by Max Boot
attempted murder of, 277–78
Smith, Walter Bedell, 164, 190
Snepp, Frank, 567, 568
Snow, Edgar, 76
Social Security Administration, 21
Soc Trang, Vietnam, 248, 343, 344–45
soft power, 317–18
Solomon Islands, 237
Somoza, Anastasio, 280, 281
Sorenson, Theodore, 349
Sorley, Lewis, 525
South, U.S., 439
South Africa, 49–50, 335
South China Sea, 195
South Korea, xlv, 195, 318, 519, 589
elections in, 281
South Pacific (musical), 58
South Vietnam, 155, 318
Bunker made ambassador to, 504, 505
Catholicism in, xxiv
censorship in, 426–27
creation of, xlviii, 18
destruction of, xxiv, xxxviii, 231
EGL’s desire for buildup of, xxiv
EGL’s study of convoluted politics of, 527
EGL’s sympathy for, 565
free-fire zones in, xxiv, 475
1963 coup in, xxxii, xxxv–xxxvi, 209, 260, 276, 297, 407, 412, 414–15, 419, 427, 433, 446, 447, 454, 456, 465, 476, 478, 563, 568, 573–74, 576
1964 coup in, 427–28, 436
1975 North Vietnam offensive against, 566–67, 574
North Vietnam refugees in, 221–23, 226–27, 234, 255, 296, 461–62
peace in, 280, 334–35
protests in, 427, 445
refugees from, 569–71
rise of, 295–96
Strategic Hamlets program in, xxxviii, 401–2, 408, 427
Taylor made ambassador to, 429
troops moving into Cambodia from, 542
U.S. advisers in, 171, 372–73, 429
U.S. aid cut off to, xxx
U.S. aid to, 429, 566
Vietminh pledge to leave, 215
Soviet Union, 168, 178
alleged U.S. missile gap with, 340
atomic bomb of, 94, 95
Castro’s alliance with, 376
Chinese split with, 437
CIA’s opening of mail to and from, 576
Czechoslovakia invaded by, 533
dissolution of, 593, 598
Hungary invaded by, 295, 301
missiles shipped to Cuba by, 396
as nation builder, 47
Operation Gold and, 390
Test Ban Treaty with, 441
U.S. détente with, 386, 584
Spain, 48, 70
Spanish-American War, 48, 593
Special Forces, Taiwan, Father Hoa armed by, 357
Special Forces, U.S., xxxiv–xxxv, 364, 369, 449, 590
Father Hoa armed by, 357
Special Forces, Vietnamese, xxxi
Special Group (Augmented), 381, 383, 388, 391, 393
Special Group (Counterinsurgency), 370
Special Operations, see Office of Special Operations (OSO)
Spellman, Cardinal Francis, 207, 208
Spock, Benjamin, 502
Spruance, Raymond, 143, 146, 153–54, 191, 236, 314, 346, 351
Stages of Economic Growth, The: A Non- Communist Manifesto (Rostow), 370
Stalin, Joseph, 95, 175, 177, 178, 333
Stalingrad, Battle of, 319
Stalin School, 175
Standard Oil, 228
Stanford University, 503, 534
State Department, U.S.:
Defense Department vs., 338
EGL’s disputes with, 356, 361, 374
and EGL’s task force report, 361
and EGL’s visit to Cambodia, 330
and failure of Bay of Pigs invasion, 377–78
and Gusano Libre, 393
McCarthy’s accusations against, 94–95
Ngo Dinh Nhu backed by, 282
and Operation Mongoose, 382
OSS disputes with, 38–39
and overthrow of Diem, xxviii, xxix
Policy Planning Staff, 97
Quirino criticised by, 107
and uprising against Diem, 264
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 35
Steinbeck, John, 509
Sternberg, David T., 141, 159
Stillwell, “Vinegar Joe,” xliii
Stillwell and American Experience in China (Tuchman), xliii
Stilwell, Richard G., 113
stock market, 301
Stone, Oliver, xlii, 421, 422
Strategic Hamlets program, xxxviii, 401–2, 408, 427
Students for a Democratic Society, 457, 533
Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 385
Suarez, Fortunato, 61–62
Suez Crisis, 295, 301, 468
Sukarno, 42, 297
Sullivan & Cromwell, 150
Sumatra, 40–41
Sundance Kid, 4
Sun Yat-sen, 202
Supreme Court, U.S., and Pentagon Papers case, 545
Sutherland, Donald, 421
Sweet, Charles, 506, 515, 518, 519, 523
Swenson, Eric P., 324
Switzerland, A. Dulles’s spy work in, 151
Syngman Rhee, 165, 282, 297
Taft, William Howard, 50
Taiwan, xlv, 280, 318, 440
elections in, 281
Tales of the South Pacific (Michener), 58
Tanada, Lorenzo, 143
Tan Son Nhut Airport, xxviii, 474, 505
Taoism, 202
Tarlac City, Philippines, 119, 558
Tarlac Province, Philippines, 70–71, 74
Tarnoff, Peter, 509
Taruc, Luis, 38, 67, 105
in Huk assault, 106
influenced by U.S., 76
and Magsaysay’s presidential victory, 166–67
in meetings with Magsaysay’s emissaries, 167–68
surrender and imprisonment of, 168, 192
Task Force W, 398
Taylor, Maxwell, 394, 430, 443, 545
background of, 369–70
Conein expelled from Vietnam by, 447
Diem’s overthrow opposed by, 405
end of term as South Vietnam ambassador, 454
on Kennedy’s reaction to Diem’s death, xxxvii
LBJ’s letter on Americans in Vietnam to, 448
made ambassador to South Vietnam, 429
Nguyen Khanh’s accusation of colonialism against, 446
Nguyen Khanh’s request for support from, 445
at Palace dinner, xxx
Saigon trip of, 369–74, 380, 429
Special Group (Augmented) chaired by, 381, 393
Special Group (Counterinsurgency) chaired by, 370
Vietnamese generals lectured by, 445–46
and volatility in Vietnam, 444
Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, xlviii–xlix, 202, 446, 527
Tehran, 152–53
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 366
television, 87–88
Templer, Gerald, xlv, 128–29, 319
Tempos, 101
Tennessee, 95
Tennessee Valley Authority, 21
terrorism, in Vietnam, 284
terrorists, 601
Tet, 480
Tet Offensive, 513, 515–20, 521, 529, 530, 533
Texas, 428, 449
Texas National Guard, 285
Texas Star Theater (TV show), 87–88
Thailand, 56, 329, 381, 429, 519
Thanh Thai, Emperor of Vietnam, 206
Theodore Segall Advertising Agency, 1
“Theses on the National and Colonial Questions” (Lenin), 174–75
Thich Quang Duc, xxii, xxvi–xxvii
Third Man, The (Greene), 59
Thirty-First Air Sea Rescue Squadron, 195
Thirty Years’ War, 233
Thomas, Evan, 379
Thomas, Lowell, 290
Thomasites, 50
Thompson, Robert, xlv
Thong Nhut (Reunification) Boulevard, 517
on Vietnam” (Lansdale), 448
338th Division, 333–34
Three Days of the Condor (film), 576
Thurmond, Strom, 439
Ti Bah, 240
Tibet, 152
Time, 17, 162, 164, 231, 428
Time-Life Building, 407
Times (London), 322
Times of Viet Nam, 293
titles, 471
Tito (Josip Broz), 104, 178
Tonkin, Vietnam, 172, 174
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 431–32, 444
Toscanini, Arturo, 151
Tower, John, 580
Training Relations and Instruction Mission (TRIM), 246–47, 269, 278–79
Tranh Dinh Lan, 234
and Hinh’s proposed coup, 235–36
Tran Le Xuan, see Nhu, Madame
Tran Ngoc Chau, 498
Tran Van Don, xxx
Conein’s meetings with, xxxiii–xxxiv
on EGL’s diminished status, 287
Tran Van Huong, 445
Tran Van Soai (Nam Lua), 202, 203
Treasure Island, 29–30, 43
Trimble, William C., 339–40
Trinh Minh Thé, 255, 275, 478, 518, 526
death of, 272–73
Diem defended by, 271
Diem’s derision of, 272
EGL’s complaints about, 261
in first meeting with EGL, 255, 256–57
French attempt to shoot, 257
French commander killed by, 255
and integration of troops into military, 255–58
Nguyen Van Vy made to repudiate Bao Dai by, 271–72
opposing views of, 254
in The Quiet American, 290, 292
United Front joined by, 260
wedding of son of, 508
Tri Quang, 499
Trujillo, Rafael, xxvii, 577
Truman, Harry S., 41, 77, 88, 95, 363
blamed for Communist takeover of China, 428
Ho’s appeals to, 178
Magsaysay’s meeting with, 140
military strength built up by, 301
National Security Medal created by, 164
Truman administration:
worried about Huk Rebellion, 107
worried about Italian Communists, 138
Truman Doctrine, 94, 441
Trung sisters, 318
Truong Nhu Tang, 569
Tuchman, Barbara, xliii
Tudor, William L., 197
Turkey, 94
Turner Joy, 431
Twain, Mark, 49
“Twenty-Seven Articles” (Lawrence), 602
Twining, Nathan, 113
203rd Tank Brigade, 568–69
Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life (Melville), 58
UFOs, 421
Ugly American, The (Burdick and Lederer), xliii–xliv, 12, 324–26, 327, 330, 462
Ugly American, The (film), 326–27
UH-1 Huey, 402
Ukraine, 152
Ulmer, Al, 297
U Minh forest, 250
Uncertain Trumpet, The (Taylor), 369
Unification Church, 14
United Front of Nationalist Forces, 260–64
United Nations, 339
United States:
Asian involvement of, 3, 5
concern with French Indochina War, 179–84
foreign aid of, 415, 435–36, 566
Indochina influence of, xxiii
Iraq policy of, xlv
as nation builder, 47–48, 50, 57
North Vietnamese invasion contemplated by, 573
Philippines influenced by, 48–49
rise of, 3
Soviet détente with, 386, 584
tactics in Vietnam by, 79
Vietnam alliance with, 598
Vietnamese aid cut off by, xxx
Vietnamese nation building desired by, 233–34
United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967, see Pentagon Papers
UPI, 419
urban warfare, 268
Uruguay, USS, 48
USAID, 436, 440, 446, 447, 472, 474, 493, 506
Rural Affairs office of, 408, 440, 447, 487
USIA, 473, 475
U.S. News & World Report, 201
“U.S. Strategy To Deal With ‘Wars of National Liberation,’” 370
Vagnozzi, Cardinal, 161
Valenti, Jack, 483
Valeriano, Napoleon “Poling,” 78, 203, 376, 465, 494
on Magsaysay, 124
Vance, Cyrus, 430
Vanderbilt, William H., III, 35, 36
Van Dyke, Ted, 441
Vann, John Paul, xliii, 403, 404, 544, 553–54, 595
death of, 554
funeral of, 554–55
on Vietnam tours with Ellsberg, 493
Van Tuong Peninsula, 458
Vatican, 137
Venezuela, 406, 465
Vesak Day protest, xxvi
Vichy regime, 176
Vietcong, 443, 447, 542
in Battle of Ap Bac, 403, 404
blunted by Strategic Hamlets, 402
creation of, 334
and Diem’s death, xxxviii
EGL on, 350
EGL’s desire to give land to prisoners, 359
EGL’s investigation of, 345–46
EGL’s plans for, 352
infrastructure lost in South by, 519
infrastructure of, 479
intensive U.S. firepower against, 524
JFK’s reaction to, 340–41
Mekong Delta resurgence of, 344
in mini-Tet, 523–24, 528
Nguyen Khanh considered U.S. puppet by, 429
in Operation Harvest Moon, 459–60
Operation Starlite vs., 458–59
Phuoc Thanh overrun by, 368–69
rising number of attacks by, 368
rising numbers of, 492
Saigon Military Mission’s alleged creation, 422
and South Vietnamese protests, 427
Sweet’s propaganda against, 506
in Tet Offensive, 513, 515–20, 521, 529, 530, 533
traps of, 345
U.S. push for retaliation against, 451
weapons of, 364–65
Vietminh, 234, 255, 265, 277, 514
alleged torture of Catholics by, 223–25
anti-American propaganda of, 241
death sentence on Diem, 207
Dien Bien Phu attacked by, 193–94
EGL’s claim of unpopularity of, 221
EGL’s forging of pamphlets by, 225
French ammunition dump blown up by, 197
French struggle against, 63, 173–74, 176, 178, 179, 181–82, 183, 186, 202
Mao’s aid to, 179
Nhu’s and Diem’s desire to eradicate from South, 283
Operation Liberty warnings of, 250
pledge to leave South Vietnam, 215, 245, 248
revenge on French-supported tribes by, 183
trails of, 334
worries about threat to U.S. consulate from, 228
“Vietminh Resistance Committee,” 225
Vietnam, l, 16, 24, 39, 41, 537
arrival of British troops in, 177
arrival of Chinese troops in, 177
Cambodia invaded by, 571–72
Chinese invasion of, 572
civic action in, 218, 442
conservative disapproval of, 503
corruption in, 204–5
dirty war in, 344–45
DMZ in, 372
EGL on possible fall of, 193
EGL’s desire for unification of, 360
French tactics in, 79
Ho Chi Minh’s declaration of republic in, 42
JFK’s visit to, 340
nation building in, 149, 213, 233–34, 248, 254, 288, 380
pacification in, 169, 244–46, 252, 360
partitioning of, 215
peace talks in, 542–43, 561–62
proclamation of Republic of, 177
warfare in, 182, 205, 216, 218, 225, 249–50, 359, 437
re-education camps in, 571
refugees from, 572
U.S. alliance with, 598
withdrawal zones in, 215
see also Indochina
Vietnam: A History (Karnow), xli–xlii
“Viet Nam: Still the Search for Goals” (Lansdale), 538
“Vietnamese Soothsaying,” 526–27
Vietnamese Workers’ Party, see Communist Party, Vietnamese
Vietnam War, 201, 593, 595
air cavalry tactics in, 130
and Bay Area military installations, 30
books on, xlvii
called “stalemate” by Cronkite, 520
causes of, xxiii–xxiv
Church’s opposition to, 580
Clifford’s desire to end, 521
computerization of, 366
conclusion of, 569
counterinsurgency in, see counterinsurgency
draft for, 503
EGL’s Foreign Affairs article on, 447
EGL’s paper on Nixon’s agenda for, 537–38
guerrilla warfare in, 490–91
Humphrey’s opposition to escalation of, 450–51
Le Duan’s directing of, 332
Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrols in, 131
pacification campaigns, see pacification
perception vs. reality in, 400–401
protests against, 457–58, 502–3
rise in North Vietnamese troops by, 490
search-and-destroy missions in, xxiv, 128
Tet Offensive, 513, 515–20, 521, 529, 530, 533
U.S. government tarnished by, 575
U.S. loss in, 49
U.S. tactics in, 79
U.S. troop reduction in, 541, 547
U.S. troops sent to, 372, 400–401, 490
Vietnam War, casualties of:
civilian, xxiv, 437, 443, 519
U.S., xxiv, 459, 519
Vietnamese, xxiv, 437, 443, 459, 523, 530, 554
Villa, Francisco “Pancho,” 285, 314
Village Voice, 585
Virgil, 369
Visayas, 105
Voice of America, 127, 136
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 425
Vo Nguyen Giap, 49
birth of, 206
cautiousness of, 333
Conein’s meeting with, 217
Dien Bien Phu attacked by, 194
Easter Offensive launched by, 553
education of, 206
French battle on Chinese border against, 179
French Indochina War directed by, 332
Ho’s introduction to, 175–76
supply lines of, 183
Voting Rights Act (1965), 425–26
Vung Tau, Vietnam, 294
Wake Island, 58
Walker, William, 390
Wallace, George, 503
Wall Street crash of 1929, 301
War Damage Commission, U.S., 66, 89
war of movement, 176
War of the Roses, 233
Warsaw Uprising, 268
Wars of German Unification, 233
Washington, D.C., 101, 140, 347–48, 533
Washington, George, 281
Washington Post, 425, 462, 481, 488–89, 515, 540, 547, 551, 556, 593–94