power of, 380–81
proletarian revolution of, 13, 14, 47, 62, 79, 140, 141, 146, 155, 159, 160, 207, 271, 299, 315–16, 398
purges by, 295, 359
rationing of toilet use, 157
Red Guards and, 281, 294, 317, 318, 319
religion rejected by, 75, 90
repudiation of Russia’s foreign debt, 323–24
return to Russia from exile, 14, 92–93, 144–47, 158–59, 206–7, 209–10, 271
“revolutionary violence” and, 382
ruling revolutionary elite (“democratic centralism”) of, 17, 91, 225
Russian Civil War and, 317, 325, 345, 359, 380, 398
as ruthless, 89, 147, 379, 380
secret police created by, 297
as secular millennialist, 422
“self-determination” and, 207, 208, 321
self-righteousness of, 422–23
a separate peace with Germany and, 277, 282–83, 289, 299–300
slogan of “Land, Bread, Peace,” 231, 266
soul of, 416
speech at Tauride Palace (April 17, 1917), 161
speech in Zurich (Jan. 22, 1917), 63
speech to Bolsheviks, Finland Station (April 16, 1917), 158–59
speech to Russian exiles in Bern (April 7, 1917), 154–55
Stalin and, 81, 94, 284, 300, 414, 415, 416
state tyranny and, 412
in St. Petersburg, 77, 78, 79
strokes of, 411, 412, 414, 416, 417
study of law and, 75, 77
Third Congress of Soviets and, 320, 324
totalitarian state and, 294, 297, 316, 381–82
Trotsky and, 81, 94, 210, 225, 415
Twelfth Party Congress and, 416
urging immediate revolution (Sept. 1917), 266, 268
U.S.-Russian consortium offer and, 333–34
as utopian idealist, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 47, 65, 143, 261, 382, 422
vision of, 244, 361, 382, 397, 398
as “Volodya,” 64, 74
war as opportunity, 10, 47, 95
“war communism” and, 316, 379, 413
war on “enemies of the people,” 295–97
Wilson and, 161, 274–75, 307, 308, 310
Wilson’s underestimating of, 303–5
Lenin, writings
“All Power to the Soviets,” 229
April Theses, 146, 207, 209
“The Crisis Has Ripened,” 269
Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia, 300, 301
Development of Capitalism in Russia, The, 76–77, 79
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, 61–62, 95
“Lessons of the Revolution,” 260–61
in Pravda, 207, 209, 229
Proletarian Revolution and Kautsky the Renegade, 358–59
State and Revolution, 232, 259, 261
“The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution,” 161
theses for Bolsheviks, 160–61
“Theses on the Constituent Assembly,” 317–18
“Urgent Tasks of Our Movement,” 80
What Is to Be Done? 80–81, 82, 89, 90
“Leninism or Marxism?” (Luxemburg), 91
“Lessons of the Revolution” (Lenin), 260–61
Lever, Asbury, 196
Lever Act (Food and Fuel Control Act), 196
Liberty Bonds, 198, 240, 243
Liebknecht, Karl, 360
Lincoln, Abraham, 33, 252, 366
Lindhagen, Carl, 157
Link, Arthur, 375
Lippmann, Walter, 150, 239, 305–6
Lithuania, 300
Little, Frank, 242
Lloyd George, David, ix, 30–31, 303, 339
Allied strategy in the west and, 32
American aid, importance of, 34, 184–85, 289
Anglo-American relations, 182
Armistice Day and, 348–49
Bolshevik takeover in Russia and, 277
British capture of Jerusalem and, 313–14
British naval blockade of Germany and, 367
Churchill and, 183–84, 421
Clemenceau on, 365
convoy system and, 178, 179–80, 181–82
death of, 421
denounces German peace note, 33
financial reparations from Germany demanded by, 367
German U-boat campaign and, 177–79
Haig and, 212
internment of the German High Seas Fleet demanded by, 343, 367
Italy and, 371
Labour Party and, 175
League of Nations and, 387–88
on London bombing, 214
national mobilization and total war, 33–34, 162, 175–76, 195
Nivelle Offensive and, 165
Paris Peace Conference and, 363, 364, 365, 371
as prime minister, 175–79
quotes Lincoln, 33
Russian intervention and, 335–36, 378
“self-determination” and, 306
Stokes mortar and, 34
Treaty of Versailles and, 367, 377
War Cabinet, 369
war coalition of, 33
wartime temperance campaign, 176–77
Wilson’s Fourteen Points and, 310
Wilson’s peace proposal and, 54
Wilson’s warning message to the Russian people (May 22, 1917) and, 205
women in the war effort and, 176
World War II and, 367, 421
Ypres Offensive and, 215
Lockhart, Bruce, 336, 345
Lodge, Henry Cabot, xii, 15–16, 68, 250, 254, 383, 430
allies of, 392–93
balance of power and, 397
critics’ view of, 15
death of, 419
legacy of, 419
opposition to Fourteen Points, 354
opposition to German armistice, 340, 343
opposition to Wilson and the League of Nations, 192, 385–87, 391–96, 398–99, 400–402, 404–410
physical fight with Bannwart, 152
pro-war position of, 115, 150, 152, 428
Roosevelt and, 48, 192, 392
Round Robin of, 387, 388
as Senate majority leader, 352
vision for international organization, 429
as Wilson adversary, 305, 352
Wilson’s failure to mobilize the country and, 253, 255
on Wilson’s neutrality, 103–4
Wilson’s “peace without victory” speech and, 58
on Wilson’s train tour, 400
Zimmermann telegram and, 115, 123–30
American trade and financial support for Allies and, 51
Armistice Day in, 348–49
bombing of, 212–14, 367
as center of international finance, 36
German peace offer delivered to (Dec., 1916), 30
Lenin in, 89
Russian revolutionaries in, 78
war shortages, 30
Wilson’s reception in, 362
See also Britain
Loos, Battle of, 31
Ludendorff, Erich, ix, 22, 26, 414
abetting Lenin, goal of, 145, 155
“the Amerika program,” 326–27
armistice sought, 339, 341
Battle of Cambrai and, 287
Bethmann-Hollweg’s negotiated peace plan and, 25
death of, 420
Groener replaces, 342
Hindenburg Line plan of, 26
Hitler and, 420
national mobilization and, 195
Offensive, Spring 1918, 325–29, 337
ousting of Bethmann-Hollweg, 218–19
power of, 220
Russian peace and transfer of armies to the west, 310
submarine warfare and, 26, 27, 60, 99, 109
total war and, 220–21
underestimation of Leninist threat, 278
war as race of who starves first, 28
Lunacharsky, Anatoly V., 230, 284
br /> Lusitania (ship), 2
sinking of, 5, 27, 48, 51, 67, 129, 186, 194
Luther, Martin, 149–50
Luxemburg, Rosa, 91, 360
“Leninism or Marxism?,” 91
Lyman M. Law (ship), 110
MacArthur, Douglas, 188
Mackensen, August von, 22
Maclay, Sir Joseph, 177–78, 181
Macmilland, Harold, 366
Magdeburg (ship), 2
Maklakov, Vasili, 45, 121
Malcolm, Ian, 364
Mamontov, Konstantin, 380
Manchester Guardian, secret Allied documents published by, 303
Mao Zedong, 146, 298, 382, 423, 424
Marne, Battles of the, 31, 35, 47, 96
Marshall, George, 425
Marshall, Thomas, 354
Martov, Julius, 77, 90, 91–92, 118
Marx, Karl, 7–8, 13, 14, 69, 73, 398
“ash heap of history,” 359
The Communist Manifesto, 8, 76, 77, 424
Das Kapital, 8, 89
dictum, “From each according to his ability,” 157
dictum on capitalist selling rope, 145
favorite quotation, 300
influence of Hegel, 96, 96n, 422
proletarian revolution and, 76, 79
Russia despised by, 76
Russian intelligentsia and, 76
view of revolution, 76
Marxism-Leninism, 81
Marxism/Marxists, 144
America as threat to goals of, 226
German Communist Party and, 360
on Ireland’s Easter Rebellion, 208
in Russia, 160
See also Lenin
Masaryk, Tomá?, 329, 330, 334, 374
Masses, The (journal), 245
Massey, William, 369
Max von Baden, Prince, 339, 340, 341
Mayflower (presidential railway car), 399
Mayflower (presidential yacht), 391
McAdoo, William, xii, 49–50, 51
Allied debt and, 199–200
American money advanced to Britain, 198
American money for Ypres Offensive, 233
as director general of railroads, 255
dollar replaces pound sterling as world’s reserve currency, 199
publicly funded export scheme of, 199
Mensheviks, 77, 90–92, 119, 131, 140, 160, 207, 228, 262, 266, 271, 282
“An Appeal to the Peoples of the World,” 201
Bolshevik coup and, 268
Chkheidze and, 132, 156, 161, 200, 208
defeat of, 381
elections of 1917 and, 298
Lenin’s purges and, 295, 412
Petrograd Soviet Ispolkom and, 131, 132, 138, 200
Mexican-American war, 49, 111, 186, 192
alliance with Germany and, 111–12, 115
German promises to, 111, 126
neutrality of, 3
Zimmermann telegram and, 3, 110–11
Mezes, Sidney Edward, 305–6
Michael, Grand Duke, 135, 136, 137
Michaelis, Georg, 220
Micronesia, 368
Middle East, 312–14
Britain receives mandate for Palestine, 370
France receives mandate for Syria, 370
Miliukov, Pavel, xi, 108, 137, 142, 146, 161, 200, 206
Miller, David Hunter, 305
Milner, Lord Arthur, 33, 107, 184
Mogilev, Russia, 117, 120, 122, 130, 136
Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 95, 415
Monroe Doctrine, 371, 386, 387, 389, 394–95, 405
Montenegro, 309
Montgomery, William, 1–2, 3, 6
Morgan, J.P., 25, 82
Morgenthau, Henry, 349
Moscow, 76
Bolshevik Party and, 265–66
Bolshevik Revolution and, 279, 292
capital moved to, 324
food shortages, 42
German advance on, 323
Kremlin in, 292, 324
Lenin in, 1905 Revolution and, 92
Soviet’s Revolutionary Committee, 292
State Conference (Aug. 1917), 262
Motion Picture News, 239
Mussolini, Benito, 372, 425
N.A.A.C.P., 394
Narodniks, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 91
See also Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party
national self-determination
Africa and colonial empires excepted, 61, 308
Allies and, 57, 61, 207–8, 304, 340
League of Nations and, 404
Wilson and, 207, 306, 308, 309, 362
World War II and, 23, 56, 57, 61, 289, 291, 301–2, 312, 314, 340, 343
National War Labor Board, 243–44
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 384, 429
Naval Consulting Board (NCB), 194, 195
Nazism, 222
Nelson, Horatio, Duke of Wellington, 24, 177
Neville, Wendell C., 338
New Guinea, 368, 369
New Republic magazine, 58
New York Times, 402
New Zealand, 368, 369
Nicaragua, 423
Nicholas, Grand Duke, 135
Nicholas II, Czar, x, 9–10, 73, 116
abdication of, 130, 133–36, 342
Allies and, 56, 105
as commander in chief, 43–44, 45, 46, 200
February Revolution and, 120–21, 122–23, 130–31
German peace offer to, 22, 23, 45, 46
Kerensky and, 204
in Mogilev, 117, 120, 130
murder of, 336
1905 Revolution and, 43, 92
Okhrana (police) of, 94, 122, 202, 316
Nicolson, Harold
Armistice Day, 348
disillusionment with Wilson, 371, 378
Paris Peace Conference and, 348, 349, 350–51, 368, 370, 371
Treaty of Versailles and, 377–78
on Wilson, 349–50, 368
Nikolaevich, Nicholas, 41
1905 Revolution, 10, 40, 43, 91–92
Bloody Sunday, 91, 120
Duma established, 43–44, 91
Nivelle, Robert, x, 35–36, 37, 163–64, 165, 169, 286
Nivelle Offensive, 212, 234, 328
army mutinies, 169–71
Chemin des Dames, 167–68, 170
end of France as a Great Power and, 174
German advance knowledge of, 167
Vimy Ridge, 165–66
Norris, George, 127
North Korea, 297, 423
Novy Mir, 225
October Revolution. See Bolshevik Revolution
Omaha World-Herald, 129
Omsk, Russia, 355–56
Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele
Paris Peace Conference and, 364, 365, 367–68
Treaty of London and, 368, 371
Trieste and annexation of the Tirol, 371
Ortega, Daniel, 423
Ottoman Empire. See Turkey
pacifist movement, 49, 152, 237
Mennonites, 248n
National Pacifist Congress, 113
Page, Walter Hines, xii, 52, 105, 110, 150
Zimmermann telegram and, 113, 124
Painlevé, Paul, 277
Palau Islands, 370n
Paléologue, Maurice, x, 105, 108, 117, 118, 120, 122
Palestine, 56
British capture of Jerusalem and, 313–14
British mandate for, 370
Jewish national home and, 313, 314
Palmer, A. Mitchell, xii, 251, 418
Pankhurst, Christabel, 175–76
American troops and, 212
as center of international finance, 36
exiles in, 9
German advance on, 328–29
German peace offer arrives in, 34, 35
Joffre and, 35
Pershing arrives in, 211
Wilson in, 211, 362
zeppelin attacks, 213
br /> Paris Peace Conference, 66, 83, 348–55, 361–78
America as dominant voice, 349
Big Four, 364–65, 368, 388–89
as chamber of grand illusions, 351
China and, 67, 363, 372–73
commencement of, 364
Council of Ten, 364
decisions on Russia, 365
disorganization of, 364
disposition of Germany’s former colonies and, 368–69, 370, 370n
disposition of Turkish colonies, 370
Fiume and, 371–72
Fourteen Points and, 352, 354, 355, 370, 373, 374
German delegation, 375–77
German reparations and, 376
Italy, Trieste, and, 370
Japan and, 67, 363, 372–73
League of Nations and, 365, 368, 374–75, 385, 387–89
mandate concept, 368–69, 370, 370n
national self-determination and, 61, 363
Nicolson’s account, 350–51, 364
plenary session, first day, 364
at the Quai d’Orsay, 350
roots of future war planted, 372, 374, 378
Supreme War Council, 364, 365, 378
Treaty of Versailles and, 366, 375–77
Wilson and Big Four, 364–65
Wilson and concession, 371–72, 374
Wilson and German colonies, 369
Wilson and German delegation, 375
Wilson and problems of, 366, 368, 388
Wilson excludes Republicans, 353
Wilson-Hughes argument, 369
Wilson’s decision to attend, 353
Wilson’s idealism and, 365, 366
Wilson’s ideas for peace, 362–63
Wilson’s insistence on joining League of Nations with, 388–89
Wilson’s new world order and, 344, 362
Wilson’s reputation damaged by, 378
Wilson’s stroke and, 374–75
Wilson’s team, 353, 355
Passchendaele, 162, 233–34, 285, 286
casualties, 285
Commonwealth graveyard, 285, 286
failure of, 286
tanks and, 286
Paths of Glory (film), 172
Payne, Christopher R., 332
Pershing, John J. “Blackjack,” xii, 111, 192–93, 328, 425
arrival in Paris, 211
Buffalo Soldiers and, 193
as commander AEF, 192
nickname of, 192–93
opposes German armistice, 343, 346
racial views, clashing with Wilson’s, 193
Pétain, Henri Philippe, x, 171–72, 215, 327
death in prison, 421
as French commander in chief, 171
“listening tour,” 173
restoration of discipline and, 172–73
tanks and, 174
“They shall not pass,” 172
as Vichy government head, 421
Peter the Great, 71, 73
Petrograd (St. Petersburg), 8, 9, 16, 76
Allied meeting with the Czar (1917), 105–9
Bolshevik Party and, 265–66
bombing of, 324
Civil War and, 379–80
February Revolution in, 116–23, 130–31, 161
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