Smut Central

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Smut Central Page 4

by Brandon McCalla

  Vonchell suggested they all go out for a bite to eat. She wanted to experience the Big Apple in full earnest. Entice wanted to be around Markus and encouraged Vonchell’s suggestion. Markus looked at Tanisha, and she indicated that she wanted to go home. All of the porn she experienced during the day made her horny. She took a good look at Vonchell’s ass in the jeans hugging her to the point of strangulation. The elevator hit the ground floor.

  “I’m hungry,” Tanisha announced because her stomach started growling.

  “Let’s find a restaurant,” Markus nodded.

  It was a beautiful New York evening and the four of them walked until they found a nice restaurant they all decided on. It was obvious during dinner that Vonchell and Entice didn’t care for each other’s company. Both Markus and Tanisha found the wannabe porn stars’ constant bickering quite humorous.

  Markus was the least talkative during dinner. He smiled at Tanisha in the middle of dinner when he felt a foot brushing against his crotch under the table. Tanisha wanted it later and he would give it to her. But when Tanisha excused herself from the table, and went to the bathroom, Markus realized it wasn’t her foot. It was Vonchell’s foot still sitting on his lap.

  “What are you doing tonight, Mr. Excitement?” Entice asked. “I ain’t doing anything, do you want some company?”

  “Do you want additional company?” Vonchell asked, giving Markus another feel with her foot.

  Entice stared evilly at Vonchell, who returned the look in kind. Markus grimaced. He didn’t want any additional anything. All he wanted to do now was take Tanisha home, spend some time with her, and then go back to his place. He excused himself from the table.

  Markus was about to walk to the bathroom. He had to get away from the two. He had a difficult time saying no to women and wanted to think clearly. Once she caught wind of what these two women wanted to cap the night off with, Tanisha would make up his mind for him, he was sure of that.

  He didn’t take more than two steps from the table when he saw her. It was the beautiful woman who had triggered the flashbacks and blackouts. He couldn’t believe she was in the same restaurant. They locked eyes. She turned away with disinterest, seeming not to recognize him as the guy who offered her a drink a few weeks ago.

  Again Markus was lightheaded like when he drove across the Brooklyn Bridge. He attempted to reach a safe area before he blacked out. He tried to get back to his seat. He was no more than a step away from the table but it could have been a million miles away.

  He saw the same two people, a man and a woman. They were waving as he was being tugged away. A little girl was between the two people, she was crying while they waved. She was crying. Somebody was pulling him away.

  “Where are you taking me?” He asked the man.

  He was able to turn around and took a look at the person holding him by the wrist…

  Then Markus blacked out.

  Markus awoke with the worst headache possible in an emergency room of a hospital. He was lying on a gurney with a bandage wrapped around his head. His vision wavered as he attempted to look around. Tanisha was sitting on a chair next to the bed. She rose as soon as he gathered himself.

  “You ok, Mark?” She asked with much concern.

  “What happened?” He asked, wincing when he touched the bandage on his head.

  “You blacked out, again. This time your head hit the edge of a table before you fell to the floor.” Markus was about to say something but Tanisha quickly added, “I know what happened. That girl was at the restaurant.”

  “I know she was. What was she doing there?”

  “Eating, you jerk!” Tanisha blurted in irritation. “What were we doing at the restaurant? What does anyone do in a restaurant?”

  “Sorry,” Markus uttered. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, rising out of bed.

  “The doctor wants to speak to you.”

  “For what…? So he can recommend me see a shrink. I’m already seeing one,” Markus said, sounding irritated.

  “What good is that doing? You are still passing out. And what is it about this bitch that makes your brain stop functioning?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should have asked her,” he snapped.

  “I did,” she said. “I asked her quite a few things.”

  “What?” He worded stunned.

  “I asked her a few questions.” She said…

  He grabbed her by the hand before she could say more, and guided her out of the emergency room.

  “But the doctor…” she protested.

  “Ah fuck him,” Markus snapped. “Let’s go to your place. I wanna know what’s going on with my head…”

  “How would I know?” Tanisha asked.

  “Maybe something the girl told you will answer a few things.”

  “Maybe I’ll start talking about her, and you’ll pass the fuck out again,” she said and yanked her hand away from him.

  They were already outside. Tanisha took Markus to where his vehicle was parked. Entice was sitting in the driver’s seat. When she saw them she moved over to the passenger side. Markus sat in the backseat and Tanisha drove. Markus wasn’t sure where Vonchell ran off and he wasn’t sure why Entice was still hanging around.

  “Are you alright?” Entice asked looking back at him from the passenger side.

  “Not really,” he answered.

  Tanisha watched him through the rearview mirror, and she realized from his worried expression that Markus was genuinely concerned.


  Entice traveled with them to the apartment. Tanisha didn’t know why they didn’t take her to the train station or wherever she was staying. Entice was genuinely concerned about Markus. Vonchell had left as soon as the paramedics showed up. Tanisha held the door opened to her apartment while Entice and Markus walked inside. She nodded approvingly when Entice sat on the living room sofa.

  “Nice place.” Entice small talked.

  “Thanks, can I get you something to drink?” Tanisha answered cordially.

  “Like a beer or vodka and chaser.”

  “Yeah,” Tanisha said and went into the kitchen. “I’ll get you something stronger than beer,” Tanisha responded.

  They all needed to unwind. Things were crazy with Markus passing out again. This time, on the way down, he banged his head on the edge of a table. Eight stitches atop his head was living proof. Tanisha knew that Markus took pride in his good looks.

  Markus sat on the far corner of the couch by himself. There was not much coming from him. He was tense and trusted that Tanisha knew and would fix them some strong drinks. He was thinking about Tanisha when Entice moved closer to him. She placed her hand on his leg and started rubbing him. Her attempt to assuage the pain in his head did nothing to ease his mind. He glanced at her. Entice was a good looking girl. Markus wasn’t about to tell her stop.

  “Who was that girl?” Entice asked.

  “Huh?” Markus mumbled while lost in his thoughts. “What girl?”

  “The girl who made you faint. Tanisha told me there’s some girl making you faint.”

  He laughed, “I don’t know who she is.”

  “She didn’t know you either? She said she never seen you before in her life.”

  “That’s not true. I met her at an after hours spot, in Times Square actually.”

  He had spoken to this woman, offered her a drink then he had blacked out. She should have remembered. Why didn’t she?

  Markus mind was in overdrive when Tanisha returned having slipped into a comfortable pair of sweatpants, and sports bra. Even without sneakers, she looked like she was about to go jog or carry herself to the gym.

  “She doesn’t remember you. One of her friends at the table remembered you and said you were good looking,” Tanisha said.

  “Oh…?” Markus said grimacing.

  “What’s wrong, Markus?” Tanisha asked.

  “My head is throbbing. Before I blacked out in the restaurant I had another flashback. This time more, u
m, distinctive. If you get my meaning…?”

  “What are you talking about?” Entice asked, sounding confused.

  Markus and Tanisha continued their conversation as if Entice wasn’t there. Entice decided to stay silent and listened.

  “More distinctive, what do you mean by that?” Tanisha asked with unbridled curiosity.

  “You sound like my shrink,” Markus smirked. “My head’s on fire.I mean like it was clearer and I got more of it. There is another person in my mind.”

  “You mean besides your parents and that little girl?” Tanisha asked.

  “Yes, but who knows if any of these people are a relation of mine or not… If you get my meaning…”

  “Come on Markus, who else would you be thinking about? You can barely remember anything about yourself. You didn’t even have a birth certificate until my friend forged one for you.”

  Tanisha was standing next to him but she eventually got on the living room carpet and began stretching.

  “You got work tonight?” Markus asked.

  His head was burning up. Now he wished he had talked to the doctor. Maybe he could have had some painkillers. He had to see the shrink at once. Monday seemed far away. It was still Tuesday and a few minutes past eleven at night.

  Markus had no porno gigs pending. He was free till he got the call and had nothing pressing to do. The lack of excitement would drive him crazy. He was after all named, Mr. Excitement.

  “I gotta work tonight. And on that note,” Tanisha said, looking over at Entice while she stretched. “Want me to drop you somewhere?”

  “Wait,” Markus spoke before Entice could answer. “What about this girl? What is her name? You haven’t told me anything?”

  “I know, it can wait,” Tanisha gave him a wicked grin. “I don’t want you passing out any time soon.” He was about to reply but she pointed a finger at him. She rose out of her split. “Don’t say a fucking word. I’m the closest thing you got to family, other than your daughter. I got mystery woman’s name and cell phone number. We can deal with all of this later. I don’t want you passing out again. Get some rest. Stay here tonight.” He reluctantly agreed with Tanisha’s logic. “Come on girl, I’m gonna drop you off somewhere.” Tanisha said to Entice.

  “I wanna stay here with Mr. Excitement,” Entice’s smile, showing them all her beautiful set of teeth.

  “No, we all had enough excitement for one night,” Tanisha said with a cynical smile.

  Entice waved goodbye to Markus with her bottom lip low. Tanisha offered to drive Entice to the closest train station. Entice declined the offer and hailed a cab once they got downstairs.

  “I’m gonna keep in touch with you guys,” Entice told Tanisha with a genuine smile. “I like you people.”

  Tanisha shrugged her shoulders. Once the cab drove off Tanisha hopped inside her car and went to work. She stripped at a place called Jingling Babes in Long Island. It wasn’t an upscale club, but it wasn’t a cesspool either. Markus knew the owner and he hooked her up with a job. He didn’t like the shit holes Tanisha used to shake her booty in before they met.

  The owner of Jingling Babes was stern and decent. There was no extracurricular activities going down in the VIP rooms, and on a good night Tanisha made as much as a thousand dollars. There were few black girls dancing at Jingling Babes, she was a commodity.

  Markus watched television while Tanisha was at work. He found a bottle of codine pills in the bathroom cabinet. Tanisha used to have severe headaches and acquired the pills from a friend who was in a car accident. Markus swallowed two pills and it did the trick. The pills had him sedated and he fell into a pleasant, medicated sleep on Tanisha’s bed. That was where she found him when she got home in the wee hours of the morning.

  Figuring he needed some sleep, Tanisha didn’t wake him. She hated her job but worked hard, earning about five hundred dollars, very good for a Tuesday night at Jingling Babes. Tuesday wasn’t a money night. Some police sergeant was having a retirement party at the club. The place was packed with police officers. They weren’t above dishing out dough for a pretty Black chick with long legs, and a fat ass.

  Tanisha took a much needed, very long shower. After she got in bed and snuggled against Markus’s back. He was half sleep but moved into her body in response.

  “Get out of your clothes,” she whispered.

  He did so half asleep while muttering inaudibly, his voice low. It didn’t matter. He was soon naked and under the covers with Tanisha.


  Nancy Adler was at her desk typing on her laptop in her office. Markus Johnson and his dilemma stayed on her mind. Since seeing him, she had thought about him a lot. She began doing research on amnesia to refresh her memory. Nancy had not seen a patient with a case of amnesia since she began her practice ten years ago.

  She figured Markus’s affliction may have been caused by head trauma, maybe an event in his past, so shocking his mind blocked it out. His mind might be mending itself, and that could be the reason Markus was beginning to remember things. Nancy thoughts were spurred while typing notes. She only had one session with him and still wasn’t sure what was exactly causing his conditions.

  “From what I gathered during the first meeting with the client, a woman he met triggered the first flashback. A chain reaction has been set up where the flashback has triggered his blackout. Markus Johnson came into my office because of the blackouts, but he has amnesia. I think the amnesia is the catalyst. I’m quite certain hypnosis could lead us in the correct direction but the client doesn’t want to involve any hypnotism.” Nancy Adler typed and perused the text. The psychiatrist realized she failed to mention the unusual life Markus lived in her case notes. Also there was no telling how his past had affected the case. Finally she stopped typing and sat thinking the entire episode over, she decided she would have to purchase a few more DVD’s of Mr. Excitement.

  Watching them gave her the urge to touch herself. Markus’s movies showed him having sex with women in every which way possible. Although she found him to be an interesting man, Nancy Adler thought his daughter’s mother, Gwyneth, even more fascinating.

  Nancy wanted to probe Gwyneth for additional information about Markus. She wanted to know why a woman as allegedly conservative as Gwyneth, would harbor a homeless black youth and eventually have a child with him. Gwyneth was married to a very successful businessman who had sexual issues. He was gravely ill. She didn’t figure Markus Johnson or their daughter, Emily, in Gwyneth’s husband’s sexual situation. It all was starting to make sense.

  Gwyneth’s husband’s sexual issues went further than having difficulties getting an erection. It had something to do with his fertility as well. Markus obviously donated sperm, she surmised. She wondered why this never came up in their sessions. Gwyneth and Markus had a child for Gwyneth and her husband.

  Nancy was sure her husband’s fertility had to be an issue. This was more than Gwyneth having a one night stand with some black man and deciding to keep the child. As far as Nancy could determine Gwyneth was not disclosing all there was to be told. Whether or not she would speak on the skeletons in her closet remained to be seen. The intercom on the desk beeped.

  “What is it, Stephanie?” Nancy asked her secretary.

  “Gwyneth Manners is here to see you.”

  “Of course, it’s Thursday and it’s six pm. Send her in, please.”

  Nancy rose from her desk as Gwyneth Manners opened the door and walked in.

  “Welcome Gwyneth, please sit down,” Nancy greeted.

  Gwyneth let her fashionable, ankle length parker fall. She was wearing a tight black leather mini skirt and a leather halter top underneath. It was a revealing two piece. Nancy wasn’t shocked by the attire. She only considered Gwyneth conservative in the political sense. Her lifestyle had turned more liberal with each visit.

  She sat on the leather couch and dramatically crossed her legs slowly, showing Nancy that she was wearing nothing underneath the skirt. Gwyneth laughed when s
he saw Dr. Adler’s expression.

  “Do you mind if I smoke?” she asked, holding a gold cigarette holder and took a long slender cig from it.

  Nancy quickly rose from the chair and went over to her desk. She grabbed a glass, the first thing she saw that would do as an ashtray and walked over to Gwyneth. She handed it to her. Nancy sat back down. She wasn’t amused, watching as Gwyneth seductively placed the cigarette on the edge of her mouth. She lit it.

  “How are you?” Gwyneth asked, inhaling the smoke.

  “I should be asking you that,” Dr. Adler said sternly.

  “I’m great. Oh no, I’m not. My husband’s back in the hospital,” Gwyneth said without any hint of sadness.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your husband. Is he going to be alright?”

  “Let’s hope not. How long am I supposed to endure taking care of him? He’s practically a vegetable. I’m running the company singlehandedly, and doing a horrible job of it. Every stockholder and chairman is waiting for him to die so they can take what’s rightfully mine right from under my nose.”

  “I see,” Dr. Adler’s responded.

  “I stopped taking the lithium you prescribed. Don’t look at me like that Nancy. I told you to write me a prescription for valium. And since you didn’t, I found other ways of obtaining it,” she said, pulling on the cigarette so hard it was all gone in no time.

  She retrieved another, and lit it while Nancy eyed her with curiosity.

  “I refuse to prescribe you a drug that isn’t necessary for you. Lithium is all you need for your mild manic depressive illness,” she frowned. “I suggest you continue to take the lithium and cease using valium. Valium is quite addictive.”

  “And so is lithium. Valium makes me feel better,” Gwyneth snarled in frustration. “I’m dealing with so many things. Please don’t start chastising me. You’re the only person that I can talk to. You are my only friend in this cold world,” she chuckled. Nancy quickly stifled the urge to join in the mirth.


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