Broken Politics

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Broken Politics Page 4

by Janae Keyes

More hands flew into the air. Matthew pointed at another reporter. “Yes Trip.”

  “Has any group claimed responsibility for the attacks?” Trip Henderson asked.

  “No, nothing so far. We’re waiting and looking.” Matthew answered. More hands went up. Matthew looked out into the crowd. I raised my hand fully knowing that it was rare for a reporter in the back row to have even the slightest chance at getting questions answered. Matthew’s green eyes then locked with mine. I could swear I saw a smirk appear on his face. “Kayla.”

  I was shocked to hear my name. I even heard Julie gasp next to me. “Mr. President you just stated that you will not stand by and see our allies attacked and will do whatever needs to be done against these terrorists, but no one has claimed responsibility. There are already thousands of troops deployed that should be coming home and now you want to send them off to God knows where to fight ghosts?” I looked directly in his eyes as I asked my question. There were a few snickers in the room.

  “Well Ms. Johnson I didn’t say I was sending any troops anywhere.” He stated sounding frustrated.

  “Your statement is pretty much a declaration of war.” I stated.

  “It could be interpreted that way.” He then said. He looked flustered and frustrated. It was quite fun to watch him squirm under the pressure. “For now there is no war. I am just stating that we won’t allow our allies to be attacked and we will do what we can to stand up for them and possibly ourselves. In the future if that means war against those who have attacked us or our allies then that may be on the table, but isn’t an assurance.” He’d recovered well. He then looked away from me and out into the room. “Any other questions?” More hands shot up.

  I’d put him on edge and on notice. I think from my first day with him he knew I was intelligent and could stand my own ground. I wondered how that affected him. I wondered if he thought about me when I wasn’t there. Something deep inside me wished that he did. I was now convinced that something was wrong with me.


  A Declaration of War

  I’m pretty damn sure that President Matthew Von Hansen has lost his damn mind. He declared war against those responsible for the Brussels Attack before anyone even knew who was responsible for the attack. It was funny how minutes after the attack the usual republican murmurs of islamophobia were already echoing through the country until videos of the attack started to surface and the world learned those behind the attack don’t swear allegiance to Islam. The group behind the attack call themselves The Alliance. They are made up of various ethnic groups and religions. The tricky part is they are based all around the world and there is no known leader. What made it obvious before The Alliance claimed responsibility and that it wasn’t Islamic terrorists were the videos. In the videos the attackers shouted “Sic semper tyrannis!” the Latin phrase meaning “Thus always to tyrants”, which happens to be the slogan of The Alliance and pretty much most nut jobs around the world. Good Luck fighting ghosts Mr. President.

  Until Then,


  Chapter Three


  WAKING UP TODAY I was excited. Today the first installment of my Intimate Portrait of the President series was to be released with this month’s issue of MetroGirl. I’d turned in my draft the previous week and I was excited to see it printed. My mom had already told me she was going to be the first person in line at the grocery store to get about 20 copies.

  The week prior MetroGirl sent a photographer to The White House to get shots of Matthew. After my email to my co-worker about the Camille Andrews article the magazine scrapped the entire idea and now my article was going to be the featured article and Matthew was going to be the cover. It was funny watching him awkwardly pose for the cameras. He seemed so uncomfortable and it got even worse when they brought in a model to pose all over him. It was uncomfortable for me also. Not that I should have been, but it was.

  I’d been fighting with the attraction I’d been feeling for him. It was hard to deny it after awhile. I’d found myself attracted to Matthew Von Hansen. Over the past few weeks I’d gotten to know him better. He was actually funny and on occasions would make me laugh until I cried. There was so much more behind Matthew Von Hansen than anyone knew, though his politics still sucked terribly.

  Walking up to the MetroGirl offices I was excited to get my free copy of the magazine and for once I was actually excited to attend the staff meeting. As I walked I started to pass the cupcake shop on the corner and I remember a conversation Matthew and I had last week.


  I sat in my normal spot in his office. I caught him stealing a glance at me as he normally did. It seemed to be a game between the two of us at this point. This was one of the few times that my heart skipped a beat when he did so. I gave him a soft smile and sat my laptop next to me and picked up my notebook.

  “So…Matt…” I’d now fallen in love with the way his name rolled on my tongue. It flowed so easily and so naturally. “What do you miss about civilian life now that you are president?” I asked him. I watched him think for a moment and then his face lit up.

  “I miss going out and buying things for myself. I miss going and grabbing a cupcake from that one place… Missy’s Cupcakes. Yeah I can always send an intern, but it’s weird to ask an intern to go buy me a cupcake.” He said. I smiled thinking of how he liked doing something so simple.

  “I know Missy’s. The offices of MetroGirl are right up the street from there.” I said thinking of those delicious cupcakes that went straight to my hips. “I love the Strawberry Shortcake ones.”

  “Those are good, but my absolute favorite flavor is Peanut Butter Cup.” He said. I could see by the look on his face that he was imagining the taste of a Peanut Butter Cup cupcake from Missy’s Cupcakes.


  I WALKED INTO the offices of MetroGirl with a pink box of cupcakes. I sat the box on my desk and took off my coat. I was so glad the weather was getting warmer, but the mornings were still a bit chilly. I smoothed out my skirt and grabbed my notebook before walking through the sickening pink office down to the conference room. Most people had arrived for the meeting, but our editor Kizzy wasn’t there yet.

  Taking my seat at the table I could see eyes on me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat hoping that Kizzy would arrive soon and the meeting would start. I wasn’t a fan of being the center of attention. The girl in the chair next to me then turned to me.

  “Great job over at the White House Kayla.” She said giving me a smile.

  “Umm…thanks.” I answered. I then heard the door to the conference room open and close. It was Kizzy and the room went silent. I was glad that she’d arrived so this meeting could get started and I could get out of these offices and head over to the White House. I for sure preferred the Press Corp offices and the Oval Office to being in the offices of MetroGirl.

  “Let’s get this meeting started.” Kizzy said as she placed her stack of folders and magazines down at her spot. She then sat in her chair at the end of the table. “First I’d like a round of applause for Kayla who wrote our feature article on the president. She’s been the eyes and ears for MetroGirl in the White House for nearly a month now.” The room erupted into applause. I could feel my cheeks getting warm as everyone applauded. I sat uncomfortable, but proud. “With that I’ve decided since we do have more of a presence in the White House we will be using it. Kayla you will be doing weekly blog posts about your experience at the White House on our website.” That was something I didn’t expect. My eyes widened. It was going to be a lot more work, but work that I was appreciative for.

  “Umm wow that’s huge.” I said still slightly in shock.

  “You’re up for it right?” she questioned looking right at me.

  “For sure up for it.” I answered as the eyes of everyone in the room were on me.

  “Good you will be emailing your articles to Zach the editor of online content every Sunday.” Kizzy said.

I promptly left the office with my box of cupcakes in my hands. I gave a wave to the security guard at the gate who I now knew as Justin. He took a look at my badge and me and waved me on like always. I went through security easily and made my way up to the Oval Office as always.

  “Morning Karen.” I said to the President’s secretary who had a desk right outside of the Oval Office.

  “Morning Kayla. He isn’t in the Oval. I think he is in the residence.” Karen said. “I think you have clearance to go to the residence though.”

  “I’m not sure where the residence is.” I then said to Karen who simply gave me a kind smile. She then reached into her desk and pulled out a piece of paper.

  “I’ll show you.” She said. I walked to her desk and noticed that the piece of paper was of a map.

  After a few minutes of Karen showing me the various ways to get to the residence on the map I found myself wandering the White House. I then came to a Secret Service agent at a door. His name was John and was a taller, bald, white guy. He gave me a wave as he saw me. I’d gotten to know the President’s personal detail in my weeks at the White House and they all at this point knew who I was.

  “Hey Kayla.” He said as he opened the door for me like it was nothing.

  I couldn’t believe that I was given this much access to this place. The Secret Service was just allowing me into any doors like it was absolutely nothing. I didn’t want to linger or seem too nervous so I just walked through the doors. Like the rest of the White House everything in here was so intricate and it seemed like every single detail was planned out. I’d walked into a large sitting room. The walls were covered in an off-white wallpaper that had beautiful golden designs. The molding was all off white and so detailed. I wasn’t quite sure where to go. I heard a sound coming from one of the rooms. I inched closer and took a breath before I opened the door. There was Matthew standing only in his boxer shorts in what seemed to be a bedroom.

  “Oh shit sorry.” I said quickly before closing the door. I was lost for words and I couldn’t believe that I’d just seen the President of the United States standing in his boxer shorts. I was completely embarrassed.

  I took a seat in the sitting room. I sat with the box of cupcakes carefully placed on my lap. I didn’t know what I was going to say to Matthew when he walked out here. I was wracking my brain thinking of exactly how do you apologize to the President for walking in on him nearly naked.

  The door to the bedroom then opened and Matthew walked out of the room. Besides the moments before when I’d just seen him in his underwear this was the first time I’d seen him not wearing his usual shirt and tie or a suit. He wore a pair of dark jeans with a crimson and white Harvard University t-shirt and black converse shoes.

  “I’m so sorry!” I said at once quickly standing.

  Matthew just laughed.

  “It’s alright. I wasn’t expecting anyone. I just returned from an outing.” He said as he walked in my direction.

  “Umm…” I didn’t know what else to say. “I got you something.” I said as I shoved the box of cupcakes in his direction.

  “Really?” he questioned as he walked to me. He simply opened the box and I saw his face light up. He then looked at me. His green eyes met mine. My heart skipped a beat. He then took the box from my hands his fingers slightly grazing mine. I felt a shiver work their way from my fingers. I inhaled. “Follow me.”

  I did as I was told and I followed him through another door. I realized that we were now in a dining room, but he kept going through another door and we were now in a nicely equipped personal kitchen. He sat the box on the counter and went to a cabinet where he pulled out two white plates and sat them on the counter.

  “Take a seat.” He said to me motioning to the bar stools sitting at the counter. “A Peanut Butter Cup for me.” He said as he pulled one of the three Peanut Butter Cup cupcakes from the box and placed it on one of the plates. “And a Strawberry Shortcake for you.” He said as he picked up the one Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake that was in the box that I’d clearly bought for myself. I watched him then pick up his cupcake. He took his tongue and licked at the frosting. I froze up and watched him. He glanced over at me. I quickly grabbed up my cupcake and nearly shoved it into my mouth just to keep my mind off his mouth, his tongue. I really shouldn’t be having the thoughts I was having about the freaking President.

  “Mmmm good.” I managed to say with my mouth full of Strawberry Shortcake goodness.

  “Thanks for getting these for me.” He said giving me a smile. I finished what I had in my mouth.

  “No problem. I had a meeting at MetroGirl this morning and the shop is right up the street so I paid a visit.” I said simply.

  “Well thanks anyway. It has been awhile since I got to enjoy one of these.” He said as he took a big bite of his cupcake. I watched him chew it slowly. I caught myself blushing and looked down at my own cupcake and took another bite.

  “My article came out today. I got my copy of MetroGirl when I went by the office.” I told him. He looked at me his eyes widened.

  “Well I’ve got to see it.” He said at once.

  “Let me get my copy.” I said as I hopped from the stool I was sitting on. I could feel his eyes on me as I left the room.

  I went through the dining room and back out into the sitting room where my things were. I opened my bag and pulled out my copy of this month’s MetroGirl. I looked at Matthew on the cover. There was no denying he was hot. On the cover he stood leaning against his desk in the oval. His stance was relaxed with both hands on the desk and his legs crossed. I flipped open the magazine to where my article was. My article was combined with photos from the photoshoot. In most of them he was alone, but there were some with the model. There was one of her pulling his tie and looking at him seductively. I shook my head as I held my finger to keep the place of the article and made my way back through the dining room and into the kitchen where Matthew was finishing his cupcake.

  Making it to the counter I took my seat on the stool and opened the magazine up to the place I’d held with my finger. I hadn’t gotten a chance to read my article in the magazine. Matthew came next to me. I could feel his breath over my shoulder. I shivered as the feeling of him pressing up against me from behind.

  “His green eyes glittered with pain as he speaks of missing playing poker with his buddies.” Matthew read.

  “What? Where does it say that?” I ask him at once. I turn my face to look at him. His face is barely an inch from mine. I did my best to keep my mind clear and remain calm. He smelled nice. It was like a mix between freshly ground nutmeg and sage. I inhaled for one last whiff of him. I looked quickly back down at the page.

  “Right there.” He pointed at a sentence in the article. My eyes scanned the page.

  “I didn’t write that.” I said at once. “They edited my original.” My eyes flew over the article and I found a few more instances where they greatly inflated my words. “I can’t believe this. It sounds so girly and flirtatious.”

  “Well it is MetroGirl.” He said. I looked back at him again. I could feel his body heat radiating off him.

  “Yeah.” I breathed. I looked at his lips. I wanted them on mine.

  There was then the distant sound of knocking. Matthew pulled himself away from me and left me alone in the kitchen. I was able to let out a breath. I gave the article a quick glance and then I closed it. I listened for Matthew. I could hear faint talking coming from the sitting room. I curiously looked around the kitchen while I waited. It was a considerably equipped kitchen with all stainless steel appliances.

  I heard footsteps coming in the direction of the kitchen and I then saw Matthew appear in the doorway. He gave me a smile.

  “Just Victor with a quick briefing.” Matthew said as he came back to the counter. He stood next to me and looked down at the magazine. “The photos came out nice though.”

  “Yeah they did.” I answered giving him a small smile before looking back down. I then saw I still
hadn’t finished my cupcake. I picked up the last bit and put it in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed before looking back to Matthew.

  “You’ve got a little frosting.” He said pointing to my face. I quickly touched my face. “Here I’ve got it.” He said as he took his index finger and wiped the frosting away. He then stuck his finger in his mouth licking away the frosting. My legs shook in the moment. Why was he affecting me this way?

  “So…” I started trying to change the tense mood. I stepped back to the barstool and hopped on it. “That immigration bill that the Senate is going to vote on do you think it will pass?” I asked him trying to keep things casual with work talk.

  “I’m sure it will, but it won’t pass my desk.” He said as he took another cupcake from the box.

  I looked at him dumbfounded. He simply took a bite of the cupcake like he didn’t just say something outrageous. How could he veto this bill? This bill was going to make it possible for families who have been separated by deportation to reunite in the United States. I then started to laugh and he looked at me.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked me. I quickly stopped laughing.

  “The fact that you are a hypocrite.” I spat.

  “How so?” he asked me crossing his arms. Whenever I challenged him he seemed to cross his arms. I just stared him down for a moment.

  “You ran on this platform of being the great-grandson of German immigrants and how immigration was something you cared about because of the stories passed down from your great-grandparents and then you are going to veto this HUGE immigration bill. You sir, are a hypocrite.” I said as I to folded my arms and looked at him. He smirked. Damn that smirk and how sexy it made him look.

  “I did run on that, but this bill has some huge issues in structure. There are so many details that aren’t explained like how we are to pay to relocate these family members from their native countries back to the United States. Their housing, their health insurance, there is so much that isn’t explained or accounted for. It is my responsibility to veto the bill so it can go back to the drawing board.” He looked me directly in the eyes as he explained his reasoning.


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