Tekkes (convents), 2:2
Tepedelenli Ali Pasha (Ali Pasha of Janina), 1:62–64
Greek War of Independence (1821–1832), 1:24–25
Teşkilat-i Mahsusa (Special Organization), 1:207; 2:61
Tevarih, 1:175
Tevfik Fikret (1867–1915), 1:193–194
Thessaly, Treaty of San Stefano (1878), 1:148
Thomas, Lowell, 1:137
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), 1:114–115
Congress of Berlin (1878), 1:17–18
Gallipoli and, 1:22–23
Three Emperors’ Alliance, 1:209–210
Throne, succession of, 1:xix
Timār (labor) (military fief), 1:xxiii, 108–109
administration, central, 1:103–104
Timur (1336–1405), 1:162–165; 2:83, 102
Battle of Ankara (1402), 1:5–6
legend of the curse of Timur the Lame, 1:164
Tomb of the Founder (Pir Evi), 2:2
Topal Osman Pasha, 1:143–144
Topkapi Palace, 1:103, 149–151, 152–153; 2:106
description of, primary documents, 2:165–170
administration, central, 1:106–107
Black Sea, 2:108
celāli (jelāli) revolts, 1:157
“Charshees, Bedestands, and Bazaars,” primary document, 2:231–232
Constantinople, strategic value of, 2:104–105
decline of Ottoman power, 1:xxx
India, routes to, 1:52, 82, 102, 133–134; 2:66, 80
Jewish populations, 1:216–218
Karim Khan Zand (ca. 1705–1779), 1:133–134
muhtasib and ihtisab, 1:138–140
Murad III (1546–1595) (r. 1574–1595), 2:126
“Ottoman Terms of Peace Accepted by Russia at Pruth (July 10/21, 1711),” 2:192–194
“Trade Guilds in the Ottoman Empire,” primary documents, 2:232–234
Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), 2:79
Wallachia, 1:228–229, 231
See also Economy
Trade Guilds, 1:139; 2:232–234
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49; 2:119
Transxoiana, 1:162–163
Mehmed III (1566–1603) (r. 1595–1603) and, 2:110–111
Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 1:32, 121; 2:136
Treasurers (defterdārs), 1:103, 104
Treasury, Tanzimat (reorganization), 1:159
Treasury chamber, palace, 1:xxii, 152
Treaty of Adrianople (1829), 1:1–3
Treaty of Amasya (1555), 1:3–4; 2:160
Treaty of Bucharest (1774), 1:224
Treaty of Constantinople (1913), 1:11; 2:59
Treaty of Edirne (1444), 2:124
Treaty of Edirne (1829), 1:26–27, 224–225, 231
Treaty of Erzurum (1823), 1:21
Treaty of Erzurum (1847), 1:21–22
Treaty of Gümrü (1920), 1:113
Treaty of Hünkār Iskelesi (1833), 1:xl, 27–28; 2:99
Treaty of Jassy (1792), 1:28–30; 2:153–154
Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 1:xxxiii–xxxiiv, 30–33, 121; 2:136
Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (Kuchuk Kaynarja) (1774), 1:34–36, 224, 230–231; 2:66, 199–200
Treaty of Kütahya (1833), 1:xl; 2:99
Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 1:li, 37–38, 115–116, 221
Treaty of London (1913), 1:xlviii, 11
Treaty of Paris (1856), 1:xlii–xliii, 18–21, 160, 225; 2:73
Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), 1:xxxv–xxxvi, 44–45, 51; 2:79
Treaty of Qasr-i Shirin (Kasr-i Sirin) (1639), 1:45–46; 2:131
primary document, 2:181–183
Treaty of San Stefano (1878), 1:xliv, 148, 201–202, 212–213, 225; 2:68
Congress of Berlin (1878), 1:16–18
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49, 113, 114, 221; 2:118–119
Treaty of Sistova (1791), 1:49–50
Treaty of Tafna (1837), 2:32
Treaty of Zsitvatorok (1606), 2:74
Tuğra ( tughrā ), 1:103
Tulip Period (Lale Devri) (ca. 1718-ca.1730), 1:xxxvi–xxxvii, 51–53; 2:80
Ibrahim Pasha (Nevşehirli Damad Ibrahim Pasha) (1662–1730), 1:81–82
Abdülhamid II (1842–1918) (r. 1876–1909), 2:69–70
Turhan Sultan, 2:112
Turkey, Republic of
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), 1:111–117
establishment of, 1:li
Kurds, 1:219–221
Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 1:37–38
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49
Turkish Hearth (Türk Ocaği), 1:169, 194
Turkish Straits, Treaty of Paris (1856), 1:19–20
Başkent (Bashkent), Battle of (1473), 1:12–14
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481) and, 2:107–108
Murad I (1326–1389) (r. 1362–1389), 2:120–121
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:165–167
Turks, origins of Ottoman Empire, 1:xxiv
administration, provincial, 1:109–110
introduction, 1:xvii, xviii
kādiaskers, 1:103
Urabi, Ahmad Pasha (1840–1911), 2:53–55
Uti possidetis (as you possess), 1:32; 2:136
Abbas I, Shah of Iran (1571–1629) and, 1:99, 100
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481) and, 2:107–108
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:165–167; 2:107–108
Battle of Başkent (Bashkent) (1473), 1:12–14
Vakif, 1:108, 110, 110
Vālide sultan, 1:126
Battle of Başkent (Bashkent) (1473), 1:12–13
Battle of Lepanto (1571), 1:39
Bayezid II (1447–1512) (r. 1481–1512), 2:86
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481), 2:107, 108–109
Mehmed IV (1642–1693) (r. 1648–1687), 2:112–113, 162
Mustafa II (1664–1703) (r. 1695–1703), 2:136–137
Süleyman I (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:158–159
Süleyman II (1642–1691) (r. 1687–1691), 2:162–163
Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 1:30–33, 31–32, 121
Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), 1:44–45
See also Italy
Visiting dignitaries, protocol for, 1:105–106
primary documents, 2:170–172
Vizier-i azam (sadr-i azam) (Grand vizier), role of, 1:103, 107
Viziers of the dome, 1:103
Vlad III the Impaler (Dracula) (r. 1448, 1456–1462, 1476–1477), 1:229, 231
Vladislav (Ladislas), 2:123
ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad (1703–1792), 2:44–46
Ibn Saud Family, 2:47
Sufism and, 2:20–21
Wallachia, 1:228–232
administration, provincial, 1:109
“A European Account of the Ottoman-Russian War of 1768–1774,” 2:194–199
Crimean War (1853–1856) and Treaty of Paris (1856), 1:19–21; 2:73
Mehmed III (1566–1603) (r. 1595–1603) and, 2:110–111
Murad II (1404–1451) (r. 1421–1444, 1446–1451), 2:122–123
Süleyman II (1642–1691) (r. 1687–1691), 2:162–163
Treaty of Adrianople (1829), 1:1–3
Treaty of Jassy (1792), 1:29
Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 1:31–32
Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (Kuchuk Kaynarja) (1774), 1:35–36
Treaty of Sistova (1791), 1:49–50
Treaty of Zsitvatorok (1606), 2:74
White eunuchs, 1:122–123
White Sheep Turkoman
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481) and, 2:107–108
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:165–167
Wine, 2:7
Bektaşi (Bektashi) Order, 2:2
eunuchs and, 1:122–123
food and dining, 2:5, 7–8, 10
harems, 1:122–123, 125–126
Kösem Sultan (ca. 1589–1651), 2:89–90, 92–94, 112, 128, 133, 134, 147–148
“Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Accounts of Women in the Ottoman Empire,” 2:183–192
“Of the Persons Which Live in the Seraglio; and Chiefly of the Women, and Virgins,” 2:172–179
Saffiye Sultan, 2:109–110
Turhan Sultan, 2:112
Women’s rights
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), reforms of, 1:116
World War I
Arab Revolt (1916–1918), 1:6–8
Armenia and, 1:206
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), 1:111
Bosnia, pre-War events, 1:210
Cemal Pasha (Jemal Pasha) (1872–1922), 1:69
Congress of Berlin (1878), 1:xlv, 18
Enver Pasha (1881–1922), 1:71–72
Gallipoli, 1:23
Hussein ibn Ali (1854–1931) and the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence (1915–1916), 2:41–43, 222–223
Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia) (1888–1935), 1:134–138
“McMahon-Hussein Correspondence of 1915: Sir Henry McMahon’s Second Note to Sharif Hussein (October 24, 1915),” 2:222–223
Mehmed V Reşad (Reshad) (1844–1918) (r. 1909–1918), 2:116–117
Ottoman Empire and, 1:xlviii–l
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:50–51
Talat Pasha (1874–1921), 1:95–96
Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 1:37–38
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49
Young Turks and, 2:55, 60
Writers. See Historians, writers, poets, and scholars
Yahya al-Shirvani al-Bakubi, 2:14
Yavuz (the Terrible). See Selim I (1465–1520) (r. 1512–1520)
Selim II (1524–1574) (r. 1566–1574), battles with, 2:151
Yeni çeri (new soldier) corps, 1:117–119
Yildiz (Star) Palace, 1:151
Young Ottomans (Yeni Osmanlilar)
Namik Kemal (1840–1888), 1:187–189
Tasvir-i Efkār (Representation of Opinions), 2:51–53
Ziya Pasha (Abdülhamid Ziya) (1825/1826 or 1829/1830–1880), 1:195–197
Young Turks, 2:55–61
Adivar, Halide Edib (Halide Edib) (1883–1964), 1:169–170
Ahmed Riza (1859–1930), 2:40–41
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), 1:111
Cemal Pasha (Jemal Pasha) (1872–1922), 1:68–70
collapse of Ottoman Empire, 1:xlvii–li
Enver Pasha (1881–1922), 1:70–73
Gökalp, Ziya (1876–1924), 1:179–180
Mehmed V Reşad (Reshad) (1844–1918) (r. 1909–1918), 2:116–117
Talat Pasha (1874–1921), 1:95–96
“The Young Turk Revolution: The Second (1909) Constitution of the Ottoman Empire, Selected Articles,” 2:220–222
Yusuf Akçura (Akçuraoglu Yusuf) (1876–1935), 1:194–195
Ypsilantis, Alexandros (Alexander), 1:1, 24–25, 64
Yusuf Akçura (Akçuraoglu Yusuf) (1876–1935), 1:194–195
Zand dynasty
Karim Khan Zand (ca. 1705–1779), 1:132–134
Zeāmat (sword fief), 1:108–109
Zenta, Battle of (1697), 1:120–121
Zionism, 2:43
Balfour Declaration (1917), 1:8, 9–10; 2:226
Ziya al-Din Khalid (d. 1827), 2:20–21
Ziya Bey (Ziya Pasha), 1:188, 195–197
Ziya Pasha (Abdülhamid Ziya) (1825/1826 or 1829/1830–1880), 1:195–197
Zohab (Zuhab), Treaty of Erzurum (1847), 1:21–22
Zsitvatorok, Treaty of (1606), 2:74
The Ottoman Empire: a Historical Encyclopedia [2 Volumes] Page 89