The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 33

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “Good, let us eat and waste no more nighttime.” Lilith transformed into the snake creature to use her viper’s tail to gather coconuts.

  Satan, too, changed into the red fiend to help knock fruit off the trees with his horns and tail.

  Chapter 22

  Adventures of the Deep

  Dagon and Fornues departed to search for their meal in the ocean. They glided near the top of the water, scanning for possible food sources. Fornues had not eaten since his fall and was starving.

  In the distance, he noticed a great black shadow moving through the water. His keen eyesight apprehended a group of over fifty large black sea creatures, and he stopped, his color fading once more.

  Dagon stopped alongside his friend, as dark liquid encircled him. “What is it that you see?”

  “There is a large group of sea mammals a short span ahead.” Fornues extended one of his tentacles to point at the whales. His voice quivered even though he communicated psychically.

  “Are you afraid?”

  “I am!” Once more, Fornues squirted thick, black ink in a large cloud accompanied by a loud rumbling sound. He lowered his eyes and looked away.

  “Why do you tint the water around us in gloom?” Dagon pressed his palm on his forehead, undulated his fish tail, pivoting to and fro.

  “When I experience fear the dark liquid is excreted from me––sometimes with a disgusting, loud squirting sound.” Fornues lowered his head. “I have no control of its release.”

  “Why do you fear that which cannot hurt you?” Dagon puckered his forehead. “You are the largest and most ferocious appearing creature I have seen in these waters. Thus, you should not fear any creature that crosses your path.”

  Fornues tilted his head and stroked his chin with a tentacle. “You are right. I am a mighty creature.”

  “Indeed, you are! The ocean is your territory, and any creature that enters it must answer to you.”

  The black whales dove to the ocean depths. Fornues submerged to observe the creatures in action. One of the whales attempted to capture prey with a high-speed burst. “Did you see the swiftness of the large water mammal?” Fornues looked wide-eyed at Dagon and laughed. “I had no idea one so large could move so fast. Although, I suppose we are all small in the expanse of this great ocean.”

  The largest whale of the pod set its sights on Dagon. The mammal’s large bulbous head broke through the water as it swam toward him at high speed. Dagon recoiled and held up his hands.

  The whale opened its mouth, displaying rows of enormous teeth. At the instant the whale darted to make its kill, one of Fornues’ tentacles knocked the whale, sending it rolling through the water into its pod.

  Dagon emitted a short burst of bubbles. “Thank you. You saved my life again.”

  Fornues stared as the other whales examined their injured pod member. He heard them communicate with each other using whistles and pulsed sounds. They swam to the surface and set forth, carrying away their injured ally.

  Dagon pointed to the fleeing pod of whales. “Are you convinced now? You have dominance over all the other creatures in the sea. They fear you!”

  “Indeed. I am beginning to understand the extent of my power in this realm. I also appreciate why Satan prefers me in this form.”

  They continued to drift along in the deep ocean currents. Dagon consumed crustaceans along the way and shared them with his friend. “It is difficult for me to see clearly at such depths.” Dagon squinted in the dark. Fornues used the lights on his head and at the end of his tentacles to illuminate the way.

  Fornues opened his mouth and swam through a large school of colorful, luminescent fish. “I have ingested a myriad of fish, but my hunger pangs persists.”

  “I realize you need a lot of energy to power your massive body. Small fish, lobsters, shrimps, and crabs do not provide enough meat for you. There has to be some creature in the vast expanse of the ocean that could serve as satisfying meal for you.” Dagon’s lips formed a grim line.

  Slowly cruising the ocean, they came to a steep drop-off. There, they encountered an immense, aggressive-looking fish with amazing maneuverability. Its broad, strong, bronze-colored body glided at high speeds.

  The predator spotted Dagon with the hollow black globes it used for eyes and made a sharp turn with its long, wing-like fins. Dagon crouched forward, preparing to defend himself.

  A pounding in his skull threw his head back. Despite the pain, he swung his head forward and trained his eyes on his fierce rival. He roared in pain as his tusk broke through bone, muscle and skin. When his massive forehead tusk emerged, the pain ceased. Once again, he set his sights on the fish as it circled, taunting him.

  He mimicked the shark’s moves and maintained eye contact as it approached him. It appeared ready to attack when the opportunity presented itself.

  Dagon groaned and cringed experiencing an agonizing stinging sensation in his lower body. He looked and saw a large bite mark on his tail. The water around him became stained with his blood.

  He searched for Fornues, who had left him behind while seeking nourishment. Before he could form a word, he perceived another torturous assault to his flank. He jolted and jerked, unable to control what was happening to his body. More attacks came, too many to be from one creature. Dagon was betrayed by his own blood, which swathed him, making it impossible for him to see his attackers.

  He wailed in agony as a shiver of sharks attacked him mercilessly. Fornues heard the cries and returned to witness his friend receive bite after bite from multiple frenzied sharks. Dagon drifted, gushing blood from open wounds.

  Enraged, Fornues turned a bright purple color. He sliced through the water, emitting blinding flashes of light at the sharks to disorient them. He wrapped his tentacles around them. The ferocious fish struggled in his tight grasp. They opened their mouths to display large, triangular teeth with serrated edges, but they were no matches for Fornues’ long, sharp fangs.

  Fornues tasted the sharks’ flesh as the suction cups lining his tentacles came in contact with their skin. He injected his prey with paralyzing saliva, rendering them immobile. Dagon watched slack-jawed as Fornues dismembered the sharks, then rotated his hinged skull upward and swallowed. “I have found gratification in this feast; my hunger was satisfied.”

  “Help me.” Dagon sank further into the deep, unable to move his body.

  “I am coming, my friend.” Energized, he rushed to him with a surprising burst of speed. He grasped his friend gently with one of his tentacles. He took him deeper into the lightless, suffocating depths of the sea and deposited his limp body on a flat rock. The pressure, darkness, and coolness of the deep waters had curative properties for sea creatures, and Dagon’s wounds began to heal quickly.

  Fornues obtained fish for him to consume once he revived. After some time, Dagon opened his eyes to find his friend by his side.

  “Once again, I owe my life to you.”

  “Do not be so appreciative.” Fornues handed him a fish. “My motives for rescuing you are to some extent selfish, for I cannot imagine a life in these cold waters without you.”

  Dagon sat upright. “The curative effects of the deep have revitalized me, but since there is little oxygen, we shall soon have to swim to shallower depths.”

  He gorged on the bounty of fish Fornues provided. He reclined on his elbows and tilted his head back. “The view of the ocean from below is spectacular. From this perspective, the deep sea resembles the Earth’s sky at twilight. It seems all the creatures of the deep emit some kind of light, including you, Fornues. The luminescent creatures simulate shooting meteors, flickering stars, rolling comets with tails, and colorful nebulas.”

  “We must return to shore,” Fornues said. “Satan summons us once more.”

  Dagon nodded. “I am ready to return.”

  They swam upward to shallower waters and proceeded to the coastline to find their friends.

  Chapter 23

  Samael’s Story of Paradiser />
  Gadreel sang a mellifluous melody, sitting on the beach watching the calm black sea. Satan stood on a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean accompanied by Lilith and Samael.

  “Fornues, Dagon, arise from the sea,” Satan called in a booming voice. “I summon you!”

  “Is it possible they cannot hear you, my prince?” Lilith paced back and forth.

  Satan heaved a deep sigh. “Of course they hear me.”

  “Why have they not returned?” Frustration creased her eyes.

  “Perhaps they swam far, and now it shall take them some time to return.” Samael tucked his chin slightly and held up his palms.

  “Why would they go far if we told them we would be leaving shortly?” Lilith rolled her eyes and continued to pace on the rock.

  “Fare in these dark waters may not be easy to find, and I suppose it would take plenty of food to satisfy a sea giant like Fornues. It is also their first time hunting at sea. We should be patient, my love.” Satan placed a hand on his cheek and walked to the edge of the cliff. He looked over the ocean with gathered brow.

  Lilith brooded.

  Gadreel lay flat on her back, knees bent, and toes digging into the wet sand of the shoreline, waiting for the return of Fornues and Dagon.

  “Every star is displayed and shining in full brilliance tonight,” she sang. She rubbed her belly. She had consumed twice what she normally ate and was quite satiated.

  The stars appeared near each other, so she began connecting groups of stars with her finger to form patterns. In one cluster of stars, she formed an image of Gabriel blowing on his horn of truth, while in another ensemble she drew an outline of Michael standing upon his rock pedestal. Elsewhere, Hashmal emitted fire from his mouth. “I am able to see all the holy angels I once called friends in the starry sky. However, I do not recognize myself or any of my fallen companions in the stars.” She covered her face with her arms. After a long moment, she rose to seek the others and found Lilith and Satan focusing all their attention on Samael.


  “What I am about to reveal occurred in my travels,” Samael said. “I think it would be of great interest to you.”

  Gadreel gasped. He plans to tell them about Eden. He must be convinced that Lilith would not harm Eve, because Satan was around. However, Gadreel believed if Lilith desired it, no one could stop her. Yet, she supposed Samael could not keep his encounter with the humans a secret forever.

  “Tell us what you have encountered in your long, difficult journey, Samael,” Satan said.

  “I have been in The Garden Of Eden,” he said to the shocked gasps of those around him.

  “What?” Lilith’s face contorted with anger. “Why did you wait so long to tell us? We spent many moons together, and you never mentioned having been in Eden. Why?”

  Samael gulped, and looked down. “I thought it best to wait until we found Satan and we were together before revealing this information.”

  Lilith’s nose flared. “Speak now. Tell us what you have seen.”

  “Be silent, Lilith!” Satan lifted his chin and puffed out his chest. “I shall be the only one to make demands here!”

  “Apologies.” Lilith lowered her head while clenching her jaw.

  She looked at Samael sideways and sat close to him. Satan sat beside her, and Gadreel tiptoed to them and also sat nearby.

  “Samael, you did well to delay this revelation until you were in my presence.” Satan glimpsed at Lilith. “Tell us everything.”

  “After I was cast out of Floraison, I awoke lying upon sand in an arid region. I lay bare and weak. I howled in pain as I clambered to my feet. There was sand embedded in my skin, but my attempts to wipe off the tiny particles caused stinging and burning, so I left it alone.

  “I scanned my surroundings through partly closed eyes not yet accustomed to the eerie brightness. I saw reddish hills of sand and valleys with windblown designs, which looked like wavy ripples on an ocean.

  “My surroundings were beautiful, but also mysterious and frightening. The heat swathed my body like flames. The powerful star above scorched my vulnerable skin and made my head throb. I realized I must depart the exquisite, but deadly, place at once. However, there was only sand in every direction as far as the eye could see. I could not determine where to go.

  “I closed my eyes and tried to think of a plan, but the sweltering sun beating on me made it impossible to concentrate. It seemed at any moment my hair would burst into flames and my cranium would explode. I was too weak to fly, so I lifted my wings above my head, using them as a shield.

  “Out of nowhere, a high-pitched shrill sound penetrated my already aching head. Shielding my ears did not stop the pain. Although I had never heard anything like it before, I believed it was familiar somehow. I decided to follow this shrill tone to its source, hoping it would lead me to one of my friends. In any case, it was far better than wandering aimlessly in circles following the ever-changing landscape. The mysterious, yet familiar, noise oriented me in the direction I must go, and I began my journey to find its origin.

  “Dragging my feet across the desert and climbing the high dunes proved almost too great a burden. I kept my scorched wings raised above my head to protect my face and body from the sun’s fiery attacks.

  “At one point, a black feather fell in my path, and then another. As one floated downward, I caught it and brought it to my nose. It had a pungent sulfurous smell. My stomach turned. The feather fell from my fingers, but more tumbled to the ground around me. My mouth fell open when I realized they had fallen from my own wings!

  “I swung my wings forward and scrutinized them for the first time since I descended from Floraison. They were no longer brilliant white, but were black as a raven’s wings. Featherless areas exposed sharp, spiny projections. I stared at them in awe. Dread surged from the pit of my stomach and I gagged and retched. My wings were revolting. What was I becoming? Would the rest of me change as well?

  “After seeing what had become of me, my chest burned and ached. Knowing there was no turning back, acknowledging I was no longer the creature I once was, I suffered a moment of regret.” His shoulders slumped and he buried his face in his hands.

  Gadreel looked down.

  Lilith pursed her lips and rolled her eyes away. Regret? She would make him regret not divulging his secret about Eden to her. From now on, she would make sure his allegiance to her came first.

  “A loud, drawn-out, wavering howl emerged in the distance,” Samael continued. “Looking toward the horizon, I identified a wall of brown air stretching high, but I was unable to comprehend the phenomenon. It was difficult to judge how far it was, but the ominous wall of sand was headed in my direction. The high-pitched sounds it produced became louder, obliterating all else. The sand mass was gaining energy and magnitude, devouring everything in its path. My eyes searched for refuge.

  “I scrambled behind a large rock. I heard the sand wave advancing. My heart beat hard against my chest, and it was difficult to catch my breath. I lifted my nose and smelled the thunderous sand wave draw near. I wrapped my large wings around myself.

  “Before long, the violent winds attacked me. Stones began to fly around, beating me without mercy. Clouds of sand and dust whipped through the air, producing terrible screeching and hissing sounds. I trembled and whimpered as dirt and debris pelted my already tender wings. My breathing became even more labored as I curled up under them.

  “The sandstorm was destructive and blinding. Its high winds lifted an immense amount of sand rather quickly. In no time I was buried beneath it, weak and semi-conscious, trapped in my feathery cocoon until the storm passed.

  “After what seemed an eternity, the howling stopped and the sands settled. I was entombed in the desert. I tried not to panic as I used my wings to dig my way out of the desert crypt.

  “Breaking through to the surface, I clambered to my feet. I beat my wings to shake the sand off my face and body. The landscape was now vastly different. The shrill sound returned
and I knew it would guide me. Thus, I maintained my course to traverse the sea of sand in the sweltering heat.”

  Lilith sighed. “Samael, you mentioned the Garden of Eden?” She stared at him eyebrows raised.

  Samael reddened. “Forgive me, I thought you wished to know the entire account.”

  Satan scowled at her.

  She touched her lips with her fingers. “Apologies, Samael, please continue.”

  “I-I dragged my feet for miles,” Samael said. “My wings were causing me much agony and my mouth and throat were so parched it was difficult to swallow.

  “In the distance, a generous patch of green captivated my eye. I hurried toward it. Since my arrival on this treacherous planet, I had seen only sand. A beautiful garden entryway beckoned with the welcoming colors of its adorning blooms. I nuzzled the flowers, taking in their magnificent fragrances. They smelled of relief, comfort, and safe haven. Within the garden, birds sang and chirped in melody, inviting me to enter. Peeking inside, I glimpsed a beautiful and intriguing garden, incongruous in the middle of the desert.

  “I thought of how much I had suffered in the harsh environment of the lifeless, arid lands. Although I feared this beautiful place was not meant for one such as me, I desired more than anything to enter.

  “I inched through the floral archway to find an awe-inspiring botanical paradise. The temperature in the garden was pleasant and comfortable, unlike the ferocious desert surrounding it.

  “I shuffled farther in, stopping to inhale the fragrances emitted by the flowers and fruit trees. I was weary and winced with every step, for my feet were tender and blistered. The environment around me became even more soothing and delightful. The sun shone brightly, but it no longer singed my skin. A refreshing, gentle breeze, a blend of gratifying fragrances, and a medley of blissful sounds combined to calm and pleasure my senses and make me joyful. ‘What place is this?’ I whispered under my breath.”

  “Did no one try to stop you?” Lilith’s wide eyes were fixed on him.


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