The NightMan

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The NightMan Page 2

by T. L Mitchell

  Dorian eased back in his chair, and studied the old man’s reaction to the sudden news. He knew the pressure from the news would accelerate the Irishman’s decision.

  Murtough’s eyes flamed with fury. His attention turned to Dorian who sat calmly waiting on his answer.

  “You have a bargain,” Murtough spat.

  Dorian nodded to the man and then raised his hand to the five members of his coven. Dorian left in silence as he headed out to meet the unsuspecting invaders.

  The Norse warriors crossed through the forest into an open land to find five pale figures awaiting their arrival. The leader of the warriors stood, remaining confident of his soon to be victory. His hand rose high in the air, holding tightly to a massive steel sword. A smile crossed his lips when he noticed these pale outsiders were unarmed. The sound of battle cries filled the night when the warriors charged toward the five strangers.

  Dorian and his vampires moved casually toward the Norse army’s first line of berserkers. Twelve against five, the odds were not in the favor of the invading horde. Dorian swiftly dodged the first man’s blade. To the man’s surprise, Dorian grabbed his neck. His sword dropped from his nerveless fingers as his feet swept off the ground. His hands dug into Dorian’s pale fingers in a futile attempt to free himself. His eyes widened with fear as he watched Dorian’s eyes flame red with anger and his mouth open, revealing his sharp pointed fangs. A crushed windpipe and throat silenced any screams. Final breaths of air hissed from the deflating lungs as the victor discard the now lifeless body and turned to focus on the leader.

  The battle that night ended in an unusually bloody massacre, even by vampire standards. The Norse warriors fought fiercely until their deaths. There was no honor in retreating from battle, even if it was against vampires.

  Dorian saved the Norse leader for last. His punishment was not a quick death, nor would he have the opportunity to die proudly in battle. He was held prisoner while he watched his men die one by one at the hands of the blood thirsty vampires.

  When the battle ended Dorian turned to the Norse Chieftain. He did not struggle against the hands which held him. He watched Dorian approach.

  Dorian walked toward the man, his steps smooth and stealthy like a cat. No words were spoken between the two men as he stood only inches away from the Chieftain. Casually, the vampire grabbed the man’s head with his left hand and tilted it to the side. With his right hand gripped tightly around the collar of the shirt, he ripped it from the unarmed warrior’s shoulders, exposing the fleshy neck. Dorian inhaled a quick breath and plunged his fangs into the enemy’s neck. The battle was over.

  Murtough being grateful to Dorian for his help offered him more land and what little gold he possessed in place of his daughter. Dorian desired something more valuable. He reminded the stubborn Irishman of his agreement. Reluctantly

  Murtough dropped his head in defeat, but inside of him the heart of a warrior brewed. He motioned for his wife to bring forth their only daughter. The debt must be paid, but not without a final fight.

  “NO!” Murtough abruptly stood, his sword drawn.

  Dorian moved swiftly and grabbed the sword from Angus’s hand. If it was a battle the old man wanted, then he would give him what he asked. The swords sand loudly as they clashed together.

  Iron to iron the swords collided. Dorian stepped back, giving Murtough the impression he had the best of him. When the old man was clear of the threshold of the front door, Dorian made his move. With a hasty motion, Dorian twisted his body and flipped the sword from the old man’s hand. He plunged his own sword into the ribs of Murtough, watching as the man fell to his knees.

  Murtough’s death was certain at this point. Dorian may have won the victory tonight, but there was one victory he would never have.

  Dorian withdrew the sword and dropped the sword to the ground. With one hand he picked Murtough up by his neck. Without a word, Dorian’s mouth claimed his neck. Before Dorian could draw the last ounce of blood from Murtough, he was caught off guard by the man’s last ragged words.

  “Not one of my bloodline shall be truly yours. They shall be your torment for all of eternity. The one who shall have her heart shall be your reaper of death.”

  Dorian quickly grabbed the old man’s head, and with a quick jerk, he silenced him forever. The crimson red blood dripped down Dorian’s chin as fury flamed in his eyes. He never believed in curses until now. Dorian released Murtough’s lifeless body and watched it drop to the ground. For a long moment, Dorian stared at the corpse. The power in the old man’s words burned a fire through his soulless body, sending waves of chills down his spine. He wondered curiously about this man. A man of such powerful words, one would think of him as a witch.

  The coven of vampires gathered around Dorian. Whether or not it was in amazement or horror Dorian didn’t know, but he turned to the male on his left.

  “Get the girl and let us go now!” he hissed then wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand.

  The story of what happened that night was carried down through the Murtough’s generations. Never did anyone add or take away from the horrifying tale. Each one of the families knew their daughters were cursed.

  Caitlin’s father feared for his child as soon as she was born. The last of the Murtough line remained in his arms. Alexander Murtough could not bear the thought of his only daughter in the hands of a vampire such as Dorian. He had no defense against this creature. The only hope he had resided in an old priest.

  Together he and Alexander created a cross of pure gold. Alexander brought with him a vial containing his blood mixed with holy water and priceless imported wolves’ bane. The priest infused the vial into the center of the cross, blessing it and placing it Alexander’s hands.

  At the ripe age of seventeen, Caitlin received the precious gift. Alexander told the story to Caitlin, warning her of the fate that awaited her in the hands of the vampire.

  In 1910, anxiety filled Alexander’s heart when his beloved daughter turned eighteen. Dorian arrived to collect his prize, Caitlin, the first born female in her generation, as he had so often through the centuries.

  Alexander watched with a grief when his daughter left with Dorian. At least he knew she would be safe. He also knew his death would come soon when Dorian realized he could not touch Caitlin.

  Dorian bid Alexander a slow death for his treacherous action. For the first time in Dorian’s life he found something more challenging with Caitlin. The cross only added to his fury of wanting her so badly. He would have this beauty, one way or the other!

  Chapter 3

  Caitlin replaced the cross over her heart and gave it a soft pat. Her gaze lifted to Dorian, who hissed rather loudly then released a series of curses under his breath.

  “One day,” he growled “I will find a way to remove that damn thing from your neck.”

  A smile crossed Caitlin’s brooding lips. “Well it has taken you over a hundred years of trying. I suppose another hundred won’t matter.”

  Dorian hissed again, this time loud enough to draw the attention of the bartender. Caitlin chuckled as she turned around to face the bartender.

  “Your drink Miss.” The bartender raised his brow to Dorian. “And you sir?”

  The green eyes narrowed. Dorian glared at the bartender. “Will not have one damn thing tonight.”

  Suddenly, Dorian’s stance shifted, as if something had caught his attention. His eyes darted wildly around the crowded room, searching for this new found interest. Where was Alessandra, he thought. She was here within his view not more than a second ago.

  “Damn women!” he huffed to himself.

  His glare met hers from a far corner of the small club. Alessandra had found a human male. Dorian’s rage had to be resolved at some point this night. He needed more than just blood to ease this rage. The human male would not suffice.

  Caitlin knew exactly how to push Dorian’s buttons. She knew what he wanted her for tonight. Dorian’s desperation clearly
showed on his face. The clenched jaw and feral growls were the signs of Dorian’s lust. Sadness filled her heart as she released a long sigh. Dorian would do the same as always. Find a human on which to release his frustrations, and use Alessandra as his final relief.

  Every so often it was time for Caitlin to be remarked. Remarking was Dorian’s way to keep Caitlin young and alive over the years without turning her. Dorian tried to mark her several times and failed. The first time, he couldn’t bear the taste of her blood. Each time he tried to mark her he became violently ill, preventing him from savoring that which tormented him so very much.

  Dorian rudely barged his way through the crowded room over to Alessandra. Caitlin knew Dorian would not allow her to feed from a male tonight. It was time for Alessandra to remark her. Before she could do it she had to feed so she wouldn’t feed from Caitlin. Dorian would kill her if she ever dared to go so far.

  Even his prior attempts to satisfy his physical needs failed. The hardness he had for Caitlin ached to the point of severe pain. He had fed from Alessandra in hopes to have the strength to endure the cursed pain. As always, whenever he positioned himself on Caitlin, the pain flared and her body betrayed him. The closer he came to consummating his desire, the deeper the ruby in her cross glowed, intensifying his pain and rendering him helpless and faint.

  Alessandra took the brunt of his rage and with it Dorian‘s sadistic desires. She was made for him and by him, chosen because she bore a close resemblance to Caitlin. In his own mind, while he brutally ravaged Alessandra, he would think only of Caitlin. With Caitlin, he would have viciously taken her body and then her blood. He would have given her much pain and pleasure before he killed her.

  This particular night Dorian chose a female. One, willing or not, he didn’t care. She would be what he needed to accomplish the goal at hand. His eyes darted around the room as he moved toward Alessandra.

  A young black haired beauty had caught his eye, medium in height, her hair short on one side with longer layered strands slightly draping around her oval face. A black lace camisole accented her slender frame, which exposed her tattooed shoulder. She topped off the outfit with a black leather mini skirt and thigh high leather boots. Heavy black eyeliner adorned the large blue eyes, which gave her a general gothic appearance. Black colored lips broadened into a smile as she watched Dorian move in her general direction.

  Dorian moved closer to the black haired beauty. She would be suitable for tonight, he thought. He had years to perfect his seduction methods. She was young and it would be easy. Most of the women came to this club for one reason, the expectation of meeting a vampire.

  Dorian was very attractive to human females, despite his pale features. His dark hair and green eyes gave him an erotic appeal. He was not large built like Adriel. Dorian’s body was more slender and somewhat defined. His strength was not determined in muscle mass as was Adriel’s.

  Tonight, Dorian’s prey was no different than the rest. He captured her gaze and held them as he moved in. With his overly sensitive hearing, he noted the increased tempo of her heartbeat. She was easily excitable, just what he wanted. He flashed a warm smile and lowered his eyelids in a shy flirtatious manner. Yes, she was his for the night, he thought as he approached and took her hand into his.

  Caitlin watched as Dorian sent the girl his killer smile. She felt sorry for the young woman because she didn’t know her fate would be one of danger. Dorian may let her live and he may not. It really depended on Caitlin. If she satisfied Dorian, then sometimes he let the girls live. Tonight, she was tired of him and in her current state of mind, it was possible this girl may die. The glass of wine tipped slightly to Caitlin’s lips as she took a long sip. She was in need of more than one glass of wine before she would submit to Dorian’s desires.

  Satisfied, Dorian took the young woman by the hand and nodded to Alessandra. He tipped his chin slightly up toward Caitlin as Alessandra moved toward her. Caitlin and Alessandra would meet Dorian and his new prize at his home.

  “Let’s go,” Alessandra voiced dryly as she moved past Caitlin.

  Caitlin turned the glass to her lips and drank the remaining contents in one gulp. She placed the empty glass on the bar and slipped the bartender a tip. It was going to be a long night and she was already tired.

  Alessandra was already out of the club’s front door, when Caitlin reluctantly followed. Once outside she stood and waited for Alessandra to bring the car to the front of the club.


  Adriel stood by the entrance as always. His attention immediately shifted to Caitlin as burst through the door. Those strong feelings swept over him again. She wasn’t in the club very long. Dorian must have found what he wanted, he thought. There was no denying Adriel knew Dorian’s plans. Quickly he glanced down at his watch. The club would be closed in a few minutes. He would return to the vampires’ house by himself.

  Adriel knew it was time for Caitlin to be marked again. It was also not a good time for it, because tonight was a new moon. Nothing good ever happened under a new moon, especially for Adriel. The intense pull of the moon’s force increased his sexual desires. Usually he would find a woman to take somewhere for a few hours. It was more difficult for him to find a strong female, he thought, than the vampires. He had more to control, but timing was of the essence. Of course for him, he could never bring anyone back to the mansion. He knew no human would be safe once the doors closed behind them.

  Caitlin was always the exception, continuously marked by The Master’s vampire bitch, Alessandra. Adriel despised Alessandra. She managed to seduce him one night under a new moon. He was weak, his desire was too great and she was there waiting for him. Naked, even her pale white silky skin appealed to him. She bit him, nibbled at his flesh until he bled, licking softly the tiny beads of blood as she seduced him. His skin burned. His loins ached. With his manhood painfully engorged with blood, there was no way he could turn away from her. His mind could no longer control his own urge and she was there, waiting for just the right moment to collect her prize. The prize of the animal he really was. He was fortunate that night, as Dorian never found out the deception of his Alessandra.

  Adriel’s black eyes lifted to the moon again. He inhaled a deep and solemn breath. The sweet scent of Caitlin intoxicated him. Adriel shifted again and shoved his hands inside the pockets of his jeans to hide the bulge from his erection. Slowly he released a long breath and accepted his defeat. There was no way in hell he could have Caitlin, at least not while she was with Dorian.

  “I take it he found one for the night?” The sultry tones lingered against the deep and alluring voice.

  Caitlin caught her breath and whirled around quickly and faced Adriel. His dark gaze captured her immediately. Her heart raced, warmth of heat rushed over her skin. How could he have this effect on her? She opened her mouth to speak and suddenly she found the back of her throat dry.

  She cleared her throat. “I’m afraid he did.”

  “Taking her home the back way?”

  Caitlin nodded.

  “I suppose I will see you in a few minutes then.” Adriel’s eyes shifted toward the white BMW that pulled up in front of the club.

  Caitlin stepped toward the car and stopped. She turned toward Adriel, sadness filled her eyes.

  “No date tonight?” She couldn’t help herself as she pried into his private life.

  Often she had wondered about Adriel and his needs. She knew he must be lonely. The stab of pain in heart reminded her of her own loneliness. After all of her experiences with Dorian she knew damn well the feeling of being alone. No matter how many more years she lived, she still wanted to know the experiences of love and romance. Many times she had envisioned what it would be like to actually have a man make love to her. Dorian’s attempts were not love, but lust. Still, she remained untouched. The power within the cross, alone, protected her from Dorian. If there was any one man who she would want to try, it would be Adriel. Although she knew by his general appearance he w
as well endowed, she wondered what it would be like to be with him. The hands shoved inside his jean pockets couldn’t hide the bulge which preceded him.

  Adriel stole one last fleeting look at the beauty. “Not tonight.”

  Damn, he cursed to himself as he watched her climb into the car. Every muscle in his body tensed, as he fought back the urge to run over and snatch her out of the car, take her somewhere and allow her to take her frustrations out on him.

  The moon was almost at its peak. He felt the rage swell inside of him, knew it wouldn’t be long before he would have to leave. The muscles in his jaw flexed, as he inhaled another deep breath. Tonight, he thought, he would have to do something before the urge became too dangerous. This night he needed Caitlin more than Dorian.

  Chapter 4

  Thirty minutes later, Adriel felt relieved as the last person left the club. The bartender chatted briefly with him before he left for the evening. Adriel streamed a series of curses to himself as he walked toward his car. It was already too late. He had not chosen anyone tonight. The insatiable need had grown inside of him and the continual wave of rage began. His thoughts drifted back to sweet Caitlin.

  If only….

  Adriel knew what had to be done tonight. He couldn’t tolerate the thought any longer. The need inside of him was greater tonight than any other. The type of intensity from the new moon was uncontrollable, stronger than any other month of the year. Tonight was not only a new moon but a wolf moon. It was the night he feared most, when his own curse was unleashed against vampires and mankind. The most deadly night for anyone around him. The night he should be chained and bound like an animal until the dawn of light broke and freed him from his curse.

  The curse was as much a part of Adriel as his gift. Adriel’s people were born to a curse which transformed them into hideous wolf-like creatures of the night. These creatures were designed for one purpose; to kill vampires.


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