Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)

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Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) Page 33

by Betty Shreffler

  Kayci sighed heavily as she sensed them approaching. She opened the front door that no longer held the talisman since she arrived home. They each greeted her with such pleasant cheerfulness that her internal turmoil grew worse.

  “You’re fairing much better than when I saw you last,” Thorne commented with a smile.

  “Everything healed well.” Kayci held up her arms for his inspection.

  She motioned for them to enter. Adrian stepped into the living room first, caressing her arm and kissing her forehead as he passed. Kayci sat on the sofa, and Adrian joined her. Thorne perched himself on the arm of the chair.

  Vladimir remained standing. “We owe you great thanks for saving our lives.”

  “I’m glad we all made it out okay. I’m sorry about your sister and what happened to the Covenant members.”

  Vladimir nodded, his expression somber.

  Kayci caught Thorne studying her. She could tell that he sensed her conflicting emotions.

  “Adrian shared with us that you already know the purpose of our visit,” Thorne told her.

  Kayci took a deep breath. “Yes, I do. There’s no need to explain Eva’s plans or to make the offer. I know where each of you stand on the subject of me becoming a vampire as well as joining the Covenant.”

  Thorne nodded.

  “Where do you stand on the subject?” Vladimir asked.

  Kayci swallowed the lump in her throat. Adrian placed his hand on her knee.

  “Neither are something I am ready for. I am concerned about the predicament that the Covenant has been left in, as well as the safety of each of you, but becoming a vampire is not something I am ready for, nor being Covenant leader. Perhaps if Eva would have been able to prepare me over a much longer period of time, I could be ready, but not now.” She held her breath for their responses.

  Disappointment spread across their faces.

  Vladimir addressed Thorne and Adrian, his hands firmly behind his back. “It’s settled then. We must begin reaching out to potential members and enlisting them. Thorne, I could use your assistance in running the Covenant until we have established the Covenant’s stability. Adrian, there surely will be trouble if word spreads of the Covenant’s restructuring. Be prepared to travel.”

  Kayci stood, as did Adrian and Thorne. Vladimir stepped toward Kayci.

  “You have nothing to fear from the Covenant going forward. I wish you the best, Kayci. Should you choose to join our kind in the future, you will be welcome as a member of the Covenant. Farewell, statočný dievča.”

  Kayci was speechless by how quickly the conversation ended. They didn’t even try to convince her. Adrian surely must have had a hand in that. The lack of effort even made her feel a bit disappointed. She expected them to explain why she should, or something of the like. Why was she disappointed anyway? She didn’t want to be a vampire, at least not right now. Being Covenant leader was out of the question… She wouldn’t have been running the Covenant alone though. She would have had help from each of them and others. It didn’t matter now. She made her choice.

  Kayci caught Thorne studying her again. She quickly shut down her thoughts.

  “Thank you, Vladimir,” Kayci replied as she hugged her hands to her elbows.

  Vladimir left her house nearly as quick as he’d come.

  Thorne looked to Adrian.

  “Would you mind if I spent the evening with Kayci?”

  Adrian hesitantly agreed. “Sure. It would be good for the both of you. I’ll come by tomorrow night.” Adrian took her hand in his, giving her a gentle kiss.

  Kayci faced Thorne in her living room, an awkward tension between them.

  “I’m sorry that Eva is gone. I wish I could have spent more time with her.”

  Thorne looked at her affectionately.

  “I wish you could have enjoyed more time with her as well. I spent nearly three thousand years as a vampire living alongside Eva. The last twenty-seven years being away from her may have been difficult. However, I knew she was alive and doing well. Now that she is truly gone…” Thorne paused while he composed himself. “It’s more difficult to accept.”

  “I can’t even begin to understand the grief you must be feeling,” Kayci said. “I barely knew her, and even I miss her.”

  “I miss her as well. When she first told me of her plans to turn you and prepare you to join the Covenant, I thought she was mad. I realize now that she was trying to do what she believed was in your best interest as well as the entire vampire race.”

  Guilt slowly crept into Kayci’s gut. “Do you think I made the wrong choice?”

  “I didn’t stay to cause you grief.” Thorne pointed to her couch. “Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll get you one of those drinks you and Elise were sharing. Wine, correct?” Thorne continued after Kayci nodded. “I can sense the emotional turmoil you have lingering inside of you. That should help alleviate some of your anxiety. You can share with me more about your life growing up, and I’ll answer any questions you may have. It’ll give us a chance to become more acquainted.”

  Kayci smiled. “I’d like that.”

  She headed to the couch as Thorne walked into the kitchen.

  “There’s a new bottle hanging in the wine rack. You sure you want to get it? I don’t imagine you’re familiar with a bottle opener,” Kayci teased.

  “I need to acclimate myself to modern activities as much as possible. I’m a bit outdated,” Thorne jested. Kayci heard the cork pop and the wine being poured.

  “You seem to be doing good so far.”

  Thorne strolled back into the living room with a glass full of red wine.

  Kayci took the glass from his outstretched hand as he sat in the chair next to her couch. She took a sip and found the wine’s odd taste displeasing. She assumed it was stale but didn’t want to throw it out after Thorne had just politely poured it for her. She forced down another couple sips and set the glass on the coffee table.

  “I hope you’re not disappointed about my decision,” Kayci said nervously.

  When he looked at her, Kayci saw grief and affection all at once. She sensed his emotional struggle.

  “When I first saw you beaten and bleeding in the parking garage, I wanted to do everything in my power to protect you so you wouldn’t have to suffer something like that again. I didn’t believe that Eva’s suggestion to turn you was the solution. However, seeing the dangers that surrounded you, I began to wonder if Eva was right. Then you were taken and nearly killed. I began to realize that the only way to protect you was for you to embrace your true nature. I assumed you would eventually turn on your own, having seen how Adrian and you care for one another. I truly wanted to let you turn on your own. I wanted you to have as many human years as you wanted. I’ve realized that I was naïve in my thinking. Leaving you in your current form would be foolish. I made a vow to Katriana that I would protect you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep that promise.”

  Kayci stood up from the couch, confused. Her chest tightened with tension and trepidation.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Thorne?”

  Kayci instinctively put space between them as Thorne rose from the chair.

  “There are times in our lives, Kayci, that those we love have to make decisions for us when we lack the courage to make the decisions for ourselves.”

  Thorne cleared the space between them. His hands held her face firmly. Kayci tried to shove him away, but it was like hitting a brick wall. He didn’t budge.

  “I hope you can find it in you to forgive me.”

  Kayci felt the pressure of Thorne’s hands against her face and neck, then the world went dark.

  Chapter 31

  As Adrian strolled out of the Blue Moon lounge, he pulled his vibrating cell phone from his pocket. When he saw Thorne’s newly acquired cell number, he assumed Thorne needed assistance of some sort. He answered casually.

  “I see you’ve figured out how to use the new smartphone.”

  When Thorne didn
’t respond, Adrian’s nerves mounted.

  “What is it?”

  “She’s going to need you.”

  Adrian brought his phone down from his ear as the disconnection tone sounded. Anger boiled, tightening his chest and locking his jaw. He pocketed the phone and rushed to his condo to retrieve his car.

  Adrian raced to Kayci’s front door. It was unlocked. He entered her house, and when he didn’t see her, he rushed to her bedroom. She was lying there lifeless on the bed, her arms folded to her sides. Adrian knew instantly what Thorne had done.

  Anger and disbelief filled him. He tried to collect himself. His shaky hands reached down and touched her soft, cool skin. He brushed her hair away from her expressionless face. His chest ached with the knowledge of what she would have to experience now. Of the choice that had been taken from her. Of the shock she would endure when she woke.

  He grabbed a bag from her closet and collected her wallet, cell phone, laptop, and several items of clothing. He took the bag to his car and then came back to her bedside. He lifted her into his arms and held her against his body. Her lifeless figure hung in his arms.

  He carried her to his car and placed her carefully into the passenger seat. He went back inside to lock the house and saw the glass of wine on the coffee table. He raised the glass to his nostrils. He immediately recognized the scent. Thorne’s blood mixed with wine. He carried the glass into the kitchen and drained the fluid into the sink before rinsing it.

  Adrian drove Kayci to his condo. Carried her through the common room, ignoring every suspicious stare. A couple vampires tried to ask questions and stopped when he flicked them a deadly expression.

  Adrian entered his condo, carefully laid Kayci on his bed, and waited.


  Air came rushing back into her lungs. A raspy gasp came from her mouth as her lungs expanded. Excruciating pain clawed at every nerve in her body. Her head ached so badly, she couldn’t think. Her stomach had such fierce cramps, she feared her stomach might tear apart from the inside out. She opened her eyes to bright, agonizing light. She narrowed them into slits. Through her hazy vision, she could see Adrian leaning over her.

  “What…hap…pened?” she muttered.

  Her voice sounded strange.

  “You’re going through the transition.”

  Kayci’s golden eyes shot open wide. Sweat covered her skin and soaked the sheets around her. Her fangs stabbed her bottom lip. A little of her blood filled her mouth. The taste was gratifying and sweet. She swallowed more of it, noticing that the cramps in her stomach subsided slightly. She tried to sit up as the panic set in. Her body throbbed with pain. She lay back down, too fatigued to move. Each shallow breath was like breathing through a thick, wet cloth. She was feverish. Another wave of cramps ripped through her abdomen. As her panic rose, her body convulsed.

  “Adrian, what’s happening to me?!” She choked back tears. No tears came.

  Adrian grabbed her face and held it in his hands.

  “Kayci, look at me. You’ve been turned into a vampire. You’re transitioning. I’m going to carry you to the bathroom. Your body is going to expel a lot of what it no longer needs. I know this is painful. I’ve been through it. I promise you you’re going to be okay.”

  Kayci nodded as Adrian lifted her from his bed. He carried her weak body to the bathroom.

  He sank against the outside of the bathroom door as Kayci cried out in pain.

  A long time passed. Adrian’s muscles were tense. His jaw clenched. He knew all too well how painful this was for her. When her suffering finally came to an end, he carried her weak, limp body back to his bed. She quickly gave into sleep. He sat at the end of the bed and waited for the second wave.

  Kayci opened her eyes and immediately felt the vile rising through her stomach and up through her esophagus. Adrian whisked her to the bathroom just as the vomit came out. Kayci leaned back from the toilet, disgusted.

  “How long will this go on?” Kayci asked angrily. Adrian noticed she sounded more composed.

  “About twenty-four hours until your body has discharged everything it no longer needs.”

  “It’s disgusting.”

  “I know, but you only have to go through it once. Can you walk?”

  Kayci tried to lift herself. Her knees shook as she tried to stand. Adrian caught her in his hands.

  “Don’t worry about it. You need a shower. I’m going to start it and get in with you.”

  Kayci nodded. She couldn’t do anything else. She was debilitated and needed to rely on Adrian’s care.

  As Adrian washed her, she fought back the need to retch again. Fluids continued to escape her body, falling into the drain, then disappearing with the water. It smelled filthy.

  “Did you go through this alone?” Kayci asked empathetically.

  “Yes. I didn’t have someone to tell me what was going on.”

  “I’m sorry, Adrian.”

  “It’s in the past. I’m just glad I can be here for you.”

  After the shower, Adrian wrapped her in a towel and left her sitting in the bathroom.

  “I need to change the sheets on the bed.”

  Kayci shook her head in between her convulsions.

  Adrian gathered the sheets from the bed and threw them into the trash. He heard her vomiting once again as he laid out new ones. He returned to find Kayci passed out on the bathroom floor.

  He laid her in his bed and waited once more.

  Kayci woke, feverish. The cramps in her abdomen continued to throb. This time she found herself able to move more freely. She lifted herself from Adrian’s bed and jetted to the bathroom as another wave of cramps pushed through her abdomen.

  Kayci climbed into the shower on her own and washed the remaining fluid and blood from her body. As she scrubbed her body, her heightened senses reacted to the fragrance of the soap wafting through the steam of the shower, worsening her nausea. The light, even with its dim setting, caused sensitivity in her eyes. Through the walls she could hear Adrian entering his balcony and vampires walking down the hall.

  Colors evolved, making all objects vibrant. The red sponge and towel drew her attention more than any other objects. The stroke of the sponge against her skin alerted her senses in a new way. She ran her fingers slowly across her skin. It felt incredibly soft. She rubbed the soap in between her fingers. The buttery softness delighted her. She stood still and let the water run down her back. She felt every drop caress her skin as it trickled down.

  She reached her hand up and touched the new fangs that were stabbing her bottom lip. They were sharper than she expected. She pulled her finger away to find blood oozing from the puncture wound. She put her finger to her lips and let the blood fill her mouth. Her cramps began to subside. She pulled her hand away from her mouth, held her finger under the water, and let it clean the blood from her finger. The wound had already healed.

  She stepped out of the shower, dried herself, and patted her wet hair. She stood near the toilet, waiting in case her body wasn’t finished expelling liquids. After several minutes, she assumed the worst had come to an end. The only feeling that remained was an insatiable hunger that begged to be soothed.

  She hung the towel on the rack and trudged out of the bathroom. As soon as she opened the door, colors, scents, and sounds bombarded her. She looked around the room, fixating on each sensation. The night jasmine smelled delicious, and the lights beyond the windows were like tiny flames on a dark canvas.

  Adrian saw Kayci standing in the middle of his condo, naked, eyes golden, fangs extracted, admiring everything in his apartment. His shoulders relaxed. The worst was over. Now he had to ensure she fed.

  As Adrian opened the door, the fragrances from outside slipped in and drifted to Kayci’s nostrils. She could smell the salt of the sea, the sand, trees, car fuels, and restaurant food.

  Adrian quickly shut the door, trying to contain the amount of stimulants bombarding Kayci. He looked at her naked body and smiled.

bsp; “I brought some of your clothes.”

  Kayci glanced down. She hadn’t even noticed her nudity. Her skin tone appeared lighter and was certainly more firm. Her arms no longer had fine hair covering them. She glanced down at her legs. They were void of it as well. Her nails were harder, and she felt far more in tune with her surroundings.

  Kayci looked back at Adrian. He was beautiful. His green eyes sparkled from across the room. His hair was shinier. His skin brighter. She noticed the fine details and indentations of his muscles as well as his jawline. She forced herself to look away.

  “Thanks for bringing my clothes.”

  Her fangs touched her lip as she spoke. She brought her hand up and touched them and then immediately dropped her hand and closed her mouth in irritation.

  “They’ll take some getting used to. Once you do, you’ll barely notice they’re there.”

  Kayci awkwardly ran her fingers through her damp hair. Adrian approached her and handed her the bag he had packed. She tossed it onto Adrian’s bed and rummaged through the bag. She settled on a comfortable pair of skinny jeans and a gray shirt. As she slid on the jeans, she instantly noted how pleasant the soft fabric rubbing against her skin felt. She intentionally ignored the feeling.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “You’ll need to feed.”

  Kayci swiftly turned toward him. Her speed startled her. She staggered to remain standing. As she caught her balance, she narrowed her eyes at Adrian.

  “I’m not going to feed from a person, some stranger. I won’t.”

  “If you don’t feed, you’ll die. First you’ll starve, and then your body will begin to deteriorate and die. I know. I nearly killed myself by refusing to feed.”

  Kayci’s expression contorted to frustration and mild defeat. Starve to death or feed from a human? The thought of feeding disgusted her.

  “I know how the idea of it makes you feel. After the first time, it gets easier. Once you see a human, the hunger will drive you to feed whether you want to or not. I’d rather you let me help you do it without causing harm rather than giving in to the hunger and hurting someone.”


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