Viktor: Heart of Her King

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Viktor: Heart of Her King Page 12

by Julia Mills

  Katarina’s moans of ecstasy grew louder with each drive Viktor made into her wanting flesh. She pushed back, meeting him thrust for thrust. Their movements were uncoordinated and frantic. He felt her orgasm building, threatening to take them both over the edge. Removing one of his hands from her shoulders, Viktor palmed her breast and squeezed her hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Katarina’s orgasm overtook them both.

  Leaning forward, he rested his chest against her back, inhaled their combined scent, and bathed his senses in every note of what they were together. His arm around her waist kept Katarina standing when her legs threatened to fold. Kissing up her spine, his erection began to once again harden as her womb contracted around him.

  Letting his cock slide from her warmth, Viktor pulled Katarina into his arms and carried her to the bed. Following her down to the mattress, he was shocked as his mate pulled him to her, slammed her mouth to his, and immediately demanded entrance. He could feel her need to claim him just as he’d claimed her driving her actions. As Katarina deepened their kiss, she moved her body over his, her thighs falling on either side of his, the wetness from their earlier lovemaking still warm on her curls.

  Ending their kiss, Katarina sat up, giving Viktor a coy look that suggested he was going to like whatever she had in mind. Her fingertips rubbed over his shoulders and across his chest, lightly toying with his nipples and causing him to shiver just a bit. Biting her bottom lip, she paid special attention to each ridge of his six-pack and then teased the thin line of hair leading toward his pelvis. It was sensory overload at its best. Viktor wondered if he might lose his mind.

  With her hands on his stomach and her eyes holding his captive, Katarina slid down Viktor’s legs until his erection was right in front of her mouth. The King was sure he’d died and gone to the Elysian Fields. She licked her lips and Viktor became light-headed. Katarina captured the small bead of moisture at the tip of his cock with the end of her tongue and the ancient warrior knew beyond the shadow of all doubt that image would forever be burned into his memory. Katarina tasted him again and his eyes slid shut.

  Massaging up and down his thighs, Katarina rubbed her cheek from the tip to the base of his cock. Her tongue lavished the vein that ran his length. Working her way back to the end, she dipped her tongue into the slit, teasing him until Viktor was sure his head would blow off his shoulders.

  Katarina sucked as much of his length into her mouth as would fit and hollowed her cheeks. Viktor’s hands flew into her hair, careful not to pull but needing something to hold on to. As she worked him in and out of her lips for a few more strokes, he grew larger and thicker, working hard not to explode in her mouth. Katarina moved him out of her mouth until just the head remained on the tip of her tongue. Looking up at him through her fringe of her deep red bangs, Viktor saw a twinkle in her eye just as she sucked his cock back into her mouth with such force the head touched the back of her throat. Slowly working him again, she hummed her satisfaction, the vibrations driving Viktor headlong into an orgasm. Just when he thought he was at the point of no return, Katarina removed his impossibly hard erection from her mouth and massaged first one if his balls and then the other with her tongue, until he was finally able to take a long, deep breath.

  But his little minx was not about to let him rest. In the blink of an eye, she took his erection in her mouth once again. Placing both her hands around the base, she worked him in and out, sucking and humming until he was helpless but to release into her waiting mouth. She swallowed all he gave, continuing to work her lips up and down until he began to harden again.

  It was the most wonderful torture he’d ever endured and Viktor wanted to taste the fruit of his custos animae. Putting his hands under her arms, he slid her up his body and rolled them over until he lay comfortably in the haven of her softness. One more quick move had Viktor’s head between Katarina’s thighs and he had her legs thrown over his shoulders. With his mouth just inches from her center, he rubbed his nose against her warm, wet curls. Her scent was magical. Viktor knew in that moment he had to taste her or lose his immortality. No longer able to stand the torture, the tip of his tongue licked up and down the glistening seam of her pussy.

  He groaned deep in his throat as her taste burst upon his tongue. Needing to have his mouth all over her and his tongue buried deep inside her, Viktor placed his hands under her ass, lifted her pussy closer to his face, and began to feast. He drove his tongue into her warm, wet pussy as far as he could go, licking every inch of her contracting warmth. He curled the end of his tongue and teased the bundle of nerves he knew would set her on fire.

  Katarina’s hands grabbed his hair; pulling with such force, he wondered what he would look like bald. She gasped for breath and he smiled against her skin. Using the flat of his tongue, he licked her outer lips from bottom to top, teasing circles around her clit on every pass. Her legs tightened around his head. Her heels dug into his back. She moaned and mewled as he sucked her swollen nub between his lips, teasing it with his tongue until Katarina came with force, his name on her lips.

  Viktor continued to drink the honey that flowed from Katarina. He nuzzled and nipped her puffy lips until her hands slid from his hair and her breathing began to slow. Carefully lifting her legs off his shoulders, he massaged her tired muscles. Looking up her body, he knew his next masterpiece would be of this moment in time. There had never been anything as lovely as the keeper of his heart lying in his bed, completely satiated from his attention, looking like the goddess that she was.

  He kissed her hip, made his way to her belly button, and then nibbled his way up her stomach to the sweet spot between her breasts. Their hearts beat as one, one in body, one in mind, one in soul...forever. He kissed just the tips of her hardened nipples and chuckled as she arched her back, begging for more attention. But he would make her wait...for now.

  Kissing up her neck, he paid special attention to the tiny bite marks from the night she started her transition. He would never tire of seeing his bite upon her skin. Katarina sighed and moved her head to the side, allowing him greater access. He spent extra minutes nipping and kissing until her nails dug into his biceps.

  Katarina surprised him by grabbing his head and slamming her mouth to his. Viktor opened for her, letting her have her way. His mate was as strong in bed as she was everywhere else. He loved it. Her hands in his hair and her tongue working his mouth had him ready to explode again. He shifted his hips slightly, pushing into her until he could go no farther. The feel of her muscles contracting around his painfully hard cock made it impossible for him to hold still. Sliding out of her until only the tip of him rested within her opening, he commanded, “Look at me, Katarina. Look at your King as he loves you.”

  He thrust into her, pulling right back out. Viktor started a rhythm that Katarina easily met stroke for stroke. They stared into one another’s eyes as their passion exploded. He pushed her knees toward her chest, lifting her bottom off the bed, going deeper into her warm, wet pussy. He rolled his hips, the head of his cock caressing the sensitive bundle of nerves. The walls of her vagina closed tighter around him. He slammed into her, bumping her clit with his pelvis. They both struggled to gasp their next breath.

  Katarina’s mouth opened in a silent scream as she reached her climax. Her beautiful grey eyes holding his with the promise of eternity, he was helpless but to follow her over the edge. Viktor knew he would follow his mate anywhere. He loved her with all that he was.

  Hours later after making love until neither could move, Katarina was laid across his chest when Viktor glimpsed the mark of their mating. Lifting her wrist to his lips, he kissed the beautiful glyph, thanking Zeus for the wonder of his Katarina.

  Opening her eyes, Katarina looked at him as if he’d hung the moon and stars, and in that moment, Viktor Katsaros believed that he could.


  “Well, la dee da, lookie here, Miss Fancy Pants. You have an invitation to the gala celebrating the Katsaros Industries
and Roma Tech merger.” Cyn’s admin and long-time friend, Adele, sing-songed as she fanned herself with what looked to be an expensive off-white linen envelope while doing her best model walk into Cynthia’s office.

  “I have no idea why I would be invited to that. I’m just a sales consultant for a drug company. I don’t know diddly about tech. And besides, I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Well, you better get your butt in gear. Dust off that credit card, baby, cause you’ve got the golden ticket.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? What golden ticket?”

  “Girl, get your head out of the books and catch up on your pop culture. There is more to life than the newest anti-inflammatory or anti-depressant. You have a VIP ticket to the big show. It says you’ll be sitting at one of the tables next to the head guy, his new wife, and the other big wigs. You have to go so I can live vicariously through you.”

  Cyn shook her head. How in the hell had she ever gotten on the guest list for something so prestigious? These people were the movers and shakers, kings of industry. Hell, most of them were from other countries, highly educated, rich from birth, and way out of her league.

  Grabbing the invitation from Adele, Cyn saw the signature that had obviously been signed with the sender’s own hand at the bottom of the beautifully embossed correspondence and had to sit down before she fell down from shock. Running the pad of her thumb over the signature, a chill ran down her spine and an image formed in her mind.

  It had only taken one time, just a chance encounter at Starbucks two years ago in Dallas, and Cyn had been hooked. The spark of recognition between them when they’d touched had been electric. Sort of like déjà vu but stronger, and maybe a little different. It didn’t make sense but it was oh so real. Long after they’d parted ways, Cyn couldn’t shake the feeling that their meeting wasn’t completely coincidental. Not that he’d planned it or anything stalkerish, but that they were ‘supposed’ to meet, like it was a destiny kind of thing.

  He was tall, had light brown hair that she knew would be wavy if he didn’t tame it with products, and hazel eyes that mesmerized as the smooth golden in the center spread to an almost green before turning brown at the edge. To say Roman Marinos was good-looking was like saying South Fork was a farm. He was amazing and had an accent so exotic it curled her toes. She hadn’t even told Adele about their chance encounter and Cyn told her friend everything.

  Lost in thought, Cyn jumped when the intercom on her office phone buzzed. “Sexy man voice on line two,” Adele chirped.

  “I have told you a million times not to give the people on the phone nicknames.”

  Cyn cut off Adele’s rebuttal by answering the phone. “Cynthia St. James, how can I help you?”

  “You can accept my invitation to the KI/Roma Tech gala.”

  Her mind went blank. Her palms began to sweat. Her heart beat like a bass drum. Cyn thought she might pass out. Recognition like no other filled her mind. Dumb luck had walked up and smacked her in the back of the head again. How could it be possible? How could the man who’d she dreamed about every night for two years be on the phone? Wasn’t it enough that she thought about him every spare minute of the day? Now, he was on her phone?

  He owed her nothing, just as she owed him nothing. He’d replaced her favorite London Fog trench coat after spilling coffee on it and even bought the dark brown leather gloves she’d been eyeing for weeks, almost as if he read her mind. She’d tried repeatedly to return them only to have him refuse.

  “’s just that...” Taking a deep breath to stop further embarrassment, Cyn began again. “I have a previous engagement and to be honest Mr. Marinos, I’m in pharmaceuticals not tech. I think there’s been some mistake.”

  For several seconds, Cyn could only hear him breathing on the other end of the phone. She was just about to apologize for seeming ungrateful when the rumble of his deep voice floated from the phone. If possible, his accent seemed thicker and his voice more intense. “My invitation has little to do with the gala and everything to do with you, Cynthia St. James.”

  Unsure what Marinos meant and with no idea how to answer, Cyn fell back on the one tried and true excuse she always used when she wanted to get out of something. “I appreciate your invitation. I am truly humbled but as I said, I have a previous engagement.”

  Chuckling like she’d said something funny, Marinos’ only reply was, “No you don’t. Pick you up at eight.”

  He disconnected the call while Cyn was still dumbfounded by his response. It took several minutes before she returned the receiver to its cradle. Shaking her head, she just stared out her window at the cars on the freeway.

  I have no clue what just happened but I’m sure I’d be safer directing traffic out there on the highway than spending a night with Roman Marinos.

  Her Dragon, His Demon

  Book #12 in the Dragon Guard Series

  Coming March 1, 2016

  Rian knew he shouldn’t have run off half-cocked. Rory and Royce had damn near driven him mad screaming directly into his brain for the last three days. Finally, unable to stand their endless bitching, he’d cut all communications with them. It was the first time in more years than he could remember that he’d been truly alone.

  As if all that wasn’t bad enough, Rian had snuck into his oldest friend’s private lair and stolen the stone they’d recovered along with Drago, the assassin. He’d known he was going to raid Maddox’s cave even before he sent Tomas off with the ancient artifact, but it was the only way he could keep his plans from the others. No one would understand. How could they?

  For years he’d been living with the secret of his mate’s painful existence. Unable to go to her, unable to save her, only able to see her once every full moon and only with the aid of a Devil’s Trap. His beautiful Audrey had been possessed even before he knew of her existence. A terrible curse was put upon her by the same evil wizards the Dragon Guard sought to destroy. She hadn’t given up her freedom willingly; rather it was taken from her as a way to coerce her father, the king of a small seaside village, to give up his lands.

  Unfortunately, King August was killed in battle before he knew his daughter had been taken and the man who inherited the kingdom, Audrey’s uncle, was evil to the core. He simply left his niece to rot in hell, the servant of the Chancellor and President of the High Council of Devils.

  Not long after Royce had left to train with the Golden Fire Clan, when the O’Reilly brothers were still considered young dragons, Rian had been deep in the forest that bordered the sea one night just after midnight. He’d needed time to think. The Elders had just come to him, requesting he join their ranks and rule the Blue Thunder Clan. The Guardsman was honored but filled with doubt.

  Making his way to the water’s edge, he’d seen the full moon’s reflection in the calm seas an instant before glimpsing the most beautiful woman in the world. She walked toward him, obviously enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes and the breeze on her skin. Her long skirts and dark hair blowing behind her. The violet of her eyes glowed in the moonlight as her sweet dulcet tones reached his ears.

  The woman’s song was so hauntingly desperate it pulled at Rian’s soul. He felt her in places he’d never imagined and knew at once she was his mate. Racing toward her, he was shocked when she threw her hands out screaming, “No! Stop! Don’t come near me! Please, please, I don’t want to hurt you. Just stay back!”

  Stopping dead in his tracks, Rian scoffed, “How could you hurt me? I am a Dragon Guardsman in my prime and besides, you are my mate.”

  She fell to the ground, her head in her hands, and wailed, “No, no, no! This can’t be happening. Curse you Adramelech, curse you and all you hold dear. Curse your cold, dead heart. I should’ve known it was all a trick.”

  Needing to comfort his mate but trying to abide by her wishes to stay back, Rian moved a step closer. The scent of fresh cut daisies invaded his senses, almost driving him to his knees. No longer able to control himself, the
Guardsman took yet another step in the young woman’s direction. She jumped up, stepping several quick paces backward. “Please, I beg you, don’t touch me. I’m cursed, possessed, made to do a demon’s bidding. Tonight is my birthday. The first in more years than I can count that my evil master has let me out. Although still chained to him within my soul, he allowed a few brief moments of peace in a place I hold so very dear. I should’ve known he had a plan, should’ve known it was all a game...” Her words trailed off as she stared at the sea.

  Carefully taking another step forward, Rian spoke like he would speak to a scared child. “Let me help you. We have healers and spiritual leaders that can free you. You are a dragon’s mate. My mate. The one made for me by the Universe Herself. Let me help you.” He was begging for the first time he could ever remember, but truly didn’t give a damn. If there as a way to help her, he would do it...anything for his mate. She was his and by all that he held sacred, Rian O’Reilly would have her.

  Her once glowing violet eyes were now overflowing with sadness. He saw her tears. Heard the anguish in her voice. “But don’t you see, that’s his plan. I wish I had known before, but now it is clear. I was sent here to trap you.”

  And with that, she disappeared.

  Zoey: A ‘Not-Quite’ Zombie Love Story

  Don’t Miss the Latest Escapades of the ‘Not-Quite’ Crew

  Available Now!

  Fluorescent orange goo, one deranged raccoon, and a road trip to the bottom of the lake can be life changing.

  Goodness knows Zoey’s life was never the same, but like everything else in her twenty plus years, even returning from the dead didn’t go as planned.


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