Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) Page 26

by Betty Shreffler

  The nurse moved around the bed and removed all the tubes and wires, freeing Elise.

  “I’ll get you a wheelchair to get to your car,” the nurse said.

  “That would be great,” Kayci replied.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes to get changed.”

  The nurse walked out and closed the door behind her. Kayci helped Elise ease onto her feet. Once Elise felt steady on her own, Kayci grabbed the pile of fresh clothes, which she had brought for Elise, lying on the bedside stand.

  “Thanks. I appreciate you bringing me clothes. These gowns are awful to wear in the hospital. I can’t imagine rolling out of here with one on.”

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  Kayci helped Elise out of her gown and into the clothes as carefully as she could, so as not to unsettle any of the bandages. The nurse reentered the room just as they were finishing.

  “I brought some fresh bandages and tape for you to take home until you can buy some more.”

  “Those won’t be necessary, but thank you,” Kayci told her.

  The nurse gave a small look of surprise, then set the bandages aside. She rolled the wheelchair over to where Elise stood. Elise eased into the chair with a grimace, clearly feeling the friction of her clothes against the bandages.

  “I can’t wait to get to your house, Kayc.”

  “Me too.”

  The nurse stepped out of the way as Kayci handed Elise her paperwork and took over pushing the wheelchair.

  “Thank you,” Kayci told the nurse with a smile.

  The nurse nodded and gave a polite smile back. “I hope you feel better soon.”

  Chapter 20

  Kayci couldn’t help but smile. She listened to Elise drill Thorne with questions as she put together the necessary components for the healing spell. She had put a strong dose of chamomile in the mug filled with green tea just as the notes instructed. Said an incantation over the tea to enhance the chamomile’s natural ability to soothe and heal. Created a paste from the seeds of fenugreek, and gathered the earth candle and Rosemary’s book. Now her book, she reminded herself.

  She placed everything onto one of her cookie sheets, using it as a makeshift tray, and walked into the living room. Elise sat propped up against several pillows on the couch. Thorne chuckled at another one of Elise’s shocked expressions.

  “Kayci, he’s experienced so much! Seen so many amazing things!”

  Kayci smiled with pleasure as she set the tray down on the coffee table.

  “I’m hoping he’ll stick around long enough to share some of those stories with me as well.”

  Kayci gave him a fixed stare that clarified her feelings, which she knew he understood.

  “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me. Although I may need to find accommodations of my own. I’d rather not impose upon you after having been absent from your life all this time.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re here now.” Kayci held the mug out for Elise to take.

  Kayci glanced at Thorne, and they matched each other’s smiles, then she turned to Elise.

  “Drink this. Then we’ll begin.”

  While Elise sipped the liquid, Kayci removed Elise’s bandages one by one. She flinched with each removal.

  “Sorry, Elise.”

  Elise grimaced and then took another sip of the tea.

  “It’s okay. The sooner we finish, the better,” she replied in between sips.

  “We’ll need to put this paste on each of the wounds.”

  Elise set the mug down and took some of the paste from Kayci’s hand and helped apply it to each of the bite wounds. The skin around the bite wounds was red and puffy. Kayci could tell the process caused Elise even more discomfort. She hoped she could help the lacerations heal quickly. Once they finished and wiped their hands, Kayci handed the mug back to Elise.

  “You have to drink all of it.”

  Elise frowned. “At least it doesn’t taste bad. Could use some milk and sugar though.”

  “Milk and sugar would slow down the healing process.”

  Kayci set the earth candle onto the coffee table and placed the cookie sheet and bowl of remaining paste aside. She lit the candle as Thorne took the empty mug from Elise. He gathered the mug, cookie sheet, and bowl of paste and took them into the kitchen. Kayci barely noticed as she read the spell from the book once more and murmured it to herself, memorizing it.

  She turned toward Elise with the earth candle in her left hand. “Here it goes.”

  “Something must be working. I already feel really relaxed.”

  “It’s the chamomile in the tea. I gave it a spell boost.”

  Elise smiled as she sat back into a more relaxed position. “It’s definitely working. I feel really relaxed.”

  Kayci grinned at Elise’s sleepy repeat.

  “Okay, close your eyes, and let your body sink into a deep relaxation. Imagine yourself somewhere comfortable and soothing.”

  Kayci watched as relaxation crossed over Elise’s face. Kayci placed her hand over Elise’s core. She closed her eyes and focused on her own core, where her energy began assembling. She gave that energy a push with her mind and tried to enhance it, just as she did the fire spell. It rolled and turned in response to her will. She pushed that energy and tried to send it up her core and across her chest, shoulder, and arm and into Elise’s core.

  “Take what you need. Root the seeds of healing and undo the wounds of thee. Tolle quod vos postulo ut semina radicitus sanare, et interficiam de vulneribus.” Kayci continued to push her energy flow toward Elise and repeated the spell once more.

  Thorne watched as the paste began thinning, spreading, then gradually transformed into thin layers of fresh skin where there were deep puncture wounds before. The new layers of skin quickly lost their translucency, and thickened. The bite wounds were completely gone, and shiny thick skin now covered the marks. Watching his daughter heal her friend was one of the most amazing things he had ever seen. He swelled with pride and watched Kayci’s own amazed expression when she opened her eyes and saw that the spell had worked.

  Kayci slowly pulled her hand back from Elise’s core. Elise had slipped into a deep sleep. Exactly what she needed, Kayci thought. It would increase the strength of her healing, inside and out. She felt a flicker of excitement as she looked over Elise’s limbs and saw the fresh skin. It was amazing. A true gift. One she was suddenly very thankful for. She blew out the candle and started to stand up. She stopped and sat back down as an overwhelming wave of dizziness swarmed her head. She fought back the feeling of fainting.

  Thorne appeared at her side instantly. He placed his hand on her arm to steady her and took the candle from her hand and set it on the coffee table.

  “I don’t believe you were healed enough yourself for that spell. It apparently drains a lot of your energy.”

  Kayci nodded in agreement as she regained her composure. The dizziness lessened.

  “I think you’re right. Do you mind helping me up to my room? I suddenly feel very tired.”

  “Of course.”

  Thorne nearly lifted Kayci into a standing position. He gave her a moment to gain her bearings before helping her walk to the stairs.

  Kayci spoke slowly, sleepily. “The spare bedroom is across the hall from my room. It’s ready to be used. Fresh sheets and towels. I keep it ready for when Elise stays over. It’s all yours. Oh, but I need to close the curtains first.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Kayci.”

  Kayci eased up the steps, using the railing as support, then the wall when the railing ran out. Her headache from earlier had returned. Her limbs felt heavy and her body lethargic. She ignored the uncomfortable feelings and opened the door to the spare room.

  “Give me a moment,” she muttered.

  She closed the door behind her so not to let light into the hallway. She slowly made her way to the window and closed the blinds. She pulled the curtains from their holdbacks, making sure not to let any light seep throu
gh. For extra security, she grabbed a spare sheet from the closet and tucked the corners into the curtain rods to ensure no light got through the cracks of the curtains. She switched on the nightstand lamp and opened the door for Thorne.

  The drowsiness came through in her voice. “You’re all set. I’m quickly crashing, so I’ll say good night…er, good morning.”

  Before entering her bedroom door, she turned back toward Thorne.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Thorne smiled from the pure joy that tickled his heart. “I as well.”

  Kayci smiled back, then closed her bedroom door. She sleepily traipsed to her bed and collapsed onto it.

  Chapter 21

  Danika and her remaining nine coven vampires were spread out in the basement of an old dilapidated building they had sought refuge in. She looked around at the rustic metal pillars holding up the ceiling above them. Cobwebs stretched and entangled every visible corner, glistening against the few oil lamps they had burning. Abandoned construction materials had turned to piles of trash cluttering the area around them.

  Danika angrily tossed the cot in front of her across the room. “Now we’ve been reduced to living in squalor. This is unacceptable!” Her bellowing echoed through the large vacant basement, causing every vampire to fidget uncomfortably.

  Reece moved toward her and then backed up as uncontrollable rage stirred within her. He stood firmly in his place.

  “It’s temporary. Come nightfall, we’ll find another place.”

  Her golden eyes glistened brightly with a new idea. She smiled wide, revealing the gleam of her white fangs.

  “Actually, this place may suit us perfectly. No one will miss it if it burns to the ground with a few old vampires in it. Max!” she shouted. A military-like vampire stepped out of the group, awaiting her orders. “The dynamite we have stored in the warehouse. How soon can you set it up in this building?”

  “As soon as the sun drops,” he assured her.

  “Do you think we can still take them? There used to be twenty-five of us. Now there are only ten of us left,” Kenneth asked her. His broad shoulders were slumped and his head down.

  Marcus spoke up as well. “Adrian and Vladimir killed six members of our coven when they came for that girl. They took them down like they were pups against wolves.”

  Danika maintained her calm to ensure she didn’t lose their loyalty. “My darlings, if we set the trap right, we won’t have to fight them at all.”


  Kayci awoke to a little bit of drool saturating her pillow. She couldn’t recall having that deep of a sleep in ages. She brushed her hair out of her face and tossed her comforter away, then stepped down off her bed. She was relieved to feel refreshed. Nothing hurt, throbbed, pounded, or ached. She took a quick shower, got dressed, and then headed downstairs, hoping Elise felt better as well. As she came downstairs, Elise was awake and walking around.

  “Oh, Kayc, it worked! Look at my legs! They’re as smooth as silk.” Elise leaned down and rubbed her hands over her skin. “Touch ’em. They’re so soft.”

  Kayci smiled at her enthusiasm. Her best friend was back to her usual perky self. She obliged Elise’s request and rubbed her fingers across where the wounds used to be and was equally amazed at how soft the skin felt.

  “It’s freaking amazing, and I feel great! I even had the best sleep I’ve had in months.”

  “I slept pretty well myself. I think more out of pure exhaustion than relaxation though.”

  Kayci strolled into the kitchen, noticed through the window that the day had turned to evening, but wanted eggs and ham anyway. Elise followed and plopped down on one of the kitchen table chairs as Kayci cracked four eggs into a frying pan.

  “Your gift is really amazing, Kayc. I appreciate you healing all those wounds, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you burn the vampire that kidnapped me, with your hands. Your skills are pretty incredible.”

  “It’s the least I could do for you, Elise, after dragging you into all this. I’m just glad it worked.” Kayci lifted out another pan for ham and then tossed several slices into it. They immediately started sizzling. “It’s strange, but doing that spell felt natural. Like it’s something I should have been doing all along.”

  “See, my friend does have superpowers. We should come up with a nickname for you. Like…”

  “Oh no, no, no. No nicknames.”

  She turned off the stove top and grabbed two plates to put their breakfast/dinner on. After filling each plate with two eggs and a couple ham slices, Kayci brought the plates to the table. She ignored Elise’s pouty expression.

  “Did you see Thorne come downstairs?”

  “Yeah, I thought I saw him slip out a little bit ago. Maybe he needs his breakfast too.”

  Kayci looked out the kitchen window at the gray-blue color that came shortly after the sun went down. Without intention, she had begun living a more vampire-like lifestyle—she’d been staying up during the night and sleeping well into the day. Today being the latest she’d slept.

  “I suppose so. Makes me a little nervous though, with the Covenant and all. I’m worried they’ll find out he is back and staying with me. I’m not sure they’ve completely accepted me at this point. I hope that Eva can convince them to leave me alone, but I’m worried that if Eva is no longer the leader, they may decide my existence is a problem.”

  “Why wouldn’t she be the leader of the Covenant?”

  “Eva hinted during my meeting that she wants to embrace the Dawning.” Kayci quickly caught herself. “She’s lived for thousands of years. She doesn’t want to be a vampire anymore.”

  “Yeah, I guess you do have a reason to be worried. Maybe you and Thorne should meet with Eva and spend more time with her. Find out where the Covenant is on things. She’d probably be happy to see her brother after all these years.”

  “It’s not a bad idea. Adrian could probably arrange it. I also need to work something out with Thorne. I just realized he can’t get back in the house without me here to let him in.”

  “If you need to go anywhere, I can stay here and make sure that Thorne can get back in. I was thinking of asking him to escort me home anyway. Apparently, being an old vampire makes you pretty strong and your da—Thorne is pretty old.”

  Kayci caught Elise’s correction and smiled.

  “I asked him the same thing, how old he is. Can you imagine living through so many societal, cultural, and political changes? I wonder what era was his favorite. Although modern toilets and showers may take the cake.”

  While finishing her breakfast food, Elise’s eyes got wide, and she enthusiastically nodded.

  “Definitely,” she said after swallowing.

  Kayci chuckled.

  “The only plan I had today was to spend time with Adrian, you, and Thorne. Whenever he gets back.”

  Chapter 22


  Eva thought she recognized the male voice behind her but it had been so long since she heard it she wasn’t sure. She turned around to see who she hoped it might be.

  “Brother.” The word escaped her lips softly.

  Thorne came to her and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her body near for a familial embrace.

  “I feared you were dead.”

  Thorne released his sister and smiled at the eruption of love and relief he felt emanating from her.

  “I had to stay hidden in order to keep you and Kayci safe. As long as we were assumed dead, the Covenant had no need to seek retribution.”

  “What made you return?” she asked.

  “I’m bound to my daughter through our blood. I can sense her no matter the distance. Katriana saw to this. I sensed the danger she was in several nights ago. I came as quickly as I could travel. I came just in time, it appears. Kayci informed me Danika Panetierre has returned.”

  “She means to bring down the Covenant and take our place. It couldn’t have come at a worse time.”

  Eva turned away fr
om her brother, facing the window. She gazed out over the glistening lights.

  Her voice lowered, sounding solemn. “I searched for you for many years. I secretly hired witches, vampire hunters, and even a few Lycan to locate you. I’m sure you can imagine how that fared. The Lycan kind are not easily persuaded to work with us.”

  Thorne glanced at the long, coarse scar across her shoulder blade. He pushed aside the memories when Eva spoke again.

  “Eventually I gave up the search. I thought you truly dead.” Her voice trailed off.

  Thorne could feel the pain and remorse spreading like wildfire. She looked back at him briefly. He saw a glimpse of grief on her stark face.

  Her tone was reticent. “I wished to be with you wherever you were. I began craving the Dawning. Dreaming of what came after. I admit, even now I still do.”

  Eva turned back to Thorne. He watched her regain her usual steadfast composure in an attempt to conceal her internal turmoil.

  “The Covenant hasn’t been the same with your absence. I find myself continually battling their defiance. I’m losing my rule over them, Thorne. They are splitting apart. It’s the perfect time for Danika to strike. Especially if I were gone.”

  She held her head high. “Perhaps the time has come for new leadership. Perhaps it is your daughter that should take my place.”

  Thorne could feel the muscles in his jaw tense. His shoulders went back, and his stance became rigid.

  “Eva, is this what you planned? To put my daughter in your place? She is too young and too new to this world. You would sign her death sentence. Do you realize this?” His tone sounded grim, but he held his voice so not to rile other vampires that were near.

  Eva held her ground. “She is made from witch and vampire. She’s stronger and more powerful than you realize. You’re clouded by your duty to protect her. Brother, it is her birthright. Just as it was ours.”

  “It is foolish! None of the Covenant members would accept her. They fear what she is and what she can do. Eva, I endured twenty-five years rotting in a wretched crypt that I substantially paid a shaman to conceal all to keep her identity a secret, and now that I’ve returned, I find that you have paraded her in front of the whole Covenant and wish to put her in the very seat that will destroy her!”


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