by Max Boot
1 EGL to Harriman, Feb. 26, 1977, HI/EGL, box 3.
2 Friedman, Covert, 90; AI/FV.
3 EGL to CTRB, Feb. 5, 1975, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
4 PK postscript, EGL to CTRB, May 23, 1975, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
5 PK to EGL, July 4, 1977, PYPP.
7 EGL to PK, May 12, 1979, PYPP.
8 AI/AM.
9 Los Angeles Times, Jan. 14, 1986.
10 AI/JKS.
11 EGL to brothers, Nov. 29, 1986, GBPP.
12 OSD to OSD Security, “Memo for the Record,” May 16, 1984, HI/EGL, box 5.
13 Nation, July 7–14, 1984.
14 EGL interview, Journal of Defense & Diplomacy, July 1983.
15 EGL to brothers, Aug. 17, 1983, GBPP.
16 CTRB to EGL, June 28, 1982, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
17 EGL to CTRB, July 17, 1982, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
18 EGL to CTRB, Jan. 9, 1982, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
19 EGL to Peter Richards, Dec. 14, 1983, CCP, box 13, file 200.
20 EGL to Hubert Pooley, Oct. 4, 1983, CCP, box 5, file 103.
21 AI/DI.
22 EGL to Hubert Pooley, Oct. 4, 1983, CCP, box 5, file 103.
23 EGL to Cecil Currey, Jan. 8, 1986, CCP, box 10, file 190.
24 VVA Veteran, Dec. 1986.
25 WP, Feb. 24, 1987.
28 NYT, Feb. 24, 1987.
29 WP, Feb. 26, 1987.
30 Nation, March 7, 1987.
31 Currey to Dorothy Bohannan, March 11, 1987, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
32 Colby to EGL, Nov. 1, 1982, HI/EGL, box 2.
33 Currey to Dorothy Bohannan, March 11, 1987, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
34 “Edward Geary Lansdale Memorial Service,” GBPP.
35 Phillips, “A Eulogy for Ed Lansdale,” Feb. 27, 1987, GBPP.
36 Currey to Dorothy Bohannan, March 11, 1987, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
37 Currey to Peter Richards, April 15, 1987, CCP, box 13, file 200.
AFTERWORD: Lansdalism in the Twenty-First Century
1 EGL to Rose Kushner, March 21, 1983, HI/EGL, box 4.
2 EGL, Foreword, in Millett, Short, ix.
3 EGL to CTRB, March 10, 1980, CCP, box 13, file 198.1.
5 EGL, Foreword, in Millett, Short, ix.
6 EGL to Robert Komer, May 30, 1971, HI/EGL, box 4.
7 EGL, draft memoir, HI/EGL, box 76, file 264.
8 EGL to Lawrence E. Grinter, Jan. 17, 1975, HI/EGL, box 3.
9 EGL to Stacy Lloyd, Feb. 26, 1976, HI/EGL, box 1.
10 Colby interview, March 5, 1987, MLEPP.
11 EGL to Lawrence E. Grinter, Jan. 17, 1975, HI/EGL, box 3.
12 EGL, draft memoir, HI/EGL, box 76, file 264.
13 Joe Redick interview, March 19, 1987, MLEPP.
14 Kraemer interview, March 19, 1987, MLEPP.
AI: Ann Ingram
AM: Andy Messing Jr.
BD: Bui Diem
BP: Barbara Phillips
CM: Calvin Mehlert
CP: Clarita C. Pagulong
CW: Charles Wolf Jr.
DE: Daniel Ellsberg
DG: Donald Gregg
DI: Douglas Israel
DN: Don North
EC: Elyette Conein
EJE: Edward Jay Epstein
ELCL: Edward R. Lansdale and Carol H. Lansdale
FAS: Frank and Arden Staroba
FS: Frank Scotton
FSJ: Frisco San Juan
FV: Francisco Valeriano
FW: Frank G. Wisner II
GB: Ginger Brodie
HG: Hershel Gober
HK: Henry Kissinger
HS: Harvey Segall
JD: John Deutsch
JED: Joseph E. diGenova
JKS: John K. Singlaub
JRB: James R. Bullington
JTF: Jerome T. French
LHG: Leslie H. Gelb
LPR: Leah Pelaez-Ramos
ML: Mark Lynch
MLE: Marc Leepson
NVC: Nguyen Van Canh
PLCL: Peter Lansdale and Carolyn Lansdale
PT: Peter Tarnoff
RM: Ramon B. Magsaysay
RNG: Richard N. Goodwin
RP: Rufus Phillips
RVA: Richard V. Allen
RWS: Richard W. Smith
SK: Sven Kraemer
SVW: Samuel V. Wilson
TN: Thai Nguyen
TNC: Tran Ngoc Chau
TVD: Ted Van Dyk
VH: Victor Hugo
VHL: Vu Hoang Linh
AM: Ayala Museum, Manila.
EQP: Elpidio Quirino Papers.
CRP: Carlos Romulo Papers.
ADST: Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Arlington, Virginia.
THOH: Theodore J. C. Heavner Oral History, 1997.
CCP: Cecil Currey Papers, Fort Hays State University, Kansas.
CHA: Centre Historique des Archives à Vincennes, France.
CU: Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York City.
HR: Harper & Row Records.
WWN: W. W. Norton & Co. Records.
DDEPL: Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kansas.
JLCP: J. Lawton Collins Papers, Special Mission to Vietnam, 1954–1955.
ECLPP: Edward R. and Carol H. Lansdale Personal Papers, Garden City, New York.
GBPP: Ginger Brodie Personal Papers, Maple Shade, New Jersey.
HI: Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.
CB: Charles T. R. Bohannan Papers.
EGL: EGL Papers.
EGLOH/CRS: EGL Oral History, Congressional Research Service, box 79, file 285.
RVA: Richard V. Allen Papers.
STW: Samuel T. Wilson Papers.
HKP: Henry A. Kissinger Papers, Part II, Series I, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut.
HSTPL: Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Missouri.
MMC: Myron M. Cowen Papers.
JFMOH: John F. Melby Oral History Interview.
JFKPL: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston.
EGLOH: EGL Oral History.
JCT: James C. Thomson Personal Papers.
MGB: McGeorge Bundy Oral History.
NSF: National Security Files.
POF: President’s Office Files.
RG: Richard Goodwin Papers.
RWR: Richard W. Reuter Papers.
VHKOH: Victor H. Krulak Oral History.
LBJPL: Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, Texas.
EDOH: Elbridge Durbrow Oral History.
EGLOH: EGL Oral History.
KBOH: Keyes Beech Oral History.
LCOH: Lucien Conein Oral History.
NSF/VCF: National Security Files, Vietnam Country Files.
RHOH: Richard Helms Oral History.
RLGOH: Roswell L. Gilpatric Oral History.
STWOH: Samuel T. Williams Oral History.
WJCOH: William J. Connell Oral History.
WWP: William Westmoreland Papers.
WWROH: Walt W. Rostow Oral History.
LOC: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
CVWS: EGL Collection of Vietnam War Songs.
NS: Neil Sheehan Papers.
MCA/GBE: Graves B. Erskine Papers, Marine Corps Archives and Special Collections Branch Library, Gray Research Center, Quantico, Virginia.
MFF: Mary Ferrell Foundation, Ipswich, Massachusetts.
DEGL: Deposition of EGL, May 16, 1975.
IG: Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro (1967 Inspector General’s Report)
TEGL: Testimony of EGL, July 8, 1975.
TLC: Testimony of Lucien Conein.
TRH13: Testimony of Richard Helms.
17: Testimony of Richard Helms.
TRH18: Testimony of Richard Helms.
TRSM: Testimony of Robert S. McNamara.
TSH: Testimony of Samuel Halpern.
TTP: Testimony of Thomas Parrott.
TWE: Testimony of Walter Elder.
TWH: Testimony of William Harvey.
MHS/HCL: Henry Cabot Lodge Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
MNH/HHH: Hubert H. Humphrey Papers, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota.
MLEPP: Marc Leepson Personal Papers, Middleburg, Virginia.
MMM: MacArthur Memorial Museum, Norfolk, Virginia.
MSFRIC/EGL: EGL Papers, Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama.
MSU/WRF: Wesley R. Fishel Papers, Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan.
NARA: National Archives and Record Administration, College Park, Maryland.
CREST: CIA Records Search Tool.
JFKARB: JFK Assassination Review Board, Part I: Kennedy Administration Policy toward Cuba.
RG 84: State Department.
RG 226: OSS.
RG 263: CIA.
RG 330: Secretary of Defense.
RG 541: Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board.
NSA: National Security Archives, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
CMC: Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962.
EGL: EGL Papers.
EGL/SMM: Saigon Military Mission report.
RGD: Raymond Garthoff Donation Relating to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
NWC: Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island.
EGL: EGL Interview.
RASP: Raymond A. Spruance Papers.
NYP: New York Public Library, New York, New York.
ASP: Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers.
PCLPP: Peter and Carolyn Lansdale Personal Papers, Ponte Verde Beach, Florida.
PYPP: Patricia Yi Personal Papers, McLean, Virginia.
RPPP: Rufus Phillips Personal Papers, Arlington, Virginia.
RAC: Rockefeller Archives Center, Sleepy Hollow, New York.
RMNPL: Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, Yorba Linda, California.
RMP: Ramon Magsaysay Papers, Magsaysay Award Foundation, Manila.
RSPP: Rebekka Slone Personal Papers, Lindenhurst, New York.
SGMML: Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University.
AWDP: Allen W. Dulles Papers.
JFDP: John Foster Dulles Papers.
UCLA: UCLA University Archives, Library Special Collections, Los Angeles, California.
CCNOH: Cyril C. Nigg Oral History.
USAFA/EGLOH: EGL Oral History, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
VCA: Vietnam Center and Archives, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
BZOH: Barry Zorthian Oral History.
DPC: Douglas Pike Collection.
LBC: Larry Berman Collection.
OWOH: Ogden Williams Oral History.
RPP: Rufus Phillips Papers.
VNA: Vietnam National Archives No. 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
OPFR: Office of the President of the First Republic.
PA: Photo Archives.
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EGL: EGL Interview.
JLC: J. Lawton Collins Interview.
WJLP: William J. Lederer Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
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