For the Love of a Cowboy (Cowboy Dreamin')

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For the Love of a Cowboy (Cowboy Dreamin') Page 5

by Sullivan, Sandy

  “You can either follow me back to the ranch or you can ride with me.”

  “I’ll follow you.” She hopped off the stool and followed him toward the door. Dan already had her helmet out sitting on the edge of the bar as she rounded the end. He smiled and winked. “I don’t want to hear anything out of you.”

  “I didn’t say a word.”

  “Good.” She tucked her helmet under her arm. Letting Jacob chase after her, she pushed open the door and headed for her bike.

  Minutes later she found herself tooling along a dirt road behind a black truck. The gate to the ranch came into view to the right. Jacob pulled up and punched in a code allowing the gate to swing open.

  She followed him down the long driveway. Several double cabins stood off to the right and a huge main house stood silhouetted in the moonlight to their left. She couldn’t see a lot of the place because of the darkness, but it reminded her of a typical cattle ranch. The sound of cattle mooing in the distance brought a smile to her lips. Definitely a cowboy, her Jacob. My Jacob? What the hell?

  They continued to follow the dirt road between the cabins, past the big barn to a single wide mobile home near the back of the main lodge. It wasn’t much, but what did she know. Really, she barely knew the guy. What am I thinking?

  He stopped his truck near the small steps leading inside as she pulled up next to him. She really hoped the loud bike hadn’t awakened anyone on the ranch. It wasn’t every day someone on a Harley drove onto a cattle ranch.

  She shut the bike off and pushed down the kickstand, letting it lean to the left.

  “Someday you’ll have to take me on your bike,” he said, stopping next to her as she pulled off her helmet.


  “You can leave your stuff out here. No one will mess with it.”

  “Okay.” She draped the helmet over the backseat rest. “Do you have a lot of guests?”

  “Not this time of year. Most people come in the summer when it’s nice and warm.” He took her hand in the warmth of his own as he walked toward his home. “It isn’t much.”

  “You’re a bachelor. I wouldn’t expect much.”

  “It’s better than a dingy motel room though.”

  He opened the door and she got her first look at Jacob’s personal space when he flipped on the light switch. A couch sat to the left, a big screen television sat to the right and a recliner took up the space next to the couch. A kitchen sat behind the living room with an open space between them. The kitchen was small, but had all the amenities from what she could tell. Not much decorated the walls, but then again she wouldn’t think a single guy would have a lot of flowery pictures or anything. She did see a few photographs in frames sitting on the end tables.

  “Your family?”

  “Yeah. The one on the wall is all of us.”

  “Big family.”


  She looked closer. “Triplets?”

  “Yeah. Joel, Jason and Joshua are identical triplets. Joel got married recently.”

  “I bet that was fun growing up.”

  “They were a handful as kids.”

  “You’re the third oldest you said.”

  He nodded. “Jeff is the oldest.”

  “Wow. Nine boys. I bet your mom is completely gray.”

  “Actually, no. She’s got beautiful long black hair.”

  “Do you have Native American blood?”

  He pointed to the large picture on the wall. “Some, yes. You can see it more in my mother than any of us boys, although most of us have the dark hair. The triplets have blue eyes. Jeff’s are grey and mine are brown like my mother’s. The rest of the boys are a grouping of those three.”

  “What a combination.”

  “You could say that, yeah. It’s an interesting family dynamic.”

  “You all seem to be close though?”

  “Not always. Typical boys, you know.”

  She bit her lip and dropped her gaze to her feet. “Jacob, why were you drinkin’ so heavily?”

  He moved away from her to drop his keys and hat on the coffee table. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “It would help if you did.”

  “No it won’t. I’m past it. I’m not drinkin’ anymore.”

  “I can see the sadness in your eyes.”

  “It’s over. There’s nothin’ I can do to change what happened so I’m moving on.” He stopped in front of her. “Wanna get nekkid?”

  “That’s what we came here for, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but all this serious talk, I thought you might have changed your mind.”

  “No. I want to help you for some ungodly reason.”

  “Nothin’ to help, darlin’. It’s done.” He shoved his hands into her hair to tip her head back with a sharp tug on her scalp. “I’m gonna lick you all over.”

  “Promises, promises,” she whispered as his lips did a slow crawl along her jaw to her ear.

  “Not a promise, honey. It’s a fact.”

  She found his firm chest beneath the shirt encasing it. One thing she’d noticed about him from the get-go was how toned his body was. He must do a lot of physical labor on the ranch to keep his muscles in such good shape.

  “Touch me.”

  “Oh, I plan to, honey.”

  His hand encircled her breast, palming her flesh until his fingers found her nipple under her tank top. She moaned as he pinched it between his thumb and first finger. Pain along with pleasure. She couldn’t get enough. Would he go for a little forceful fucking? She hoped so.

  He stepped back to slowly push her jacket from her shoulders, letting it fall in a heap to the floor. “Nice. You have beautiful breasts.”


  “Just the right size for my hands.”

  She placed her palm flat against his. “I like your hands. Long lean fingers. Strong. Callused.”

  “They might be a little rough on your skin.”

  “I like rough,” she said, watching his eyes.

  “Good. So do I.”

  “Make me yours for the night, Jacob.”

  “You got it, babe.” He scooped her up in his arms before she could utter a squeak and then strolled down the hallway toward the back of the trailer.

  His room wasn’t much, a huge bed, a long dresser, a couple of nightstands, and nothing more. He dropped her on the mattress and covered her mouth in a desperate kiss.

  “God, I want you.”

  “Me too.”

  He stood. “Undress me. Slowly.”

  She crawled up on her knees so she could reach the snaps on the front of his western shirt. Her fingertips tingled touching the hair roughed skin after she parted the material to reveal his chest. Wow. Dark, dusky nipples tempted her with their pebbled hard tips. “I want to taste you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  She skimmed her lips from the center of his chest to the right nipple, encircling it with her tongue until he moaned low in his throat. Unable to resist, she nipped it with her teeth.

  “Naughty girl.”


  As she nipped and sucked on the tip, she worked the belt buckle at his waist loose before she parted the denim material to reveal his incredible length to her touch. The man had an impressive cock although she really didn’t have a lot to judge by. She talked the talk, but she hadn’t really walked the walk as much as she made it sound. Her experience in the bedroom department lacked something like numbers. Oh, she wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but she’d only been with two other men in her lifetime. Luckily, they’d both taught her something about pleasing men.

  She licked her way down his washboard abs as she pushed his boxers and his jeans to the floor. “Step out.”

  He quickly toed off his boots and stepped out of his clothes, leaving them in a heap near the window.

  “Wow. A little horny are we?”

  “A lot horny, darlin’.”

  “God, I love when you call me that.”

  “What else do you like?”

  “Lots of things,” she said, as he stalked closer in an unhurried gate meant to tantalize her into wanting him. He didn’t need to do anything of the sort. Her pussy already wept with need for this cowboy. “I wanna suck you.”



  “Later, maybe.” He held out his hand and she slipped her palm into his as she stood. “I’m going to undress you now.”


  He slipped the tank top over her head, leaving her standing bare from the waist up. “I love these. They’re perfect.”

  “One is a little bigger than the other.”

  “Such pretty, rosy nipples.”

  He encircled one with his tongue like she’d done to him. Shivers skittered along her arms at the feeling of his mouth. He flicked the tip with his tongue, bringing her up on her toes. Her nipples were one of the most sensitive parts of her body. She could almost come from nipple stimulation.

  “I want to put clamps on these.”


  “Yeah, nipple clamps with a cute little weight hanging between them. Have you ever had those on your breasts?”


  “Wait here.” He moved to his dresser and opened one of the drawers. A moment later, he returned with something in his hands. “I haven’t used these on anyone before, just so you know.”

  He held up a small chain with a pinchers on each end and a small sliding ball in the middle of the chain. “You keep nipple clamps in your drawer?”

  “I bought them a while back. I hadn’t had anyone special I wanted to use them on, but your nipples are just right for clamps.” He sucked one of her nipples hard between his lips until it stood up pointed and stiff. “Perfect.” The clamp slid on with a slight twinge of pain. He tightened the end down until the pain brought tears to her eyes. “A little too much?”


  He loosened it slightly and then did the same to the other nipple. When he stepped back to admire his handy work, the weight hanging on the chain between her breasts pulled the clamps on her nipples until they stung.


  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Good.” His eyes glittered with lust. “They look fabulous on you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, for the pants.” He worked her belt loose before pushing her leather pants to the floor and indicating she should toe off her boots. “Are you wet?”

  “God, yes.”

  He skimmed his hand down her abdomen, pushing his fingers between her thighs. “Soaked. You like a bit of pain with your sex, eh?”

  “I guess. I think so. I like the way it feels when you pull my hair and take what you want.”

  He looked surprised. “You’ve been with men before, right?”

  “I’m not a virgin, Jacob, although I’m not terribly experienced either.”

  “How many guys have you been with?”

  “Two besides you.”

  He shoved his fingers through his hair, leaving it sticking up in several directions. “Shit.”


  “I thought you had been with several guys.” He moved to take the clamps off her nipples.

  “No, leave them.”

  “They shouldn’t stay on more than a few minutes especially since you’ve never had your nipples in clamps before. Brace yourself. This is gonna hurt.”

  He removed one and as the blood rushed back into the tortured tip, she hissed with the pain. He soothed it with his tongue until it no longer hurt.

  “That wasn’t so bad.”

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, darlin’, but last time I checked, you have two of those.”

  “Aw, fuck!”

  When he removed the second one, she cried, “Owie, owie.” Again, he soothed it with his tongue, but this time her clit throbbed with the beat of her heart in the tip of her breast.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I liked the way they felt while they were on.”

  “You do like a little pain then.”

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” He pulled back his hand and smacked her bare ass. “What the hell was that for?”

  “To see how much pain you like.”

  “I’ve never been spanked before in my life. That hurt.”

  “Your mom and dad never spanked you?”

  “No.” She rubbed the sore spot with the palm of her hand. “I was the perfect preacher’s daughter, remember?”

  “Ah yes. Daddy’s little angel in leather.”

  “Don’t make fun of me.”

  He held up his hands in a defensive posture as he backed up a little. “I’m not, honey. I think it’s great how you are the little angel with a crooked halo being held up by devil’s horns.” He put his hands down and crooked his finger. “Come ‘ere.”

  She tipped her chin down as one eyebrow shot up. “Why?”

  “Because I wanna fuck you until the sun comes up.”

  She sauntered closer. “Good because I want it too.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around him. His cock stood hard between them.


  “Crap. Let me grab one out of the drawer.” He set her down and walked to the nightstand drawer. After rummaging around, he cussed a blue streak.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m out apparently.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Dead serious.”

  “All wet and nowhere to go.”

  He held up a finger. “Let me throw some clothes on. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “You aren’t drivin’ to town to get some, are you?”

  “Honey, I have eight brothers. Don’t you think one of them will have a condom they can spare?”

  “You are really goin’ to go around to your brothers asking for a condom?”

  “Do we have a choice?”

  “Well yeah, I guess we do.” She bit her lip. “I’m on birth control. Have you been tested lately?”

  “Yeah, after my last girlfriend.”

  “Me too. I mean after the last guy I slept with even though he used a condom every time we were together.”

  “What are you sayin’, darlin’?”

  “I’m sayin’ do you think we can skip the condom this time?”

  * * * *

  Should he trust her? Did he have a reason not to? She is a preacher’s daughter, right?

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure if I should trust you.”

  “Seriously, Jacob?” She jammed her fists on her hips. “I can show you my birth control pills if you want. They are in my purse in my saddle bags on the bike.”

  “All right. I guess I don’t have a reason not to trust you.”

  “Do you want to get laid tonight or not, big boy?”

  Shivers raced down his back. “Oh, hell yeah.”

  “Then I guess you’ll have to trust me. I mean, really. Do I have a reason to distrust you? No.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and tossed her on the bed. “Prepared to be fucked.”

  “Come and get it, handsome.”

  God. He loved her mouth, her tits, her ass and he was about to really love her pussy.

  She scooted up on the bed until her head lay on his pillow. Her brown hair lay in a halo around her head, giving her an ethereal look. He brushed the hair off her forehead. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, in awe that such a gorgeous woman would want to go to bed with him.

  “You’re pretty gorgeous yourself, cowboy. I could eat you up.”

  “I’m gonna eat you until you scream my name.”

  “What was your name again?”

  “You’re gonna pay for that.” He ran his tongue from her lips to her ear, down her neck and across her collarbone. He left a little love bite on her shoulder.

  “You bit me!”

  “Just a little o

  “I hope it can’t be seen. My father will have a cow.”

  “Not unless you’re naked in front of him.”


  “Then you’re fine. I like marking my women.”

  “I’m not your woman, Jacob. We’ve had this talk.”

  He kissed her quickly. “You are for tonight, honey.” He continued his journey down her chest, stopping to lick and nibble on her breasts for several minutes as she moaned under him. The little sounds she made with her arousal were music to his ears. Speaking of arousal, he could smell her sweet scent, letting it wrap around his senses.

  Her abdomen quivered under his licking assault.

  The thatch of hair at her pussy tickled his chin as he made his way to the treasure he sought. Eating out a woman was the best. There wasn’t anything better than sweet cum on his tongue as she came undone beneath him.

  She spread her thighs, begging on whimpers for the touch of his tongue on her clit.

  “Please, Jacob.”

  “Please what, darlin’?”

  “I want your tongue.”

  “Where?” he asked, pressing his nose to the curls guarding her sweetness from his mouth.

  “On my clit. God, please. I need you.”

  The first swipe of his tongue had her hips coming off the bed. Moans escaped her lips as she tossed her head on his pillow. With both hands on her hips to keep her in place, he continued his assault on her clit, bringing her to a screeching orgasm within seconds. Her screams probably told the entire ranch he had a woman in here, but he didn’t care. Her satisfaction meant everything.

  He continued to softly lick her clit while she came down from her high, giving her a minute to recover before he took her to the heights of ecstasy again.


  “Oh yeah.”

  Her clit hardened under his tongue, waiting for the touch, friction or whatever you wanted to call it. Her pussy glistened with her cum, so he licked until every drop had disappeared. The moan that spilled from her lips made him smile. He loved taking a woman to the highs of good sex.

  It took a bit longer this time and a bit more stimulation to get her there, but he managed to bring her to another orgasm with his tongue and fingers. Her pussy was so tight. He could almost believe she was a virgin. He frowned. Maybe she lied about it. Maybe she really hadn’t been with anyone before. Of course, she knew a little by her actions earlier, but her hesitation with it all seemed almost virgin like.


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