Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) Page 14

by Betty Shreffler

  Adrian stood over them both, eyes gold and fangs completely visible. Kayci glimpsed the other vampire running away. With him gone, her attention returned to Danika and Adrian.

  Adrian held Danika steadily by the throat. Her feet dangled several inches above the ground. She bucked aggressively trying to break free. Without warning, Adrian punched her in the stomach, throwing her though the air several feet. Kayci heard the escape of air as Danika hit the ground. She recovered quickly and used the space between her and Adrian to flee into the woods. Her silhouette faded into the darkness instantly.

  Adrian frantically scanned Kayci from head to toe. Blood dripped down her chin and onto her shirt from a swollen, battered lip. Bruises already marked her face and body. Blood oozed from a gash on her arm. She barely held herself up.

  The part that worried him the most—the eyes looking back at him were bright gold. His thoughts drifted away from her eyes as he saw her collapse. He rushed over, gathering her into his arms just before she hit the ground. He cradled her against his own body and carried her to the front door.

  Elise removed the charm from the door once she saw the vampires had fled. She held the door open for Adrian to bring Kayci inside.

  “Is she okay?” Elise had tears in her eyes. “She saved my life.”

  Adrian laid Kayci gently on the couch. “How many were there?”

  “Three, I think. Are they all gone?” Elise placed the charm back on its nail, then hurried into the kitchen.

  “Yes.” Adrian observed the wounds on Kayci’s arm and lip beginning to heal. “She fought all three of them?”

  “I think so.” Elise returned with a wet washcloth. She carefully wiped the blood off Kayci’s arm and face. “She got me inside safely. I tried to see what was going on outside, but couldn’t see everything. One of them attacked me at the front door. She knocked him out, and I think…I think she killed him. I heard him screaming as he burned. Then he disappeared. I saw two attacking her outside the window.” She pointed toward the back of the house.

  “It was awful. They kept attacking her, and she kept fighting back. You got here just in time. I don’t think she would have made it if you hadn’t arrived when you did.” Tears welled in her eyes again.

  “What were you doing here anyway?” she asked.

  “I came to check on her.”

  “Do you think you could stay awhile in case they come back?”

  Adrian reached out and touched Kayci’s face. He couldn’t feel her energy. His fangs slipped out between his lips as he struggled to control his fury.

  “Yes. I’ll stay.”

  Elise smiled in relief as she pulled the blanket off the top of the couch and tucked it around Kayci.

  “Thank you. I might be able to get some sleep tonight knowing you’re here. Just don’t bite me in my sleep, okay?” Her expression revealed her awkward discomfort with wanting him to stay and her wariness of him being a vampire.

  Adrian sank into the chair next to the couch to keep vigil over Kayci. Her eyes had been gold colored. He was sure of it. Now she was healing before his eyes after a fight with not one but three vampires. He worried about where his thoughts led him. What would the Covenant do if they knew of her existence?

  Elise slipped under the foot of the same blanket that covered Kayci. Her heavy eyelids closed for a moment, then shot open to check that Adrian hadn’t moved.

  “You know she’s like you, right?”

  Adrian’s eyes shifted to Elise. He waited for her to continue.

  “She’s not a normal human. She has vampire blood in her. A witch told her that she was born from both a vampire and a human. She’s some kind of mix between the two.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I think you’re the only one that can really help her.”


  A meek knock sounded at the door. Eva looked around at the other vampires that formed the Covenant. She sensed their irritation rising. They had received communication from Danika that she would be sending a messenger to them with important information.

  When Florence opened the door, she saw a very young and new vampire. Eva immediately sensed the young vampire was of Danika’s making. She had made him without the Covenant’s consent. Eva saw Florence’s fangs slip out. She wondered how long he would let this fledgling live.

  “Let him in, Florence.” Eva’s words were gentle but unyielding.

  Florence stepped aside and eyed the young vampire as he made his way into the room. Eva motioned for him to have a seat. The young vampire’s movements were apprehensive, his fear evident. He obviously knew the dangers surrounding him.

  “What is your message, youngling?” Eva asked him gently.

  The young vampire gathered his confidence. “Danika has valuable information for you. She asks for clemency in exchange for this information.”

  Florence took his seat next to Eva. He leaned forward aggressively, his fangs exposed. “You, youngling, nor your sire, has any privilege to ask for such things.”

  Eva agreed. However, she wanted to hear what the young vampire had to say. “He is right, youngling. It is best that you tell us what you have to say and then take a message back to Danika for us. This is your only option.” The last few words were spoken slowly, her tone firm and more unyielding than before.

  The young vampire nodded. His fear had heightened. “Danika has discovered a half-breed vampire under the care of Adrian. She saw her tonight with her own eyes.”

  Eva exchanged glances with the Covenant vampires, taking in their shock and disbelief.

  Eva brought their attention back to the young vampire. “You mean Adrian has created a new vampire, a fledgling like yourself.”

  “No, she is not like me. She is human and vampire. She walks during the day but has vampire abilities.”

  Eva turned her head away from the rest of the Covenant, hiding her expression. She couldn’t believe that he had succeeded. “You must go. Go back to Danika and tell her there is no clemency to be had here.”

  The young vampire jumped up and tried to make a quick exit. Before he could reach the door, Florence grabbed him. The young vampire squirmed beneath Florence’s grip, his strength no match against Florence’s. The fledgling’s body went limp. His head lay separated from his body on the floor.

  “Danika will get our message when her darling fledgling does not return.”

  Eva, deep in her thoughts, barely noticed a couple vampires enter the room to remove the fledgling’s remains.

  Natalia, clearly pensive, eyed Eva. “What does this mean?”

  Orrick spoke up. “It means we have a situation that must be dealt with. The solution is the same as always. Our laws must be adhered to, or their will be chaos. This creature cannot be allowed to live.”

  Eva looked directly at Orrick. “The same was once said of us.”

  “Perhaps we should meet this creature. We should know if she is dangerous to our existence,” Beatrice said with a neutral tone.

  “We should hear what Adrian has to say.” Vladimir spoke directly to Eva.

  Florence leaned forward, his eyes narrowed as he studied Eva. “She is your brother’s daughter. Isn’t she?” His tone dripped venom.

  Eva matched his glare. “That is yet to be known.”

  Chapter 9

  Kayci slowly opened her eyes. She could see the sun shining in through a window. She looked around. Elise lay squished at the end of the couch. Immediate relief and affection filled Kayci. Elise was safe. But not from the sore neck she’d have when she woke up. Kayci quickly became aware of her own aching neck as memories arose from the night before. She lifted her arm up to inspect it. The cuts were barely more than a scratch now. She touched her lip. It felt fine. She lifted a piece of paper off the coffee table and read it.

  When you’re ready.

  801 Brickle Ave. 15th floor. Suite 1503.


  A rush of warmth flowed through her. She remembered him pulling Danika o
ff before she bit Kayci. She remembered collapsing into his arms. She wished he were here now, still holding her in his arms. She felt safe there. Tonight she would thank him for saving her life and have the conversation he wanted and she dreaded.

  Feeling a serious need for a shower, Kayci carefully uncovered herself, trying not to wake Elise. Her sore muscles rebelled against her every move. She slowly made her way up the stairs, using the railing as her support. She undressed, leaving her clothes in a careless pile on the floor. The warm, silky water ran along her skin and soothed her aching muscles. A shower had never felt as good as it did this morning. As the droplets fell onto her arm, burning the diagonal scratches across her forearm, visions of the attack came rushing back. She had killed a vampire. She shivered at the memory of his burning body.

  Thankfully, Rosemary’s spell had worked, giving her more strength, or she wouldn’t have been able to fight all three vampires. She and Elise would both be dead. The thought caused a lump to grow in her throat. She closed her eyes and let the hot, soothing water run down her face. She forced all thoughts from the previous night out of her mind.

  After finding comfortable jeans and a T-shirt and pampering her feet with soft slippers, Kayci made her way back downstairs. She strolled into her kitchen to find Elise pouring chai tea into a mug. She inhaled the spicy aroma, letting it soothe the last bit of her frayed nerves.

  As Kayci entered, Elise grabbed a second mug from the cupboard and began pouring tea into it as well.

  “How are you feeling? You look a hell of a lot better than you did last night.”

  Kayci took a carton of milk out of the refrigerator and poured the milk into their teacups.

  “I’m doing pretty good, considering what happened.”

  Elise pointed to Kayci’s arm. “You healed pretty quick.”

  Kayci glanced at her arm and nodded. “I’m glad it was my arm and not my throat. Adrian arrived just in time. I didn’t have any strength left in me.”

  Kayci, tea mug in hand, followed Elise to the kitchen table.

  “I’m glad he showed up when he did too. After he brought you inside last night, he stayed and made sure the vampires didn’t come back. He seems to really care about you.”

  Kayci’s mood lightened. “I’m going to visit him tonight and thank him for helping me.”

  “I saw the note. He knows what you are now.”

  “I’m aware. It’s a conversation I’m not looking forward to. Just as much as I’m not looking forward to this one.”

  Kayci set her warm cup in between her palms, as she always did. She paused a moment, enjoying the heat of the mug while she procrastinated. This conversation wouldn’t be easy.

  Elise stared at her expectantly.

  “After you leave for work this morning, Elise, I think it’s best that we keep our distance from each other for a while.”

  Kayci’s gut wrenched. She was breaking up with her best friend. For a little while, at least.

  Elise nodded. “I hate to admit it, but I kind of had the same thoughts.”

  Kayci didn’t like hearing it, but Elise wasn’t safe around her right now.

  “At least until Danika is found and I figure out what happens next between Adrian and me, now that he knows I’m part vampire.”

  Elise rubbed her eyes and frowned. “I hope this all blows over soon. Just remember—Rosemary said you can trust Adrian.”

  Kayci’s emotions flooded her. She figured her eyes matched her emotional state. When Elise looked away, Kayci knew she was right. While avoiding eye contact, Elise picked up her mug and set it in the sink. She quickly padded over to Kayci and gave her a long, affectionate hug.

  “Thank you so much for saving my life. I’m sorry to leave you like this. Call me when you’re ready,” she said sadly before grabbing her duffel bag and leaving.

  Kayci sat while warm, wet tears ran down her cheeks and dripped onto her shirt and table. She didn’t care. She felt frozen in this moment and utterly alone. A rogue vampire, dangerous and crazy, wanted to kill her and use her to get rid of Adrian. With Adrian knowing about her half-breed status, she feared for his safety and hers, especially with the Covenant so close. If only her father had stuck around and raised her, perhaps this new world wouldn’t be so terrifying.

  Kayci reached up and wiped the tears from her face. She stood and tried to regain control over her emotions. She refused to sit and succumb to her own pity party. She had normal human obligations to attend to today. They would at least distract her for a little while. She set her mug in the sink next to Elise’s, wiped her face with a towel, then thought about what stores sold blue-colored contacts. She needed to get them before her noon and two o’clock appointments.


  Adrian paced, staring at the ceiling. An open book lay on the side table by the chair, a sorry attempt to distract himself. After rereading the same paragraph three times, he gave up and tossed it aside, his thoughts focused on Kayci. As much as it pleased him to know she was like him, it also worried him immensely. He would do everything he could to hide her from the Covenant, but it would only be a matter of time until they found out about her, if Danika hadn’t already informed them. If Kayci’s eyes flashed gold at him last night, they’d done the same at Danika as well.

  He couldn’t believe a witch had successfully bound the vampire curse long enough for a vampire to conceive a child with a human. He had heard the stories but never believed it possible. If vampires learned about Kayci, chaos would erupt. Vampires would hunt down witches and force them to repeat the spell. The truce between the species would be torn apart if witches felt threatened. The Covenant’s rule could easily be weakened. Kayci’s safety was in peril. Danika would undoubtedly spread the news and take full advantage of the upheaval. It would make taking down the Covenant that much easier for her. Kayci would be safe from Danika for a while—she wouldn’t want to kill an important pawn in her schemes.

  Adrian’s thoughts were disrupted when he heard footsteps coming down the corridor. The footsteps slowed as they neared his door. He opened the door just as Vladimir raised his hand to knock.

  Vladimir, with his usual calm, collected demeanor, provided his customary pleasantries before entering. Adrian closed the door behind them.

  “What brings you here?” Adrian asked, knowing Vladimir’s visit was business, not friendly.

  “The Covenant knows about the half-breed vampire. They know you are protecting her.”

  “Danika,” Adrian guessed, jaw tense.

  Vladimir nodded. Adrian had expected it, yet it still angered him.

  “What happens now?”

  “I’ve arranged for you to speak with the Covenant. They would like to meet her.”



  “I’m surprised you weren’t sent to retrieve my head.”

  “A few Covenant members wanted just that, but as we both know, Eva has a soft spot for you. She wants to hear your side of the story. She wouldn’t dare take the word of Danika Panetierre.”

  Adrian rubbed his fingers along his facial hair, a nervous habit he had developed.

  “Thankfully, Eva is a reasonable woman. I truly didn’t know she was a half-breed until last night. She hides it well. Does the Covenant have any plans for her?”

  “After we meet with her, we’ll decide on her fate.”

  “When shall I expect my summoning?”

  Vladimir smiled at Adrian’s normal obstinate attitude.

  “Tomorrow night.”

  Adrian showed Vladimir to the front door.

  “I appreciate the visit.” Which Adrian knew was really a forewarning.

  “You would have done the same for me,” Vladimir replied casually, trying to play down his act of kindness.

  Adrian nodded, smiled as Vladimir exited, then closed the door behind him. If Adrian could feel sick, he would. The knot in his stomach was tighter than a hangman’s noose. He needed to lessen his nerves and feed before Kayci arrived.
He grabbed his keys off the peg and locked the door behind him.


  Danika sat back in her Victorian chair, tapping her sharp nails on the wooden arm. The room was dim, with a small fire lit in the large marble fireplace. Her sinister smile revealed her white pearly fangs, beautifully contrasted against her dark eyes. Danika stopped watching the activity of the vampires feeding behind her and brought her attention to Reece.

  “They clearly didn’t take the news well. Edward hasn’t returned.”

  “Isn’t that what you expected?” Reece asked.

  “Of course. That’s why I sent him. He was too weak to continue to be a member of our coven.”

  She grinned. “I imagine the Covenant will soon drag Adrian into their pathetic conference room to rip his head from his body.” Danika paused, imagining Adrian gone. The moment quickly passed.

  “This new issue with the half-breed vampire will buy us a little more time. May even become beneficial for us. If other vampires know it’s possible to temporarily bind our curse, they’d become crazed with the possibilities it could offer them. We could create disorder just with that knowledge alone.” Danika smiled at the leverage she possessed.

  Reece studied Danika’s expression. “Do you want to change the plans?”

  Danika smiled. Her fangs escaped her top lip. “Not at all. A matter of fact, I’d like you and Mia to start scouting for abandoned buildings on the east and south side of Naples. It’s time to take action.”

  Chapter 10

  Kayci looked up at the high-rise condominium. The sun had gone down a few hours ago, leaving the beautiful lights of the condominium sparkling above her. The building towered over her, creating an intimidating impression for a first-time visitor. Unsure of what to expect, she took a deep breath and entered the building’s main lobby.

  Inside, the building sparkled with chic furniture, ornate crystal chandeliers, and modern art full of colorful and scenic landscapes. Clearly, people who made a good living lived in these condominiums. She tried not to get sucked into all the stimulants and searched for the nearest elevator. She reached out to click the number for level 15, but it wasn’t there. She instead clicked 14, hoping to find an entrance to level 15 from there.


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