by Henry James
This but made her say after a moment: “Are you afraid of your mother?”
“Yes, immensely; for she represents ever so many possibilities of disappointment and distress. She represents all my father’s as well as all her own, and in them my father tragically lives again. On the other hand I see him in bliss, as I see my mother, over our marriage and our life of common aspirations—though of course that’s not a consideration that I can expect to have power with you.”
She shook her head slowly, even smiling with her recovered calmness and lucidity. “You’ll never hold high office.”
“But why not take me as I am?”
“Because I’m abominably keen about that sort of thing—I must recognise my keenness. I must face the ugly truth. I’ve been through the worst; it’s all settled.”
“The worst, I suppose, was when you found me this morning.”
“Oh that was all right—for you.”
“You’re magnanimous, Julia; but evidently what’s good enough for me isn’t good enough for you.” Nick spoke with bitterness.
“I don’t like you enough—that’s the obstacle,” she held herself in hand to say.
“You did a year ago; you confessed to it.”
“Well, a year ago was a year ago. Things are changed to-day.”
“You’re very fortunate—to be able to throw away a real devotion,” Nick returned.
She had her pocket-handkerchief in her hand, and at this she quickly pressed it to her lips as to check an exclamation. Then for an instant she appeared to be listening to some sound from outside. He interpreted her movement as an honourable impulse to repress the “Do you mean the devotion I was witness of this morning?” But immediately afterwards she said something very different: “I thought I heard a ring. I’ve telegraphed for Mrs. Gresham.”
He wondered. “Why did you do that?”
“Oh I want her.”
He walked to the window, where the curtains had not been drawn, and saw in the dusk a cab at the door. When he turned back he went on: “Why won’t you trust me to make you like me, as you call it, better? If I make you like me as well as I like you it will be about enough, I think.”
“Oh I like you enough for your happiness. And I don’t throw away a devotion,” Mrs. Dallow continued. “I shall be constantly kind to you. I shall be beautiful to you.”
“You’ll make me lose a fortune,” Nick after a moment said.
It brought a slight convulsion, instantly repressed, into her face. “Ah you may have all the money you want!”
“I don’t mean yours,” he answered with plenty of expression of his own. He had determined on the instant, since it might serve, to tell her what he had never breathed to her before. “Mr. Carteret last year promised me a pot of money on the day we should be man and wife. He has thoroughly set his heart on it.”
“I’m sorry to disappoint Mr. Carteret,” said Julia. “I’ll go and see him. I’ll make it all right,” she went on. “Then your work, you know, will bring you an income. The great men get a thousand just for a head.”
“I’m only joking,” Nick returned with sombre eyes that contradicted this profession. “But what things you deserve I should do!”
“Do you mean striking likenesses?”
He watched her a moment. “You do hate it! Pushed to that point, it’s curious,” he audibly mused.
“Do you mean you’re joking about Mr. Carteret’s promise?”
“No—the promise is real, but I don’t seriously offer it as a reason.”
“I shall go to Beauclere,” Julia said. “You’re an hour late,” she added in a different tone; for at that moment the door of the room was thrown open and Mrs. Gresham, the butler pronouncing her name, ushered in.
“Ah don’t impugn my punctuality—it’s my character!” the useful lady protested, putting a sixpence from the cabman into her purse. Nick went off at this with a simplified farewell—went off foreseeing exactly what he found the next day, that the useful lady would have received orders not to budge from her hostess’s side. He called on the morrow, late in the afternoon, and Julia saw him liberally, in the spirit of her assurance that she would be “beautiful” to him, that she had not thrown away his devotion; but Mrs. Gresham remained, with whatever delicacies of deprecation, a spectator of her liberality. Julia looked at him kindly, but her companion was more benignant still; so that what Nick did with his own eyes was not to appeal to her to see him a moment alone, but to solicit, in the name of this luxury, the second occupant of the drawing-room. Mrs. Gresham seemed to say, while Julia said so little, “I understand, my poor friend, I know everything—she has told me only her side, but I’m so competent that I know yours too—and I enter into the whole thing deeply. But it would be as much as my place is worth to accommodate you.” Still, she didn’t go so far as to give him an inkling of what he learned on the third day and what he had not gone so far as to suspect—that the two ladies had made rapid arrangements for a scheme of foreign travel. These arrangements had already been carried out when, at the door of the house in Great Stanhope Street, the announcement was made him that the subtle creatures had started that morning for Paris.
They spent on their way to Florence several days in Paris, where Peter Sherringham had as much free talk with his sister as it often befell one member of their family to have with another. He enjoyed, that is, on two different occasions, half an hour’s gossip with her in her sitting-room at the hotel. On one of these he took the liberty of asking her whether or no, decidedly, she meant to marry Nick Dormer. Julia expressed to him that she appreciated his curiosity, but that Nick and she were nothing more than relations and good friends. “He tremendously wants it,” Peter none the less observed; to which she simply made answer, “Well then, he may want!”
After this, for a while, they sat as silent as if the subject had been quite threshed out between them. Peter felt no impulse to penetrate further, for it was not a habit of the Sherringhams to talk with each other of their love-affairs; and he was conscious of the particular deterrent that he and Julia entertained in general such different sentiments that they could never go far together in discussion. He liked her and was sorry for her, thought her life lonely and wondered she didn’t make a “great” marriage. Moreover he pitied her for being without the interests and consolations he himself had found substantial: those of the intellectual, the studious order he considered these to be, not knowing how much she supposed she reflected and studied and what an education she had found in her political aspirations, viewed by him as scarce more a personal part of her than the livery of her servants or the jewels George Dallow’s money had bought. Her relations with Nick struck him as queer, but were fortunately none of his business. No business of Julia’s was sufficiently his to justify him in an attempt to understand it. That there should have been a question of her marrying Nick was the funny thing rather than that the question should have been dropped. He liked his clever cousin very well as he was—enough for a vague sense that he might be spoiled by alteration to a brother-in-law. Moreover, though not perhaps distinctly conscious of this, Peter pressed lightly on Julia’s doings from a tacit understanding that in this case she would let him off as easily. He couldn’t have said exactly what it was he judged it pertinent to be let off from: perhaps from irritating inquiry as to whether he had given any more tea-parties for gross young women connected with the theatre.
Peter’s forbearance, however, brought him not quite all the security he prefigured. After an interval he indeed went so far as to ask Julia if Nick had been wanting in respect to her; but this was an appeal intended for sympathy, not for other intervention. She answered: “Dear no—though he’s very provoking.” Thus Peter guessed that they had had a quarrel in which it didn’t concern him to meddle: he added her epithet and her flight from England together, and they made up to his perception one of the little magnified embroilments which do duty for the real in superficial lives. It was worse to provoke J
ulia than not, and Peter thought Nick’s doing so not particularly characteristic of his versatility for good. He might wonder why she didn’t marry the member for Harsh if the subject had pressingly come up between them; but he wondered still more why Nick didn’t marry that gentleman’s great backer. Julia said nothing again, as if to give him a chance to address her some challenge that would save her from gushing; but as his impulse appeared to be to change the subject, and as he changed it only by silence, she was reduced to resuming presently:
“I should have thought you’d have come over to see your friend the actress.”
“Which of my friends? I know so many actresses,” Peter pleaded.
“The woman you inflicted on us in this place a year ago—the one who’s in London now.”
“Oh Miriam Rooth? I should have liked to come over, but I’ve been tied fast. Have you seen her there?”
“Yes, I’ve seen her.”
“Do you like her?”
“Not at all.”
“She has a lovely voice,” Peter hazarded after a moment.
“I don’t know anything about her voice—I haven’t heard it.”
“But she doesn’t act in pantomime, does she?”
“I don’t know anything about her acting. I saw her in private—at Nick Dormer’s studio.”
“At Nick’s—?” He was interested now.
“What was she doing there?”
“She was sprawling over the room and—rather insolently—staring at me.”
If Mrs. Dallow had wished to “draw” her brother she must at this point have suspected she succeeded, in spite of his care to divest his tone of all emotion. “Why, does he know her so well? I didn’t know.”
“She’s sitting to him for her portrait—at least she was then.”
“Oh yes, I remember—I put him up to that. I’m greatly interested. Is the portrait good?”
“I haven’t the least idea—I didn’t look at it. I daresay it’s like,” Julia threw off.
“But how in the world”—and Peter’s interest grew franker—”does Nick find time to paint?”
“I don’t know. That horrid man brought her.”
“Which horrid man?”—he spoke as if they had their choice.
“The one Nick thinks so clever—the vulgar little man who was at your place that day and tried to talk to me. I remember he abused theatrical people to me—as if I cared anything about them. But he has apparently something to do with your girl.”
“Oh I recollect him—I had a discussion with him,” Peter patiently said.
“How could you? I must go and dress,” his sister went on more importantly.
“He was clever, remarkably. Miss Rooth and her mother were old friends of his, and he was the first person to speak of them to me.”
“What a distinction! I thought him disgusting!” cried Julia, who was pressed for time and who had now got up.
“Oh you’re severe,” said Peter, still bland; but when they separated she had given him something to think of.
That Nick was painting a beautiful actress was no doubt in part at least the reason why he was provoking and why his most intimate female friend had come abroad. The fact didn’t render him provoking to his kinsman: Peter had on the contrary been quite sincere when he qualified it as interesting. It became indeed on reflexion so interesting that it had perhaps almost as much to do with Sherringham’s now prompt rush over to London as it had to do with Julia’s coming away. Reflexion taught him further that the matter was altogether a delicate one and suggested that it was odd he should be mixed up with it in fact when, as Julia’s own affair, he had but wished to keep out of it. It might after all be his affair a little as well—there was somehow a still more pointed implication of that in his sister’s saying to him the next day that she wished immensely he would take a fancy to Biddy Dormer. She said more: she said there had been a time when she believed he had done so—believed too that the poor child herself had believed the same. Biddy was far away the nicest girl she knew—the dearest, sweetest, cleverest, best, and one of the prettiest creatures in England, which never spoiled anything. She would make as charming a wife as ever a man had, suited to any position, however high, and—Julia didn’t mind mentioning it, since her brother would believe it whether she mentioned it or no—was so predisposed in his favour that he would have no trouble at all. In short she herself would see him through—she’d answer for it that he’d have but to speak. Biddy’s life at home was horrid; she was very sorry for her—the child was worthy of a better fate. Peter wondered what constituted the horridness of Biddy’s life, and gathered that it mainly arose from the fact of Julia’s disliking Lady Agnes and Grace and of her profiting comfortably by that freedom to do so which was a fruit of her having given them a house she had perhaps not felt the want of till they were in possession of it. He knew she had always liked Biddy, but he asked himself—this was the rest of his wonder—why she had taken to liking her so extraordinarily just now. He liked her himself—he even liked to be talked to about her and could believe everything Julia said: the only thing that had mystified him was her motive for suddenly saying it. He had assured her he was perfectly sensible of her goodness in so plotting out his future, but was also sorry if he had put it into any one’s head—most of all into the girl’s own—that he had ever looked at Biddy with a covetous eye. He wasn’t in the least sure she would make a good wife, but liked her quite too much to wish to put any such mystery to the test. She was certainly not offered them for cruel experiments. As it happened, really, he wasn’t thinking of marrying any one—he had ever so many grounds for neglecting that. Of course one was never safe against accidents, but one could at least take precautions, and he didn’t mind telling her that there were several he had taken.
“I don’t know what you mean, but it seems to me quite the best precaution would be to care for a charming, steady girl like Biddy. Then you’d be quite in shelter, you’d know the worst that can happen to you, and it wouldn’t be bad.” The objection he had made to this plea is not important, especially as it was not quite candid; it need only be mentioned that before the pair parted Julia said to him, still in reference to their young friend: “Do go and see her and be nice to her; she’ll save you disappointments.”
These last words reverberated for him—there was a shade of the portentous in them and they seemed to proceed from a larger knowledge of the subject than he himself as yet possessed. They were not absent from his memory when, in the beginning of May, availing himself, to save time, of the night-service, he crossed from Paris to London. He arrived before the breakfast-hour and went to his sister’s house in Great Stanhope Street, where he always found quarters, were she in town or not. When at home she welcomed him, and in her absence the relaxed servants hailed him for the chance he gave them to recover their “form.” In either case his allowance of space was large and his independence complete. He had obtained permission this year to take in scattered snatches rather than as a single draught the quantum of holiday to which he was entitled; and there was, moreover, a question of his being transferred to another capital—in which event he believed he might count on a month or two in England before proceeding to his new post.
He waited, after breakfast, but a very few minutes before jumping into a hansom and rattling away to the north. A part of his waiting indeed consisted of a fidgety walk up Bond Street, during which he looked at his watch three or four times while he paused at shop windows for fear of being a little early. In the cab, as he rolled along, after having given an address—Balaklava Place, Saint John’s Wood—the fear he might be too early took curiously at moments the form of a fear that he should be too late: a symbol of the inconsistencies of which his spirit at present was full. Peter Sherringham was nervously formed, too nervously for a diplomatist, and haunted with inclinations and indeed with designs which contradicted each other. He wanted to be out of it and yet dreaded not to be in it, and on this particular occasion the sense of exclusion wa
s an ache. At the same time he was not unconscious of the impulse to stop his cab and make it turn round and drive due south. He saw himself launched in the breezy fact while morally speaking he was hauled up on the hot sand of the principle, and he could easily note how little these two faces of the same idea had in common. However, as the consciousness of going helped him to reflect, a principle was a poor affair if it merely became a fact. Yet from the hour it did turn to action the action had to be the particular one in which he was engaged; so that he was in the absurd position of thinking his conduct wiser for the reason that it was directly opposed to his intentions.
He had kept away from London ever since Miriam Rooth came over; resisting curiosity, sympathy, importunate haunting passion, and considering that his resistance, founded, to be salutary, on a general scheme of life, was the greatest success he had yet achieved. He was deeply occupied with plucking up the feeling that attached him to her, and he had already, by various little ingenuities, loosened some of its roots. He had suffered her to make her first appearance on any stage without the comfort of his voice or the applause of his hand; saying to himself that the man who could do the more could do the less and that such an act of fortitude was a proof he should keep straight. It was not exactly keeping straight to run over to London three months later and, the hour he arrived, scramble off to Balaklava Place; but after all he pretended only to be human and aimed in behaviour only at the heroic, never at the monstrous. The highest heroism was obviously three parts tact. He had not written to his young friend that he was coming to England and would call upon her at eleven o’clock in the morning, because it was his secret pride that he had ceased to correspond with her. Sherringham took his prudence where he could find it, and in doing so was rather like a drunkard who should flatter himself he had forsworn liquor since he didn’t touch lemonade.