Stark Shadows (Stark Trilogy Book 2)

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Stark Shadows (Stark Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Bradley,CD

  “Owen...” She took one of her hands from his face and ran it through his dark hair. “You are the fire. If I let myself love you there won’t be anything left of me to hold on to.” She shook her head. She knew it was true. Like a moth she would be consumed by the flame in the darkness. She wanted to run like hell but she knew it was too late. Owen Stark was more dangerous than anything that lurked in the shadows.

  He scooped her up with one arm, tossed her back onto the bed and descended upon her in one swift motion. “Kira Riley,” His low tone vibrated through every inch of her existence, “I’m going to remind you why no one else will ever do.” He lowered down onto her, his body was still drenched but incredibly warm. The scent of his cologne wrapped her up like a blanket sending the pleasure centers of her brain into overdrive. He took her left arm and pinned it over her head. With his knee he spread her legs apart so that he was lying between them. The rugged pressure of his jeans on hers sent her reeling. His deep blue green eyes stared into hers pulling her in, beyond any bounds of this life or the next. She closed her eyes and felt his lips brush hers. The contact, soft at first, until his tongue met hers and then built as if the need was to too great to restrain any further. His other hand came up and found her breast caressing deeply then moving to lift her neck as his lips moved down. “I want to taste every fucking inch of you.” He growled into her ear. Kissing down to the edge of her faded t-shirt. He paused annoyed by the hindering fabric and ripped it off over her head. He closed back in on her like a starved predator with his prey. His lips brushed her collar bone and then made their way to her breast. Svelte fingers did away with the lacy fabric and his mouth claimed her nipple sending bolts of electricity rippling directly to her clit. Kira moaned loudly unable or unwilling to restrain the pleasure.

  “Owen wait.” She tried to protest even though every inch of her was screaming yes!

  “You haven’t seen anything yet baby.” His throaty laugh gave way to another growl as his warm mouth moved down her abdomen. Kira shivered with anticipation as he reached the waist band of her jeans. Oh Fucking hell yes! Kira abandoned all reason. This man. This beautiful sex god was about to take her to the place only he could. His fingers closed around the denim fabric tearing the button loose.

  BANG… BANG…. BANG… someone began beating incessantly on the door. “Owen are you in there?” Zoe’s panic stricken voice came blaring into the room followed by more banging.

  “Mother Fucker.” Stark cursed under his breath. His eyes still wild he finally answered. “What’s wrong Zoe? What the hell?”

  “Owen please open up. Paige is missing!” Zoe was yelling hysterically. Stark jumped up and went to the door throwing it open.

  Zoe’s tear streaked face told them she wasn’t joking. Stark put a calming hand on her shoulder and brought her in the room. “Now calm down and tell me what happened.”

  “The police…. found her car” She choked out between sobs.

  “Whose car?” Stark questioned as he sat Zoe in a chair giving Kira time to put her shirt back on.

  “Paige’s I haven’t been able to reach her all day. So I called a friend of her’s at the station. He said it was too early to file a missing person’s report but he would keep a look out. Then they found a car by the railroad tracks. The officer recognized it as hers.” Zoe’s voice broke, “and they knew something… was wrong.”

  Kira dressed quickly and joined them. She had wasted so much time with Lysander and Stark. Paige was missing and every hour counted. “I found her cell phone this morning that’s why I came. I thought she would be here.”

  “I haven’t been able to reach her either that’s why I came tonight. Then James said you were in here with Lysander and I lost my shit looking for you.” Stark took Kira’s hand

  “The police are downstairs. They have a bunch of questions. Lysander is with them now trying to help.” Zoe blurted and took Kira’s other hand to lead her down stairs.

  “OK let’s all just take a breath and calm down. We don’t know for certain that Paige is missing. If she is missing, then we need level heads to look at all possibilities to bring her home safe.” Stark tried to calm the girls, but his gut told him something was very wrong.

  Chapter 8

  They followed a trembling Zoe down stairs to talk with the police. Kira recognized the older officer as soon as she crested the stairs and her stomach lurched. The rotund man’s eyes met hers. Kira wanted to sink into the carpet. Maybe he won’t recognize me in jeans and a t-shirt. His scowl turned into a smirk and he went on questioning Lysander. He recounted that he hadn’t seen or talked to Paige all day. He had expected her in the evening and actually thought she had arrived when he saw Zoe on one of the videos. He noted that since Paige came and went throughout several shows and in whatever room she chose he didn’t always see her until later in the night. He offered to show them to Paige’s suite to see if that could be of any help.

  Next they turned to Kira. The rotund officer looked her up and down again brows deeply furrowed. When Kira gave them the cell phone the officer began to grill her about the last time she saw Paige. “So when was the last time you spoke with Miss Clarke? The officer narrowed his eyes as if he expected her to lie.

  Kira swallowed hard. “Do you mean Paige?” She asked confused.

  He took a look at his notes. “Sandra Clarke aka Paige. When was the last time you spoke with Paige?”

  Kira handed over Paige’s phone. She hadn’t told Stark or anyone here what happened, or what she thought happened the night that Stark stood her up at Garden of the Gods. “This morning in my apartment. She um stayed over.” Kira began feebly. This was it she was going to have to tell them all. Waves of dread washed over her. The nightmare was beginning again. It was like reliving the most painful part of her past in slow motion. Only this time she knew how the story ends. All eyes turned to her.

  “She stayed over?” Stark interrupted confused. The greasy officer was fully smiling now as if he had caught her in something. The satisfied smile on his hoggish face made her nauseous.

  “She has been staying there some” Zoe offered, “Since Kira was in the hospital. Paige was worried about her.”

  “When were you in the hospital and why?” The officer questioned.

  Kira took a deep breath. “It was 10 days ago.” Kira started.

  “That’s the day after I was deployed. What the hell happened?” Stark stood before her waiting.

  “I…I waited for you and you never came so I went home and took a shower. I guess I fell possibly and hit my head. Anyway I was knocked out and didn’t wake up until the next day when Captain Holt found me.” Kira hoped they wouldn’t notice all the missing details in her story. She couldn’t bear to tell them what she thought had happened. No one was going to believe her anyway. But what if whoever hurt me has Paige? I have to tell them everything. Kira knew if the officers checked out the hospital records they would find the alcohol level and think she had been intoxicated. Kira still couldn’t explain how that had happened. She wanted to help find Paige more than anything but no one was going to believe her.

  “The little shit came to your house and what he just has a key? How the fuck did he get in? Were you lying naked on the floor?” Stark boiled. Kira knew he could tell she was holding out details.

  “I’m not sure. I just woke up in the hospital and that’s what he told me.” Kira stammered. “I don’t remember anything after passing out. There was just this awful pain and I passed out.” Kira wanted to tell them but what could she actually say. It was most likely a bad dream. No one would believe that someone broke into her apartment knocked her out, brutalized her and then somehow nearly overdosed her with alcohol.

  “Where you hurt? Did they check you out? Did he fucking touch you?” Stark was seething. His dark skin pale with rage. “What the hell happened Kira? What are you not saying?”

  Kira began crying. “The truth is I don’t know what happened.” Hell they were all going to fucking find ou
t anyway. Kira wrung sweaty palms. 15 minutes ago Stark was upstairs begging her to love him. What would he think now? “The hospital said I had a near lethal blood alcohol level but other than one glass of wine at the Garden of the Gods I didn’t drink anything. When they tested my blood the next day it was still intoxicated. I…” Kira sobbed. “after I hit my head I dreamed I was being raped, beaten and then strangled. But it had to be just a dream a terrible nightmare because when Holt found me I was alone.” Kira put her hands over her face. She knew they must think she was crazy.

  “Did they examine you at the hospital? Did they do a rape kit?” The Officer questioned making more note.

  “I don’t know. I was out for the ER part. When I woke up I was in a private room. But I never told anyone there about being hurt or possibly raped.” Kira struggled through the words. She knew how foolish she sounded.

  “Why the hell not?” Stark nearly yelled.

  “Because I didn’t think anyone would believe me anyway. I didn’t want to sound crazy.” Kira fumbled.

  “What’s fucking crazy is being brutalized and not telling anyone.” Stark shot back.

  “Did your ass burn?” Zoe shot out. Everyone stopped and looked at her.

  “What?” Kira choked out. “What the hell kind of question is that?”

  “You know your ass hole. Did it burn? I’m just saying because if you do an alcohol enema you can get really fucked up and not know it. People have even died from it.” Zoe went chattering on about fraternities and putting alcohol tampons up someone’s ass when they passed out and how some kid died that way.

  “Who would fucking do something like that?” Kira was so confused and upset. “Why would someone want to sneak into my apartment and overdose me on alcohol and leave?”

  “Maybe someone wanted you to look like you killed yourself. Maybe they just wanted to rape you and it got out of hand, I don’t know I was just thinking if your ass burned it might be a possibility? Your boy Holt is kind of a sick fuck. Maybe he just wanted a little piece of ass?” The officer was writing as fast as Zoe was talking.

  “Wait seriously stop. Holt had nothing to do with this. I don’t think he did anything but come check when I didn’t show up for work. Honestly please don’t drag him into this.” Kira felt panic boiling up in her stomach.

  “So what you are defending the little shit now?” Stark wasn’t having it. “Did you drink or not? Have you seen Paige or not? Are you fucking the little shit or what?”

  “No. God damn it Owen! No I’m not fucking him. I just don’t want him being accused of something that he didn’t do. The last time I saw Paige was this morning. She was still sleeping on the couch. I had an early meeting with my CO before clinic. Paige has been amazing. She installed cameras at my house and…” Kira froze and her eyes lit up. “The cameras! Maybe they will show something. Paige had a security system installed!” Kira was nearly screaming.


  Kira rode with the officers and Zoe to her apartment. A fuming Stark followed on his motorcycle. Despite the officers telling him there was no need for him to come along he had responded with “The hell there isn’t!” and followed directly behind the patrol car all the way to her apartment. Once inside they turned on her computer and watched the screen. Kira pulled up the feed from the last 24 hours. They saw Paige get up, lounge around read a magazine and use her phone she set her purse down on the couch and got ready to leave. When she picked up her purse the phone slipped out but Paige didn’t seem to notice. The outside camera caught her get into the bell air and leave. About 15 minutes later a man walked up into view of the outside camera. He turned his head away directly avoiding it as if he knew it was there. He wore a hoodie and jeans and managed to stay out of the direct line of sight. He attempted to unlock the door but the key didn’t fit. Kira nearly threw up. He had a copy of her key. He had been in her apartment before! Kira sat rocking back and forth as they watched in horror. Just then the front corner of the Bel Air pulled into view. Oh Shit! Paige must have come back for her phone. The man at the door was getting frustrated with the key and didn’t notice Paige coming up the walk.

  “Oh Shit No baby!” Zoe wailed as if Paige could hear her. “Turn around and run!”

  The camera caught Paige stopping short on the sidewalk and confronting the man. He froze and whirled around to face her. There was instant recognition on her face and she began backing up. He followed her in a sprint and they were out of the view of the camera. Moments later the Bel Air pulled away from view.


  After handing over a copy of everything they had to the police Stark insisted then demanded to take Kira and Zoe back to his house.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what orders you have Kira. You are not staying there alone!” He had watched Kira’s entire demeanor change when they had entered her apartment. She was hiding something. “That piece of shit was trying to get in to your apartment with a key. Until we figure out what he was doing there and how he got a key, you aren’t going anywhere alone.” Her eyes widened as if it registered a memory but then she blinked and shook her head.

  “I don’t know how he would have a key. I haven’t given one to anyone other than Paige. I’m pretty sure she didn’t give it to him. Maybe he knew someone who lived there before.” Kira looked down at her hands and wrung them.

  Stark could not understand why she was holding anything back with Paige missing. He was not used to having anyone withhold information from him. For very long that was. His usual methods of persuading someone to talk were not going to work in this case. He couldn’t hurt Kira if he wanted to. No matter how infuriating this woman was he still loved her more than the very breath in his lungs. He would fucking die before he hurt her.

  “Since WE don’t know why he was here you need to come with me. At least for tonight.” Stark had no intention of letting her out of his sight until she departed for her deployment. The thought made him ill. Although he knew it was as safe as a deployment could be, anything could happen and dangers were everywhere.

  “There are only three hours until I have to report for work.” Kira’s brows furrowed in a determined frown.

  “So come home with Zoe and me and I’ll take you to work in three hours.” Stark was not messing around. “Or Zoe and I can stay here with you.”

  “Fine I’ll go with you but I’m sleeping in the guest room.”

  Stark bit his lip to hide a laugh. He didn’t have the heart to tell her she looked cute when she was pouty. Too late. She punched him in the ribs.

  “Fuck you Owen. Don’t give me that look.” She took Zoe by the arm and gently helped her to the jeep.

  “I’ll call a cab.” Stark reached for the keys. “You have both had a really long day. I’ll leave my bike and come for it in the morning.” He didn’t want to have to confront Kira about the DUI. Not now. She was already pissed and acting like he was the fucking bad guy. Poor Zoe looked like she was going to pass out.

  They rode in silence. Kira sitting in the back holding Zoe and staring out the window. Stark watched her through the mirror. As they passed under a streetlight silent tears stained her cheeks. Seeing her like this destroyed his soul. He wondered how much of what she said was in her head and how much was real. Maybe she got so drunk she blacked out and didn’t even remember how much she had consumed. He knew that he had definitely had his share of black out drunks earlier in his military career. He thought back to what the private investigator said about her college days. Maybe she dreamed it then too. He believed that she believed it. He saw the look of betrayal on her face when he confronted her in California. God what he would give to do that night over again?

  They pulled into the drive. The house was dark save the lone porch light. Stark drew his weapon. “Lock the doors and stay here until I get back.” I just want to check it out first.” Stark got out and checked the area before opening the door. Mags rushed out to greet him. He checked the house and then brought the girls inside.

sure no one is going to hurt us while you are here.” Kira stated, she was trying to sound calm but Stark could hear the waiver in her voice.

  “You are damn right. I would move heaven and hell to protect you both. And I will do whatever it fucking takes to bring Paige back.” He scooped up Zoe. “Kira you can have my bed I’m going to tuck Zoe in down here.” Stark wasn’t in the fucking mood to argue with Kira. He carried Zoe into the room she shared with Paige. Zoe started sobbing the minute they turned on the lights.

  “I’m going to bring her back Zoe. I will find the fucker, kill him myself and bring her back.” He cradled her in his arms. Maybe the room was too much. “Do you want to sleep upstairs with Kira?” He silently prayed she said no. He wasn’t done with Kira yet.

  “No, Paige is in this room. I smell her perfume. I can be close to her here.” She sniffled and he laid her on the soft bed. He took the thick blankets and tucked her in. “Try to sleep Zoe. I will bring her home.” Stark turned out the lights. He could hear her crying in the darkness. He had to keep his promise or die trying. Stay alive Paige. Whatever the fuck you have to do, stay alive.

  Stark went back through the house. No sign of Kira. He felt panic go through him. The front door was still locked tight. He ran up the stairs to his room taking them two at a time. His heart was racing by the time he burst through the bedroom door.


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