Glory Hole Wife (Easy Book 1)

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Glory Hole Wife (Easy Book 1) Page 1

by Matt Coolomon





  Copyright © 2014 M.S. Coolomon

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real life person is coincidental. This book contains depictions of sexually explicit acts. It is intended for adults only. All characters portrayed are 18 years or older.

  Table of Contents

  Glory Hole Wife


  Giving in to the Pacific

  The Morning After

  South Sea Island

  Glory Hole Wife

  “Take your wife. Make a weekend of it,” my boss said.

  It was a sales seminar he had pencilled me in for – a new product line I needed to get up to speed with.

  “Can we fly business class?” I asked, trying my luck. It was short notice. We had to fly out that afternoon. I figured they owed me.

  My boss’ phone rang. He nodded, waving me out of his office. “See Marge – she’ll fix you up.”

  Marge was his personal assistant. She made all travel arrangements.

  “He said I could fly business class.” I edged onto her desk, earning a frown. “Lola’s coming with me. We’ll need a nice hotel room. Not that flee bag joint I stayed at last time.”

  She shooed me off her desk. “For Lola, I’ll book somewhere nice.”

  I smiled and left her to return to my desk and call my wife. Two hours later we were at the airport, boarding a flight for the capital. Lola was clinging to me excitedly. We never got away much together. I was always travelling, but you weren’t usually allowed to take your spouse at the company’s expense.

  Lola and I had been married almost twenty years. The kids were seventeen and nineteen, hopefully not planning to trash the house too badly over the weekend.

  “So, this is another city,” Lola whispered to me.

  The fasten seatbelt sign had clicked off. Meals and drinks were being served.

  “Another city?” I asked, wondering what she meant.

  “Yes – another city! Where no one knows us,” she added, glaring and blushing as I looked at her.

  “Oh, shit – that kind of other city?” My cock flexed at the idea of what she was getting at.

  She nodded. “Well?”

  “Seriously? You really want to?”

  “Don’t you?” she cooed. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. It’s like this trip coming up out of the blue is a sign.”

  I shifted to make room for a full erection. Lola noticed and giggled.

  “I guess that’s a yes?” she whispered, giving my cock a sneaky squeeze without anyone watching.

  “I think I’m game if you are, baby. I’m not sure how I’ll actually feel seeing another guy with you, but you’re right – this is a perfect opportunity to try it.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely game,” Lola said. “I’ll do anything you want me to…. It can be more than one other man if you want.”

  Her hot breath in my ear and the feel of her squeezing me beneath the coat on my lap almost made me cum in my pants.

  It was an hour flight. We checked into our hotel room near the airport. It was four star, very nice. Dinner in the restaurant downstairs, and I left Lola to attend a two hour lecture.

  “Of course I won’t get picked up,” she giggled into our kiss as I was on my way out the door. “I can wait until tomorrow.”

  Lola was going back down to the bar. She had on a party dress and looked good.

  I had to run.


  The next morning I looked across the bed at my wife – the mother of my children. “What do you think, baby? Still up for it?”

  "Yeah – I could do some flashing," Lola uttered, rolling over and cuddling a pillow. "Or you could make me suck someone off."

  "Actually, that's not a bad idea! How about we try one of those glory holes? I wouldn't mind watching while you let a few guys blow in your mouth."

  "A glory hole? Is there one around here somewhere?"

  "One of the guys from my seminar was telling me about a new bar just around the corner where there's one in the men's room. Apparently what happens is – whenever a woman goes into the men's toilet, everyone knows what she's up to, and the guys more or less line up until she comes back out. But he said it's coat and tie for men and the drinks are expensive enough to keep it from getting too sleazy or anything."

  "Well, as long as it isn't sleazy and dirty I guess I wouldn't mind. But not until after dinner."

  "I was thinking maybe in the afternoon, so the place isn't too crowded."

  "Oh, okay – after lunch is fine. It's just that I'll need to have something in my stomach is all."

  "Does that make a difference?" I queried curiously.

  "For me it does. I'm fine if I've had something to eat first. You will be wanting to see me swallow it all, I imagine?" she ended with a giggle.

  "Load after load," I chuckled in response, and Lola punched me.

  "Well, if you want to see me do that you'll have to be nice to me this morning," she challenged.

  There was a knock at the door, which was our breakfast being delivered. I let the guy in, and he wheeled his cart over to the table and set up while Lola strolled out in one of my T-shirts with her nipples firm. It was a young guy, maybe twenty or so, and he only briefly stole a look at her, with his cheeks reddening as he noticed her little panties. She'd sat and begun brushing her hair, and the shirt wasn’t long enough, so we could see between her legs quite easily.

  Later I went for a quick surf while Lola shopped. We met back at the hotel room for a late lunch then showered and dressed for our little afternoon adventure.

  The bar turned out to be a strip joint but without the lap dancers. It was clean and classy and quite small. There were seven men, mostly around forty to fifty, and one other woman who was sitting with two of the men.

  I left Lola in a quiet corner and went to check out the men's room. In there I found four stalls with the third one quite large and the forth with an out of order sign. Being alone, I was free to explore, and I checked the third stall to find it didn't have a toilet, and the wall between it and the forth stall had a hole at waist height. In the fourth stall I found a small stool which I guessed was where the women sat while giving head. Again there was no toilet, but there was a washbasin.

  Lola was waiting anxiously when I went back. A few of the men had edged close to where she was sitting, and she was obviously uncomfortable being there alone. I moved my stool around next to her and leaned in to whisper that I'd found a glory hole for her.

  "Is it clean?" she asked quickly.

  "Immaculate!" I answered, and added playfully, "Do you want to go and have a look?"

  "No, not yet," she blushed. "I want to see if that other woman does first."

  And so we watched a few strip shows on stage while the men around us kept an eye on my wife. She had on a skirt to mid-thigh and a jacket with a nice little white lace bra.

  After about an hour the other woman did get up, and one of the guys from her table walked with her toward the toilets, but she went into the ladies, and he continued on to speak to someone. A few minutes later she came out, and he walked back to her and led her into the men's.

  The three other guys who had been seated nearby immediately stood and followed. One had been with her and her partner, but the other two had been camped there near the men's room, obviously waiting.

  A few minutes later one of the guys came out and went back to their table.

p; "Oh, my God, she's doing it, isn't she?" Lola whispered to me.

  "Yeah, but how about letting your skirt ride up a bit so these other guys can have a look while they're waiting for you to go in."

  "I have been!" Lola complained, playfully pinching my arm. "They've been watching and I've been wriggling so it would gather up for them. They can see now."

  I leaned around to check, and found she was sitting in white panties with her skirt bunched in her lap.

  "And I've been opening my legs a little bit sometimes," she whispered into my ear.

  The other two guys came from the men's room, and a few minutes later the woman emerged with her partner, and they went back to their drinks. I squeezed Lola's arm and felt her trembling. "Are you ready?" I whispered to her, and she nodded and stood with me. But she also glanced across at the three men seated nearby, and they immediately stood.

  I led her quickly and felt them follow behind us. Lola hadn't looked up again. I ushered her into the men's room and along to the end stall where we ducked in and shut and bolted the door.

  Her eyes were wide when she looked up at me, but we hadn't a chance to speak before the door opened and the men came in. The door to the next cubicle then opened and closed, and after some shuffling, a flaccid penis appeared through the hole in the wall.

  Lola's hand went to cover her mouth, extinguishing either a squeal or a laugh, and with her eyes still wide she carefully sat on the little stool. She looked to me, and I nodded, then she gently lifted the penis. It was quite small, maybe three inches, and it was pale and shrivelled, but as she sucked it in it expanded quickly. Even when fully erect it was just five inches or so, and she was taking most of it in with each bob of her head. Then after a few minutes she held still and the guy on the other side of the wall gasped as her eyes closed and her forehead furrowed slightly.

  I understood the guy was ejaculating – that Lola was getting her first dose of cum from another man. It had seemed surreal just watching her suck on a cock poking through the wall. It hit me a little that she had semen in her mouth right then.

  Her fingers closed around the softening cock, and she withdrew, and with her eyes still closed she swallowed. She then turned and peered up at me as she wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.

  I gestured to check she was okay and she nodded and smiled lightly.

  Another cock soon appeared through the hole. This one was already erect, and it was considerably larger than the first. Lola levered it down and closed her lips around the big, purple head. Her fingers squeezed the shaft, and after stroking it and holding the head in her mouth for only a minute or so, her brow again furrowed. She held the head in until the guy’s cock stopped throbbing, then she closed her mouth and swallowed before opening again and sucking it back in.

  The hole was big enough for his balls to also poke through. Lola cupped them and held them while kissing and cleaning along his shaft. Then she gently kissed his ball sack, softly sucking on it while his semi-erect cock rested on her cheek. She stopped to remove a hair from her mouth, and that guy withdrew his cock, but it was immediately replaced by another, which was again fully erect.

  Lola only wet that one with her mouth then started stroking it, but after a few minutes the guy was obviously getting close because he was trying desperately to fuck her hand, and she leaned in and opened her lips over the head just as he erupted.

  "Fuck yeah! Take it, baby!" the guy cried out, and my wife's eyes rolled up to me. She swallowed once but held the head of the guys cock in her mouth for a moment longer, then she swallowed again and withdrew to wipe her mouth on the back of her hand once more.

  She smiled to me shyly then turned to take the cock in again, but that guy stepped back away and left us there alone.

  "Is that what you wanted me to do?" she asked me sweetly, standing and leaning into my arms.

  "It was great," I answered a little thickly.

  "That first guy had the most…. He was only small, but when he came it really filled my mouth."

  "Some guys cum more than others. It depends how long since the last time and how good it feels," I tried to explain.

  "Well, the other two were just like you normally are, but it was nice with them too."

  "I'm sure they thought so," I grinned.

  "Yes, well, I'm glad it was only the three of them for now."

  "Feeling queasy?"

  "No, I'm fine. But I think I'll need a drink and some chips or something before I can swallow any more."

  "Meaning, you want to suck some more guys off?" I asked playfully.

  "Meaning I will if you want me to!" my wife smiled back at me as we left the men's room.


  Once back at our table a waitress brought over fresh drinks, which I imagined one of the guys had sent for us. The three of them were also back at their table, and one of them nodded over to us then stood and approached.

  "Just wanted to say thanks," he offered, smiling and making Lola blush. "So you've never been here before?" he went on.

  "No, we heard about it from a friend and thought we'd have a look," I answered.

  "And what do you think? It's very exclusive. Members only unless you're a couple."

  "Oh, so you are all members?" Lola asked.

  "Yes. And clean and discrete you can be sure. I'm Clarke by the way."

  We introduced ourselves, and I shook his hand. He was only a few years older than me, maybe forty-five I guessed. He seemed a friendly, easy going sort of guy. We chatted for a while, and he pulled up a stool.

  A few more men had arrived, and another woman, who soon went towards the men's room. "She likes it the other way," Clarke said when he saw me watching her.

  "What other way?" Lola asked innocently.

  "You saw the step on the floor? Well, that's to stand on, and if you lean over and hold onto the basin we can fuck you from behind," Clarke explained. "That's what she likes."

  I looked to Lola, and she gave me a little smile. "You can if you want to…."

  "I'll sit with her," Clarke offered when I met his gaze.

  I left them and went to the men's room where I found another guy standing and waiting. He was massaging his cock through his trousers, and he just nodded then looked away. I started working my own erection. A guy came out from the stall then another one walked in and stood beside me against the wall. The one before me only took a few minutes, then I stepped into the stall and closed the door.

  I was fully erect and half primed. I freed my cock and stuck it through the hole, and a soft, wet hand collected it and fed it into a hot open pussy. I could feel juices gushing over my balls as I started thrusting against the wall. The woman had braced herself back against the hole, and she held firm while I fucked her and unloaded inside of her. She then held me in her hand and turned and sucked me clean.

  I left the men's room in a bit of a daze and made my way back to my wife. Clarke was still chatting with her, but his two friends had moved on and another two older guys were sitting at that table. Lola leaned back into me as I sat, and she kissed up to my ear and asked if I'd had fun. Clarke's eyes lowered as she did that, and I noticed her skirt was hiked up again.

  "And are you having fun?" I whispered into her ear, and she blushed a little.

  "How was she?" Clarke asked.

  I smiled. "A bit sloppy."

  "Yes, that tends to happen if any of the guys before you are a bit short. It's because of the wall. They can't get all the way in."

  "Oh, that's horrible!" Lola laughed.

  "No, it's true! I'm a bit short myself, so I know what I'm talking about."

  "Oh, so you were number one?" Lola asked, but she stifled her laughter.

  "Yes, that was me. I confess!" Clarke replied lightly. "But size isn't everything, right?"

  "No, I'm sorry," Lola started apologetically, but the mood had remained easy anyway. "Actually, I liked it with you the most – because you weren't too big. And then when you umm – when you came in my mouth, I like
d that too."

  "You liked that?" Clarke grinned. "Did you like the taste of my cum, did you?"

  "Yes," Lola blushed, and she quickly peered back up at me as Clarke touched her knee. “I’d never tasted anyone else until yours,” she told the guy. “It was especially exciting that you were the first man other than my husband to be in my mouth.”

  "So, are you going to let some of the guys have a fuck?" he asked both Lola and I, and he reached forward and folded her skirt up a bit more.

  Lola leaned back against me. The two old guys were watching, and another guy had stopped and stood watching too. Clarke held my gaze as he reached up to Lola’s hips, and she lifted as he peeled her panties from beneath.

  Another few men edged around in front of us.

  "But not out here," Lola uttered softly, and she peered around at them.

  Clarke carefully worked her panties down and slipped them from her feet without opening her legs. He folded them and placed them on the table next to her purse. Then he sat back, and Lola remained holding her skirt up over her waist and peering around at all the men watching.

  I counted nine including Clarke, and they were all staring at her.

  "Show us your tits," one of them called from over the back, and Lola released her skirt and started undoing her jacket. I had my hand on her back, where I could feel her heart beating. She was still peering around at all the men, and she undid the clasp in front and opened her bra and jacket together.

  Her little white tits were then bare, and she held her clothes open while they all examined them.

  "Let them all fuck you?" I whispered into her hair. "Let them all pump you full of cum."

  Lola arched back, rubbing her head against my cheek and up to whisper in my ear. "Okay."

  "Are we going?" Clarke asked me, and I nodded and stood.

  He shouldered past some of the men. I led Lola behind him. I glanced back to see they were all following.

  "Can I come in and watch?" Clarke asked as we entered the men's room, and Lola agreed, so we let him in and closed the door.

  "What do I do now?" she asked him.

  "It depends. Are you wet?"

  "Umm – yes…."


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