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Rock Hard: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance

Page 15

by Archer, Arielle

  Grant stopped me by putting a finger to his lips. And for a surprise I found myself closing my mouth and shutting up. I blinked. Had I really just done that for a man? It was hard to believe, and yet there it was.

  "Maybe we should just start over," Grant said. "I…"

  He seemed to be having trouble finding his words again. He paused and then the worried expression was gonna from his face. That thousand watt rock star smile was back.

  Damn. It wasn't fair that he could turn on that smile and have me immediately melting. I could see why he was so popular. Being able to do that to any girl was definitely a career skill in his line of work.

  I frowned. That thought naturally led to thoughts of how he probably had done that with plenty of girls over the years. I don't know why that was bothering me so much, but I couldn’t help how I felt.

  "I think we're getting off on the wrong foot here Mia," he said.

  "Are we?"

  I was trying to sound contrary, but it was difficult with the way he was looking at me. It was very difficult considering how his touch, just a simple brush of his hand against mine, was making me feel!

  "Look," he said. "It's pretty damn obvious you have some reservations about me and my… Lifestyle."

  He paused and glanced out the window. In the time we’d been talking a completely new group of women had gathered and were snapping pictures. Well, they were doing a combination of snapping pictures of Grant and glaring at me which just served to make me feel even more self-conscious about being here with him in the first place. Somehow I felt less secure here with this small crowd of women than I did last night surrounded by thousands of women who might want to rip me apart.

  Grant looked back to me. "All I'm asking for is one night."

  I cocked an eyebrow and smiled. He had to realize how that sounded. "One night? Didn’t you get that last night?"

  He shook his head. "That's not what I mean. Last night was amazing, but I wanted a date night with you. I want tonight to be just the two of us. Just like last night at the diner. Is that too much to ask?”

  I thought about everything that had happened. More than anything I thought about last night in the diner. At how easily conversation had come. And that naturally led to thoughts of what had happened after when we were together in his bus.

  I blushed as I thought about that. Sure I'd been in the middle of a dry spell, but that had been some of the most intense sex of my life, and I'd had some pretty wild encounters back in college. Not so much since I started a day job, but them's the breaks.

  Would it really hurt anything to give him one night? I could go out on a quick date. I could endure being a part of his world for one evening, and when it was all done I could go back to my regular life and forget any of this ever happened. I could go back to my nice and safe existence, free from women giving me threatening glares and people trying to take my picture just because of who I happened to be sitting with at a diner. Free from the worry of Grant leaving me because I’d just been a particularly interesting one night stand that got less interesting as time passed.

  Because ultimately that was all I could think of myself as. He might be playing a pretty good game here, but it had to be a game. A guy like him didn't go ten years doing what he did without learning a few tricks. It just didn’t seem possible that I would be the girl he suddenly decided he wanted to settle down with after so many years of tomcatting around. It didn’t seem like he’d actually give up that life even if he paid lip service to wanting something more. So what if I played along with those tricks for one night? It's not like it was going to kill me.

  I looked at him. I smiled. "Fine. We can do it your way. We have one night. You get a date, but that's it mister!"

  He finally released my hands, but I found myself wishing he’d hang onto them. I desperately wanted to feel his hands against mine. I desperately wanted to feel more of his body against mine. And I found myself thinking back to the night before. Back to how he'd felt pressing against me. His muscular body over mine. His cock sliding in and out of me and…

  Damn it. If I allowed myself to keep getting distracted like that I would be in very real danger of starting to take this "date night" seriously!

  I didn't care how hot he was. I didn't care how sincere he seemed. I had to remember he was a man who was probably very skilled at getting what he wanted from women. He was a man who was very used to getting what he wanted from women. I was not going to be another silly groupie, never mind that was exactly how I'd acted last night. Never mind that I seemed to throw caution to the wind and completely forget myself when I was around him.

  There was just no way I could possibly be more to him than a one night stand, and so that's exactly how I was going to treat him. One more night. That was it.

  It was one date, but there was definitely an expiration date on this relationship. So what if I was misleading him just a little? Was that really any different from how he’d no doubt treated countless women over the years? I was striking a blow for equality, or something like that.

  He grinned. "Great!"

  I looked down at my watch and back up to him. "So when should we get together? Will I be meeting you somewhere?"

  Grant blinked. He looked out at the ever shifting crowd and then back to me. He smiled. "It's not going to be that easy."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "You said you’d go on a date with me," Grant said. "And as far as I'm concerned that means I have you all to myself for the rest of the day!"

  "Hold on a second," I said. "I said a date tonight. I never promised we'd spend the day together. I have to get out of my work clothes, get ready, all that stuff…"

  Grant smiled and leaned forward, suddenly looking conspiratorial. He whispered even though there wasn’t anyone close enough to hear what he was saying. The crazy ladies out there might not have any qualms about snapping our picture like we were some sort of exhibit at a zoo, but none of them were tapping on the glass or approaching the animals on display.

  "You have a mall around here, don't you?"

  "Well yeah," I said. "It wouldn't be much of a downtown if there wasn't shopping for all the tourists."

  "Exactly, and I presume any downtown shopping is going to be a pretty swank joint, right?"

  I leaned back. I thought about the diner the night before. I looked at the diner we were at right now. Even though he was probably pretty damn rich, it seemed like he had pretty down-to-earth tastes. A “swank joint” for shopping didn’t seem his speed at all.


  "I suppose the shopping around here is nice enough," I said.

  He held up his hands as though that settled it. "There you have it!"

  I blinked. "I'm afraid I don't quite follow…"

  "It's simple. We’re probably going to go out to some impossibly expensive stuffy place tonight, so that means you have to get dressed up. I'm sure we can also find someplace at the mall that does makeovers as long as I throw some money around."

  "You think I need a makeover?"

  Grant leaned forward again and there was that intense gaze on his face. That hungry look. A look that had me wanting to lean forward and plant my lips on his. My eyes darted towards the window, towards the row of phone cameras that seemed to be moving in a never-ending line taking pictures of us. That would definitely give the gossip rags something to talk about!

  "I think you're beautiful. I think you’re perfect just the way you are." He shrugged. "But you’re the one who said you needed to do some makeup before our date. I figure if we have them do it at the mall I can spend some more time with you. You agreed to hang out with me, and I'm not giving up a minute more than I have to!"

  I rolled my eyes. He was trying to lawyer me, and I figured I could get out of it if I really wanted to. Only I wasn't sure if I wanted to. The idea of spending a day with him was suddenly sounding kind of nice. And so I found myself grinning and shaking my head.

  "You're not going to give up until I gi
ve in, are you?"

  He grinned and shook his head. Damn it. That grin almost would've been frustrating if it didn't make him look so damn sexy and eager.

  21: Shopping

  I was going crazy as I sat in the back of the store. Luckily none of the people who worked here had recognized me. So far. The girls working here today looked to be college aged. Probably a little too young to remember who I was or when I'd been famous.

  Then again I would've thought Mia and her friend were a little too young to be all about me.

  Well, her friend at least. Mia definitely wasn’t all about Twenty Promises. That was part of the reason why I found myself drawn to her. Why I found myself fascinated by her. Why she seemed so refreshing compared to other girls I'd been with over the years.

  "Are you doing okay sir?" A girl asked.

  I grimaced. Sir. I looked up at the girl. She was pretty enough. She had that effortless grace that college girls have just by nature of being young.

  At least I assumed she was a college girl. Who knows? It was still summer, after all, and there was a good chance she could still be in high school. I grimaced again. I was getting old enough that it was hard to tell the difference. It was crazy. I shouldn't be feeling like I was already walking around with a foot in the old folks’ home just because I was a little over thirty, and yet there it was.

  If anything this tour was making me feel that more keenly than ever before. Being surrounded by throngs of cheering fans and realizing that the throngs of cheering fans were women who were my own age or older rather than the teenagers who thronged to our last concerts. If they had any younger girls with them it was usually their daughters. It was a crazy change from what I'd been used to when we first hit it big. When it seemed like the world was ours for the taking and the ride would never end.

  Well, the world wasn't exactly mine for the taking anymore. Of course I did have my millions socked away, which helped me cry all the way to the bank. I could be thankful we managed to barely sneak in just before file sharing completely destroyed our industry. I'd been able to get mine and get out. I’d figured I really was getting out for good, but then I got the call and here I was trying to add another million or so to my already substantial portfolio.

  I figured it couldn’t hurt as long as I avoided complications. I looked at the hall leading to the changing rooms. Complications like falling for a fan which was the last thing I should be doing.

  Though again, not exactly a fan. That’s what made her different.

  I stared at the door she’d disappeared behind. Mia. Beautiful Mia. Captivating Mia. Incredible Mia. Just thinking about her behind that door, thinking about her changing, thinking about that incredible body that was a perfect compliment to her beautiful face which usually had an eyebrow cocked in a "no bullshit" expression. It made me wish I was on the other side of the divider helping her out.

  I glanced over to the girl who was sort of hovering over the changing area. She didn't look like she entirely liked me being back here. Or maybe or was it something else? As I watched she smiled and winked.

  I grinned and shook my head. Well, at least I knew the old dog still had it. I just hoped she was in college. I didn’t plan on doing anything, but that would up the creepy factor of that little interaction by about ten billion.

  Finally the door rattled and opened. Mia stepped out wearing a blue sundress that looked stunning. I'd hoped we could find a place that had something more formal, it was going to make the joke that much more fun when the punchline eventually came, but unfortunately despite what she’d said about the shopping options there wasn’t anyplace that sold formal attire. I'd done a quick search on my phone and realized we’d have to go out towards the suburbs for that sort of thing, and there definitely wasn't time.

  No, I had to stay downtown. We’d be leaving later this evening. Way later this evening, if I had anything to do with it.

  I grinned and held my arms out as Mia did a twirl with a radiant smile. Damn I loved it when she smiled!

  "What do you think?" she asked.

  "You look beautiful!"

  She looked herself over in the mirror that was helpfully hung on the changing room door. I was rock hard watching her in that sundress. Thinking about her changing, well it was having a very definite effect on my anatomy. It was giving me trouble thinking straight.

  More than anything it made me want to push her into that changing room and shove her against the wall. I didn't give a damn if there was another girl watching. No, all I cared about was being with Mia. Having her. Taking her completely, just like the night before. Damn that had been some of the best sex of my life!

  I desperately hoped there would be a repeat performance tonight.

  "You don't think it will be too casual for wherever you're taking me?"

  I grinned. That reminded me of my little joke. I shook my head. "I'm sure it will be fine."

  "Well I have a couple more I want to try on before we decide on something."

  Once more she disappeared behind the door. It clicked with a finality that told me there wasn't a chance in hell I was going to be able to sneak my way in there.

  That was something I might've tried back in my younger days. Back when I was a little more crazy. Back when I didn't care so much for things like rules. Back when I thought that being the lead in the biggest act in the world entitled me to certain things.

  Yeah, I was just barely over thirty and already I was getting old. I might as well be moving around on stage in a walker!

  And so I stared at that door where she was changing and did nothing. I looked down and I could see her dress falling to the floor. I could see her delicate feet stepping out of it. I could only imagine her underwear. Chances are she was just wearing something basic and white for work, but there was always the chance there was something more exotic there.

  I hoped I might be able to convince her to get something a little more exotic for this evening, but I wasn’t sure how to bring that up without coming off like an ass. I didn't want to seem like I was expecting anything. No, after last night, especially after the way she’d bolted, I didn't want to do anything to spook her.

  And so I stared at the door. I fantasized about something that had nothing to do with whatever underwear Mia happened to be wearing. Of course she wasn't in that sundress anymore which led me to another distracting thought as I went back to last night. As I thought of how she looked under me with her body heaving, with her breath coming in quiet gasps, with her hypnotic tits bouncing every time I thrust inside her…

  Damn it. I shook my head to clear those thoughts away and they were replaced with other thoughts. Of Mia meeting me at the house when I got home from a tour. Of her being with me on the tour bus so we could chat just like we had at the diner before the show last night. Playing video games with her on the big TV in the back room instead of getting up to more interesting things like what we'd done the night before.

  Of course we could do those interesting things too. After I'd soundly beat her at whatever game we were playing, but still. I thought of her walking along with a little kid in her arms. Our kid.

  I shook my head again. Those thoughts were just as intrusive as the thoughts of fucking her. And I wondered where they were coming from. Was I really that crazy over some of the other guys in the band settling down?

  Or maybe it was just that she had a combination of hotness and everything else that drove me wild. That made me want to know more about her. That made me want to have way more than just a one night stand. That made me want to be more than that love’em and leave’em guy I’d been once upon a time.

  The handle to her changing room rattled. She stepped out again, this time in a little black number that definitely looked more formal than the sundress she had on before. I knew this was just a sundress as well, but the way she pulled it off made it look stunning. My jaw dropped. "Damn."

  Mia did a twirl. That dress was incredible. She was incredible, and she made the dress that much m
ore incredible by wearing it. Her body really was perfect. She was everything I'd dreamed of in a woman and so much more. She was mouthwatering with the way that clung to her body. The way it clung to her hips. The way she just looked so goddamn perfect in every way.

  "You're drooling," she said.

  I picked up my lower jaw. I grinned and shook my head. "Sorry about that."

  She moved over and for a surprise she sat down on my lap. I smiled and wrapped my hands around her. I pulled her in close and for another surprise she actually leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips.

  I felt another stirring down between my legs. It'd started to go down while she was in the changing room, but now my cock was roaring back to life with a vengeance. She smiled as she felt that and gave a seductive little wiggle with her ass that drove me wild. That very nearly had me coming in my pants.

  That definitely would've been a way to ensure that I bought the dress. Thankfully I managed to keep it under control. I managed to keep it in my pants long enough to hold her still.

  "Is something wrong?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  "Damn it. When you say you're only giving me one night you’re really giving me that one night’s worth!"

  Mia sighed and I immediately regretted saying that. I immediately regretted bringing attention to the fact that she was reluctant to even go out on a date with me in the first place. That seemed to have broken the spell, and she started to stand. She moved towards the changing room with an odd look on her face. I didn't like that look.

  I glanced towards the front of the store. There was just that one girl keeping tabs on the whole place. The girl was distracted with folding something, and I figured this was as good an opportunity as any. My cock had already roared to life thanks to Mia’s display, and I was starting to feel some of that craziness, some of that vitality I had back in the old days when I was still young, dumb, and full of… Well you know.


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