Crystal Jake: The Complete EDEN Series Box Set

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Crystal Jake: The Complete EDEN Series Box Set Page 28

by Georgia Le Carre

  —You know it’s true,

  baby I’d die for you—



  I feel the veins in my neck bulge, my throat narrow. If that fucking piece of dog shit harms one single hair on her head I’ll kill him with my bare hands. My right leg starts trembling with nervous energy.

  ‘God in heaven, why? Why, Lily? Why?’ I smash my fist into the door. ‘Why couldn’t you just fucking leave me to deal with it?’ Pain flowers into my fist. The pain is good, because it focuses my mind. I need to pull myself together. My secretary comes running into my office. Her eyes are wild. She has never seen me like this.

  I hold my palms up.

  ‘Do you want me to do anything?’ she asks in a shocked tone.

  I don’t trust my voice. I shake my head and stride out through the open door. I drive back to the house in a state of such agitation that I speed through every single red light I come across. Horns blare at me from every direction. They increase my sense of panic. At an intersection I slam the steering wheel.

  ‘Damn you, Lily. Always making promises you don’t keep.’

  I throw open the front door and race to my safe. There is an icy hand inside my chest: clenched around my heart. I’m so angry I could kill someone. I take out the gun, the one I had hoped I’d never have a need for again. I always knew taking this in my hands again would require a matter of life and death, and this is. I load it up, my movements precise and efficient. It’s like riding a bike. You never forget. I slip it into my waistband. Then I slide the backup, a 9mm, into my right ankle holster and sprint to my car.

  I input the address into my navigation system. Twenty-three minutes! That’s how long it’s going to take me to reach her. I tell myself to calm down, but I end up driving like a madman, keeping my foot floored to the pedal even when the near misses become more and more frequent. I sense that Lily’s captor means business, but it is me he is after. She’s just bait. And you don’t hurt the hostage, at least, not until you get what you want.

  In this case, me.

  I pull up outside the address, adrenaline surging through my body. I switch off the engine and do a quick reconnaissance of the street. All seems quiet. I exit the car and walk quickly up to the discreet entrance. I press the buzzer as per instructions. Someone buzzes me in. Once inside the dimly lit foyer I see the two level staircase that leads up to the flat entrance at the top. I listen. Nothing. I take my gun out and climb the stairs. My heart is thumping so loud I can hear it in the echoing stillness of the stairwell.

  I find a key under the mat and use it to push open the door. It swings back to reveal Lily sprawled on the ground and a large man is standing over her. A gun is pointed at her head and her face is chalk white and smeared with blood. I feel myself going into shock.

  ‘Get out. Don’t come in. He’ll kill us both if you do,’ she screams.

  I came to get you and I’m not fucking leaving without you.

  ‘Drop the gun, Eden, or I swear I’ll splatter her brains right now.’

  ‘Shoot her and you’re dead.’

  ‘But she’ll be dead, too. You want to take that risk?’

  I can see from the man’s dead eyes that he is a psychopath. He wouldn’t think twice about carrying out his threat. But I’m not giving up my gun, or both Lily and I are dead for sure. Two thoughts occur to me. He is alone. But he won’t be so for long. This might be my only chance. My best hope is to distract the ugly cunt, and make him shoot at me, long enough for me to get a clear shot and finish him. I dive to the ground and roll, spin on the carpet, and bump into a lamp stand—it crashes to the ground. I lunge for the protection of a cabinet.

  I see him: his eyes on fire, his shiny face contorted. He roars in surprise and rage, as he turns in my direction and starts firing wildly. The shots come rapidly. The shocking kick of the bullet as it smashes into my chest, shattering bone, muscles and sinew, whips me onto my back. The pain is ice-cold, fills my ravaged chest, and then something hits my head, it snaps back. Oh Jesus…. I pull myself upwards and level the arm that’s still holding the gun. I pull the trigger.

  He doesn’t know what hit him as the bullet strikes him in the throat. His throat erupts. A spray of crimson paints the wall behind him as he sinks to the ground, clawing at his open throat, shrieking in agony. His body thrashes and writhes. Then an eerie silence descends. He is dead. I hear a sob, then an elongated wail of horror, the sound of cloth rustling. Lily is crawling toward me.

  There is a strange icy throbbing in my chest, but my mind suddenly becomes calm and serene, almost trance-like. As if I am a calm observer. Outside the mayhem. At peace. Maybe I’m dying. Jesus, that would be a bummer. But at least it’s done. The job’s done. Lily is kneeling over me and crying, I feel a tear fall on my face. My head is on fire and I can feel my blood pouring out of me quickly. I try not to acknowledge it. I feel faint.

  ‘It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you,’ she sobs. ‘I love you so much, Jake.’

  Some part of me starts smiling. Yeah, me too, babe. Like crazy.

  I try to speak, but my lungs are full of fluid, the agony is unspeakable. I try to squeeze her hand, but there appears to be no force in mine.

  She starts shaking me. Oh fuck’s sake, Lily. Have a bit of respect. I’m dying here, I want to joke, but my lips won’t move. Oh Jesus, I cannot focus my eyes anymore. The peace envelops me like a fog. But I won’t submit to it. I kick furiously against it.

  ‘Don’t you dare fucking die on me. Hold on, please, Jake.’ She starts rummaging through the pockets of my jacket, finds my mobile, and dials. I don’t want to die.

  ‘Hurry, please,’ she cries plaintively, urgently.

  Suddenly I hear Lily drop the mobile phone without giving the address and scramble to her feet.

  Oh my God! Something’s wrong. She has my gun in her hand and is pointing it at someone standing in the doorway. I can’t see who it is, I can’t help her. Please… Get away, I want to scream. I try to rise up but I’m nailed to the floor.

  I hear voices, Lily’s and someone else’s, a man’s, but I’m drifting away...the blackness is calling.


  I hear him come up the stairs. My hands are shaking so much the gun seems to be rattling in my hands. I hate guns and I have only had two real hours of firearms training during the two week intensive. There is very little emphasis on SO10 operatives to master weapons since there is no need. Someone who can handle a gun will do so in the street compromising their cover. I take a deep breath. I curl my finger on the trigger. I straighten my elbows and point the gun into the open doorway. The sound of steps comes closer. I stare at the empty space.

  Suddenly Billy Joe Pilkington fills the doorway. He is big. He is very big. And he has a gun.

  ‘Don’t come any further or I will shoot you,’ I shout a warning.


  Billy Joe Pilkington

  ‘Whoa,’ I say, dropping my gun and holding my exposed palms up. Hell, what the fuck happened here? I don’t know what I expected, but not the one-man-down, Jake covered in blood on the ground, and his missus crazy-eyed and pointing a gun at me carnage I find.

  ‘Hey, I’m here to help you.’

  ‘Liar,’ she screams wildly. ‘I heard Mills call you and I know exactly what he said so don’t try to pretend anything else. I’m not interested in your turf war. Just get out of here so I can call an ambulance and get Jake to hospital. If you don’t leave I swear I’ll shoot.’

  ‘Listen, I’m not the snitch. Jake told me about it. It’s Tommy. We figured it out.’

  ‘So how did you know about this address? It’s not listed anywhere,’ she asks suspiciously, all the while glancing worriedly at Jake.

  ‘We’ve been keeping a close eye on him. When he got a mobile call earlier today, he acted so nervous, I knew something was up. So I worked him over and that’s when he told me about this place, you, and his bent fucking copper friend. I jumped in my vehicle a
nd came straight here, tooled up and ready for fucking anything, but looks like I got here too late.’

  Suddenly, she throws the gun to the floor. ‘It’s not you. You didn’t knock three times.’

  She doesn’t make any sense but if she’s putting down the gun, I’m made.

  ‘I have to call an ambulance,’ she blurts out, panicked and trembling.

  I crouch over Jake. Fuck! He is in a bad way. He is lying in a pool of blood and more is pouring out of his head and chest. We can’t wait for a fucking ambulance. He’ll die before one gets here. The closest hospital is only ten minutes away. I might not even make it then.

  I grab her wrist. Her eyes swing wildly toward me.

  ‘Listen, we can’t wait for an ambulance. We have to take him there ourselves. Do you understand me?’

  She nods quickly.

  ‘My car is double parked right outside. A blue—’

  ‘I know it,’ she cuts in impatiently.

  ‘Right, I’m going to carry him. I want you to run ahead and open the back doors.’

  I go to the curtain and tear a long strip. I tie it around his chest and around his head. Almost instantly the cloth becomes soaked. His breathing is scarily shallow. I don’t waste any more time. I heave him off the ground. He’s a big man, and unconscious he is a dead weight, but I have lifted men up and thrown them down from a high height during fights. I heave him up with a grunt and make for the stairs. Jake’s wife has opened the car doors and has returned.

  When she sees me she runs down the stairs ahead of me and holds open the door. I get him into the back of my car and while she cradles his head I run to the driver’s seat and get in.


  ‘Go. Hurry, please,’ she begs urgently.

  I pull away and slam my foot on the accelerator. Some guy screams at me. ‘Fucking maniac.’ In ordinary circumstances I would have got out of the car, walked up to him and got him to say it to my face. He’s got Jake to thank.

  Jake’s wife is crooning to him.

  ‘Hang in there, Jake. I never said a bad thing about you. Not to anyone. Not ever. There was never anything bad to say. And I never gave a single important secret away. I’m good for all your secrets. I’ll never talk. I’m your wife and I love you to bits. We have our whole lives to live. Don’t leave me, my love. We will survive this. You just wait and see.’

  The silence that comes from him is deafening.

  I glance into the rear-view mirror and tears are pouring down her face. He lies in her lap with his eyes shut, so white, so still. It doesn’t look good. This is the man who wouldn’t lie down and give up when he was in the ring with me. I feel the cold hand of real fear for him.

  ‘Hang in there, Jake. Oh, Jake, Jake, Jake,’ she sobs, while the blood seeps through her fingers. She looks up at me. She seems dazed and totally lost. I know her type. She’s delicate. She can snap at any moment. I’ve seen that look before.

  ‘His hair feels so soft and smells so good, but I can feel him slipping away. His pulse is slowing down, too. I think he’s dying, BJ,’ she tells me calmly.

  Fuck me, if that isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve heard today. She must be in shock and rambling. It’s not going to be good when she zones back into reality.

  I fucking nail my foot to the accelerator.


  BJ gets Jake to the A & E of the closest hospital. I don’t even register what it is called. I just sit there covered in his blood as they take him away from me and load him onto a gurney. It seems to me that they are moving too slowly. I feel an irrational fury. I want to scream at them, but I don’t. Instead they are surprised to find me perfectly calm. Even I am shocked at how unmoved I am. I don’t feel anything.

  ‘Hurry, please,’ I urge, my voice, as cold as ice.

  And they take him away from me.

  Someone touches my arm. Slowly I swing my eyes upwards. A long way upwards. Ah, BJ.

  ‘I’ve got to go. I can’t be here when the police arrive.’

  ‘OK. Thank you.’

  ‘I’ll be around later.’

  He turns to move away. I catch his arm. ‘Wait.’

  He turns back, surprised.

  I reach into my bra and fish out the surveillance stick. ‘Can you hold onto this for me? You’re the only one I can trust now.’

  ‘What is this?’

  ‘This is Jake’s life.’

  He takes it, nods, and leaves.

  Then I call my old Detective Sergeant and give him the address, briefly warning him what his men are going to find. I take a deep breath and call Shane to ask him to come. As soon as I hear his voice that strange everything-is-under-control, all-is-well cloud that had protected me from fear and panic is suddenly gone.

  My heart starts racing. My chest constricts and I can’t catch my breath. Sweat starts pouring from my underarms. I feel lightheaded and faint. I am choked by a sensation that I could die right here from pure, unadulterated terror.

  The terror of losing Jake.

  Someone—a nurse—takes the phone from my rigid hand. Maybe she will tell Shane the name of the hospital. I become aware that other people in uniforms are running toward me. I see visions of me falling to the floor, screaming and kicking, and everyone staring curiously. My brain instructs me to tell the people who are holding me that it is Jake who needs their ministrations.

  There seems to be confusion all around me.

  Some rational part of my brain concedes that it is possible that I have become hysterical. In fact, I think I have just slapped a nurse. It’s not that I want to, but I can’t control my arms and legs. They flail out uncontrollably with a life of their own. Someone injects me with something.

  I scream for my Jake until I am gone from my body.



  I don’t know how many hours pass before I wake up. There is no moment of confusion, of where am I? What is going on? Where is Jake? NO! As soon as I open my eyes I know. I am in a hospital and Jake’s been taken away from me. He is probably being operated on. I sit up and slide off the bed. My bare feet touch cold ground. There are curtains pulled all around me. I part the curtains and start walking in the direction of voices. I come to the reception desk.

  ‘Ah, you’re awake,’ someone says.

  ‘Where’s Jake?’ I ask.

  ‘Calm down.’

  ‘I will calm down when you tell me where my husband is.’

  ‘First we need some shoes,’ she says.

  ‘I just want to know—’

  But she is already walking back to the curtained section where I had come from and returns with a pair of shoes, mine. I wear them hurriedly. ‘Take me to my husband please.’

  ‘He’s still in surgery, but I can take you to where the rest of your family are.’

  I frown. ‘My family?’

  ‘Yes, they are all waiting. Come on.’

  I follow her to a sitting room. ‘Here they are,’ she says cheerfully.

  The first person I see is Jake’s mother.

  The nurse makes her exit.

  For a few seconds Jake’s mother and I stare at each other. Then she stands up and advances toward me. Her small frame is trembling with anger. I look at her and I don’t feel afraid. I want her to hurt me. I deserve it. It is all my fault. I was so stupid, so fucking careless. It will be a relief to have her strike me. She stands in front of me and lifts her hand. I think she intended to slap me. I would have done it if I were her. Her hand moves in an arc, but it never connects. Shane catches it.

  ‘Don’t, Ma,’ he says sadly. ‘He’s in love with her. When he wakes up, it will break his heart to know you marked her.’

  He lets go of her hand and she covers her mouth with it. Her eyes are shocked and huge and her hand is visibly shaking. ‘What if he doesn’t wake up?’

  He turns white. ‘Then his soul will grieve.’

  She crumples then, sobbing as if her poor heart was breaking. He put his arm around her and gently led her to
ward the blue chair.

  And then Dom is next to me. ‘Come on,’ he says. ‘Let’s get you some coffee.’

  I let him lead me out of that sad waiting room with its blue seats and Jake’s devastated mother.

  I lean against the wall. Dom and I have hardly spoken. I’ve kept away from him.

  ‘Do you want a real drink?’ he says.

  ‘Yeah,’ I say.

  He takes a flask out of his jacket pocket.

  I take a long swallow. The alcohol burns my throat. ‘How long has he been in the operating theater?’

  ‘Seven hours.’

  I become frightened. ‘He’s not going to make it, is he?’

  His jaw goes stiff. ‘He’s gonna make it,’ he says. ‘He’s gonna fucking make it or I’m gonna kill the fucking bastard myself.’

  That’s Dom for you: Why open a fucking door when you can fucking kick it down? Tears start flowing down my cheeks.


  I wake up to indescribable pain. ‘Lily,’ I mutter.

  There is no answer. I return to the blessed blackness.

  I come back. Lights. Voices. Machines. Searing pain. I go away.

  I open my eyes. A woman. ‘Lily?’

  ‘Nurse Bourne, I’m afraid.’


  ‘Your wife?’

  ‘Yeah, my wife. Tell her to get her ass in here now,’ I mumble.

  And then it is blackness again.

  My mother holds my hand. I know that. I feel her. She cries. I want to stop her. I’m all right. She goes. Shane comes. ‘Get well soon,’ he whispers.

  I open my eyes and there she is. She is shaking. She puts her hand in mine. She’s not all right. ‘I love you,’ she says. I’m not there for her.

  Then I open my eyes and it is no longer fuzzy. I recognize my mother.

  ‘Where’s Lily, Ma?’ I ask.

  ‘She’s outside,’ she says. ‘You nearly died because of her.’

  ‘That’s right. I nearly died because of her, but I’d be dead without her, Ma. She warned us they had infiltrated BJ’s organization.’

  That’s the thing about Ma, she’s not vindictive. She forgives easily. ‘In that case I will pray to the Madonna for your wife,’ she whispers.


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