Kiss of Moonlight (Lucani Lovers Book 1)

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Kiss of Moonlight (Lucani Lovers Book 1) Page 10

by Stephanie Julian

  Showers of sparks flared low in her body as her sheath clamped onto him. The friction of each thrust pushed her closer to the edge of orgasm.

  She didn’t want to fall over that cliff just yet. She wanted to hold onto this feeling, the sensation of being totally and utterly submerged by Kyle’s desire for her and by her own for him.

  She’d never experienced anything like this and she wanted to make it last. But Kyle began to thrust harder, the tip of his cock at just the right angle to hit that spot inside her, the one that made her shudder every time. The one that cranked her higher and made it impossible to hold on.

  Finally, she fell, her body erupting in decadent fire. Crying out his name, her hands clutched at his on her hips.

  He gasped out hers and seated himself deep only seconds later, her sheath rippling again with his pulsing cock.

  Lost in all-consuming orgasm, Kyle had only one focus…Tam.

  His cock encased in her body, her legs around his waist. Her expression of utter bliss as she lay spread out before him, her body completely open to him.

  He’d watched her come, held off his own orgasm until he’d seen her lose herself in the pleasure. Only then did he let himself explode in the most devastating climax he’d ever experienced.

  Hell, it’d felt almost as magical as when he called forth his pelt.


  He froze, his mind beginning to spin. He’d heard others talk about finding their mates. He’d listened to Dan explain how it’d felt to him one drunken night. How he’d connected so deeply with Margie that she actually had control to some degree over his wolf.

  “It’s scary as hell at first, to know someone has that power over you. But it’s kind of like a safeguard. You know you’ll never hurt her, could never hurt her.”

  Kyle hadn’t understood then. Hadn’t ever wanted to understand or give anyone that much power over his body. Over himself.

  He’d never imagined one tiny, blonde eteri would rip it out of his hands. Or that he’d let it go without a fight.

  Tam sighed, drawing his attention. Reluctantly, he pulled out of her body and immediately wanted back in. Next time, he wanted her on top, riding him. Letting her have the control.


  Tam stared up at him, her eyes barely open, her mouth a drowsy curve. Sleep already pulled at her.

  Shoving all thoughts but her comfort out of his mind, he leaned down to press a kiss on her lips. Before he could get lost in her taste, he straightened, picked her up in his arms and repositioned her more comfortably on the bed. Since the night was still warm, he didn’t cover her with the sheet. He planned to do that with his body.

  “I’ll be right back, hon.”

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, he returned to find she’d moved so she could see him. Still awake, she watched him walk back to bed, her eyes traveling all over his body. His body responded in seconds.

  Sliding onto the bed next to her, he placed his arm around her waist and drew her closer until their lips were separated by mere centimeters.

  “Go to sleep, Tam.”

  After a brief pause, she said, “Are you okay?”

  Hell no. “I’m fine. You need to rest.”

  Her eyes drifted shut. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Not on your life.”

  Her lips curled up in a smile. And he wondered if she realized he’d meant every word.

  Chapter Five

  Barely awake, Tam opened her eyes to hazy, dawn-pink light.

  And the sensation of being completely, wonderfully relaxed.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  Until that voice made every muscle in her body tense in expectation of pleasure.

  God, the man made her heart pound.

  Stretching her entire body like a cat, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him. Kyle sat on the chair next to the bed in jeans and nothing else, elbows on his knees, staring at her.

  Starting at his waistband, her gaze traveled from the six-pack abs to the tattoo she’d noticed last night, a beautifully stylized depiction of a sun with tiny dots ringing an inner circle. She’d already seen the alien looking markings on his arm but hadn’t realized they went all the way to his shoulder. Harsh and coal black, she wanted to ask what they meant but when her gaze met his, she got lost in that glittering topaz gaze, though his expression was set in stone.

  She smiled at him, feeling lighter than she had in years. She’d had the best sex of her life last night. She hadn’t freaked out. And Kyle… Kyle made her feel alive again.

  “I slept fine. Thank you. And you?”

  He didn’t answer right away, just watched her with those eyes.

  Finally he sat up only to slouch back into the chair. She’d never seen anything as sexy in her entire life.

  The man was a work of art, from the ripped abs and broad shoulders to the chiseled cheeks and muscled arms. Those arms could have terrified her, reminded her of the attack. Instead she’d felt safe. Protected. They’d anchored her even when she was flying from the first orgasm she’d ever experienced with a man.

  And his smile, when his mouth finally loosened enough for it to curve, was a revelation. “Probably better than I should have.” He sighed and the smile disappeared again. “But…we need to figure some stuff out and we need to go talk to someone.”

  Her nose scrunched. “And we need to do that right now?”

  He didn’t answer right away, just let their gazes hold. “You have time for a shower and breakfast. Then we gotta get going. I want to start tracking down who those men were working for.”

  She wanted to groan but bit her tongue. Now that he’d mentioned the men, reality intruded. Last night had been an oasis, almost a dream. But the languor in her body and the slight ache between her thighs let her know it wasn’t.

  If she could hold onto those sensations throughout the day, maybe that would make everything else feel less surreal, too.

  “Where do we have to go?”

  Her resigned tone made his mouth twitch into a half-assed grin. Unfolding from the chair, he eased onto the side of the bed, finally close enough to touch.

  Her fingers itched to stroke over that heated skin, but he beat her to it, lifting his hand to cup her jaw and rubbing his thumb across her lips. “To talk to someone who may be able to help us.”

  “And who’s that?”

  “One of the strega in Margie’s boschetta has the Gift of praenuntio. She can see the future. I want her to read you, maybe find out if and when this woman will try for you again.”

  Her lungs hitched. “You think she will?”

  His gaze remained steady. “I think whoever she is went to a hell of a lot of trouble to find you. And I want to know why.”

  Before she knew what he was doing, he leaned forward and kissed her. Closed mouth, hard contact and only for a second. Just enough to rattle her brain.

  Then he pulled away and ran a finger across her cheek, making her shiver. “Now. Get up and get a shower before I crawl back into bed and we don’t leave.”

  She licked his taste off her lips and smiled at the heat in his eyes. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  He shook his head, predatory gaze skimming her from head to toe. “No. And another time, I’m gonna take you up on that. But not now.”

  With a sigh, he rose, headed for the door, and she watched his particularly fine ass all the way until he turned out of sight.

  Flopping back onto the bed, she pressed her cheek against the pillow next to hers and drew in a deep breath. It smelled like Kyle, musky and male and sexy. She wanted to curl around the pillow and bury her nose in it but he’d think she was deranged if he caught her.

  And just what does he think of you?

  That little bitch voice in her head spoke up, but she couldn’t fault it. The man had the hots for her. No doubt about that. But what she couldn’t figure out was why.

  She’d never been the kind of girl who turned heads. Or course, she and her m
om had never stayed in one place long enough for her to have a steady boyfriend and she wasn’t interested in casual relationships.

  Hell, she hadn’t been interested in long-term relationships, either. The men she’d dated in the past had never stuck around for more than a month.

  So what are you doing with Kyle, who happens to be a freaking werewolf?

  Since she didn’t want to think about that, she tore herself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

  But the lingering thought wouldn’t leave her as she took a quick shower and dressed in a light sundress. She’d had shorts in her hand but had decided at the last minute to wear a dress. She wanted to be feminine and sexy. For him.

  Her werewolf.

  And just how crazy does that sound?

  But it wasn’t something she could deny. She’d seen Cat transform with her own eyes.

  When she walked out into the kitchen, Kyle sat at the breakfast bar, the small television on the counter tuned to CNN but too low for her to hear it. Could he? Was his hearing that good because he was part wolf? Was he part wolf? What actually happened when he changed? Was his brain still human?

  So many mind-blowing questions. So few answers.

  She wanted—No, she needed answers. And only he could give them to her.

  “So, Kyle. Tell me how it works. Becoming a wolf. Is it really magic?”

  Kyle had wondered how long it would take her to ask that question.

  Last night, she hadn’t really had time to think anything through. And this morning, he was kicking himself for disregarding the tiny, rational part of his brain that’d warned him to stop and giving into his much larger desire for her.

  Did she regret last night? Did she wake up this morning and think, Holy shit, I slept with an animal last night?

  Did she still believe what she’d seen?

  Some people, after a little time had passed, were able to make themselves believe anything they wanted. Had she convinced herself she really hadn’t seen Cat’s transformation last night?

  What happened when she saw him do the same?

  Would it make her run all the way back to Philadelphia?

  “Do you want something to eat? I’ve got blueberry muffins or cereal or I could make you some eggs.”

  She didn’t answer right away, just slid onto the stool next to his. “Are you going to ignore my questions?”

  He sighed and took a second look at her. The timid girl who’d shown up for dinner two days ago had vanished sometime during the night. He couldn’t say he didn’t like this new Tam. He liked her a hell of a lot better than he did the scared girl spilling out her bruised heart to what she thought was a dog.

  But he didn’t handle questions well, especially not about himself. He had too much to hide.

  Still, if he had any chance in hell of keeping her with him until he found out who was behind her attempted kidnapping, he better find answers.

  “I’ll answer your question but you still need to eat.”

  She rolled her eyes, reminding him for a split second of Cat. They weren’t that far apart in age and—

  That was really not what he wanted to think about now.

  She huffed. “Fine. I’ll have a muffin and coffee. And I’ll get them myself. You,” she looked straight into his eyes, “start talking.”

  His lips quirked up in a smile. Yeah, he liked this Tam a lot better than the frightened girl. “Where do you want me to start?”

  “At the beginning.”

  History. He could do that. It was detached. And not specifically about him. But how far back did she want him to go? Well, she’d said the beginning…

  “The lucani are descended from the ancient Etruscans, who taught the Romans everything they knew so they could go out and conquer the world. The Etruscans have been around for millennia. What the history books don’t tell you is that we controlled a powerful magic and still do.

  “There are two races. The Fata and the Enu. The Fata are the elemental beings, fairies and elves. The Enu are humans with powers. The streghe and the versipelli are the two biggest groups of Enu.”

  She turned from the counter where she was pouring coffee from the pot, eyes wide. “There really are fairies?”

  He smiled at her expression of sheer amazement. “Yeah, but if you ever meet a folletta, don’t call her a fairy. They don’t take too kindly to it.”

  She blinked a few times. “Okay.” She lengthened the word out to about five syllables. “But…you’re human?”

  As she returned to her stool with a steaming mug, he nodded. “Yes. Our ability to become a wolf is magical, not biological, if that’s makes any sense.”

  She nodded as if she understood. “And when you’re a wolf…”

  “I’m still human, just with a fur coat. I won’t hurt or attack you, Tam.”

  She grimaced. “That’s not what I was thinking about. Although…can you make someone into a versipelli?”

  “Yes, but it’s difficult and as good as forbidden. It’s like being infected with a virus except you’re infected with magic. The body undergoes a violent change and most people don’t survive.”

  “But you were born like this. And so was Cat.”

  “Yeah. We’re taught how to control ourselves and our bodies at a young age. Even before we transform for the first time somewhere around puberty. Some don’t make it through. And the streghe, the witches like Cat and her mom, Margorie, they’re born with their powers.”

  She paused for a few moments. “So magic is real.”

  “Yeah, and it’s knowledge some people kill to get their hands on.”

  She sucked in her bottom lip and started to nibble on it, making every atom in his body horny.

  When she finally spoke again, he had to consciously will his erection to recede.

  “Do you think someone is trying to use me to get to you? We didn’t even know each other until yesterday.”

  “No, that’s not what I think.”

  Her expression turned thoughtful. “Then… Wait, do you think… Are you trying to say I have magic?”

  Tricky going here. “How much do you know about your great-grandfather?”

  Her eyes widened. “Not much. Are you going to tell me he was an Etruscan, like you?”

  Kyle nodded. “Yeah, he was.”

  Her frown looked almost painful. “But…but I don’t have powers. I don’t have any magic.”

  “That’s not exactly true.” He leaned forward onto the counter. “I can detect the faintest trace of arus in your blood. That’s not unusual. A lot of people have it and don’t even know. But your great-grandfather knew.”

  Her mouth dropped open before she quickly shut it. “Seriously?”

  “I think maybe the kidnappers know, too.”

  “And that’s why they’re after me?” Her expression screwed up again into a frown. “But I can’t do anything. Why would they want me?”

  “I don’t know. That’s what I’m hoping we can find out from Tira.”

  * * * * *

  By the time they reached the boundaries of New Tarquin, the boschetta’s village, Kyle wondered if Tam was worried or stunned.

  She hadn’t said much on the ride over. Then again, he’d had the music on, thinking it might give them both a reprieve from conversation. Queen’s Greatest Hits. Who didn’t love Queen?

  And he didn’t want to keep asking her if she was okay. But the longer they drove, the more tense she got. He could smell it coming off of her in waves.

  And since it was ratcheting up his stress level, he could only think of one possible solution.

  Just after turning off the rural two-lane road onto the unmarked lane leading to the village, he pulled his Wrangler onto the shoulder of the road.

  As the car bumped to a stop, Tam blinked and turned to him.

  “Is this it? Are we here?”

  He didn’t answer. Turning off the engine but letting the music continue, he got out and walked around to her side of the car. Queen’s “Someb
ody to Love” began to blare from the speakers.

  Opening her door, he reached for her as she turned to him, a question in the wrinkle of her nose.

  “Kyle? What—”

  She cut off with a little squeak when he lifted her out of the car and pulled her against him.

  Dropping his mouth on hers, he kissed her.

  He’d had the bright idea that if he kissed her, she’d relax a little. Hell, last night, after sex, she’d practically gone boneless and passed out.

  So he put his mouth on hers and kissed her. He didn’t expect to lose himself in the sensation of her lips against his. At least, not this fast. Which just showed how much of a fool he was.

  Because the second she opened her mouth to him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and her fingers winding into his hair, he lost all control of the situation.

  His cock hardened instantly and painfully. And, when she lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist, she arched into him, rubbing against his erection until he throbbed.

  He hadn’t been ready for her complete involvement. He’d expected to have to coax her into responding. He hadn’t expected her to devour him.

  But by that point, he didn’t care. Didn’t give a shit that they were standing on an open road. That someone could drive by and see them. He didn’t think he’d notice if someone stopped to take pictures.

  All that mattered was getting under the skirt of her pretty blue-and-white sundress and sinking his fingers into her warm, wet heat.


  She wasn’t wearing underwear.

  He swore his body temperature rose two hundred degrees.

  With her legs around his waist, she was held open for him. Her moan when he slicked his fingers through her labia blew a few more brain cells as all the blood in his body rushed south.

  By sheer luck, he managed to get her propped against the side of the car as his fingers continued to tease her. Her clit hardened and he mercilessly played the tiny bundle until her slickness coated his fingers. He wished he had the time to lay her back on the hood, put his mouth over her and lap at her until she came against his lips but that would leave her too exposed.

  Instead, he played with her until she was just on the brink, her body trembling and so close to orgasm he could scent it. Setting her on her feet, he made sure she was steady before he leaned away. He pulled a condom from his back pocket, then unhooked his jeans and released the zipper. He shoved them to his thighs, leaving his cock bare.


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