Better (The Change Series Book 2)

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Better (The Change Series Book 2) Page 14

by Melanie Jayne

  Jenn, the IT specialist, spent some time with me, showing me how to navigate the computer system and phones more thoroughly. I liked her. She made me laugh. She was in her mid-twenties, had dark purple hair and wore T-shirts with geeky sayings on them. As far as I could tell she lived on Red Bull and junk food, and yet, she was stick-thin.

  At first, I worried it would be weird with Forde being my and everybody’s boss, because it was clear he was the one in charge. However, he didn’t seem to be the type of leader who always asked what his employees were doing. Everybody reported in giving updates, but they seemed to come and go on their own schedule, except for me. I was in my chair at nine and finished at four, unless we had a late appointment, and then I stayed until the client arrived. If nobody was free to babysit me until Forde was done, then I hung out in the breakroom and read or talked to Zoe on the phone. Tye would even drop by to talk.

  After work, Forde and I went home or out to dinner, sometimes with Tye or one of the staff.

  At home one evening after a busy day, I’d just made the bed and was putting away some laundry. I really needed to get some more clothes. It was a pain to do laundry almost every night. I heard Forde moving around, doing his final security check when his phone rang. I didn’t really listen. I was trying to figure out if it was too soon to wear my blue blouse again. Maybe I could talk him into an official office uniform, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about my clothes’ rotation?

  “Fuck.” He sounded angry. “Yeah, call it in, and then have it towed. I’ll check with Layla to see what she wants to do.”

  There was more silence as I strained to hear.

  “Later,” was all he said as he walked into the bedroom.

  I watched him move to his nightstand and drop his phone. He’d changed into sweatpants that were cut off at the knees to work out in when we’d gotten home. His gaze met mine. “Got another problem, babe.”

  I braced. We’d had almost a week of quiet. Except for me always having a sitter, life had been pretty normal. “What now?” I felt my breathing turning shallow.

  “My fault, really. We haven’t gotten around to discussing your car, so I left it sitting at the rental. The boys have been doing regular drive-bys, but nobody thought to bring it here.” He started to walk around the bed to me.

  “Like my poor Honda would fit in next to your rides.” I’d almost fainted when I’d learned he had five personal vehicles and a motorcycle, plus he drove a company SUV.

  My comment got a small grin in response. “Still, somebody tagged your car today. Left a few messages.”

  I knew there was more. “What kind of messages?”

  “You don’t need to worry. Osi put in a call to Det. Eames and took photos.” The muscle at the side of his jaw was pulsing.

  “I want to see the photos.” I needed to know.

  “They can’t hurt you.”

  If he was shielding me, I knew it must be bad. I felt the blood drain from my face as I pushed. “But I still need to know.” The trial was set to start in just a little over two weeks.

  “Get ready for bed, and I’ll show you.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head.

  “Geeze, everything’s a negotiation,” I groused, teasing him. I knew he’d show me the pictures, but it would be on his schedule. I headed into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

  A few minutes later, I settled back on a mound of pillows. “The pictures.” Now, it had become a thing, I couldn’t let it go.

  “I didn’t figure you’d forget.” He reached for his phone.

  “I need to know what’s going on.” I watched his finger slide over the screen.

  He handed me the phone, and I looked at my poor car. Sure, it was a piece of junk, but it was paid off and was all mine. I used my finger to increase the size of the words.

  Bitch was written in red on my silver car. Fuckin Die was painted in black on the hood. They’d shredded the tires and broken the windows. I made a sound in my throat. “The spelling isn’t bad.”

  “Did you see the Cancerberos tag? It all goes back to Vador.” He held out his hand for the phone, and I gave it up.

  “It was dying, that’s why I’d been taking the bus some days. I was trying to prolong the inevitable.”

  “It’s a piece of shit, Lay.”

  “I know, but it’s my piece of shit Forde.” I chewed on my lip.

  He took in my meaning. “Say the word, and I’ll have it fixed up, or you can drive one my or Limited’s rides. If that doesn’t work for you, we can shop for something you like better.”

  “When I can drive by myself you mean,” I said quietly.

  “The day’s going to come. Think on it and tell me what you want to do.” He put his phone on the nightstand and turned off the light.

  “I don’t want you to spend any money on that car. I guess they should just junk it.” I sighed.

  “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” He scooted down onto his back.

  I, too, moved under the covers. I turned into him and rested my forehead on his chest. “What else is going on? Is there more you’re not telling me?”

  “I’m thinking that Vador and I need a meet, face to face.” His arm tightened around me. “He isn’t getting my total message over the phone.”

  “What does that mean, a meet?” I knew it wasn’t going to be over tea or aged scotch and cigars at his office.

  “You don’t need to worry about it. Rick will go with me, and nothing will happen. Vador isn’t that stupid. He put me off after the fire and I accepted his assurances, but now I think I need to discuss a few things in person to make my point crystal clear.”

  I raised my head and wished for the hundredth time I could make the lights turn on from my side of the bed. “But it is dangerous, right?”

  “Anytime you’re alone with a guy like Vador it’s dangerous.” His voice was calm, so nonchalant.

  “I think the same could be said for you.” I’d been paying attention at work, picking up clues here and there. My man had a reputation, and you didn’t fuck with him.

  “That’s part of the job.” He moved his hand to my breast and thumbed my hard nipple.

  “That’s why you’re a badass,” I said as I leaned over him and kissed his lips.

  He chuckled. “Your badass.”

  “My badass,” I agreed between kisses and touches.

  * * *

  The weekend had passed quietly. I spent Saturday morning with Zoe and Tony while Forde attended to some out-of-office work. We spent Sunday doing couple’s things like going out to breakfast, and then to shop for groceries. While Forde watched football and took calls, I enrolled in an online class to learn how to do billing. So this morning, I was back in my receptionist chair ready to start the week.

  Jenn sat across from me recounting her weekend. She’d gone to a party where she’d watched a group of gamers compete.

  I was trying to follow her story. “So, let me get this straight. You just watched these people play? Nobody at your party was playing?” This was a section of society I had no idea about.

  “Guys, they were all guys, but chicks are getting into it. The guy who was having the party had an insane set up—five big screens with plenty of good sight lines.” She plunked her green Chuck Taylor’s on the side of my desk.

  “So did you have a good time?”

  She gave me an eye roll. “Are you asking did I go home alone?”

  “No, I wouldn’t. Well, maybe I do want to know, but I don’t feel like I could ask you that.” I stammered. I liked her, and I didn’t want to upset her by digging into her personal life.

  She burst out laughing. “Layla, you are the shit. You make being nosey sound so polite.” She shook her head at me.

  “Did Forde put you up to this? Ask you to hang out to make sure I was comfortable here?” Push you to be friendly? I appreciated his protectiveness, but I needed to make my own way, especially with my alpha-strong co

  She laughed showing her perfect white teeth. “Nope. I’m doing this because I like you, and you’re good at this job.”

  I sent a thank you smile her way.

  “Plus, if you stay happy, then I won’t have to train another receptionist, and I can get my shit done.” She pulled out her phone and started tapping away.

  I vowed to use what I’d learned yesterday and attacked the billing. I swear the badasses liked to work, but they hated paperwork. I could already see I was going to be the one to make sure the billing got done on time.

  At ten, Forde stuck his head out and asked, “Anything going on?”

  Jenn looked up from her phone. “Nope.”

  He nodded once. “Jenn, do you know anybody that’d fit with you? Needs the work?”

  I watched the two interact. It was like they spoke in shorthand.

  “Give me a couple of days. Maybe got a line on somebody.” Jenn made a note in her phone. “I could teach your woman how to do some of the checks.”

  Forde’s gaze came to rest on me. “Think she can do it?”

  “From what I can see, she’s taught herself how to do billing since Friday. So I’d say, yeah.” Jenn dropped her feet to the floor.

  “Lay, if you get some time check in with Jenn about that. It would take a load off of her, and I’d appreciate it.” He smiled and turned to go.

  I watched the door close behind him. “I love how he bosses us.” I can’t believe I said that out loud. My hand came up to cover my mouth.

  “You guys are so cute.” Jenn laughed. “He’s all tough and serious. You’re so girly and sweet. It cracks me up.”

  I took it as a compliment. I smiled as I opened up another screen on my computer and dealt with some e-mails.

  Two hours later, I looked up when I heard someone putting in the code on the door. Rick walked through cradling a baby in his huge arms.

  I jumped up from my seat. “Oh my God, who is this?” I was around my desk in three steps, and I had my arms out for the adorable little girl.

  “This is Nahla, my daughter.” He transferred the child into my arms.

  “I didn’t know you had a daughter.” I glanced at the baby and then back at him. She had his gorgeous skin color and a lopsided smile.

  “I usually go to her for a few days here and there, but this time she got to come home with me. Her mother’s in Charlotte.” For a moment he looked so sad.

  That statement told me a lot. There had been a relationship, and now the woman and his child were in North Carolina. “How long do you get to stay with daddy, Nahla?” I sing-songed to the sweet girl who rested her head on my shoulder.

  “Ten days. I flew down and back yesterday. My mom has the week off to help.” He watched me handle his daughter.

  “I’ll help too,” I told him as I slowly rocked my body from side to side. “I mean if you want it or need it.”

  “Sounds good, Layla. In fact, can you watch her while I meet with the boss?” He tipped his head toward the door.

  “Of course. When’s the last time you fed her and changed her?” I asked.

  “Fed her before we left my place, and I’ve got a couple of bottles in here.” He tapped the messenger bag over his shoulder. “Changed her right before we walked out the door.”

  “We’ll be fine. Won’t we, Miss Nahla?” I danced her around to my desk. Her eyes were getting heavy.

  Rick put the bag on the edge of my desk, moved to the door, then gave us one last look.

  I shot him a reassuring smile, this was going to be fun.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I heard Rick’s voice in the hallway outside of my office. I closed my laptop and shoved it to the side of my desk. This was not going to be an easy meeting. When I’d established Limited, I’d decided that my people could refuse a job, no reason needed. They knew the dangers, but I’d told myself it was their choice. Today, I didn’t like that I was going to ask Rick to accompany me to the meeting with the top tier of Cancerberos management. It was dangerous shit and he was a dad. But he thrived on the thrill of danger, and I trusted him implicitly.

  He rapped on the door frame. “Boss man?”

  “Come in.” I leaned forward in my chair and rested my elbows on the desk.

  He closed the door. He had an idea of what was coming, and it wasn’t for everyone’s ears. He eased his big body into the chair in front of my desk. “So you want a meet, face to face? Firm on that?”

  I frowned. “Shit’s getting out of control.”

  “Vador’s got some middle-management problems. I think the Moreno family is taking things into their own hands.” Rick crossed an ankle over his knee.

  “I’ve got no interest in his problems, except that they are now my problems. The Morenos are still coming after what’s mine. They’re pushing, and I’m going to push back.” I dropped my arms.

  “Could get ugly.” An understatement, but Rick was always cautious with his words.

  “I think it’s past time. I’ve been patient. I won’t overlook this last message. I’ve been patient, very patient, by going through Vador when I should have stamped out the Morenos.”

  He nodded once and met my gaze. “I’ll set it up.”

  “I know it’s shit timing, man,” I said in apology.

  “That’s not on you. That’s on Vador and the asshole Morenos.” Rick dropped his leg to the floor.

  “I know you have your baby this week. I swear I’ll do everything to stave off war, but—”

  Rick held up his palm. “My mom’s going to help out with Nahla. We let this go on, we lose ground. If shit gets hot, I’ll have my mom take Nahla back to North Carolina.”

  “If there was any other way…” I stood.

  “I know that. This is my deal. You can’t send Golden Boy or Osi.” Rick flashed a grin.

  He was right. Osi might take it into his head that there was disrespect and start blasting. He had a short fuse and took his idea of respect very seriously. Tye hated it when Rick called him the Golden Boy. I’d made a promise to his dad that Tye would stay clean. I wouldn’t say that I was dirty, but I wasn’t lily white. Any delicate issue discussed between Tye and I took place where there could be no blow back. No chance of a recording and no paper or electronic trail. I tried to imagine Tye sitting across the table from a man like Vador. The problem was, I could see it. Tye always had a bit of recklessness in him. He worked it out by doing things like mountain biking, bungee jumping and skydiving. In the last year, I’d noticed that he’d become edgier. When we sparred at the gym, he hit harder, not cheap, but right up against the line. I saw it in his eyes that need to feel his fist connect with flesh, blood spurting as the result. It was a part of me and the men I surrounded myself with.

  “I trust you with my life, man, with Layla’s too.” I circled around my desk and held out my hand.

  He stood and shook it, and then pulled me in for a man-hug. “I’ll go out later after I get Nahla settled with mom. It won’t take long for me to find one of Vador’s boys.”

  “Be smart. Safe.” I told him. “And keep this quiet. I’ll need to talk to Lay when it’s finalized, to go over a few things. I mentioned it last night but I don’t want her to hear about this from somebody else.”

  “I can say the same to you. When people hear about the meet, they may try to make trouble.” Rick made his way to the door.

  I opened the door. “With you at my back, I got no worries.”

  “Oh, you got plenty to worry about. You should see your woman holding my baby.” He flashed a grin.

  “Oh, yeah?” I followed him out in the hall. I was curious.

  “She wants one. It was written all over her face.” Rick shook his head.

  We heard voices coming from the kitchenette, so I followed Rick there.

  Layla was sitting in a chair facing the door with a towel thrown over her shoulder and a baby in her arms taking a bottle. She looked up as we entered. �
��She got hungry.” She looked down at Nahla, and her smile took my breath away.

  Rick was right. Lay wanted a baby and she looked so good holding one.

  I moved closer and ran my fingertips over Nahla’s head. She stopped sucking on her bottle and looked at me.

  “Hello Beautiful,” I said softly.

  “She’s a good girl, no trouble at all.” Layla stopped watching me and turned to Rick.

  “You look good with a baby in your arms.” I told her softly.

  Our gazes met, and I watched hers get shiny. Yeah, my woman wanted a baby. I gave her a slow smile, and she gave me one in return.

  “She likes you.” Rick’s voice broke up the moment.

  “We’ve had fun. Lucky for me Jenn isn’t that into babies. I got to hold her the entire time.” Layla put the empty bottle on the table and repositioned the baby to her shoulder.

  “Rick, you and Nahla want to join us for lunch? We were just heading out.” One of the best parts of having Layla working here was that we could go to lunch, together.

  “Thanks, man, but I think I’ll go home, make some calls, and hang with my girl.” Rick held out his arms for his baby.

  Layla washed the bottle, and put it back into the bag. “Remember, anytime you need a sitter, I volunteer.”

  “We volunteer,” I corrected.

  Layla walked to me and kissed my cheek.

  I pulled her into my side. “Soon,” I whispered in her ear. It was a promise.

  When we got home, I changed and started my workout. Layla went into the kitchen to begin dinner. It was crazy how easily we’d fallen into this routine. In the past when I had a woman around, she was always around. Underfoot, like if she couldn’t see me, I might disappear.

  Layla gave me space. At work, she might wave as she walked past my office on her way to get a drink, but she didn’t hang around. At home, she spent time in the kitchen and would join me on the sofa while I worked. She would read or be on her laptop. She seemed comfortable entertaining herself. It was easy to have her around.


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