The Fall of Lilith

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The Fall of Lilith Page 44

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  They parted ways, but quickly rejoined when they found Adam and Eve together near a beautiful lake, not unlike Floraison’s own Lake Serena. They hid behind plants with large leaves to observe them.

  “Your beauty rivals that of any flower,” Adam told Eve. She kissed him ever so softly on the lips.

  As Lilith observed the pair through narrowed eyes, she took notice of their blissful innocence, especially Eve’s. She was overwhelmed by a desire to soil her essence.

  Adam left Eve’s side to tend to another area of the Garden, followed by Satan. Lilith stayed behind to continue to watch Eve, who lay on her stomach, admiring her own reflection in the lake’s still waters.

  Lilith hurried to find Satan. When she found him she smiled, the kind of smile that shows all of your teeth. “The human woman is simple and vain. I shall use this knowledge to bring about her disgrace.”

  “I also gathered much information about the man. He sings many songs about Eve as he tends the garden. Adam’s love for Eve is pure. To bring shame on him, one simply has to taint her first, and he would certainly follow.”

  “Consent to leave this place, for we have much to discuss and conspire,” Lilith said, as she licked her lips.

  Satan nodded, and they headed for the forest.


  When Gadreel and Samael finished their lustful deeds, they realized Dracul was nowhere to be found. Gadreel scurried around in circles within the small cave, trying to find him. She gawked at Samael, and nibbled at her fingers.

  “Satan shall destroy us if we fail to find his son.”

  Samael took hold of her upper arms. “Do not fear. He cannot be far. I shall search the forest and find him. You stay here in case he returns to the cave.”

  In the woods, Samael ran into Lilith and Satan.

  “Where are Gadreel and Dracul?” Satan scowled.

  “They are together in a safe place.” Samael lowered his head.

  “We should return to the Garden of Eden with Samael.” Lilith’s eyes glinted with eagerness.

  “To what purpose?” Satan looked askance at her. “We only departed the Garden but a moment ago.”

  “I recalled Samael’s narrative of his chance encounter with Eve.” She turned to Samael. “Did you not express that there was a mutual attraction between you and the woman?”

  Samael smirked. “Yes, there was an undeniable attraction between us.”

  “This is perfect for my––our plans. Do you not see?” she said. “Samael shall be the vessel we use to corrupt Eve and rid her of her purity and innocence, thereby forfeiting her right to live in paradise. Thus, as we were cast out of Floraison for breaking the rules, so shall she be expelled from the Garden, and surely Adam shall follow her. Hence, the Garden of Eden shall become our home, and I––we get our vengeance against God by ruining his prized creation.”

  Satan and Samael glanced at each other nodding.

  “Let us take leave of the forest and return to the Garden at once.” Lilith’s bosom heaved with rapid breaths.

  “Indeed, I shall do all that is required of me.” Samael exhaled and relaxed since the subject of Dracul’s whereabouts had been dropped. He hoped the young one would make his way back to the cave before they returned.

  The three of them slipped back into the Garden of Eden. They remained unseen, and found Eve alone once more, marveling at the fruits of an unusual tree.

  “Go on. Approach her in silence and be at your most charming.” Lilith coaxed Samael.

  While in hiding, Lilith and Satan watched his every move.

  “Another chance encounter, beautiful Eve,” Samael whispered, trying not to startle her with his presence.

  Eve gasped. “You should not be in this place.” She pivoted on her heel and fled, then skidded to an abrupt halt when he spoke again. She looked over her shoulder and peered at him.

  “I am aware of the danger this place holds for me, but I could not stay away any longer.” Samael shoved his hair back away from his face. “I needed to set eyes on your exquisite face once more before I perish.”

  Eve’s eyes widened and she turned to face him slowly. “Perish? Why do you utter such things?”

  “Your beauty has sealed my fate. I cannot forget the curves of your face, the outline of your roseate lips, or the radiance of your eyes as they caress me the way they do now.” He took a couple steps toward her. “You haunt my thoughts. I was compelled to look upon you once more––even under the penalty of death.”

  Eve placed her hands over her heart and her bosom heaved with rapid breaths. “Stranger, you risk much for a mere glimpse of my face.” Her eyes remained fixed on him as he swaggered toward her.

  Samael maintained eye contact and he moved closer still. “Please do not fear me. I would give my life to protect you.”

  She flushed bright pink. “I do not understand the changes occurring in my body.”

  “Do you feel a heat rising inside of you?” A smiled dangled on the corner of his lips.

  She nodded and gazed up at him through her long lashes.

  “That warm, pulsating feeling is natural.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and gently brushed her neck.

  She stared at him in awe. His warm gold irises were strikingly wolf-like and alluring. She allowed him to caress her face. She closed her eyes and he leaned forward and breathed in the scent of her hair. He nuzzled his nose and mouth against her neck, giving her soft kisses and inhaling the aroma of her skin.

  She inhaled a sharp breath and moved away a little. “What are you doing?”

  Samael leaned forward and whispered against her ear, “Certainly you shall not let me draw my last breath without ever having tasted the sweet nectar of your lips?”

  Eve’s lips parted slightly and she quivered. He kissed her on the lips and curled his arms around her, drew her body close, and after a few delicate touches of his warm lips on her lips, neck, and bosom her resistance crumbled. She arched her neck and moaned, wholly captivated by his tender, yet animalistic, ways.

  Eve did not fully understand the consequences of their actions. Her eyes glazed over and stared into space overwhelmed by feelings of elation and profound pleasure that she had never felt with Adam.

  Samael, in one fluid motion lowered her to the grass and continued kissing her. Every kiss carried electric tingles and she groaned and arched her neck. He flashed heat in his eyes, his body, poised the perfect blend of relaxation and tension. She was ensnared by the delight he bestowed upon her. He slipped inside of her, and they were both in ecstasy.

  Lilith and Satan watched, concealed behind foliage as Samael had his way with Eve. Lilith closed her eyes and a monstrous grin distorted her face. She gave a low, strained humorless laugh and opened her eyes to look at Satan.

  His eyes were fixed on Samael and Eve. “I must be a part of this––the downfall of God’s most valued creatures.”

  Lilith twisted her mouth and raised the eyebrow over her blue eye. “Go on, my prince. Finish what Samael has begun. Spill seed in her so our kind may multiply on this planet, and God’s plan may be ruined.”

  Satan leapt into Samael’s body and copulated with Eve until he burst forth semen within her. Afterward, he released Samael, who rolled off her to the ground by her side howling and twitching in anguish. Steam discharged from his ears and out of his nostrils. His face was a deep scarlet and he smelled of burnt pyres.

  Eve jumped to her feet and stared at him with a terrified expression. “What is happening to you?” She stepped back. Samael could not form words as his face contorted in agony. She cringed and ran away.

  Eve ran to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. She prostrated herself before it as primal tears fell from her eyes.

  Lilith changed into her snake form and followed her. She hid behind the extraordinary tree to watch her for a moment. The look of confusion and fear on Eve’s face aroused her.

  “Why do you weep?” Lilith asked in an ingratiating tone.

  “Who are you?
” Eve’s lips quivered.

  Lilith tilted her head and smiled the kind of smile one reserves for special friends. “I am someone who means you no harm. I wish to help you.” Her voice was sweet as ripened grapes. She hid her serpent tail behind the tree, and kept her wings tucked, so that Eve only saw her agreeable face and torso.

  Lilith heard a rustling of leaves above her. She lifted her eyes to see her son amongst the tree’s many branches and for a moment, she was distracted from her purpose.

  What was Dracul doing in the Garden? And why did he perch on the branches of this peculiar tree?

  Dracul plucked a fruit from the tree and swooped down from the branch where he sat. Eve shuddered when she saw him. He landed before the woman and offered her the fruit. Eve shook her head gaping at the little red fiend.

  “We must not partake of the fruit this tree bears.” Eve held up her hands and leaned back while waggling her palms. “This is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We are forbidden to eat of it.”

  Lilith cocked her head and raised her brow. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If Eve eats of this tree, her eyes shall be opened to her betrayal of Adam with Samael, and she shall be innocent no more.

  Dracul slunk closer to Eve and dropped the forbidden fruit by her side. He then slithered to his mother.

  “Eat of the fruit.” Lilith attempted to wheedle her to disobey God. “We are the keepers of this tree. If you eat of it, you shall gain wisdom. Soon after your first bite, you shall understand everything that perplexes you. Adam would be most impressed by you. And only then shall he forgive you for your acts against him.” Eve frowned. “Eat the fruit. It is the only way you can redeem yourself in his eyes. God shall not be angry, for you shall become his equal.”

  Eve was gullible and vain. She aspired to be great in Adam’s eyes and to please him, but most of all she enjoyed the concept of being wise and sagacious. She reached for the fruit and held it in her hand.

  Lilith leaned forward watching her with steady eye contact and raised eyebrows. Go on––eat of the fruit. One bite is all it shall take to disgrace you further. She licked her lips as the tip of her tail rattled.

  Eve ate several bites of the fruit. Her head cocked back in an abrupt movement and a powerful beam of light flashed from her eyes. She inhaled a long, loud breath, as her eyes were unsealed. Her eyes opened wide and she trembled. Wise to every wrong she had committed, she buried her face in her hands, rocking back and forth on the ground, gasping and sobbing.

  Lilith looked upon her with disdain. “This is only the beginning.”

  Eve lifted her head and stared at Lilith, her eyes widening with recognition. The color drained from her face, as she understood the cruel deception.

  After a while, Satan and Samael joined Lilith. At the sight of Dracul, Samael’s eyebrows rose high.

  “What is my son doing here?” Satan frowned. Samael looked to the ground.

  “I know not, but he has been of great help to us,” Lilith said, unable to peel her eyes away from Eve. Satan stroked the little one’s bald red head with affection.

  “You claimed my son was safe with Gadreel in the forest.” Satan scowled at Samael.

  “Apologies.” Samael ran his hands through his hair and avoided Satan’s gaze. “He was safe with Gadreel in a small cave we found. He must have slipped away without notice and followed me when I left the cave.”

  Lilith waved a dismissive hand. “It is of no importance. Our son is safe and with us now. He has served me well.”

  Eve lay crumpled on the ground, an inconsolable wretch. Her face was crimson with distress and fear. Samael stared at her looking shamefaced, and crossed his arms.

  Eve lifted her haunting gaze to him. “You are the greatest liar of all.” She looked as if she wanted to say more, but was unable to find the words. She hung her head.

  “It is done?” Satan asked Lilith.

  “It is done, but we must not leave this place until we know Adam has met Eve’s fate,” Lilith said in an undertone. Satan nodded.

  “We must remain here. It shall not be long before Adam misses his woman. He shall return to find her,” Samael said in a gruff voice, breathless, still suffering the impacts of Satan’s possession.

  “He speaks out of turn, yet verity escapes his mouth,” Satan told Lilith with a sardonic tone, as he glared at Samael.

  Samael bowed his head. “I recognize you are still angered by my betrayal. Know that I would do anything to ascend in your eyes once again.”

  Satan stood straighter, shoulders back and chest pushed forward. “Waiting in secret for Adam is a sound idea.” Hence, they hid and waited.

  Chapter 44

  Consumed for Love

  Adam was tending the Garden when Gabriel appeared before him. Adam jumped and recoiled. At first Gabriel was no more than a shimmer of mist. Through him the edges of the trees and bushes became blurred. It was not until he spoke that he congealed into a form, an angel with brilliant white eyes and silvery skin, and a horn dangling from one hand.

  “Do not fear me, for I am a messenger of God,” Gabriel said. “You and Eve are not alone in the Garden of Eden this day. I sense malevolent beings roaming this place, and your woman is in great danger. Find her before it is too late.” Having delivered his warning, Gabriel vanished.

  Adam gasped, dropped the crops he carried and ran in search of Eve.

  “Eve!” he yelled. “Where are you?”

  When he finally found her. She lay on the ground before the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, looking like a wilted flower. Adam tilted his head and stared at her with a confused expression.

  “Eve, I have been searching for you. Did you not hear my calls?”

  She shook her head, having learned to be deceitful.

  “An angel appeared to me. He spoke of creatures in the Garden that mean to do us harm.” Adam scrutinized her. Sorrow was etched on her face and her downcast eyes made him apprehensive. Her face flushed. He looked at the tree and then at the ground where a half-eaten fruit rested. He trembled.

  “Please assure me you did not eat of this tree!”

  She avoided his pleading gaze. “I did not eat of this tree, for I know it is forbidden.”

  Adam blew his cheeks out, knelt beside her and embraced her.

  The sound of a horn jolted them. Its timbre was complex and poetic and it was heard throughout the garden. Adam looked around. The resonance of the horn imbued their senses once more. Eve began to spasm and jerk in his arms, soft whimpering sounds escaped her lips, and her eyes again became cascades.

  “What troubles you, my love?” Adam asked whilst the bright, insistent sound of Gabriel’s Horn of Truth filled their ears.

  “I ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil!” Eve covered her ears. “I have done horrid things for which I shall never be forgiven by you or by God.”

  Adam stared at her and moved away shaking his head.

  “Why would you do such a thing?” He touched his eyes and stared at his fingers wet with tears. He clambered to his feet and his body drooped.

  “I was deceived.” Eve wept into her hands.

  “She sought to gain knowledge.” Lilith stepped from behind the bushes to reveal her angel form. “She shall be taken from you now.”

  “No! I shall never leave her side, for she is my companion, and I love her above all else.” Adam stood straighter.

  “The choice shall not be your own,” Lilith said.

  Adam clasped his hands over his head and paced side to side. Lilith strolled to him and placed a hand over his heart. He froze and stared with puckered brow.

  “Your heart flutters like the wings of a bird caught in a spider web.” She turned away. “There is but one way you can remain with your woman. You must join her in her disobedience to God. You must also eat of the fruit of this tree.” She gave a half shrug. “It is the only way you can remain together.”

  Adam looked at Eve’s expression, which was frantic with fear, and
made his choice. Lilith picked a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and sashayed to him.

  She placed the fruit in his hand. “Savor the taste of awareness.” She walked around him. “This fruit shall nourish your body and give you godlike wisdom.”

  Adam held the cold fruit in his hand. Lilith watched him with a fixed stare and passed her tongue over her lips. He glanced at Eve’s woeful face once more, and took a reluctant bite.

  Lilith threw her head back and shook with laughter. It was a cold, shrill cackle, piercing the air. She had damaged God’s prized beings. Her vengeance would soon be complete.

  Adam finished the fruit, and like Eve, his eyes were opened. He ogled his wife’s gorgeous naked body through different eyes. He heaved quick, shallow breaths. “A swarming heat surges through my body.” He took Eve’s hand and led her away from Lilith’s presence to a delightful lagoon. He tugged his wife closer. “I am unable to control my urges.” He kissed her with fervor, and they had lustful sex in the Garden.

  “You are a changed man, and I too am a different woman.” She gazed at him, and the tormented look on his face made her tremble. “Fear creeps into my soul and overwhelms my body, making it weary. We disobeyed God.”

  Adam wrapped his arms around her and they wept together. He whispered against her ear in a somber tone that was frightening. “We must hide.”

  Chapter 45

  Fruit of Wisdom

  “We can leave this place, for we have succeeded at what we embarked on.” Lilith jutted her chin. “We shall return once God has expelled the humans from the Garden. Thenceforth, we shall make this paradise our home.”

  “Perhaps we, too, should partake of this tree, Father,” Dracul said. “I am hungry, and I, too, desire to be wise like God.”

  Satan chuckled. He plucked a fruit from the tree, and as he passed the fruit to Dracul, it became sand in his hand and slipped through his fingers. Satan inhaled a sharp breath and grabbed another fruit, but it too disintegrated into sand in his hand. He made several more attempts, but each time the fruit crumbled. He stepped back.


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