Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6)

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Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6) Page 20

by Camille Taylor

  It would all be over soon. He took solace in knowing that. This job has been the hardest of his career and had no plans to experience it again.

  But it had to be done otherwise it was his life on the line and the one thing Christian Jackson knew how to do was to take care of himself.

  He broke the lock easily. Obviously, they were not security conscious people or they thought that lock would be sufficient. He had just proved in about thirty seconds that wasn’t the case.

  He opened the window, the sound not carrying far and slipped inside careful not to leave any fingerprints behind. He already knew the cops were looking for him in relation to the double murder but once he did this job for Hunter he would clean up his mess, pin it on someone else and provide a reasonable explanation for his prints being found at the scene.

  But until then, the last thing he wanted was for the police to connect the kidnapping with the murders. This was between him and Bethany Bennett.

  The poor girl had no idea who she was dealing with. She had been closeted away from the real world, hidden behind wealth and power. He felt sorry for her. It wasn’t fair that she should have to pay the price for another man’s war but that was what he was being paid to do and sometimes the innocent got hurt. He was all too aware of that fact, had gunned down his fair share of brothers and fathers but he suddenly realised, never a sister, wife or mother.

  Until tonight.

  He crept along the hallway. He found the bedroom he wanted. The child was curled up on her side, her face towards the door. He glanced cautiously at the only other door which he assumed was the main bedroom where the parents were asleep and let out a sigh of relief that it was closed.

  He looked down at the sleeping child, so innocent. He pushed a lock of hair from her face gently. Poor kid. She was going to wake up to a nightmare. One that might never end.

  Just get on with it.

  Bending down, he covered her mouth with his hand. She stirred beneath the sheets at the pressure and opened her eyes. Her big doe eyes blinked sleepily at him, widening in fear when she didn’t recognise him and started to struggle.

  He quickly swaddled her in her sheets, restricting her movements before adding a makeshift gag. After a threat to kill her parents she didn’t resist further or scream and lifting her over his shoulder, he walked out the front door into the night.

  Chapter 39

  Reclining on the chaise in the sunroom, her hand tucked beneath her head, Bethany read the newest Meredith Baker novel on her e-reader. She was halfway through when she glanced up to find Declan watching her from the doorway. Her breath trapped in her throat, she surveyed him as he moved towards her like a lioness stalking her prey. The fabric of his shirt stretched across wide shoulders, displaying the taut stomach and hard chest she knew was hidden beneath his shirt. His muscles rippled as he moved, his biceps revealed by the short sleeves. Without a doubt, he was the most delectable male specimen she’d ever laid eyes on. Her heart raced and her body heated. Would she never stop reacting him?

  “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “W-why?” She hated how pathetic she sounded.

  Rarely did anyone find love their first time. Still, a part of her remained hopeful she could win him over. Apparently, she wasn’t finished dreaming.

  “I want to know if you’d like to train. Do you feel up to it? It’s been a few days since the stitches were removed and with an injury like that it’s best to stretch the scar tissue otherwise when you do get back into strenuous activities it can be even more painful.”

  Beth’s stomach dropped. A shaky breath left her lips. “What’s the point? All the training in the world won’t save me.”

  Declan’s blond eyebrows slashed downwards. “What are you talking about?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding? Ah, how about the other night? I could barely move let alone do something about it.”

  Declan let out a deep breath as he firmly planted himself on the chaise beside her hip. She could feel the heat from his body soak through her clothes, warming her already hot body. “It’s different to go up against an unknown enemy than one that’s out in the open and looks you in the eye before they kill you.”

  Tears blurred her vision and she cursed her weakness. “I’m scared.”

  “Anyone in your position would be. For Christ’s sake, I was scared. I was even more scared when I had to carry you into the ER. But you can’t let that stop you. Are you just going to sit around and let them scare you or are you going to do something about it?”

  Bethany thought about it. She was scared but that was an emotion she couldn’t control. Since she’d known Declan, she’d been through a hailstorm of emotions, desire, fear, a sense of accomplishment, she didn’t want to be a coward and the truth was she was a coward. For years, she had allowed her father to dictate her life because she had been afraid to fight him for her independence. But she had learned a lot in the short time Declan had been here. She stood, leaving the e-reader on the chaise.

  “Good.” He moved the furniture to make room. “Remember what I said, fight dirty. We’ll go easy today, ease you back into physical activity.”

  She stretched her muscles, preparing herself for the gruelling fight she knew was coming. Declan may say he was going to be easy on her, but he also wanted her to be able to defend herself and the two didn’t go together.

  Bethany bounced on the spot, preparing her body to spring and in self-defence, it was easiest if you remained quick on your feet and didn’t stay in the one spot too long.

  “When you’re ready.” Declan’s body poised for attack.

  She nodded and he moved so swiftly, he was a blur. She only just managed to move out of the way before he came barrelling down on her. Without allowing Declan a moment to re-evaluate the situation, Bethany moved in.

  As her hand reached out towards him, he spun around and easily blocked her. He then knocked her back with such force she almost stumbled.

  “Where’s your strength? I could knock you to the floor with one blow, tap into that survival instinct.”

  Bethany stared at him in hopelessness. “I don’t know how.”

  “Then tap into your anger. You’re pretty strong when you’re angry, trust me. Capture that anger and channel it. Use it against me.”

  She didn’t have the opportunity to think about what he said before he attacked again. He pushed her back and she fell to the ground with a thud. Bethany scrambled to her feet as he descended on her once again. Without using much force, he used his fist to poke at her shoulder, just enough to make it sting and her body sway, requiring her to step back in order to keep her footing.

  Declan was relentless. He poked and prodded at her, making her body jerk and her balance falter. Her shoulder ached painfully and she knew she was on the verge of tears.

  She didn’t want to cry any more than she wanted to be useless. She didn’t want to be a target and was sick of the constant threats. She was sick of being a pawn in people’s games and she was sick of being pushed around, even by those who had her best interests at heart. It was well past time she fought back.

  Bethany shoved at Declan’s hard chest. She flew at him, her fists landing with force shocking her, each one hitting their targets repeatedly. He grunted but she didn’t stop. He blocked her attacks, pushing her arms away roughly before they had a chance to connect. That didn’t stop her. Her energy and strength came out of nowhere and Declan’s face blurred until he was nothing but a threat against her.

  Bethany’s fists were everywhere. Just as soon as Declan blocked one, another was there and then another. The occasional stomach shot slipped past his defences and only served to fuel her more.

  She pushed him back with her advance, a taste of power igniting her senses. Bethany used every technique, every tactical approach Declan had taught her against him, causing him to retreat.

  Somewhere along the way, a new Bethany Bennett was born, this one stronger and more confident than her predecessor. Al
l the qualities which had laid dormant inside her suddenly come alive with a vengeance. She was a Bennett, her father’s daughter.

  Bethany felt alive, invigorated, her blood running hotly through her veins and it wasn’t the adrenaline or endorphins or a combination of the two that caused this transformation. It was her.

  And she had Declan to thank.

  He grabbed her wrists tightly, stilling her attack and her foot jerked out, sweeping his feet from under him. Declan hit the ground hard, taking her down with him, her breath rushing out with the force of the impact as she landed on the granite wall he called a chest.

  Bethany collected her breath. Looking down into Declan’s eyes, she smiled. “Thanks.” She kissed him hard on the mouth.

  All these years she’d allowed her father to control her, to manipulate her to suit his needs never taking for herself. Now anything and everything was possible.

  A new range of opportunities had opened up and she couldn’t wait to embrace the life she had always been denied. But first she had to remove a certain problem from her life and his name was Isaac Hunter. So long as he was still out there she would never be safe, never truly be free and she could no longer abide that. Before, she would’ve said ‘oh well’ but not today—not ever again.

  Bethany made a move to stand. Declan tightened his hold on her wrists and pulled her back down to him, he released one wrist and moved his free hand to cup the back of her neck and drew her mouth down to his.

  Fireworks exploded in her head as Declan took possession of her mouth. His tongue glided over hers and teased mercilessly. Bethany kissed him back with all the passion burning inside her. The world turned on its axles. One minute she was looking down on him and the next she felt the floor beneath her back as Declan rolled her over, swapping the dominant position so he was on top. Heat instantly suffused her.

  His hands moved freely over her body, dipping beneath her clothes to slide over bare skin. She shivered as his hand cupped her breasts through the lace bra and her heart began to pound in her chest. Moaning low in her throat, her hips automatically rose to meet his.

  “Shouldn’t you be stopping yourself?” The words were breathless. She was losing control fast, the ravenous need she had experienced over a week ago, renewed and more potent than ever.

  Declan ground his hips into the apex of her thighs and his impressive erection prodded against her. “I’m trying, believe me, I’m really trying.” He took her mouth again with rapacious hunger.

  “I thought we weren’t doing to do this.” Shut up, Bethany!

  He caught her face between his hands. “I changed my mind. I tried to resist. I failed. I can’t promise anything. This can’t go anywhere. We come from entirely different worlds but when you were unconscious, I thought you may die and a pain I’ve never felt before crushed me. So, if you’re willing, let’s see where this goes.”


  Declan threw Bethany down on the bed. Her greedy gaze devoured him as he undressed. He had never had any woman look at him with unrestrained pleasure before and the fact Bethany did, only served to inflame him more.

  Bethany stood on the bed like a naughty child. She might be naughty but she certainly wasn’t a child. Slowly she began undressing provocatively, drawing out what should have been a ten-second job into minutes, moving about on top of the bed with sexy movements as if she was dancing with herself. By the time she was done, Declan was thoroughly aroused.

  Naked, he sheathed himself, noting Bethany’s avid interest as he rolled the condom over his length. “Come here.” He held out his hand to her.

  Again, Bethany took her time, making the most of the few steps it took to stand before him, her hips swaying enticingly, her breasts in line with his eyes, the pink nipples already hard with anticipation. She bent down and kissed him. Kissed him, he noted with the same vigour and skill he had her. He’d taught her more than self-defence.

  Declan ran his hands down her back, tracing her spine all the way to the cleft of her backside and squeezed the lush, ripe buttocks. Bethany made a sound of delight so he squeezed again before returning to caressing touches.

  Bethany shivered under his palms as they worked their magic up and down her body, stopping to give unrestrained attention to certain key areas but soon he had enough of teasing, his control slipping and he grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her legs out from under her. He followed her down as she hit the soft mattress.

  She protested, pushing at his chest until he was on his back and quickly mounted him. Smiling mischievously at him, she closed a fist around him, pumping slowly.

  Declan groaned in pleasure at the sensation of her small hand around him and raised his hips. Bethany touched him slowly at first, tentatively but soon became bolder. She explored the differences in their bodies, delighting in the rough textures and hard panes of his.

  “I’ve always wondered about this position.” The interest in her tone was clear as she positioned herself to take him into her body. He made a few amendments before allowing her to hold him as she slowly began to descend. She closed her eyes, her head falling back and he felt her inner muscles grip at him, tightening around his intrusion.

  Bethany couldn’t be more magnificent if she tried. A surge of possession flowed through him knowing he’d been the only man inside her, who had shown her how to enjoy her body and his. He hadn’t thought it mattered but he’d been wrong. He liked it a lot.

  She rocked back and forth on top of him as she waited for her body to adjust around him, little shivers of ecstasy overcoming her.

  “I don’t mind, its easy access to the parts that interest me.” He weighed her breasts in his hands, rolling his thumbs over the distended beads. Bethany bit her lip and threw her head back as one hand headed south to disappear in the thatch of blonde curls between her legs and sought out the swollen nub.

  Her breathing hitched at the onslaught of sensations as she began moving, riding him hard and fast until they were both lost. She squeezed him and he knew she was close. He gripped her hips, lifting her, assisting her in the final moments. His own hips bucked, making her take every inch of him right before she convulsed, her body becoming boneless as she collapsed on him.

  She hugged his cock, her viselike grip sucking at him, milking him as the tremors overcame her, releasing the inner turmoil they had created in each other. With one final plunge upward, he found his own fulfilment, stiffening as the tide of tension broke inside of him with his release and he growled into the room as he came inside her. The explosion starting in his toes and working its way up to the top of his head. He relaxed, his energy leaving him sated and languid.

  “Jesus Christ!” He tightened his arms around Bethany. From the shallowness of her breathing he knew she was sleeping.

  What was he going to do? He wasn’t sure he could let her go. Not now that he’d gotten to know her, to taste her and everything she had to offer. He wanted more. But could he allow himself to dream? Could there possibly be a future for them?

  Her life couldn’t be farther from his. Then there’s his current predicament. He had no idea what the future would hold. How could he ask her to risk so much and after the way he’d treated her in the past? He’d been surprised she’d even allowed him to touch her after the last time. The trust she showed him left him breathless.

  Bethany really was a gem. Now he just had to figure out if he could be selfish enough to take her.

  And more importantly, would Beth want him as a permanent fixture in her life?

  He’d made so many mistakes and yet still, she lay in his arms firmly sealing herself into his heart.

  Chapter 40

  Declan narrowed his eyes as his ears strained to find the source of disturbance which broke his concentration. He moved the laptop to the coffee table in front of the sofa, having planned to get some paperwork done then sliding back into bed with Bethany before she woke. He sprang to his feet in one lithe movement. Gripping the handle of his Glock, feeling it’s comforting weigh
t in his hand, he moved silently to the window. He peeked through the crack of the heavy maroon drapes. A figure moved in the stillness of the night, approaching the mansion slowly, cautiously. His silhouette fell over Declan as he neared.

  Declan’s muscles tensed. He moved quietly through the house, checking and securing the external doors and windows.

  Someone stirred, their footsteps loud in the silence and in the distance four beeps echoed loudly. Glancing over at the alarm panel, the light turned from red to green. Armed to disarmed.

  A muffled scream followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor reached him and Declan moved quicker. A door closed and he knew the intruder had breached the safety of the house.

  He stepped into the small alcove nearby and stood beside the potted fern, waiting. His prey moved confidently in the dark as if he knew exactly where he was going.

  He headed straight for the stairs. The man passed the alcove and Declan came up behind him. The intruder must’ve sensed his presence at the last minute and spun around.

  Declan found himself looking into the eyes of a man not much older than Bethany. Never send a boy to do a man’s job. The boy’s hand was shaking, the gun he held probably heavier than he expected. He wasn’t a killer. Declan could see that right away. But he was a fanatic and he knew what they would do when pushed and could only guess what Hunter had filled their heads with, brainwashing the poor saps.

  He eyed the gun warily, the long barrel on the end was easily recognisable as a silencer. It was obvious what the kid’s task was. He tampered down the rush of anger he felt at the kid entering Bethany’s room and shooting her. Now was not a time to lose control of his emotions.

  The hand holding the gun shook violently and Declan knew the kid was getting tired. He soon wouldn’t be able to hold his arm up and that was bound to scare the shit out of him and when people panic all hell breaks loose.


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