Taste For Blood: Stir (Nephil-Vamp Series Book 1)

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Taste For Blood: Stir (Nephil-Vamp Series Book 1) Page 12

by Jenna Bernel

"I came by to offer you a ride home, but if you like this coy side of me, I won't tell you what I'm really thinking." He leaned in, and gently clasped his hands over mine, the desire in his eyes a dead giveaway of his thoughts. I looked down critically at seeing his hands over mine, and pursed my lips before he could consume me with his gaze. I didn't realize this supposed protection spanned the weekends, and I was already exhausted from the vulnerability he stirred in me every time he looked into my eyes with such impossible human emotion.

  "I don't need a ride. I'm sleeping at Will's," I said, sliding my hands out from under his, "but thanks for stopping by." I lilted out the words and stood up to go to the kitchen. I needed to be more confident around Alec. I was giving him too much control by exposing my nervousness in his presence. I didn't look back at him, as tempting as it was, even though I could feel the heat of his stare burning into my back. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of a lingering look, so I slowly smoothed out my top, sliding my hand all the way down the curve of my hip to my side just to torture him, and I could feel his smile as I walked away.

  "Hey Will, I'm going to cut out. Mary can finish up the last of the tables," I said, as I pushed through the swinging door of the kitchen wanting to go meet Eli. I started to laugh when I saw he painted Conner's face with chocolate.

  "Nice stripes, tiger," I said, taking the big wooden spoon from Conner's hand to get a frosty lick, and he roared at me until I gave it back.

  "Are you staying at the townhouse?" Will asked, confiscating the spoon from Conner, after deciding he had enough.

  I covered Conner’s ears with my hands. "Why? Are you expecting company?" I asked, tilting my head back to the dining room where Leaha was, and he nodded.

  "I'm heading over there a little later, and I'll pay you a thousand dollars if you keep your sexcapades within the confines of your car," I said with a look of disgust, just at the thought of it, before removing my hands from Conner's ears. He knows I would never pay up, but I thought it was worth a shot.

  "We're going to a club anyway, so you'll probably be asleep by the time we roll in, but if you want to keep your money, those dishes from the poached eggs last week are really starting to stink," he said, scrunching his nose as he recalled the smell, and I rolled my eyes. I knew he wouldn't bother with the dishes. Boys are so gross.

  "You know, there is this magical, little, silver box in your kitchen that will take care of that for you. All you have to do is load them in, and presto! The kitchen elves sneak in and clean them!" I explained this as if he were a three-year-old listening to a fairytale. He only shrugged, as though even that seemed like an unnecessary amount of effort, and suddenly looked a lot more like Will again than he did at the beginning of the evening. I kissed Conner on top of his head, which was about the only spot on him not covered in chocolate frosting, and waved as I left.

  I headed down the hall to grab my purse from the armoire before I said goodbye to Dad, but my pace was slow and lazy as I searched for my keys. The black Louboutins were a wise style choice to complete my outfit, but after a night of running around in the dining room, the height of the heels began to wear on me. It was a good thing my threshold for pain was super-human. That thought came to a shattering halt as I entered the back room.

  My insides suddenly felt like they were on the outside, as if someone just took a blow torch to my skin. My eyes caved in on themselves, trying to shield my brain from the image burning into my retinas. The sight of Missy pressed up against the window, with her leg wrapped around my dad as he kissed her, corrupted the beautiful view. It was too much for my senses to bear. They were making out as if they only had ten seconds until the building exploded, and it might have, because I felt like a faulty bomb about to detonate.

  I stumbled back into a painful flashback of my dad with a skank just like Missy, one that sent our family into a downward spiral of despair. I threw the ring of keys so hard across the room that its metal ends stuck into the window, crackling the glass like a spider web, and only inches from Missy's head. They both gasped from the frightening interruption, eyeing the pronged weapons so close to their soft skulls. I was heaving with anger. It took all my control to deliberately miss her. My only hope now was that the window would split open, and send Missy plummeting to her death. My dad saw my fractured reflection in the window and was motionless, too afraid to turn and face the revulsion plastered across my face. Missy looked between us as she caught her breath, unsure of what to do next. Dad slowly plucked Missy's gnarly fingers from his shoulders as he bowed his head, turning to face me, but I didn't even give him the chance. I turned and bolted down the hall, vowing to never step foot in this black hole of horror again.

  Chapter 16: The Only Solution

  I burst through the restaurant door, desperate to escape its haunting memories, and began to run down the street, fleeing the darkness. I came to the corner of the block and darted my eyes around, frantically searching for a cab before I did something stupid like actually snapping Missy's neck. But it was mostly deserted down this quiet stretch of road away from the night life, and that's when I saw him. Alec was leaning against a brick building a few blocks down while talking on his phone, and I realized what I needed to do before I lost it completely.

  "Alec!" I yelled, trying not to run too fast, but I needed him next to me right now. His head whipped in my direction, and he snapped his phone shut as he started toward me in a sprint. We almost slammed into each other when we finally came together, and he grabbed my shoulders, trying to read my terrified expression.

  "Dani, what is it?!" He asked, looking me over, and inspecting my neck to see if I'd been bitten. Then everything faded into slow motion, and all I could see was his perfect face followed by the deafening crunch when my fist connected with his nose, at maximum strength, dismantling his godlike features. His head was thrown back from the crushing blow, and a spray of blood stained the sidewalk.

  "Shit! What the hell was that for?" His voice sounded unnaturally nasal as the blood clogged up his sinuses, and he slowly returned his eyes to mine, having trouble hiding the shock from my unpleasant surprise. He grabbed his nose and made a pained, scrunched face as he popped it back into place. After all the bones of his that I'd broken this week, I could see this one finally made an impact, and wiped the smirk off his face. I tried to hold back my smile that was exactly what I needed.

  "I had to hit someone, hard," I said through loud, shallow breaths, trying to find my calm with little success. Alec was my best available option. If I had done that to anyone else, they'd be dead on impact. I guess imagining Missy's face as I swung would have to be enough for now. The anger-fueled adrenaline was coursing through me so fast, I was visibly shaking. Alec looked me over, confused by my palpable anger and inappropriately smiling face.

  "Ever hear of anger management?" He asked sarcastically. His eyebrows furrowed into a V as he tried to figure out what was going on. The blood started to drip down his face as the bone began to heal.

  "Consider that my first session," I said, putting my hands on my knees, trying to calm myself.

  "Lucky me." Alec grabbed his shirt and used it to wipe the blood from his nose. With my hands on my knees, I was at the perfect level, and his washboard abs framed my line of sight. The subtle sculpture of each ripple was so flawless, I had the urge to reach out and run my fingers down their angled slopes. The fervor of Alec's cleanup abruptly stopped when he noticed my stare, and I instantly straightened back up, trying to pretend that I wasn't distracted. I slowly backed up until I was leaning against the brick wall, and tilted my head towards the sky. Alec walked over and leaned next to me, following my eyes to the city lights, now sweeping out the stars.

  "What happened, Dani?" Alec twisted his head away from the sky just long enough to look at me.

  "Can't talk about it," I said, blowing out a breath. My mom said that even as an infant, I never cried, and no one but Ulla had ever seen tears flow down my cheeks. The summer of the divorce when I was turned, I s
hed enough tears in those months to last a lifetime. I decided before I flew home and to my new vamp life that I would be strong, and wouldn't let that terrified little girl out ever again. I haven't cried since. Now it felt like this was some sort of test.

  I swallowed it down, refusing to give in to the hurt and anger flowing through me. I swiveled to face Alec leaning on the wall, and in that moment, I didn't care if I wasn't supposed to trust him. I just needed a hug. I tilted my weight onto his hard-angled body, relaxing my hands and cheek on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his lips on top of my head. I took some deep breaths, and he matched my rhythm, helping me calm down.

  "Maybe I can help make you feel better?" Alec suggested. His voice sounded muffled in my hair. I pressed back from his chest, looking at him, not willing to admit that having his arms around me already had.

  "How? You don't even know why I'm upset," I said skeptically, but intrigued.

  "I have an idea of what you need. Come with me and I'll show you." He pushed off the wall and twirled me under his arm, spinning me out next to him on the sidewalk, with our hands clasped in preparation to walk. I bit my bottom lip in contemplation, wondering if this was some sort of trick, and slowly pulled my fingers from his. But my curiosity got the better of me, and I sighed, gesturing for him to lead the way.

  Fifteen minutes later, after we pulled out of the car ramp by the restaurant, I found myself parked with Alec in his black Audi at the corner of Murderville, and Drugtopia. The street lights were all broken or blinking, and trash covered the street, much of which looked like the remnants of yellow police tape. I didn't see a soul, but somehow felt sure they were lurking in the darkness of the alleys.

  "Parking with you in a dicey neighborhood? This is what's supposed to make me feel better? I think you took that hug the wrong way," I said, becoming aggravated, before turning to face him.

  "Wait for it," he said, without any further explanation, and I slumped back. The warmth I felt for him after his comforting embrace had completely fallen away, and if he even tried to reach past the shift column, where we sat divided, I would gladly break his nose for the second time tonight. We sat there silently for two more minutes, and just as I was about to demand he take me back, my heightened hearing picked up a faint shuffling of multiple footsteps. I checked my side mirror to find three shadows approaching my door, before hearing a rough tap on Alec's driver side window that made me flinch. Alec rolled down the window and a gun was instantly pressed to his temple.

  "Get outta the car," a rough, husky voice commanded, pushing the gun deeper into Alec's skull, and simultaneously, my door opened, while the co-conspirators pulled me out of the car. There were three guys on my side, and two on Alec's, and I made out two guns with likely more weapons hidden from sight. My adrenaline spiked along with all my heightened senses when Alec got slammed on the hood of his car. The gunman held the pistol to his back, while the other guy started removing his watch.

  "Mmm-mm-mmm," one of the perps said behind me, and I heard his hand slice through the air, but caught his arm before his palm could slap my backside. The thugs instantly whipped their heads in my direction, momentarily immobilized with surprise, when they heard the loud snap of their friend's wrist, followed by his aggravated scream.

  Less than ten minutes later, I hopped back in the car, out of breath, and Alec joined me. He turned the car on, before facing me with a knowing smile. I matched it.

  "You're right. I do feel better," I said, still smiling, and Alec pulled away from the curb, careful not to run over the pile of unconscious bodies holding each other suggestively in the street.

  "Should I drop you at Will's?" Alec asked as I rode the airwaves with my hand out the window, letting the cool night breeze wash over my face, still flushed with fighting adrenaline.

  "No, I'm sure my dad already told him what happened and he'll spend the rest of the night trying to defend him," I said sadly.

  "I'll take you home then." He pulled onto a side street that led to Escapees Lane and back to Mapleton.

  "No! Bill's either waiting for me with some pitiful apology prepared, or he's getting it on with that slut right in the middle of our living room, and I'll get to be the lucky one to walk in on it," I said, horrified at the thought of once again scarring my poor brain with those hideous images.

  Seriously, why am I always the one in the wrong place at the wrong time? I had to tell my mom her husband was cheating; I had to witness Missy jamming her tongue down my dad's throat, and I'm the one who got bitten by a vampire! WHY?! I shuddered, completely grossed out, feeling the need to turn vamp, just to wash out this gut wrenching sickness in my stomach.

  "It’s the gold-digging nanny, isn't it?" Alec asked rhetorically, since he obviously already figured it out. His cheek pulled to one side, showing pity.

  "Yes, thank you! You saw her for like two seconds, and it was obvious, so why can't Bill see it? I mean she's only twenty-five, for God’s sake. I thought he was done being a dumbass after the divorce, and now I might be stuck with Missy Bitchy for my wicked stepmother. Come on!" I said, throwing my hands up in frustration.

  "Maybe it won't work out," Alec offered, trying to help.

  "If my life is any indication, I don't see the scales tipping in my favor," I said, deflated, resting my head back on the seat. It was hard to focus on the big picture, like knowing that I might be dead soon, when even my human existence has become nothing but a painstaking, frustrating drama of ridiculous crap. Just kill me now. I took deep breaths in an attempt to blow away this entire night.

  "You'll stay with me tonight," Alec said with finality, and I snapped my eyes open, straightening in my seat.

  "What? No way," I protested. He couldn't actually think I wouldn’t object.

  "You don't want to go home, you don't want to go to Will's, and your friends will ask too many questions you don't want to answer if you call anyone to sleep over at one o'clock in the morning. The Patterson house has seven bedrooms, and you’re welcome to any one of them." Alec looked at me sincerely, and I visibly swallowed, knowing this was a bad idea.

  "But… " I couldn't get the words out, since I didn't have an alternative argument.

  "But what? I know you don't trust me, Dani, but if you think I couldn't get to you just as easily from your own bedroom three blocks away as I could from the next bedroom over, than you're not as smart as I thought. So, if you really want to avoid your dad tonight, it's your best option." He raised his eyebrows at the blatancy of his statement, and he was right. Besides, I hated to admit it, but the idea of spending the night with Alec was much less scary than the fear of Bill and Missy gettin' it on in the next room while I slept. I got out my phone and texted Will that, if anyone asked, I stayed at his place, before closing my eyes and ceasing my protests all the way back to Mapleton.

  Chapter 17: Stirred

  When we finally pulled up to the Patterson house, it was difficult to make out all the exquisite details of its Victorian age in the dim light. Even with my night vision, it sat so far back from the street, the lamps couldn't reach its frame. In the daytime, it stands regal and proud with its beautifully maintained grounds, and flower boxes always freshly stocked. But as I followed Alec up the steps of the expansive wooden porch that wraps around its front, the boards creaked beneath my feet, and in the quiet of the late night, it felt as though I was walking into a haunted house. It somehow seemed like a bad omen that I actually agreed to spend the night here.

  Then Alec pulled out a small skeleton key to open the door, like contributory evidence that I was walking into a big mistake. Maybe I just should have stayed with Evan. If I told him I didn't want to talk about my troubles, he'd let it go. However, as I was thinking about changing my plans, my legs carried my body over the threshold, of their own accord, and onto Alec's turf. He turned on the entry light, but kept it to a low dim, so we could both adjust our night vision more gradually. I continued to follow Alec up the large, spindle-railed staircase, until w
e reached the top where we turned right, down the open catwalk and to a hall of doors. He stopped at the nearest one and opened it.

  "This room has a bathroom too, if you’d like to shower before bed, and I promise, no peeking," he said with a wink, and I slapped his arm.

  "I'll grab you a pair of shorts to wear for sleeping." He opened the door across from my room, and I assumed that was where he slept. I hesitated in the hall, first cautiously peering into the room he offered to make sure I wasn’t walking into an ambush. I allowed all of my senses to take a full sweep of the space, but didn't get any warning that a gang of vampires was waiting to attack. Alec reappeared next to me and handed me a pair of royal blue athletic shorts with a white stripe down the sides.

  "I don't need these," I said, pushing them back.

  "That skirt's about to fall off, but if you'd rather wear next to nothing to bed, I won't object. In fact, that sounds kinda hot. I changed my mind; you can't borrow these," he said with a smirk, and started to walk back into his room to shelve the shorts. I yanked the collar of his shirt to stop him, and grabbed the shorts before he got any further. He spun back, wrapping his arms around my waist, and giving me a devastating smile.

  "I'll be downstairs for a while if you need anything, but if I don't see you, I hope you have a nice, relaxing sleep," he said, stepping back. He lifted up my hand and pecked a feather-light kiss on the top.

  A lump formed in my throat. "Thanks for this," I croaked out, and he looked at me through his downcast lashes still bowed into my hand, grazing it softly once more with his lips before letting go. I turned to the open entry, watching him walk down the stairs and out of view, suddenly feeling out of breath.

  I looked down at my hand where his lips kissed the surface, and I could still feel the tingle of heat left on my skin. What was it about Alec that felt so hot, when I should be feeling nothing but ice cold? I sighed out any thoughts of what it might mean, tired of trying to figure out what was going on anymore.


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