STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 8

by Casey, London

  “Brother, stand down,” Blaine said. He inched his way between Chief Jerry and Nate. “Everyone take a breath.”

  “You smell like shit,” Chief Jerry said.

  “Really? It’s usually pussy. Must have been working the wrong hole last night.”

  “Fucking sick.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Nate said.

  Griffin’s phone started to beep. He snuck away to the side of the van.

  “You all need to disappear from this scene,” Chief Jerry said.

  Nate turned and sat at the back of the van. He folded his arms. “Yeah?”

  “You really want to fuck with me?”

  “I want the truth.”

  “Thought you had all that,” Chief Jerry said. He tapped the side of his head. “Or do you remember something, Nate?”

  “Fuck off.”

  Chief Jerry grinned. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Nate.

  “Whoa,” Blaine said. “Chief. My man. Hold up.”

  “I’ll call this in on Back Down Devil then,” Chief Jerry said. “I’ll call anything I want it. You want to take the heat for the drugs?”

  “You have a guy in the back of your car,” Nate said. “A guy at the hospital.”

  “A guy you shot. I can tie this van to you, Nate. To anyone. Do you want to fuck with that?”

  Nate slowly stood back up. He stared down at the chief. His mind begged to be rational. This was a dark and silent war right now. Everything had to fall in place the right way.

  “Okay,” Nate said. “You do what you have to do, Chief. We’ve been telling you about Coast Road for a while. These drugs. And that’s what I saw when I was attacked. The drugs. The deals. Right here in Frelen. Where the fuck are you in all this?”

  “You trying to imply something, Nate?”

  “Nate, get over here,” Griffin’s voice yelled.

  “Go, bro,” Blaine said.

  Nate walked to the side of the van.

  “What?” Nate asked.

  “We have a problem. A big fucking problem.”

  “Which is?”

  “Mia is missing.”


  Mia watched the guys ride away and she gripped the steering wheel of her car and let out a deep breath. Her body and heart were twisted. She should have been damn terrified. Angry, hell bent on revenge, ready to tell Uncle Jake everything and let him handle things accordingly. But that’s not what was going through Mia’s mind. She kept thinking about Nate. She wanted to trust Back Down Devil MC.

  But they were the bad guys, right?

  They were the ones who wanted to hurt and kill.

  Yeah, so does Uncle Jake. And anyone else he deals with.

  Knowing she didn’t have time to waste - We’re all over you. Don’t fuck this up. Miller’s words to her, Mia started the car and pulled away. She went straight to Uncle Jake’s house. Bad enough she’d have to think of something and make the lies work, she didn’t want to cruise around and piss off Miller, Gaige, Nate, or any of the other guys.

  The sad part was that Mia came to town just looking for some extra cash. She was supposed to be working at the club tomorrow night. What would happen then? How could she focus with so much around her?

  By the time she parked and walked to Uncle Jake’s backdoor and knocked, she felt ragged and winded.

  The door opened and Uncle Jake stood there, ten feet tall. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside. He spun her around and slammed her against the kitchen counter.

  “Let me smell your breath,” he ordered. “Now.”

  Mia opened her mouth. Now she was terrified.

  Uncle Jake sniffed. He then put his thumbs to her eyes and pulled.

  “Let me see your eyes.”

  “I’m fine,” Mia whispered.

  “I’ll be judge of that.” Then he snickered. “Judge. Get it?”

  Mia swallowed hard. “I get it. Funny.”

  Uncle Jake then backed up. He put his hands to his hips. “Drunk? High? Stupid?”

  “No,” Mia whispered. She looked around. “Where’s Jacob?”

  “At a friend’s,” Uncle Jake said. “There’s dangerous business here. I want to know where you were and why. Open up.”

  “Do you have any coffee? A bite to eat?”

  “Where’s your fucking money?”

  “Can I leave and go get something to eat?”

  “Are you getting an attitude with me?”

  “No,” Mia said. “I haven’t eaten yet. I came back here.”

  “Where were you?”

  “I followed them, like you said. They left Frelen. There was a few other guys they talked to. I didn’t really see anything, okay?”

  “Who was there?”

  “I heard names.” Mia swallowed harder. “Miller. Gaige. Griffin. Jace.”

  Uncle Jake’s lip curled. “Jace. The rest. Who did they meet with?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What did they look like?”

  “Them,” Mia said.

  “Other bikers?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You guess? Were there other fucking bikes there?”

  “Not that I saw.”

  Uncle Jake rubbed his chin. “Maybe they called in another charter. Maybe for some help. If that son of a bitch remembers…”


  Uncle Jake stepped at her. He put a finger at her. “Don’t question me. Or what I do. You have no fucking idea what’s happening in this town.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. What happens now?”

  “Now? I make some phone calls. You sit and eat. You know how to cook?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then get cereal.”

  Uncle Jake walked away.

  Mia let out a breath. She hurried to the fridge and then made herself a bowl of cereal. A sad, lonely breakfast. She had a second bowl and then looked around the house a little. There were no signs of a kid. It was scary to see. Not a toy, video game system, nothing. It was like a black, steel testament to Uncle Jake’s prestigious life.

  Mia worried for Jacob though.

  She crept to the stairs and slowly climbed them. She could hear Uncle Jake’s booming voice from his private office off the living room.

  At the top of the stairs, Mia saw a family portrait. Uncle Jake, Aunt Theresa, and Jacob. A serene autumn background, obviously fake since there really wasn’t the good kind of fall here in California. Mia spent a few years in Connecticut during a different part of her life and experienced real fall seasons.

  Mia touched the picture, knowing something bad happened with Aunt Theresa.

  She walked down the long hall and opened the doors one at a time. There were two spare bedrooms, and the third try showed her Jacob’s room. A baseball comforter on the bed. Matching curtains. The room had the aura of a young kid. But it wasn’t messy or anything. So proper and clean. Almost… fake.

  It bothered Mia that Jacob wasn’t there.

  He’s at a friend’s house… that’s all. Just a friend’s…

  “Find what you’re looking for?”

  Mia screamed and jumped. She turned and saw Uncle Jake standing behind her. “I, uh, I wanted to, uh…”

  “He’s at a friend’s house. You believe me, right?”


  “Then why are you up here?”

  “I… the childhood thing. You know? I never really had one.”

  “True,” Uncle Jake said. “I really tried to save things, Mia. I really did. But your family are real pieces of shit. But not you though.” He reached out and touched her shoulder. “Not you. You survived. Smart enough to look beyond the horizon. That’s why I’ve always trusted you. And I’m going to say this once. If I ever catch you walking around my house again, I’m going to hurt you. I’ll break your fucking legs so you can’t walk up the stairs. Got it?”

  Mia started to shake. “I’m sorry. I…”

  “Done. Now get back downstairs. We
have business to tend to.”


  Uncle Jake just smiled. His hand moved to Mia’s neck, her throat. He pressed, just a little. Just enough to give Mia the sensation that she couldn’t breathe.

  “You need to stop asking questions.”

  “I… I came here to help you. I swear. But those guys are scary. They seem…”

  “What? What did you see? Did you talk to them? Are you fucking holding back from me?”

  Mia shook her head. “No. But they just seem to look that part. Like they’d kill someone and bury them. Like they have. They don’t care. And you want me to follow them?”

  Uncle Jake laughed. “You’re going to help me set them up. That’s what I need from you, Mia. Okay? And as far as our other arrangement goes, yes, I do have an event coming up soon.”

  “Wait. Set them up?” Mia asked.


  Mia stretched her neck. “Can you take your hand off my neck?”

  “Make me,” Uncle Jake said. “Try me.”

  Mia shuddered. “Please… I don’t understand what’s happening…”

  Uncle Jake got close to Mia. Way too close for comfort. “You’re going to keep following them. You’re going to find a way to learn anything you can. What they’re doing. What they know. About everything, Mia. You don’t ask me questions. You just give me answers. Get it?”

  “Yes,” Mia said. “Yes. I get it.”

  Now she was pitted between both sides even worse.

  Fuck… what do I do?

  Uncle Jake kissed Mia’s cheek. “Good girl. Such a good girl.” He kissed her cheek again. He rubbed his cheek to hers. She felt his body moving closer to hers, pressing against her. “You want to play upstairs, Mia?”

  “Get away from me,” Mia said. “I don’t do that.”

  “What?” Uncle Jake pulled back a little. “You don’t want to be a whore? Why not?”

  Mia threw her right hand up and hit Uncle Jake’s hand off her neck. His other hand flew across, smacking her. Mia stumbled and almost fell into Jacob’s room. She hurried and lunged forward, pushing Uncle Jake out of the way.

  She got to the stairs and Uncle Jake grabbed her by the hair. He had a fierce grip and pressed his body to hers, dangling her right at the stairs. Mia had a wild image of herself as Aunt Theresa. As if this was what happened before she “left.”

  “You listen to me,” Uncle Jake growled. “You do everything or you get nothing. And by nothing I mean nothing. You’ll be gone forever, Mia. Gone. Right now I want you out of this fucking house. Stop meddling with Jacob. He’s my son. I do what’s best for my family. Just like I did for my wife.”

  Mia felt tears fill her eyes. The stinging of having her hair pulled and the rush of emotion, knowing Uncle Jake had to have killed Aunt Theresa, was just too much.

  “Go,” Uncle Jake said.

  He let Mia go. She stumbled down two steps and caught herself on the railing. She looked back and saw Uncle Jake reaching into his pocket. She feared he was going to produce a gun and kill her. Then again, would that be a bad thing?

  Uncle Jake took out another wad of cash. He counted off five bills and stuck his hand out. “Take it. It’s two-fifty. That should let you get a bite, more gas, and find somewhere to take a shower. Clean up. Change. Don’t go to your place. You stay right here local so I can keep my eyes on you.”

  Uncle Jake turned and walked down the hallway.

  Mia took the money and felt like a whore. Tears filled her eyes again as she walked down the stairs. She came to just work an illegal gambling night. Pick up some extra cash, pay some bills, get caught up on the rent and stuff. That was it.

  Now she was being followed and watched. Stuck between her step uncle and Back Down Devil MC. A pawn, constantly threatened by death.

  Mia left the house and when she got to her car, she looked in the mirrors. She couldn’t see anyone around her, but she felt it.

  That’s when a wave of anger crested and crashed into her. She looked at the money on the seat next to her. Bottom line now was that if she wasn’t here… what would it matter? Everyone else could just fucking fight for themselves now.

  “Fuck it,” Mia whispered.

  She started the car and drove.


  Away from Uncle Jake’s.

  Away from Frelen.

  She wanted to see who could catch her and kill her first.


  The car crossed out of Frelen. A sense of terrible freedom ran through Mia’s body. She checked her mirrors once, twice, and actually started to believe she could just go.

  Go where?

  It didn’t matter.

  The cash Uncle Jake had given her was enough to get somewhere. Spend a couple nights in a cheap motel and then figure out the next part of the plan. Maybe she could just keep going east. Go until there was no more Back Down Devil MC.

  Then again… didn’t Uncle Jake say something to Mia’s fake story? Of how the MC had met with another charter?

  A charter?

  What the hell did that mean, really? More guys?

  Mia slammed on the brakes. Her car skidded to a halt right in the middle of the damn road. She left the keys in the ignition and opened the door. She got out and climbed on the hood.

  She sat there, looking to the late afternoon sky.

  Shaking her head, she wondered how long this was going to take.

  The answer?

  Two minutes.

  That’s when she heard the rumbling of the engines. She didn’t even bother to look over her shoulder. They were coming and they were going to kill her. She wasn’t even going to bother to lie either. What good would that do? Straight up and honest, tell them what the hell she was doing out here.

  The thundering sound got closer and Mia shut her eyes. She waited for the bullet. She hoped it wouldn’t hurt. It would just… happen.

  When someone touched her, she jumped and yelled.

  “Fucking hell, babe.”

  Mia opened her eyes.


  A feeling kicked up inside her and she lunged from the hood of the car at him. Hugging him. Needing him to protect her. Just like he did before.

  But Nate wasn’t having it. His hands grabbed at her sides, squeezing, tickling her into a paralyzed feeling so that she let him go. He then pinned her down to the hood of the car.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Nate growled.

  “It’s over,” another voice said.

  “Wait,” Nate yelled.

  Mia turned her head and saw Griffin approaching, gun drawn.

  “We had one rule,” Griffin said. “Miller…”

  “He’s not here,” Nate said. “Back the fuck up for a second, bro.”

  Mia stretched her neck and saw Blaine and Gaige on their motorcycles.

  “Griffin!” Gaige yelled and then whistled. “That’s enough. Let him talk to her.”

  “Big mistake,” Griffin said. “Someone is going to pay for this shit.”

  Griffin walked away. Nate backed up and gave Mia a chance to sit up.

  “One rule,” he said. “You broke it. You tried running.”

  “I didn’t try. I ran. I stopped. Here I am.”


  “Just shoot me.”

  “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Then give me your gun… I’ll…”

  Nate came forward and grabbed her mouth. The sudden move shocked Mia. His grip was tight, too tight.

  “Never fucking say that again,” Nate growled. “You understand me? Ever. Now you take a second and then tell me what you’re doing out here.”

  Mia shuddered and fought back tears. “I’m stuck in the middle of this.”

  “Of what?”

  “Whatever you have with my uncle. I want nothing to do with it.”

  “Too late,” Nate said. “He pulled you in. I’m trying to fucking help you.”

  Mia stood up and slammed a fist off Nate’s hard chest. He b
arely moved. “I hate it all. My entire life has been a fucking joke. Okay? I think my uncle did something to Jacob. And he tried to make a move at me.”

  “What?” Nate asked.

  “You heard me. You wanted to know if I fucked him? I didn’t. But he wanted it today. That never happened before. I went to check on Jacob and the bedroom was empty. Uncle Jake then held me by my throat and said what he wanted.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Nate said. He looked beyond Mia. He made a signal with his hand. He looked back at Mia. “What happened?”

  “He gave me money. Told me to find a place to take a shower and calm down. He wants me to work you guys so I can lure you…”

  Nate stepped back and took out his gun. Gaige was then there, his gun drawn.

  “Tell me this isn’t a set up?” Nate asked.

  “Fuck! No!” Mia cried out. “I’m not on his side.”

  “What happened?” Gaige asked.

  Nate gave Gaige the three second rundown.

  Gaige then looked at Mia. “We’re supposed to just trust you.”

  “Or just let me go,” she said. “I never asked for this.”

  “I never asked to be attacked,” Nate said. “Getting fucking smashed in the head and knocked out. We have a war…”

  “Bro, easy,” Gaige said.

  “Just shoot her!” Griffin called out. “We have to send a message.”

  Mia stood there, arms at her sides. She was ready for whatever was going to happen.

  Gaige stepped toward her. “You stopped. Why?”

  “I made up a story with my uncle. That you left town and met with some guys. Just thinking off the top of my head. He then got nervous, saying something about a charter. Made me realize that you probably have guys everywhere. So I stopped. And waited. I don’t care.”

  “Well, you’re right. We have guys everywhere. Your uncle got nervous?”



  “That explains the chief,” Nate said to Gaige. “Getting spooked and jumpy.”

  “Christ,” Gaige said. He pointed to the car behind Mia. “It’s simple now. Get in the car and follow us. Back to the compound. Your last chance. I’m going to get hell for this.”

  “Okay,” Mia nodded.

  Nate glanced at Mia, shaking his head. “I can’t help you anymore if this is the shit you’re going to pull.”


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