“Yeah, those are definitely priorities,” Markus agreed.
“We got a meeting with Audra tonight.”
“When did you speak to Audra?”
“Yesterday, while you were comatose. She’s gonna sue you so I told her to meet up with us. I figured it would be better if we talked to her in person.”
“Good idea,” Markus felt like he needed an aspirin. If he didn’t have a headache already he was about to get one soon.
After Markus went to see his primary doctor, Sparks drove him to Gwyneth’s. He didn’t even have to go upstairs. Sparks pulled up to the front of the building and Markus spotted his Lexus parked across the street. It was back to its original splendor. He walked inside the building and the door man went behind the desk and handed him the keys. The doorman told him Gwyneth Manners and Emily were gone for the day. Markus smiled.
The next time he saw Gwyneth, he would thank her for getting his car fixed before he killed her. Markus thought about Jonathan Manners’s funeral. He was about to ask the doorman when it was. He figured he should get one last look at Mr. Manners if only to spit in his face before they lowered him six feet in the ground. So many things were revealed to Markus in such a short time. His immediate worries were his daughter Emily, Michelle, and of course Gwyneth’s stability was always a worry, if not for him then for Emily’s sake.
Markus told Sparks and Entice he would meet them at the lounge for the meeting with Audra at ten which was the time she specified.
“Keep your black ass out of trouble,” Sparks warned.
“You do the same,” Markus said and they went their separate ways.
His cell phone rang while he drove. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Tanisha. Markus was about to answer it but the urge wasn’t as strong as his anger. “Fuck her!” He said, pressing the ignore button.
Tanisha called again and Markus let the phone ring itself out this time. He wasn’t going to get drawn back into anymore bullshit. He was finally getting some form of control over his life. Gary Zimmerman had cured his blackouts and a veil had been lifted from his mind.
Markus began forming a plan for his life while he drove. He figured he would do fuck films until his contract with Smut Central Entertainment ended. If he could invest some of his money wisely; he could get out of the business completely.
He was compelled to indulge in sex more because of the hypnosis and the Randleman situation than from anything else. Now he felt he could combat that urge by using the whole hypnosis situation. He could become a sport commentator with all the knowledge he had of football, turning a negative into a positive.
He didn’t care about where he came from, or what kind of past he had before he was kidnapped and hypnotized, or even how he became a specimen for this Twilight Zone shit and why.
It was late Friday afternoon. His daughter was somewhere with her crazy mother, and he was thinking about Michelle. Things were getting better for Markus Johnson because he was not about to blackout.
Gary Zimmerman stood in front of Gwyneth Manners’s building two hours before she and Emily hopped out of a chauffeur driven Benz with a handful of shopping bags. Zimmerman spotted the woman he assumed was Gwyneth, based on Nancy’s description. He took a final pull from the cigarette he was smoking, flung it down and stomped it out.
Before walking to the front door of her building, she quickly dialed on her cell phone. After a few words, the doorman came outside and grabbed Emily by the hand, walking her inside the building.
Zimmerman arched an eyebrow in curiosity. The doorman had disappeared inside when Gwyneth walked over to him and said, “How many of you guys are going to interrogate me in one day. Isn’t there a law against this?”
“I don’t know,” Zimmerman answered with uncertainty. Then he said, “Are you Gwyneth Manners?”
“Yes I am,” she said, sounding quite annoyed. “Why don’t you guys just take a picture and pass it around. That way you don’t have to ask me such a stupid question. Can’t I mourn my husband’s death in peace?”
Zimmerman smiled. Nancy had told him Gwyneth was quite an unusual woman. He was inclined to agree. She was carrying so many bags she could barely hold them all and still the chauffeur was unloading a trunk filled with more bags.
“Does shopping help you mourn?” Zimmerman asked.
“Maybe it does,” she snapped before she said. “Hey, fuck you! Just ask your questions and leave. I’ve got things to do.”
“Fine,” he said. “How long have you known Markus Johnson?”
“Huh?” She was taken back by the question. “This isn’t about my husband’s death?”
“No,” he said with all out confusion. “Are you a murder suspect?”
“Do you have another cigarette?” She asked taking a better look at Zimmerman before saying, “You’re handsome in a Moonlighting, Bruce Willis sort of way.”
“Well I’m a private investigator, but I don’t work for the Blue Moon Detective Agency.”
Gwyneth laughed. He handed her a cigarette then pulled out a lighter, and gave her a light. She took a long drag on the cigarette before speaking.
“You mentioned Markus. Did he hire you?”
“Indirectly, I would have to say,” Zimmerman said and lit a cigarette for himself.
Her hands shook as she smoked and frown-lines showed through her makeup. Gwyneth’s a nervous wreck Gary thought. Dr. Adler had informed him about her mental issues. He figured it wouldn’t take long for a person like her to crack and start singing. He let her smoke.
“I want to find out how you were introduced to Markus.” Before she could spit out her lie he added, “I want to know where Jonathan Manners purchased Markus, from where or and from whom.”
She nearly choked on the last bit of the cigarette. The cigarette fell from her mouth to the ground.
“I told Markus that he was purchased while he was choking me to death. I said whatever I had to say for him to get off of me,” she started crying. “My whole world is crumbling down all around me.”
Zimmerman frowned. “I took a couple of drama courses in college,” he told her.
“Huh?” Tears were streaming down Gwyneth’s face.
“You’re a terrible actress. Listen, I’m not here to arrest you or anything like that. I couldn’t arrest you if I wanted to anyway. I just want some honest answers.”
Gwyneth tears stopped and she cut her performance in mid sob. She calmly glanced at him before she said, “Be a dear and help me with these bags. I’ll have the maid order us something to nibble on.”
Markus was purposely late arriving at the lounge. Audra and Sparks were sitting on adjacent love seats arguing, when he entered. Entice was at the bar drinking an apple Martini and chatting with some white dude who was obviously trying to pick her up. Markus wanted to walk over to the bar and join them. He figured their company would be less stressful than Audra and Sparks.
He had to deal with Audra and eventually walked over. “What are you two drinking? I’m ordering the next round.”
“Save your money traitor. You’ll need all the money you can muster for legal fees,” Audra barked, taking the time to stop yelling at Sparks to yell at him.
“I’ll have a Jack and Coke. She’ll have a Cosmo,” Sparks said to Markus.
“Don’t be telling anyone what the fuck I’m having,” she fumed.
Audra seemed genuinely furious. Markus had never seen her pissed off like this before.
“After arguing with you for the last half hour, I would say I know you well enough. I know your ass is a bitch,” Sparks smiled after the comment.
Markus grimaced wondering what Sparks had said to make Audra angrier, if that was possible.
“Audra,” Markus said, sitting next to her. “I’ve already decided to keep you as my agent.”
“What?” Sparks said shocked. “She’ll be another expense.”
“Another expense that we can afford, you’re my manager. I’m
sure you’ll situate more business for us. Audra got me this far, I’m sure she’ll get me even further.”
He smiled at himself. This was getting a hold of his life and directing himself. This was what Zimmerman had done when he entered his head, and revealed what he did. He gave Markus some much needed strength.
“I wanna go with you guys to Japan,” Audra said to him.
“Done,” he said, looking over at Sparks. “See that she gets a ticket on the same flight as us, and see about hotel arrangements.”
Sparks was about to protest but Markus quickly added, “She’s a part of the team.”
“I’ve always been. I started this damn team.” Audra leered at Sparks and continued. “What sort a name is Sparks, anyway?”
“Markus was right,” Sparks said, whipping out a recently rolled blunt from inside a pocket.
Sparks lit the marijuana. Audra and Markus knew smoking indoors and in a public place was quite illegal in New York. And what he was smoking was even more illegal. They don’t call him Sparks for nothing. He would spark up anywhere.
“Markus was right about what?” Audra asked after two or three minutes. Sparks had stretched her patience.
“I forgot,” he said absentmindedly then he took another puff on the blunt and passed it to Markus. “But his black ass was right. I’m quite certain of it.”
The weekend came and went for Markus Johnson. It was a weekend with surprises, one of his better weekends. He spent it with his daughter. She had a great time at his new home in Jersey. Jonathan Manners’s funeral was on Sunday. Emily didn’t have a clue of his death. Gwyneth felt it wasn’t necessary to tell her.
He didn’t know how to introduce a subject like death to his daughter. He pondered it up to the point where he went to Gwyneth’s early Saturday morning to get Emily. Once she was in his arms, he forgot all about Jonathan Manners and his demise.
He drove to his new home and introduced Emily to Sparks and Entice. Emily found Sparks quite humorous, and Entice instantly became a willing babysitter. Whenever Emily wanted something or was curious about anything, she asked Entice. Markus smiled at that. Now he knew why he had Entice in his life.
They were going to have a huge cookout Saturday night, a sort of Smut Central Entertainment bash for Mr. Excitement since he was exclusively and officially signed to them.
Tee-Neck had arranged everything. After Markus and Emily got settled in, the hired help started coming, caterers, waiters, bartenders, carpenters, audio engineers, and valet parkers. Emily enjoyed every minute of it. Sparks began directing things. The party was scheduled to officially start at ten. Audra arrived two hours early.
Sparks grimaced when he opened the door and saw Audra. She walked in with a pair of Chanel shades on, looking around the capacious and lavishly furnished home of Markus Johnson.
“How much did Tee-Neck give you?” She asked when she found Markus out back by the pool.
“Meet my daughter, Emily.” Markus said, ignoring the question.
“She’s such a lovely girl,” Audra said without even looking at the smiling Emily. “Isn’t this the place you filmed Ass Bangers Volume 22?”
“Yes,” he grimaced. “Audra,” Markus said, pointing down.
“Oh,” Audra said, pushing her shades up to get a better view. “Oh, I’m sorry Markus. Who is this again?”
“Emily,” the little girl answered. “I’m daddy’s daughter.”
“What a cutie you are,” Audra smiled.
By the time midnight hit, the party was jumping in earnest. Hundreds of people were in attendance, industry insiders mostly. Markus only knew about thirty of the guests. He had fucked quite a few of the women on film, and met a few casually at some shoot or another.
Just after midnight, Entice put Emily to sleep in one of the guest rooms. Sparks was very suspicious of everyone besides the female porn stars. He had got some business cards whipped up and was handing them out like they were condoms.
“I manage Mr. Excitement,” he said. “We’re doing big things. You need to jump on board.”
Sparks chatted with Daisy Lace and Markus grinned at them. He knew Daisy was easy to talk to and he figured Sparks was trying to persuade her to let Entice in on some of the bigger films. Markus had to give Sparks credit for working all the angles. His manager had to have chit chatted with everybody at the party. Everyone in the place had a business card from Sparks. His business cards were on every table, they were even being used as coasters.
Vonchell made her entrance at one a.m. She walked in with a Brazilian woman who looked as edible as she did. Vonchell had on the sheerest light green dress anyone had ever seen, it was so thin her body showed like she wasn’t wearing anything at all. It looked like it was made of gossamer strands, and spiders had spun it.
Vonchell kicked off her sandals and said, “Walking barefoot is good for my aura.” She explained to Tee-Neck. “It brings you closer to the earth and nature.”
“Excitement,” Tee-Neck yelled when he saw him.
Markus turned toward the voice, saw Tee-Neck then he saw Vonchell and grimaced. He wasn’t fond of her, but had to admit Vonchell was the hottest looking thing at the party. She was the most gorgeous woman he worked with on film.
He walked over to them. “What’s going on, Tee-Neck?”
“Hey, Mr. Excitement,” Vonchell said, eyeing Markus like meat.
She looked at her Brazilian companion and said, “This is the one with the humongous dick I was telling you about, the one who fainted on me.”
“And you are,” Markus said, extending his hand to Vonchell’s sexy looking companion, and ignoring Vonchell completely.
“Mango,” She told him giving him her delicate hands. “They call me Mango.”
“You should try her Mr. Excitement. She really does tastes like one,” Vonchell said with a killer’s coldblooded smile.
“Maybe one day I will,” Markus told her. He was looking at Mango when he spoke.
“I want you to stay as close to Vonchell as possible. I got media people here and when they take pictures, you two better be together,” Tee-Neck scoffed.
“Why?” Markus asked.
“Because you two are going to be the biggest adult entertainers in the world soon. The scripts Daisy Lace wrote are innovative. The movie you two are filming in Japan is going to make porn history. Black Geisha is a blockbuster feature film. Shit the budget is well over two million dollars. Porno doesn’t cost that much to make. You guys are about to make history.”
Vonchell put her slender arms around Markus and hugged up close to him.
“We’re gonna make history together, Mr. Excitement. Tee-Neck says so.” Vonchell saw a couple of media people moving closer toward them with cameras.
“Quick, Mango, get on the other side of Big Dick.”
Before Markus could respond, Vonchell gave him a moistest kiss on a cheek and Mango did the same on the other side. “Say cheese!” She laughed, raising one of her beautifully athletic legs and leaning in. Cameras began flashing.
The party atmosphere escalated then began its decline. Mango was in almost every flick taken of Markus and Vonchell. He was quite sure that was exactly what Vonchell wanted. He didn’t know what was going on and he didn’t care. Markus was tired and wanted everyone to leave.
Most of the guests did leave but about a hundred people remained scattered, lingering about. The deejay was still playing music and there was an endless amount of food left. It was five a.m., Sunday morning. Markus was going to tell Sparks to get rid of everyone in a few minutes.
Markus was lounging on a chair as close to drunk as he’d ever been, Entice was on his lap finishing up a drink. She nudged him and pointed over at the other side of the backyard. Vonchell and camera friendly Mango was having a very deep conversation with Sparks.
“I really hope he doesn’t start managing her,” Markus said.
“Why?” Entice asked. “Vonchell is really pretty.”
utiful is a better word, breathtaking is even better. But a lot of beautiful things are deadly packages. Like most bright colored snakes and toads, the prettiest ones, are the more poisonous. If you get my meaning…?”
“Why would Vonchell wanna be poison to you?” She asked.
“Maybe she doesn’t, but she seems like trouble. She’s very intelligent. Intelligence brings a certain danger. You keep your eyes on her.”
“I ain’t into girls, Markus. I mean on film yeah, but that’s only business.”
“Just keep your eyes on her anyway,” he snapped with a smile. “I gotta go check on Emily.”
Entice sitting on his lap was getting his dick hard.
“I’ll go see about Emily,” she said jumping up. “I got your girl,” she said.
“Thanks,” Markus said, kissing Entice on the lips.
“I’m getting out of here,” Audra said. He turned and saw her sitting on a lounge chair behind him. “I’ll keep my eyes on Vonchell.”
Markus realized Audra heard every word he had spoken to Entice. He wasn’t sure what to think about that.
“What do you think? Do you think I’m being paranoid? I mean, she’s only a bitch right?”
“Bitches have caused whole civilizations to go down, Cleopatra, Delilah, and Joan of Arc…” Audra added. “She asked me to be her agent.”
“And, I know a good thing when I see it. None of you, I would hope want to stay in the porn business forever. I read a couple of Daisy Lace’s scripts. Black Geisha is going to be a huge success. Shit, they are going to release a soft porn version that is getting an NR rating. This film is getting a lot of press and it has not even filmed yet. Why wouldn’t I want to agent her? Once the next couple of films are released, you guys might actually do what no other adult entertainers have done in the history of the game.”
“Which is?” He asked. He was far too drunk to ponder.
“Crossover into mainstream film and getting real acting gigs… Just think of how serious people will take you two, after you guys have been in a film with such a great script? And the historical relevance behind how much money Tee-Neck is putting behind this Black Geisha movie. He says two million is the budget but I think he’s investing a whole lot more…”
Smut Central Page 16