Moving to You (Rolling Thunder Book 5)

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Moving to You (Rolling Thunder Book 5) Page 5

by Pj Fiala

  JT wasn’t listening; he was looking through the crowd at a woman who looked like Kayden. Straining to see if it was her when she turned around, he didn’t answer. Ryder chuckled and walked toward Molly.

  The woman weaved in and out of a couple of the bikes and JT strained to watch her. He hadn’t thought to ask if she’d be here. Idiot. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, but it waved and curled down her back, drawing his eyes to the end of it and the top of her sweet, tight ass. Her face turned in his direction and he saw it was Kayden. His cock bobbed in his pants as she reached to the side and slowly pulled a portion of her black tank top from the waistband of her jeans. Two men and a woman standing with her looked at her waist under her shirt and smiled. They continued their conversation as she tucked her tank into her jeans. One of the men wrapped a hand around her waist and then another, gripping her on both sides. Then he stepped back and smiled. JT strained to see what the hell was going on, fighting the urge to yell across the room for the bastard to keep his hands to himself. A small group of people walked in front of him, blocking his view. Once the group moved on, she was gone. He scanned the room unable to locate her.

  Kayden stood and looked at her handiwork. Her table was set and she was proud of her display of corsets, waist and leg carriers, full tank garments, and bra tab carriers. This was her first year displaying her handmade concealed carry garments. She’d been working her ass off getting ready for this year’s rally. Ever the designer, she had been thinking about this since she graduated from high school. It was why she went to clothing design school. Then she got sick from working night and day, and then Dakota was born. So the idea fell to the back burner of her thoughts. Once she had successfully removed Rog as Dakota’s legal parent, she went full steam ahead.

  She ran her hand down her stomach to calm the butterflies, but they weren’t settling. She wasn’t nervous about her garments; those were perfect. No, the butterflies were for JT. She’d looked across the building where the Biker Build-Off was held while talking to a high school friend, and there he was. She immediately felt the fluttering in her stomach and the wetness between her legs. He made her feel…different. She was intrigued with him at first, but after tossing and turning all night, she realized this was something else. Every time she remembered how he felt pulled against her body, her face heated, her body responded, and her core dampened. His eyes, the color of new spring grass, looked at her as if he actually saw her. Or was trying to see into her? He’d stood up to the Devils for her, though she had to admit, he didn’t know what he was getting into with them. She’d correct that tonight.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you’d be here today?” His voice was low and sultry, and it floated over her skin like the finest silk shirt. Her body responded quickly, beading her nipples into hard pebbles. She wanted to squeeze her thighs together to stop the throbbing. She turned, and her breath caught. The sight of him up close stole her breath. He smelled slightly musky from the heat, and damn, it made her feel carnal and animalistic.

  Looking into those green eyes, her throat dried up before she could respond. Swallowing, she said, “I guess we didn’t have time.”

  “Hmm.” He stared at her, never looking away and her hands began to shake. “You always lift your shirt up for men to look at you? Let them touch you?”

  Kayden’s brows furrowed and then rose high into her forehead. She didn’t realize he’d seen her. “Excuse me?”

  JT’s jaw clenched, and his hand fisted. “I saw you lift your shirt and some man squeezing your waist.”

  Now she was getting pissed. “What I do and who I do it with is my business.” She planted her hands on her hips, and her stance widened as she waited for his response.

  JT exhaled slowly, then leaned forward at the same time as he wrapped his hand around her nape. His lips touched hers, softly coaxing at first, then increasing the pressure. More of a demand. He claimed her lips and then her mouth as his tongue plunged in to caress hers. He pulled her tight to his body with his other arm, and she moaned. She fisted his shirt on both sides, and he could feel her shaking. He pulled back just a bit, and she raised up on her toes to recapture his mouth, sucking in his bottom lip and nipping it. He sealed her lips with his and increased the pressure on the back of her head. His dick was hard and throbbing, and he pulled her into him. She felt his rigidity, and he heard her whimper. When they both needed air, he pulled back slightly and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I think it’s my business, too. Don’t tell me you’ve responded to other men like you just did to me. In public. You kissed me back with the need for more. You were moaning for me, Angel.”

  “I’m a grown woman, JT, and I…”

  “There you are. Hi, Kayden; it’s nice to see you here.” Molly’s voice so sweet and happy broke into the ass chewing Kayden was just about to give him. He smiled as he watched her eyes turn a light hazel as she plastered on a smile for his sister-in-law.

  “Hi, Molly. Ryder. Nice to see you today. Have you been looking around?”

  “We have. How about you?”

  Kayden looked at her table and gestured with her hands. “I’m here selling this year. This is my new concealed carry clothing line. Wanna take a look?”

  Molly squealed as Kayden stepped over and began showing off her clothing. JT looked over at Ryder and saw the giant grin on his face. He was staring right at JT. JT shook his head, but Ryder didn’t take the hint.

  “Gonna get your ass chewed?”

  “Not now, Ryder,” JT growled.

  Ryder chuckled. “I thought you were going to bend her over the table and cut loose. That was pretty steamy, bro.”

  JT groaned and shook his head. Then Kayden lifted the edge of her shirt again, and Molly reached forward and touched her waist and giggled.

  He stepped closer, the snarl on his face growing until he saw what Molly was touching.

  JT looked at her waist and saw she had on a dark corset with a gun firmly tucked into the front of it. It was black with a fair amount of lace and bright pink piping dipping into a v and pointing right Where. He. Wanted to be. His penis throbbed and jerked as his mouth dropped open.

  Kayden looked over at him, and a smirk played across her sexy full lips. “No waist to see darlin’, just a corset.”

  His eyes slowly traveled up her slim body to her lips. She slowly licked her bottom lip and a large smile played across her face. His eyes continued till he met her eyes. They were crinkled at the corners, revealing a smile on her face. But Molly soon interrupted their private moment as she beckoned Ryder over to look. When Ryder reached out to touch the fabric at Molly’s urging, JT thought for the first time in his life that he would punch his brother. Hard. Very hard.


  Two hours later, Kayden walked into the section of the Build-Off building where the bikes were being showcased. The other side was where some of the paid vendors were displaying their wares, which was where Kayden’s booth was set up. If she didn’t know better, she’d say the universe was conspiring to put her and JT together. Seeing him talking to a couple of guys about his bike, she stood just off to the side. She smiled as she listened to him explain some of the nuances of his bike and the rapt attention the guys were giving to him. As the guys turned to leave, Kayden cleared her throat.

  “So, I thought we could eat here in Sturgis tonight, if you don’t mind. I know a great stand that sells the best bar-b-que ribs you’ll ever taste. They have a small picnic area where we can sit.” Kayden moved to stand in front of JT’s bike.

  He looked up, surprise in his eyes. Then, a slow sexy smile played across his lips and Kayden softly sighed. It was crazy because she wasn’t a sigher, but she did it.

  “Sounds good to me.” JT looked around, then pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at the time. “I can go anytime. It’s almost seven o’clock, not many people coming through anymore. Most of them are out drinking, and they’ll be locking up the building soon.”

  She smiled as she
took his hand in hers and pulled him toward the doors leading to the sidewalk and Main Street, Sturgis. They walked quietly for a couple of blocks, weaving around passersby and vendors on the sidewalks. The feel of his work-roughened hand in hers was a thrill. It was strong, firm, and so much larger than hers. She subconsciously squeezed his hand and was surprised that he immediately squeezed back. She turned her head to look up at him. When she met his gaze and saw his heated stare, the electricity shot straight through to her toes.

  “It’s…” She swallowed and then pointed with her other hand. “It’s right here.” She stopped and turned toward a little wooden stand at the end of the sidewalk. The bright yellow paint on the outside walls of The Rib Shack was welcoming and bright. The red trim around the service window drew your eyes to the server working in the shack. The bright red painted words on the yellow walls, which were clearly hand painted in a hurry, with little droplets of paint dotting the walls, boasted the best ribs you’ll ever eat. The smoky grilled scent wafted to her nostrils and her stomach rumbled with the recognition that she hadn’t eaten in many hours.

  “Hi, Dave. How are you?” Kayden said to the man behind the window.

  “Hey there, Kayden. People are starting to roll in, and business is picking up. How about you? Been busy today?” His broad smile set into a rugged face surrounded with curly brown hair and reddened lips made him look almost comical.

  “Been pretty good.” She turned her head and looked at JT. “This is JT. JT, Dave and I went to high school together.”

  Dave laughed. “I’m actually a bit older; I guess I failed a grade or so.” He wiped his hands on a towel and then reached out the window to shake JT’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Any friend of Kayd’s is a friend of mine.”

  JT shook his hand and Kayden smiled as she watched her friend and her…what was he? At this point, friend was the best description. Smoking hot friend who kissed her until her toes curled and her moans escaped without her even knowing it- friend.

  “Two racks?” Dave looked expectantly, and Kayden’s cheeks tinted pink at the thoughts she was having. “Yes,” she said and then stopped. She looked at JT. “Sorry.” Her cheeks were now fully reddened. “I didn’t mean to order for you.”

  JT laughed. OMG. The tingles traveling the length of her body raised the gooseflesh on her arms. His sexy full lips stretched into a smile, his white teeth straight and perfect. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened and his face, which mostly was impassive, transformed into a sight to behold. Not to mention the scruff growing on his face that gave him that rugged appearance she found hard to resist.

  “Two racks. And, a couple of beers, too.” He looked down at Kayden and winked. She didn’t drink all that much; she normally had to get up early with Dakota, but a beer with JT would be nice. Especially after he winked at her. Sigh.

  Dave nodded his head and pointed with his thumb over his right shoulder. “Go on back and sit down. It’s only for special friends, so you should have a bit of peace and quiet back there.”

  Kayden took JT’s hand once again and led him to the back area behind the shack where two picnic tables and a wide array of mismatched lawn chairs sat empty. Taking a seat at one of the picnic tables, Kayden caught JT watching her ass and a half smile formed on her lips. It sure seemed as if he was as attracted to her as she was to him.

  “Tell me about your clothing and where this all comes from.” JT placed his forearms on the picnic table and reached for her hands with both of his. A tingle ran the length of her body for about the tenth time since meeting him. It was like her blood was magnetized to him. Two opposite poles coming together.

  “I’ve been interested in concealed carry clothes for a long time. Since high school when my dad taught me to shoot a gun. He wanted me to be able to protect myself but what I noticed was there were few options for me to actually carry concealed. Sure, I could put a gun in my purse, but if your purse isn’t close by or you need your gun in a hurry, that’s a poor option.” A helper of Dave’s set their beers on the table. She took a drink of her beer to wet her throat. “Holsters offer some options, but they’re uncomfortable. And shoulder holsters need a jacket or larger shirt over the top to conceal them. Men have better options. So, I decided I’d design concealed carry clothing for women. They’re received well. I’ve experimented for years on the perfect fabrics and elastics that will hold their shape and color as well as fasteners and then adding style. I like to feel sexy and so do most women, that’s why I came up with the corset. It’s sexy, durable, and it holds a weapon. The one I’m wearing can hold four weapons. Or, as an option, two weapons, a cell phone and a bit of cash and a clip.” The smile spread across her face as she watched JT’s expression. Was that admiration?

  “That’s…” He halted, trying to order his thoughts. “That’s amazing. You truly amaze me. When do you find the time with all of the work you have to do with the bar and Dakota and the house?”

  She was used to this question. It was usually the first one people asked her. “Dakota goes to bed by eight. I usually work until eleven or midnight. As you can guess, I have a non-existent social schedule.”

  His voice low and gravely, he said, “I hope that will change while I’m here. I’d very much like to enhance your social schedule.” She sighed again. She was turning into a silly school girl with all the tingles and sighing, but for the life of her, she couldn’t help it. His beautiful green eyes held hers. She noticed little flecks of brown in them and a deeper green at the perimeter. They were the most interesting eyes she’d ever seen.

  “I’d like that.”


  Walking back to their vehicles, Kayden giggled. It was just too much. Three beers after not eating all day, holding JT’s hand in hers, the exhilarating environment of Sturgis, life was getting better all the time. She was feeling a bit light headed and frisky.

  “I can drive myself back, JT.” Kayden stopped at her Jeep and leaned against the front. The streets were less crowded now, but there were still people milling about. She was parked behind the building, and ironically, her vehicle was parked in the same lot as JT’s. That crazy universe.

  “And, I can drive you back. You can leave your vehicle here and ride back with me in the morning. You’ve had a few beers; you shouldn’t be driving. And, where is Dakota tonight?”

  She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close. He leaned in, pinning her to the Jeep. The metal felt warm on her back from the sun’s rays, and the scent of JT warmed her in other places. He leaned his head down and nuzzled her neck. Gooseflesh raised on her arms, and a shiver slid through her. She felt him smile as he dipped his tongue gently into her ear then swirled it around the shell. His hand snaked around her waist pulling her closer, right there. She felt him harden as he ground against her and a breath escaped his lips much like a moan. His other hand reached under her hair at her nape and held her close as he kissed her lips gently.

  Warm and soft, his lips slid over hers, tasting her mouth fully. He slid his tongue along her bottom lip and then followed it with a kiss before covering her lips with his again. She opened and whimpered as his tongue mated with hers. He tasted like good beer and delicious ribs, and his cologne, heated from his body and the day’s activities, enveloped her like a warm blanket. She wrapped her arms around his waist, as much to hang on as to feel him under her hands. The muscles in his back sensuously moved under her fingers as he tensed and pushed himself into her. They were the perfect height for each other; he fit right where she needed him. The thought of people coming by or interrupting them was far from her level of caring. During the rally, Sturgis was a town where anything goes.

  JT’s hand slid from her waist and easily roamed under her shirt, running his hands along the corset she wore, but he quickly found her breasts and cupped one in his hand. His breathing quickened as he pulled the top of her corset down, allowing her ample breast to fall free. He rolled his thumb over her nipple, forming a perfect peak which he lightly pinc
hed, causing her knees to weaken further. A sigh left her as she gasped and he squeezed it again. Releasing her mouth, he looked into her eyes and she slowly smiled. Her knees threatened to give out, but he held her in place.

  “You didn’t answer me. Where’s Dakota tonight?”

  “Payton’s,” she croaked out. She studied his face in the waning light of day; a small smiled playing on his lips. He pushed his hardening length against her. Right. There. She sucked in a breath and placed both hands on either side of his waist and held him in place as she wiggled against him.

  “Damn, girl. You’ll have me crazy in about two minutes.”

  Kayden reached up and cupped her hand on the back of his head, pulling him to her lips once more. Her breathing was ragged, and her skin was heated everywhere he touched her. He pulled back, and she opened her eyes to see his sexy green orbs gazing at her face with a form of wonder in them. Staring at each other for several seconds, she swallowed as a lazy smile drew across his face. Thoughts began racing through her head, making her a bit dizzy, but the main thought was, she had never felt like this before. It was sobering. It was scary as hell. It was also a bit exciting.

  “You don’t want to do this here, Kayd. I don’t want to do this here. I’d prefer to lay you across a bed and slowly taste every inch of you until you need me in you so bad, you’ll beg. Then, I’ll make you forget any man you’ve ever been with.”

  She blinked slowly, her nipples pebbled into firm beads, the ache between her legs almost unbearable. She watched emotions play on his face, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “Now, back to driving home. You can leave your Jeep here and ride with me. I’ll pick you up in the morning with my bike, and we’ll ride in together. You don’t need to be driving.”


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