blocking Floraison’s luminosity. She opened her mouth to scream, but bubbles appeared instead.

  The gigantic aquatic creature opened its mouth and she was being pulled into it. She clawed at the river’s edge and flailed her four large wings, but the creature’s open mouth kept dragging her toward it until the leviathan swallowed her whole.


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