Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 2: Seti

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Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 2: Seti Page 41

by Max Overton


  Commander of the Amun Legion under Amenmesse

  Sea Peoples

  a loose amalgamation of sea-faring tribes from around the Mediterranean. Included the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Philistines. Other tribes include the Ekwesh, Denyen, teresh, Peleset, Shekelesh and Sherden.


  an instrument used in the ceremony of the Opening of the Mouth


  warrior goddess and goddess of healing


  a popular game involving a board and pieces


  a nome, or administrative district


  goddess of healing venomous stings and bites


  Seth, god of desert, storms, disorder and violence, Lord of the Red Land (desert)


  a unit of area, 10,000 square cubits or 0.276 hectares


  Viceroy of Kush before Messuwy


  (1) ninth son of Ramesses II

  (2) son of Horire, military adviser to Messuwy, later General under Menmire Amenmesse


  (1) Seti I, father of Ramesses II

  (2) son of Merenptah, later Seti II


  the Place of Truth; the workmen's village near the Valley of the Kings


  a younger son of Ramesses II by one of his concubines, commander of the Amun legion, and later General of the South


  King's scribe, fan-bearer on the king's right hand, deputy Viceroy under Khaemter; later King's Son of Kush


  the rope-like protective surround of the Royal Name; the cartouche


  the shadow self


  god of the air


  Land of Sin; Sinai Peninsula


  son of Messuwy by Suterere (also called Ramesses-Siptah)


  a god associated with the Nile crocodile


  god of the sky and eastern borders


  (plural: stelae) a stone commemorative slab, often with an inscription


  sister of Bay, wife of Messuwy, mother of Siptah


  a scorpion goddess


  (1) daughter of Ramesses II, wife of Merenptah, mother of Amenmesse and Takhat (2) daughter of Merenptah by Takhat (1), wife of Seti II

  Ta Mehu

  Lower Egypt (in the north)


  Leontopolis, city in Ta Mehu, modern day Tell al Muqdam


  Governor of Abu


  an officer of the Amun Legion


  The Great Field, Valley of the Kings


  a city south of Waset, modern day Esna

  Ta Shemau

  Upper Egypt (in the south)


  daughter of Sethi (1), adopted daughter of Merenptah, wife of Seti (1)


  goddess of childbirth and fertility


  Dendera, a city north of Waset, near modern day Qena


  sister of Ament


  a valley north of Eilah in the east of the Land of Sin; a site of ancient copper mining


  wife of Setnakhte


  Vizier, the highest official to serve the king


  Thinis, a city north of Waset, possibly near modern day Girga

  Ur Hekau

  an instrument used in the ceremony of the Opening of the Mouth


  throne name of Seti II


  throne name of Ramesses II


  Captain of the Men-nefer Medjay


  (plural: ushabtiu) a funerary figurine placed within a tomb that is intended to act as a servant for the deceased in the afterlife


  goddess, patron and protector of Ta Mehu, protector of kings and women in childbirth


  capital city of Ta Shemau, Amun's holy city, Thebes


  province of Northern Kush


  Governor of Iunu


  a city north of Waset, modern day Asyut


  husband of Ti-ament


  local tribesman at Timna

  About the Author

  Max Overton has travelled extensively and lived in many places around the world--including Malaysia, India, Germany, England, Jamaica, New Zealand, USA and Australia. Trained in the biological sciences in New Zealand and Australia, he has worked within the scientific field for many years, but now concentrates on writing. While predominantly a writer of historical fiction (Scarab: Books 1 - 6 of the Amarnan Kings; the Scythian Trilogy; the Demon Series; Ascension), he also writes in other genres (A Cry of Shadows, the Glass Trilogy, Haunted Trail, Sequestered) and draws on true life (Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica, We Came From Königsberg). Max also maintains an interest in butterflies, photography, the paranormal and other aspects of Fortean Studies.

  Most of his other published books are available at Writers Exchange Ebooks, http://www.writers-exchange.com/Max-Overton.html and all his books may be viewed on his website: http://www.maxovertonauthor.com/

  Max's book covers are all designed and created by Julie Napier, and other examples of her art and photography may be viewed at www.julienapier.com

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  Ian and Wayne meet and, when Ian recognizes the symptoms of violent delusion, he employs Wayne to help him further his research. Despite the police closing in, the two killers manage to evade identification time and time again as the death toll rises in their wake.

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  Amazon: http://mybook.to/ACryOfShadows

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  Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica


  An eleven-year-old boy is plucked from boarding school in England and transported to the tropical paradise of Jamaica where he's free to study his one great love--butterflies. He discovers that Jamaica has a wealth of these wonderful insects and sets about making a collection of as many as he can find. Along the way, he has adventures with other creatures, from hummingbirds to vultures, from iguanas to black widow spiders. Through it all runs the promise of the legendary Homerus swallowtail, Jamaica's national butterfly.

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  Author Max Overton was that young boy. He counted himself fortunate to have lived in Jamaica in an age very different from the present one. Max still has some of the butterflies he collected half a century or more ago, and each one releases a flood of memories whenever he opens the box and gazes at their tattered and fading wings. These memories have become stories--stories of the Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Adventures-of-a-Small-Game-Hunter.html

  Amazon: http://myBook.to/AdventuresGameHunter

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  Ascension Series

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  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Ascension.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/Ascension1

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  Book 2: Maelstrom

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  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Maelstrom.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/Ascension2

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  Fall of the House of Ramesses Series

  {Historical: Ancient Egypt}

  Egypt was at the height of its powers in the days of Ramesses the Great, a young king who confidently predicted his House would last for a Thousand Years. Sixty years later, he was still on the throne. One by one, his heirs had died and the survivors had become old men. When Ramesses at last died, he left a stagnant kingdom and his throne to an old man--Merenptah. What followed laid the groundwork for a nation ripped apart by civil war.

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  The House of Ramesses is in the hands of an old man. King Merenptah wants to leave the kingdom to his younger son, Seti, but northern tribes in Egypt rebel and join forces with the Sea Peoples, invading from the north. In the south, the king's eldest son Messuwy is angered at being passed over in favour of the younger son...and plots to rid himself of his father and brother.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Merenptah.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/FOTHR1

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  Book 2: Seti

  After only nine years on the throne, Merenptah is dead and his son Seti is king in his place. He rules from the northern city of Men-nefer, while his elder brother Messuwy, convinced the throne is his by right, plots rebellion in the south.

  The kingdoms are tipped into bloody civil war, with brother fighting against brother for the throne of a united Egypt. On one side is Messuwy, now crowned as King Amenmesse and his ruthless General Sethi; on the other, young King Seti and his wife Tausret. But other men are weighing up the chances of wresting the throne from both brothers and becoming king in their place. Under the onslaught of conflict, the House of Ramesses begins to crumble...

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Seti.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/FOTHR2

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  Book 3: Tausret

  The House of Ramesses falters as Tausret relinquishes the throne upon the death of her husband, King Seti. Amenmesse's young son Siptah will become king until her infant son is old enough to rule. Tausret, as Regent, and the king's uncle, Chancellor Bay, hold tight to the reins of power and vie for complete control of the kingdoms. Assassination changes the balance of power, and, seeing his chance, Chancellor Bay attempts a coup...

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  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Tausret.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/FOTHR3

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  Amazon (ebook and print): http://mybook.to/Glass1

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  Amazon (ebook and print): http://mybook.to/Glass2

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