Captured And Claimed (Wayward Mates Series Book 8)

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Captured And Claimed (Wayward Mates Series Book 8) Page 1

by Delta James

  Captured and Claimed


  Delta James

  Copyright © 2019 by Stormy Night Publications and Delta James

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  James, Delta

  Captured and Claimed

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Dreamstime/Aqnus Febriyant and 123RF/Kamil Majdański

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  Additional Books in the Wayward Mates Series

  More Stormy Night Books by Delta James

  Delta James Links


  It is said that shifters—those who shift between human and animal form—existed long before non-shifters. When the world was a far more dangerous place, the ability to shift from one form to another as needed was natural selection at its finest. It allowed those who could do so to thrive in environments in which a human would have trouble surviving. The shifter’s enhanced genetic immunity, rapid healing ability, and long life added to their leap to the top of the evolutionary ladder.

  Now with the decline in female born-shifters, some desperate packs have taken to raiding weaker packs for their women as well as abducting human women and turning them without their consent. The Ruling Councils having chosen to play ostrich refusing to even recognize there is a problem. A small group of concerned packs in Europe, the UK, and America have banded together to identify the extent of the problem and eradicate it.

  Chapter One

  Darby Gautier entered the shower in their master suite at Rivière Du Loup to join her mate. She embraced him from behind, running her nails lightly down his steely abs and lovingly grasping his cock as it quickly began to respond to her attention. She nibbled along his shoulder blades and rubbed her stiffened nipples down his back.

  “There you are, ma chou,” he said, turning in her embrace. He stroked her back and cupped her derriere, giving it a light squeeze. “Have you been behaving yourself this afternoon?”

  “How can you ask that, my alpha?” she purred at him.

  Jean-Michel laughed. “Because I know you all too well.” He squeezed her lower cheek a bit more firmly. “Does my mate need to be reminded with a trip over my knee that I expect her to conduct herself appropriately this weekend?”

  “Depends on how you define appropriate.”

  Darby nuzzled his neck and began to kiss her way down his torso as she sank slowly to her knees. He tangled his hands in her blonde, curly mane and moaned appreciatively. She looked up at him, asking his permission wordlessly to pleasure his now erect cock with her mouth. He nodded. Their eyes locked as she parted her lips and Jean-Michel gently thrust his hard staff between them and toward the back of her throat.

  “Such a good mate when you want to be,” he crooned.

  Darby said nothing but continued to lick and suck Jean-Michel in the way she knew he liked best. At first, he allowed her to control some of the movement of her head, but as he became more aroused, his hands tightened in her hair. Stilling her movements, he began to fuck her mouth. She grasped the back of his thighs with her hands and relaxed her throat, allowing him to thrust himself more deeply. She was just able to taste a bit of his pre-cum, when he fisted her hair and drew her up his body as he pushed her against the shower wall.

  “Did you not want me to bring you pleasure, my beloved?” she whispered as his head descended, capturing her nipple in his mouth. Her sharp inhalation made him nip the turgid peak before sucking strongly on it. “Jean-Michel,” she sighed.

  “Shh, little wolf, your alpha has need of your comfort before we go downstairs.”

  His mouth moved to the other nipple and began to lick, suck, and nip it as well. One hand moved between her legs. As she brought her hands down to try to direct his fondling, he grasped both of her wrists in his strong grip and drew them over her head, growling seductively. He grinned as he felt her honeyed essence begin to leak out of her sheath and onto the fingers he had set to playing with her outer lips and clit.

  Darby writhed in his embrace. Her last fleeing, coherent thought was that she would never be able to get her fill of his lovemaking. Jean-Michel’s all-consuming love kept her wrapped in its warm embrace even when they were not together. She physically ached for him when they were apart. The upcoming week was going to be decidedly unpleasant for both of them.

  He thrust his fingers into her warm, wet heat, causing her to call his name quietly. Jean-Michel moved his head up her breastbone and throat to take possession of her mouth. His tongue began to duel with hers in the same rhythm that his fingers pleasured her below.

  Darby’s breathing became shallow and erratic as she felt her climax becoming imminent. Her pelvis began to rock in concert with his fingers that stroked her relentlessly.

  “You are not allowed to come, ma chou.”

  “What?” she cried breathlessly. “Jean-Michel, please?”

  “Now what good would it do my poor, hard cock if my woman climaxed without having it lodged deep within her so she’d have something to pulse around as she orgasms? That’s a naughty mate. You may end up over my knee yet this night. But for now...”

  He let the sentence dangle as he removed his fingers from her cunt and spun her around so that she was facing the wall. He nudged her legs apart and Darby responded by bracing against the shower stall and widening the space between her thighs so that he would have easier access to her heated sheath.

  Jean-Michel ran his hands up the front of her body, caressing her breasts and rolling her nipples between his fingers before returning them back down and grasping her hips. She felt the head of his cock seeking the entrance to her core. It had found its way there so many times, it needed no assistance. They had often joked that it was like a heat-seeking missile and the deepest portion of her pussy was its target. He grunted as the head of his cock pushed past her labia and sank deep within her.

  Darby responded as she always did when he dominantly possessed her. Not only did she achieve more than one orgasm when they made love but most often would climax as he mounted her and drove his cock deep into her core. While Jean-Michel took great pride in his ability to pleasur
e his mate, he also ensured that she never forgot which of them was alpha and which was not.

  “Oh, God, you feel good,” she sighed, leaning heavily on the wall.

  His only response was to grasp her hips more firmly as he began to plunge more deeply and with more strength. The noises he made were half human and half wolf, but all male. Jean-Michel was a man of strong passion and unbridled libido and Darby blessed every day she woke next to him that he had claimed her as his own.

  Jean-Michel began to pummel her pussy as he brought her to another climax before beginning to seek his own release. Faster and harder he pumped his cock in and out. It seemed to her to be expanding and scraping along her inner walls. She began to hit her own peak again and could feel him spill himself into her, bathing her pussy with his thick, creamy cum. As his own climax neared its end, he wrapped one strong arm around her waist and leaned heavily on the wall with the other, his forearm muscles and biceps bulging as he held her tight against his body.

  As the storm of their passion subsided, Jean-Michel nuzzled and nipped her neck.

  “I fear, mate, you have unmanned me yet again long before I had tired of your orgasms. I will have to address your naughty behavior this evening with a spanking of the erotic kind as I also finger you and make you come for me lying across my thighs.”

  Darby sighed and brought one of her arms down to embrace the one of his that still held her close.

  “And what if I don’t want to be spanked?” she asked seductively.

  Jean-Michel chuckled, “Than I shall have to spank you harder until you decide to yield to your mate’s baser desires and indulge him.”

  He withdrew from her despite her protests. He turned her back into the circle of his arms and kissed each of her eyelids, the tip of her nose, and then her mouth. She sighed and melted into him. He kissed her forehead.

  “Finish your shower, sweetheart. I’ve got some cigars and I understand there’s a good bottle of whiskey from Ioan to be shared with my brethren. But, I will leave my heart and soul in your most capable and loving hands.”

  “Oh, that’s nice,” she said with a giggle. “Fuck me hard and once you take the edge off it’s back to normal and getting ready to leave for Wolf Meadow. Why do I put up with you?”

  He laughed. “Because you have no choice, remember? You tried to get away from me several times as I recall and each time earned yourself a spanking before I fucked you into submission.”

  “I think you like the fucking more than you like the spanking.”

  “You are correct. Luckily for both of us, I don’t have to choose... and both work in harmony to keep my most beloved mate sated and happy.”

  She giggled again. “Yes, they do. Now unless you plan to fuck me again, get out so I can get dressed. I’ve already packed my bag.”

  He turned her around and patted her bottom with affection. “You’d best behave, little wolf, or else that erotic spanking may become one with more sting than you’d like.”

  Darby smiled as he exited the bath and then began to quickly wash herself. He was going to be furious with her before this was all over. She only hoped she could avoid him taking his belt to her backside.

  Chapter Two

  Northern Coast of Spain—the previous year

  Shannon Livingston had been on a dream vacation after her graduation from law school. She was in Florence strolling along the streets by the canals when she’d been grabbed. Her memories of that time were difficult if not impossible to recall. She’d been drugged and finally, after weeks of being moved from place to place all over Europe, had ended up at a villa on the coast of Spain. The place was owned by a man named Ramon deMoncada. It was beautiful, but Shannon never saw its beauty because Ramon deMoncada was a pig—one of those polished aristocrats who believe they are superior to all people in all things.

  DeMoncada blithely told her that her old life was over and he’d be preparing her for a new and improved one. He happily informed her that she had passed all of her medical tests with flying colors and that given her age and beauty he had big plans for her and that she would be the crown jewel in his collection to be auctioned off shortly before he closed down his newest business venture for good. Shannon flew at him in a rage, but deMoncada had little trouble in fending off her attack.

  “You are a spirited thing. There are many of our kind who will find taming you to be a particular treat.” He turned to his men. “Strip her and let her begin to understand her new place in life. Restrain her with her arms attached to the beams overhead. Do not stretch her. I want her to be able to be reasonably comfortable. Make sure she has something under her feet. We don’t want to risk her taking a chill.”

  She was removed from the room by two thugs. They dragged her down a long hall and down a flight of stone stairs into what she was quite sure was a dungeon or perhaps even a torture chamber. The two men stripped her of her clothing in a clinically detached manner. She tried to struggle and break free, but they were too strong. They attached very soft cuffs to her wrists and did as deMoncada had instructed—her arms were overhead but she did not have to stretch up onto her toes to offer them any degree of comfort.

  She stood for what seemed to be a long time. There was some natural light coming in from high windows. Shannon could see no escape there. The two thugs returned, bringing in a cot with what looked to be a relatively comfortable mattress. A frail, bent woman followed shortly and made up the bed with sheets and blankets. As Shannon looked around, she could see there was a toilet and sink—no privacy but she figured it was slightly better than some of the cruder kinds of bathroom facilities she could think of.

  “Where am I?” she whispered to the woman.

  “It does not matter,” came the heavily accented French voice. “What you knew before is done. Do as he says and things will be much easier for you.”

  “Can’t you help me? Get a message to the American embassy?”

  The old woman snorted in disgust. “They would be of no use to you nor would the High Council. He bought and paid for them to turn a blind eye to his ventures a long time ago.”

  She said nothing more and scurried away as fast as she could. Shannon was left alone again. She knew time had passed for the light had changed both its directional angle and intensity.

  The door opened and the one they called deMoncada entered. He circled her, looking at her with a critical eye.

  “You need a little weight; you’re a bit too thin, but the bruises have faded. Those who put them there have been terminated. They had specific instructions not to mar you in any way. I did keep pictures though as the alpha who wins you will want to know you have spirit.”

  He ran his hand down her back, stopping to cup each of her buttocks and give them a gentle squeeze. Shannon kicked backwards trying to injure him. His response was a swift stinging swat to her behind.

  “Naughty. You do not strike out or kick when you are being handled. You will provide pleasure to the alpha who wins you. That is your primary function in life—to please your alpha. You will do that by always being responsive, enthusiastically taking his knot, and carrying his children. You will most likely be bred repeatedly and produce heirs and hopefully some females as well. Tell me, are you a virgin?”

  “None of your fucking business,” she spat at him.

  Another sharp blow was delivered to her backside.

  “You will learn to speak with respect.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me marked in any way.”

  DeMoncada chuckled. “That is the beauty of the bare hand on a female’s bottom; it gives her cause to think twice about misbehaving, leaves a lovely imprint of her master’s hand and some color, but both will fade, restoring it to its natural beauty.” Once again, he fondled her buttocks. “And yours is exquisite. It is just the right size and firmness for a man to enjoy as he fucks you with the right amount of bounce when he chooses to spank you.”

  “You can’t do this to me. I’m an American citizen.”

p; “And that would matter to my kind because? You have no idea what has happened to you. My plan is do some preliminary work with you so I can show you to your best advantage. The alphas who will bid the highest will want to see to most of your taming. Now, are you a virgin? Either you tell me now or I will have a doctor brought in to examine you and he can answer my question.”


  Again, deMoncada’s response was a hard strike against her bottom.

  “That is not respectful. Normally, I would let some of my pack members have a chance to work with you, but I fear you would excite them past reason and they might damage you. That I cannot have.”

  He trailed his hand around to her front and lifted one of her breasts before fondling her nipple. Not getting the response he wanted, he pinched it. Shannon made a small gasp in pain at the shock of the mistreatment. He smiled as it started to bead. He stroked her breast again before moving to the other. This time when he played with her nipple, it responded.

  “Very good girl. Your body learns quickly and enjoys being pleasured.” He tweaked her nipple again. “Virgin or not?”

  “Not,” she cried.

  He stepped in closer and inhaled deeply. “Hmm, interesting. Your nipples are responding to being handled, but it does not smell as though your cunt has begun to produce that female essence that is so delightful to the tongue and makes her sheath luxurious. I will teach your body to respond readily and easily.”

  He ran his hand down between her legs and pinched her clit, which responded as her nipples had, causing him to smile.

  “I see. You need to be handled in order to become aroused. Well, that could be because you have not been handled enough and your body needs to learn to respond. We will work on that. The fact that you are not a virgin but have never been taken by my kind will drive your price up considerably. Being the first to breach you with a knot will be important to many who will bid on you.”

  He stroked between her legs, but never put his fingers inside her. Again, he circled around her and played with her buttocks, this time running his finger down between her cheeks and playing with her bottom hole.


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