Beyond the Palms

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Beyond the Palms Page 7

by Amanda Aggie

“He seems awfully young to be the owner.” John pointed out.

  For the sake of what he just did, John let the subject drop and instead picked up the TV remote and started a light conversation with Eleanor.

  Thea sat down with Jack on the bed.

  “Look who’s starting to have fun.” He teased at her in a whisper.

  “Stop, it was innocent.” She explained, wanting the conversation to end.

  “I’m sure it was. Even if it was then, I bet that will change now,” he said, watching the TV flip from channel to channel as their father tapped the buttons on the remote.

  “Why do you think that?” Thea couldn’t help but have the urge to know what her brother noticed that she didn’t.

  “Well, Mr. Mystery Man just saved your brother’s life. Besides that, don’t act like you didn’t see how he looked at you. You’ll be head over heels for him by morning.” Jack said pulling a blanket over his lap.

  “Will not, you weren’t even dying.” She replied irritated by his accusations.

  “Close enough,”Jack said, still trying to get the throw blanket over him with out moving his foot.

  “At least you got to swim before this happened.” Thea teased, knowing that it would strike a nerve.

  He gave her a look that screamed that he was still upset about the whole thing.

  “Too soon?” She asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Yeah.” Jack rolled his eyes at his sister, ready to be finished with the day and start new tomorrow. He turned over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand ready to call it a night and end this conversation.


  Date Night

  Over the next few hours, John and Eleanor showered and got ready. The decision to take the time to go out and get dinner together, since Jack didn’t want to do anything besides sulk in bed, came easy. Thea was lost in thought and watching the TV. Her eyes were glued to the screen as one of her favorite chick flick shows was played, and Jack was too busy being depressed to annoy her for watching it.

  “OK guys, if you need anything, just call us. Jack, is the Tylenol working, or do you want us to stop at the store?” His mother asked, as she paced around the room grabbing last minute things and shoving them into her purse.

  “No, I am fine,” Jack replied staring aimlessly into his phone.

  “Okay, well, were going to head out now… John, did you call a cab yet?” His wife asked through the door of the bathroom.

  “No, I will on the way downstairs,” he said coming out into the main room. She nodded in agreement before rushing him out of the room.

  “Bye! Love you! See you soon.” Was all Thea heard before the door slammed as her mother and father walked out into the hallway.

  Thea thought about this trip as a whole. It was only the end of Day 2, and so much had happened. She still wondered about what James told her about the hotel staff not being allowed to speak to those in the 800 suites.

  “What made them so different” she thought to herself.

  Thea wanted to put her mind to rest, but it was all so weird. She also couldn’t help but be intrigued by the mystery that this hotel offered. Although it was interesting to her, she was just as much scared about what she might find out if she dug into it.

  In any other situation, had she met Alex, she would’ve been attracted to him. However, they were in a different country, and even though he was from California as well, it just didn’t seem right. She couldn’t quite tell what, but she wanted to find out more to base her decision off before she just wrote him off. Jack was right, he did just offer to help and didn’t ask for anything in return. There was a sort of genuine charm that Alex possessed that most men she had come to meet lacked.

  Maybe, if she found answers, then it would help her family enjoy the rest of their vacation too. If the opportunity came to investigate, she would. There was more than what met the eye with Alex. How does someone his age own a hotel and become a doctor? She became determined to find out, and it wouldn’t hurt to get to know him more.

  Jack’s voice broke her thoughts.

  “Crap, Dad’s wallet is still here.”

  He held it up to show her.

  “I wonder if they left yet, you might be able to catch them. Quick, look, and see if they’re still out front. Dad had just called a cab on the way down. They might still be here.”

  Jack had a good idea. Thea jumped up and ran over to the window. She saw her mother in a floral printed dress that swept around her knee and her father was just as dressed up next to her, The yellow cab was parked in front of them. Thea looked for a way to open the window but couldn’t find anything. Where the handle once was had been removed and the window was sealed into place.

  “Well, they just got into a cab so, I guess he will just have to go without it. I was going to try and yell at them to wait, but this doesn’t open.” She gestured to the window.

  “Hmm, weird.” He looked at it skeptically and then returned to the game on his phone without another thought.

  There was a knock on the door. Thea looked at Jack as if he would give her an answer as to who it was. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Are you going to get that? I can’t; I’m crippled.”

  Thea walked over to the door and turned the handle. She pulled the door partially open to see who was on the other side but nothing was in view, just the empty hallway. She looked down. There was a box sitting on the dark green carpet, she opened the door up all the way, stepped out into the hallway looking to try and find who put it there but there was no one in either direction. She picked up the box and brought it to the room. The door closed behind her, and she turned to the flip bar into position. The small bar lock wouldn’t do much, but it made her feel safer.

  “Who was that?” Jack asked.

  “I’m not sure,” She replied.

  She set it on the foot of the bed; Jack sat up out of curiosity.

  “Well geez, open it Thea, the suspense is killing me,” Jack said.

  She pulled the tape off the flaps of the box and unfolded the cardboard. Inside held a note in a red envelope. Beneath it was a hotel phone with a spiral cord. It was ancient. The white surfaces were now yellowed.

  “Mom is going to love this,” Thea said her thought out loud. She pulled it out of the box and tried to plugged it into the jack behind the nightstand, but the small table wouldn’t move enough for her to reach.

  Giving up on her phone exploit, Thea grabbed the envelope and tore the corner, sliding her finger down the seam of the side and pulled out a folded letter.


  I am very sorry that it took this long for you and your family to get a hotel phone. Hopefully, this allows you to be more comfortable during your stay and allows you the opportunity to order room service. I am sorry if this is a bit forward. I highly enjoyed our conversation last night and would like the chance to see you again. Have dinner with me tonight downstairs. I understand if you don’t want to join me, but if you do, I will meet you there at 7:30

  Best regards,

  Dr. Alex Callahan.

  The top of the single page had the hotel logo followed by a note.

  After reading the letter, she handed it to Jack for further examination. After a minute of silence, he looked up at her.

  “You should go! I told you he liked you,” Jack said, excitement gleamed in his eye in response to being right.

  “I don’t know, Mom and Dad are gone. You would be up here alone, and I shouldn’t do that to you,” Thea said trying to make excuses.

  “Go! He’s into you, I saw it with my own two eyes. I will be OK. I might be a little slow to get around, but I’m OK. As you said, I’m not dying.” Jack tried to encourage her to go. The idea of her becoming a cat lady didn’t sit well.

  There was a pause. Jack looked at the time on his phone.

  “If you’re going to go through, you better hurry. The man said 7:30 and its 6:45 now. We both know it takes you forever to get ready.” He shooed her away with his hands
. She smiled and folded the letter back up.

  “OK fine, but if you need anything, you better text me, and I’ll come right back,” She demanded.

  Jack agreed, and Thea took off towards the bathroom. She flew into the shower, grabbing clothes on the way there and placing them on the counter. A few minutes later, she stepped out and wrapped herself in a towel, blew her hair dry, put on her makeup, and got dressed. By 7:15, she walked out to the room to get her shoes.

  “Remember, text me, and don’t try to do it yourself.” Thea demanded, making sure he understood her terms.

  “Yeah, yeah, just go already.”

  He had taken control over the remote. Thea grabbed her purse, phone, and the other room key before walking out of the hotel room. The hallway seemed longer than usual. Maybe it was just because she was excited. She wasn’t sure why she barely knew this man. Thea looked at some of the rooms while she passed. She noticed their hotel room’s lock had been removed while the rooms to the right and left of their’s still had its deadbolt on the outside. They were on the top floor and the last room in the hallway before the corridor to the stairs. James’ words rang in her head again. “The guests in the 800 series.”

  Curious as to what made them so special, she looked at her phone, 7:18. She had time. She looked at their room, 801. There were nine other rooms past theirs, the last room being 810 before reaching the walk around to the wrapping open stairway. She looked to make sure there weren’t any other 800 series rooms but didn’t find any.

  Every room 800 and above had a deadbolt on the outside but theirs. She touched the place it used to be. Why would they have a deadbolt on the outside if they were guest rooms? Her mother assumed they were storage, and it didn’t seem right. She looked at her phone, 7:22. Noting the time, she walked down the hall and took the elevator.

  The doors opened on the lobby floor and she stepped out looking for Alex, the heels of her ankle boots clicked on the marble floor. When she walked into the restaurant, the hostess looked at her, it was a different girl than she had seen last time.

  “For one?” The girl said her tone was sweet and innocent.

  “No, I am supposed to be meeting someone here, his name is Alex Callahan.”

  “Oh, he just walked into the lobby.” She smiled reassuringly.

  “Thank you, I’ll try and find him,” Thea replied before she going back into the lobby and lounge area.

  There were only four people, there wasn’t even a front desk attendant. She decided to walk around, she started in the bar area, continuing around the seating lounge but still couldn’t find him. She went to go to the front desk and wait since it was the most centralized location but as she got closer, she could hear people talking from behind the door labeled ‘Employee’s only.’ It was the same room the manager had disappeared into with Eddie when they checked in. At first, she didn’t mean to overhear. Then she heard the voice of the manager yell.

  “It doesn’t matter! Yes, they are not a part of it but still Alex. Don’t you remember last year? The girl, what’s her name, Elizabeth? You know how much trouble that caused us?”

  “I know this will be different. I have learned from my mistakes.” Alex’s voice was recognizable to her.

  “God, I hope so! I’m putting you in a cage if this crap happens again. Do you understand?” The manager yelled.

  “Are you done; you’ve made me late. Last time I checked, I didn’t have to ask your blessing to go on a date.” Alex sounded irritated, Thea wondered what was meant by the conversation and remembered the conversation with James from yesterday.

  Thea panicked when she saw the doorknob start to turn and started to speed walk away towards the restaurant, not wanting him to know that she heard.

  “Thea! So glad you could make it!”

  She heard him call from behind her. She turned around slowly, face contorted with a fake awkward smile that said I wasn’t eavesdropping at all.

  “Hey! I was just about to go inside the restaurant.” She said.

  He walked toward her, and the manager scowled at him from behind the front desk. When Alex got to her, he gave her a quick hug and lightly kissed her cheek. Thea blushed in response.

  He put his hand on the small of her back, and she felt the warmth that radiated from it as it nudged her toward the restaurant.

  “Shall we?” he nodded to the hostess who eyed him from her post, telling her to get the table ready.

  “Yes, of course!” Thea said, trying not to sound overly excited, but she knew that she could only conceal so much in her voice.

  She stole a glance over her shoulder at the furious face of his uncle. He just shook his head and went back into the employee room.

  “Don’t mind him,” Alex said.

  She looked up at her date who smiled innocently.

  The hostess saw them walk in the door.

  “I see you found him.” She said, her comment directed to Thea.

  “Two, please!” Thea said excitedly.

  “Right this way, Dr. Callahan.” The hostess said before walking through the rows of booths, through a door in the back and into a private room. There was only 1 table with four seats covered with a white cloth. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, the table was decorated with red place mats, beautiful plates, and silverware to pair with them. There was a metal container in the middle with a bottle of wine on ice, on either side of it were two intricate crystal wine glasses. It was a table fit for a queen.

  “This is beautiful!” Thea couldn’t help but comment.

  “Much like you,” He said as the hostess pulled out her chair.

  She took a seat; tucking her dress underneath her as she sat down. He positioned himself across from her.

  “You did all of this?” Thea questioned him.

  “It’s a little easier when you have help.”

  e ran his hand through his shaggy hair. He looked so comfortable compared to how she felt. She was an awkward person, and she knew it. All she could do was pray that he would change his mind about inviting her here. Alex had changed clothes from when she saw him earlier today. He now wore a thin black dress shirt, still no tie, but now the first two buttons were unbuttoned and relaxed. His cuffs were unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled halfway up to his elbows. He had grey dress pants and black leather shoes to match. The silver of his watch shined, and she noticed a ring with a red ruby in the middle of it on his right hand. There were engravings around it, but she wasn’t close enough to distinguish what it said.

  “It is OK, you know. You can breathe.” Alex said, seeing how uncomfortable she was.

  “I’m sorry, I am just in surprise is all.” She said, he cheeks flushed knowing that he noticed.

  “Are you sure? If it’s too much, I am pretty sure James could use our company at the bar.” Alex offered.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  The waitress came to take their order. Thea recognized her as the hostess from last time. The woman’s hair was bundled up on top of her head. Only a few strands that were too stubborn to stay put escaped and framed her face. Her steps were melodic and graceful as she made her way to them.

  “My name is Jane, and I will be your server today. What can I start you out with to drink?”

  “I will just have a Coke, please,” Thea answered.

  “Dr. Pepper for you, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you, Jane,” Alex responded.

  The woman disappeared, shutting the door to the room behind her.

  They sat in silence for a few minutes, looking at anything but each other.

  “So, why Aruba?” Alex asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “You first.” He demanded.

  “Well, my Dad’s friend had bought his timeshare that is only good for the two weeks that we are here. His friend ended up having some issues come up, so he and his wife couldn’t go and gave the trip to my dad. They, in turn, brought us along since we were both on break from school. We probably wouldn’t
have ever picked this place, but it is cool to be here!”

  “Ah, that makes sense.” Alex said, the puzzle pieces connecting mentally.

  “What does?” Thea asked, confused.

  “Well, the timeshare you guys used is normally for couples only. Specifically, it is advertised to couples without children. It threw my uncle for a loop when you checked in.” He explained.

  “Oh, I see.” She said apologetically.

  “It’s no problem, though! Are you guys finding everything ok? Besides not having a room phone dilemma?”, he asked.

  “Yeah, other than that everything has been great, thank you for sending us one by the way.”

  “It was no problem at all. I heard you Eddie say you didn’t have one, and we strive to make all of our guest happy,” Alex said, sounding like the entrepreneur he was born to be.

  “We definitely appreciate it!…. So, how about you, why Aruba?”

  “Well, my Dad had some friends that he met through the internet, and they decided to meet here every year and hang out. Well, after a few times of doing so, a few of them decided to build this hotel, now once a year, they meet here during spring break. Their group has grown a bit since it started but when my dad passed away, he wanted me to carry on the tradition. He was the last of the original five to start the tradition; most sold their rights before they died or left their rights to their children who turned the responsibility down. Some of their kids still come every year but just don’t want to help run the hotel. Therefore, I am now the sole owner. Everyone else who is a part of the group today had joined in on the tradition later.”

  “What do you guys do when they visit?” Thea asked.

  “Well… mostly we catch up, share stories, and go on vacation like everyone else. The rest of the time, we carry on the tradition and… well, play games.” The idea of referring to what happened on the 11th floor as ‘games’ sickened Alex but there was no way that he would jeopardize anything by telling the truth.

  “Hmm, well, that’s pretty cool.” Thea said, swirling the wine in her glass around.

  The waitress returned briefly and took their orders and menus. Her black hair bounced as she walked back out the door. Alex opened the bottle of wine and refilled their glasses. Thea picked hers up and took another sip.


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