[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love

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[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love Page 15

by Toni Aleo

  Something inside me twists. My mom only cries when she’s stressed or if my dad has done something to her. I know that Lucy, Angie, and Jace are good; Jayden and I are golden, so I know she isn’t stressed about us. I talked to her yesterday too, and she said everything was fine, so I don’t know what’s going on. Spinning my chair around, I think as I spin and then ask, “Was Dad supposed to come home?”

  “Not from what I know.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know either. Hmm, okay, I’ll call her.”

  “Don’t tell her I said anything!”

  “I won’t, promise. Thanks, Jace.”

  “Thanks, Jude.”

  Nothing else is said and I hang up. Stopping my chair, I lean on my legs trying to figure out what I’m going to say to her. I’m not sure, but I have to speak to her. I’m even tempted to drive out to the house to see her face-to-face, but I have a date with Claire in a bit, and I don’t want to miss that if nothing is wrong. If I’m not happy with the phone call, then I’ll drive out there.

  I dial her number and she answers right away. “Hey, honey!”

  “Hey, Mom,” I say. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much, just making some dinner. You?”

  “Nothing, just checking in. I was thinking about you.”

  “Always so caring and thoughtful. I love you so much, Jude.”

  I smile, my chest warming a bit. My mom is the best thing in my life. “I love you too, Mom. Everything okay?”

  “Yes, honey, why wouldn’t it be? I am blessed with four beautiful, smart children and a gorgeous granddaughter.”

  So my dad pissed her off; she usually includes him in that blessing, even though he doesn’t deserve it. “I think Jayden got all the smarts, but we all are beautiful.”

  That makes her laugh and I ask, “When is Dad coming home?”

  “I don’t know,” she basically snaps and then quickly says, “Excuse me, honey, that was rude. I’m really tired.”

  Whoa, yeah, something is really wrong. “Are you sure? Did Dad do something?”

  “Honey, I don’t want to talk about your father right now.”

  “Okay,” I say, and I’m not sure what to say after that. Suddenly the words leave my mouth before I can stop them. “Can I fix whatever it is?”

  When I hear her take in a deep breath, I know she is fighting back tears. “My Jude, always the fixer.”

  “Mom, what is it?”

  “Don’t worry, honey, it’s all okay.”

  “Can I fix it?” I ask again.

  “No, honey, but don’t worry, okay? I’m going to be fine.”

  “I’m coming out there,” I say, standing up to get my keys.

  “No, Jude, I promise I’m fine.”

  “I don’t believe you, Mom.”

  “I know, but I promise, everything is going to work out fine. No worries. How are you? How is the girl I keep hearing about? What’s her name?”

  “Claire,” I say even though I know she’s just trying to change the subject. Maybe I need to let it go for today, but I’ll call again tomorrow and the next day just to make sure my mom is okay. I might even call my dad, but the thought of doing that makes my stomach hurt.

  “You should bring her to dinner. How about next week sometime?”

  “Yeah, Mom, sure, I’ll ask her,” I say, and I’m not sure why I said that. Maybe because I know she’s upset and I want to make her happy. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll find out and then I’ll fix it.

  “Great, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?”

  “All right, Mom,” I say and then I hang up, telling her I love her. I know that she said everything is going to work out, but a feeling in my stomach tells me that something is really wrong.

  Thoughts of my mom have played heavy on my heart all evening, but when I see Claire coming toward me, I welcome the distraction. She looks unbelievable. Her legs are encased in black tights with boots coming up to her knees, and she wears a large green sweater that goes to mid-thigh. Her hair is in a braid down her shoulder, and she’s wearing makeup along with the geeky glasses from when I first met her. Stopping in front of me, she grins, her lips so glossy and sexy.

  “Hi, I’m looking for this über hot guy named Jude. Do you know him? We have a battle to get to,” she says in a high-pitched, Valley-girl voice.

  I smile as my arm snakes around her, my gaze meeting hers. “I’m right here, baby. Come here, let me mess up that lip gloss.”

  And then I kiss her. Hard. All the stress in my body just releases the moment our lips touch, and when her tongue moves along mine, everything inside me is hard. Moving my hands down her hips and then over her sweet ass, I pull her closer to me, deepening the kiss, not able to get enough. Parting only to breathe, I go in for another kiss, but she stops me, pressing her finger into my lips.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Confused, I ask, “Huh? Nothing, I’m kissing you.”

  “Yeah, I know, but something is off. Are you okay?”

  How does she know this? “Yeah,” I lie.

  “Don’t lie to me. What’s wrong?”

  “How do you know I’m lying?” I ask incredulously.

  “I don’t know, but I know you are. What’s wrong?”

  “Just worried about my mom. It’s nothing.”

  She eyes me for a second and then asks, “Anything I can do to help?”

  I shrug. “I don’t even know what’s going on, but when I know, I’ll tell you.”

  “Okay,” she says and then she goes up on her toes, kissing my lips softly. Wrapping my arms so tight around her, I take over the kiss, lacing my fingers behind her back, holding her as close as I can.

  When she smiles against my lips, I smile too, pulling away to say, “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too,” she whispers against my lips. But then she backs away quickly, her eyes bright as she says, “Guess what!”

  “You look superhot in those leggings? I know. Come here, I’m not done kissing you.”

  She giggles as she tries to stop me, but soon she’s kissing me, taking over the kiss I initiated. Moving her fingers through my hair, she cups my chin before pulling her mouth away. I try to chase her for another kiss, but she presses her finger to my lips again. After she sets me with a look that tells me I better listen, I smile and say, “Sorry, I can’t get enough of those lips.”

  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

  I shoot her a cheeky grin and she rolls her eyes. “But really, guess what!”

  “What, baby?” I ask, pulling her into my arms, cupping her ass as I meet her gaze.

  “I’m going to choreograph for the dance team!”

  Pride explodes in my chest as hug her closer, my face breaking into a grin. “I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks,” she says before pressing her lips to mine for a quick kiss.

  “That’s amazing. How did that happen?”

  She shakes her head. “Wasn’t easy. Rachael called me dumb for trusting you, and then I told her that what I do outside of dance team is none of her business, and then I said that I can make this team better. The team was on board and voted my way. Rachael was the only one who didn’t vote for me – even her minions voted for me.”

  “Wow,” I say, surprised that Ally and Mia went against Rachael. They have all been best friends since birth. “That’s ’cause they know you’re the best.”

  “Aw thanks,” she says, leaning into me playfully. “I’m pretty excited.”

  “I am too,” I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. “I can’t wait for my baby to blow people away.”

  She grins up at me, her cheeks flushing with color. It leaves me breathless when she looks at me like that. Like I’m the most amazing guy in the world, as if I’m worth it, when I know I’m not. I know I haven’t led the life a girl like Claire deserves, but for some reason she believes in me and trusts me. When I look in her eyes, I feel like I am the guy she deserves.

  Clearing my throat,
I say, “I know you’re used to winning, but I’m about to murder you in this karaoke war.”

  She looks up at me, a gleam in her eyes that tells me to watch out. “We will see.”

  I don’t say anything back because it’s too loud once we’re in the bar. It’s a little college pub called The Gilroy. The owner knows the team and usually lets the underage kids drink when we bring in our fake IDs. He doesn’t question us, which means we come only here to spend all our money. When I see some of the guys from the team, including my brother, I head toward them, pulling Claire with me. When I glance back, she’s looking around, taking it in, and I wonder if she’s ever been here.

  Once we reach the group, I lean in and ask her just that. She shakes her head and says, “Nope, first time.”

  I smile as I nod, and then thankfully, there’s a break in the music. Pointing the guys, I say, “Claire, this is my brother Jayden, Bryan, Matt, Caleb, and his girlfriend, Hannah. Everyone, this is Claire.”

  Claire gives an awkward wave while everyone just grins at her as she says, “Nice to meet you guys.”

  I sit in the open chair beside Jayden and then pull Claire into my lap. She leans back into my chest and smiles at me before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  “So you’re the girl to change my brother?”

  We both look over at Jayden, and I love the grin that sits on Claire’s face. It’s a playful one. “Yup, he apparently likes me.”

  “I know. He talks about you all the time.”

  I glare at my brother, but Claire seems to like that. Looking over at me, she runs her thumb along my jaw. “He’s pretty great.”

  “Yeah, my mom is excited to meet you,” he says and then takes a swig of his beer with no cares in the world. Acting as if he’s saying it’s a beautiful night. Damn asshole.

  Claire glances at me, surprised, and I set Jayden with a look that could kill. “Thanks, asshole.”

  “Oh, you hadn’t told her yet that you promised to take her to dinner with our family?”

  “Oh wow,” she mutters, and I swear my brother is going to be sleeping in the tub for the next couple weeks.

  Meeting Claire’s surprised gaze, I say, “Yeah, is that okay? Sorry, my mom asked, and I said I’d ask you.”


  “Next week. She’s excited to meet you, but I get it if you don’t want to come.”

  “No, it’s not that, it’s just, wow, your mom.”

  “And family,” Jayden adds, and I flip him the bird.

  He laughs before taking a swig of his beer. Ignoring him, I look back at Claire. She works her lip and then meets my gaze again. “Sure, I’d love to.”

  I smile as my heart beats loudly in my chest. I don’t know why I thought she would say no, but I did. I’m usually so confident with girls, but with her, I’m nervous and unsure of myself. It’s a new feeling, one that I’m learning means I actually care for this girl. I hug her tightly in my arms as she leans back into me, and I can feel everyone staring at us. I know it’s new and weird for me to be so into a girl, but people are going to have to get used to it. Claire is someone special.

  My game changer.

  Kissing her ear, I nibble on her lobe before saying in her ear, “You don’t have to come.”

  Why did I say that?

  She looks back at me and smiles. “I want to.”


  “Swear it.”

  We share a smile before she leans over and gives me a soft, sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Who’s ready for some singing?” Matt yells as he throws a twenty on the table. I fish my money out and throw two down for Claire and me.

  “What’s that for?”

  “The buy-in. We sing three songs from each category. Last week’s winner picks, and you can’t look at the screen once or you’re out. You get extra points if people cheer for you. Hannah is the judge.”

  She makes a face. “Extreme karaoke.”

  “Yeah, that’s how we roll,” Jayden says. “Extreme karaoke, beer pong, roller hockey, we’re extreme kinda guys.”

  “Sounds like my kind of fun,” she says with a grin before looking over at me. “I’m superexcited.”

  “Good, so I guess I’ll be a gentlemen and let you go second so I can show you the ropes of how to sing a good karaoke song.”

  She laughs, her body vibrating against mine. “How sweet of you. But get ready to be schooled.”

  “Uh-oh! I think Jude has been challenged,” Jayden says and I roll my eyes.

  “I think you can take him, Claire,” Matt says. “I mean, you did get him to sleep with only one girl.”

  Claire laughs as she rolls her eyes. “He isn’t sleeping with anyone, for your information, especially not me.”

  That stuns my friends, and to my surprise, doesn’t embarrass me at all. I’m proud that I’ve only slept with one girl in two weeks. That’s a record for me. Knowing that it’s a good time for me to exit, I tap her butt to get up. I stand up behind her and then kiss the back of her head before walking around her. Looking at me, she asks, “Where are you going?”

  “Off to pick the categories.”


  “’Cause I’m the winner from the last week.”

  I flash her a grin before leaning over for a quick kiss and then head off to get my songs. I should feel bad that I’m about to kick her ass in karaoke, but I guess the competitor in me can’t muster up any guilt. Too bad, too, because Claire is going down.

  Chapter 20


  “Okay, categories are as follows,” I say once I come back to the table.

  Claire has a water in front of her that Jayden must have gotten her when he went to get a beer. They’re sitting close; probably so they could hear each other over the music because I know my brother would never cross me. We’re too close. And he knows how much she means to me. He’s probably the only person I trust at this table. Caleb probably wouldn’t do anything, but Bryan and Matt are horn dogs out for a little tail, and if I see them give my girl anything but a friendly smile, I might knock out their teeth.

  With everyone’s attention, I say, “Pop, love songs, and rap.”

  “Love songs!” Matt says with his face twisted.

  “What the hell?” Bryan asks.

  “He’s got a girlfriend now,” Jayden says with a grin. “He’s all about that mushy shit now.”

  “Shut up,” I sneer before flipping him the bird. Looking over at Claire, I see that her cheeks are a little darker in color, and she’s grinning wide. Leaning over to her, I brace my hands on the chair arms, bringing my mouth so close to hers that it wouldn’t take much move moment to feel her lips against mine. “I hope you’re ready because I’m about to dominate here.”

  She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You ain’t about to dominate anything. I’m a master at this.”

  “We will see,” I say before standing up.

  “Oh, we will,” she says, pursing her lips up at me.

  I want to give her a kiss, but she’s my competitor now, and I’m about to whoop her ass. Heading toward the stage, I take the mic and put it on the stand. I hear my name screamed by some of the girls, and when I look out to where I know Claire is, her eyes are on mine, a challenge in her eyes. She doesn’t care about the girls; she doesn’t care about anything but me. That’s freaking awesome, but I’m not going to let that distract me. She’s going down.

  I know I have all three categories. I know my music, but I know she does too. She might get me on the pop one, but I’ll have one over on her in the rap and love song categories. When the music to “Say it, Just Say It” by The Mowgli’s starts, everyone in the pub goes crazy. I sing like I’m going for a Grammy, working the room, getting people to clap and scream, while knowing all the words. It’s fun; I love singing. It’s always been a passion of mine but hockey always won over it. My mom always says I could be the next Michael Buble, but I would rather be the next Wayne Gretzky.

  Soon the song is over and
the crowd goes nuts, even the bartender is clapping. Putting the mic back on the stand, I head over to where Claire is coming toward me, a grin on her face.

  “Impressive,” she says, stopping in front of me. “But I’m better.”

  With only a wink, she passes by me and I swear I’m so hard I can’t breathe. This girl gets me on so many levels, and knowing that she is as big a competitor as I am turns me on so much I’m not sure I can move. Somehow my legs start to move and I head back to the table to drop down into the seat beside Jayden. Claire is still setting up her song, so I reach for the beer that Jayden has for me and take a long pull.

  “I like her.”

  I glance over to see my brother’s eyes on me. “Me too,” I answer.

  “She’s great. She likes you too.”

  “Good, that’s what I want.”

  He nods and then turns as the music to “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry starts. Oh, smart move. It’s the hottest song out and everyone in the pub is up, dancing and singing along. Claire’s voice is nice too. She wasn’t lying when she said she liked to karaoke. She can carry a tune, and damn, she looks good doing it. But when she starts to move her body to the music in a sexy way, the guys in the pub start to holler and my body tightens with jealously. I don’t want to share her with anyone in this pub; I wish it were only us two, but I know that’s silly. She isn’t dancing for anyone but me. Her eyes haven’t left mine, and soon I’m wound tighter than a clock.

  Jesus, she is beautiful.

  “She got you on this round.”

  I scoff at Jayden. “No way!”

  “Yes, way,” Matt says, his eyes all over Claire’s body.

  “Hey, asshole, watch it!” I say sternly, and he laughs, waving me off.

  “I’m not dumb, Jude. I don’t want your girl.”

  “That’s right,” I say just as she stops singing and the pub cheers loudly for her as she puts the mic on the stand.

  When she starts down the stage, I watch as Jimmy Tavins, a guy who plays for the football team, stops her, and she smiles up at him as he talks to her. I want to get up and go tell him to get away from my girl, but before I can even move, she’s waving him off before heading toward me. Dropping down into the seat that Jayden left empty since he went to sing, I look over at her.


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