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Ink'd Page 18

by Ann Grech

  “Yesssss,” Chloe hissed as Timmy slammed back in. “More, Timmy, please. Own me.”

  Chloe shuddered and screamed as Timmy’s fingers pinched her clit, shooting sensations straight through her nervous system until she bucked with another fierce orgasm. She was still clenching tightly around Timmy when he pulled out of her, riding wave after wave of the primal frenzy she felt. Chloe moaned in frustration as her orgasm dimmed because of her now empty pussy. Timmy’s fingers pushed into her as his thumb strummed her clit over and over, renewing her orgasm, breathing life into the flagging embers. She wanted him deeper, she needed more. Wrapping her leg around his waist she pulled him closer, begging him without words to give her what she needed. Timmy slathered coolness over her ass and pressed his finger into her until she felt her tight hole being breached. There was no pain, just an amazing burn that she couldn’t get enough of as he stretched her. “That’s it, pretty girl. Relax,” he murmured as he stretched her with another finger.

  * * * *

  Timmy pressed his cockhead against Chloe’s puckered hole and pushed gently, stretching her a little at a time before he slipped past her resistance. Chloe’s moan told him she was in as much ecstasy as he. He pressed into her, sliding in another inch. Withdrawing slightly, he pushed against her again, entering her more.

  “Fuck. Chloe, you feel so good.”

  “Harder, Timmy. Take me.” He pushed deeper still and bottomed out in her, his abs pressed tightly against her perfectly rounded ass. Timmy was in heaven, his cock in her ass and his fingers buried deep in Chloe’s pussy. He set up a steady tempo, her tight, wet heat enveloping him and sending him flying toward the heavens. She wanted hard and fast, but he had other ideas. He made love to her, fucking her in long, deep strokes as he felt her climbing toward another orgasm as quickly as he was. Chloe’s breath hitched as he pressed his thumb down on her clit and every muscle in her body tensed as she exploded, her head tossed back and her blonde mane flowing over her back as she convulsed violently around him. He had no hope of resisting the latest in a line of intense orgasms. He was tossed over the precipice too, only to float in a sea of bliss as he jettisoned pulse after pulse of semen into the condom.

  Chloe’s legs gave out and he gratefully fell to the side, pulling her with him as his cock continued to throb in her depths. Breaths heaving, they lay silently snuggling together until well after Timmy’s cock had grown flaccid and slipped from her.

  Timmy kissed her neck gently and breathed in the sweet floral scent that was uniquely Chloe. “I need to clean you up, pretty girl.”

  “In a minute. Can you hold me for a little longer?”

  “Of course.” Timmy gathered her tighter in his arms. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, not at all. It was intense. Amazing. But I don’t want you to leave just yet.”

  “Talk to me, Chloe. I need to know what you’re feeling.”

  “I’m happy, but I feel guilty for being so content. I should be miserable. Whenever I think of Momma and Daddy I am, but you make me happy.”

  “They would have wanted you to be happy, not miserable. They would want you to live, to love, to experience all the good things in life.”

  Chloe turned her head and looked at him before kissing Timmy softly. “Momma would have loved you.”

  “Van will find whoever it was that did this. He’s one of the good guys. He’ll get them, bring them to justice.”

  “They were good people. They couldn’t have been cooking meth. I don’t want to believe it.”

  “You’ll get closure, pretty girl. It’ll take time, but the police are making progress.” Timmy kissed her softly down her neck and held her close. Chloe sighed contentedly and ran her hand down Timmy’s thigh, enjoying the feel of his warm skin contrasting against hard muscle under her fingers.

  “I love you, Timmy.”

  “Love you, too, pretty girl. You’ve given me so much. You’re a gift I’ll never take for granted.”

  “For as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.” Chloe knew that she’d come home, that she’d found her soulmate, the man she was destined to spend the rest of her life with. They contrasted each other, opposites in so many respects, but they fit together perfectly. Pressed against one another from head to toe, Chloe snuggled into her man, safe in the knowledge that whatever the future held for them, they would discover it together.

  “You’re mine. In this life and the next.”

  The End

  Zane briefly looked across the Rock Springs Elementary staff room toward Cleo. She’d invited him to visit her class. It was a nice change from when he was the dork at school, knowing how cool the kids thought Zane the fireman was. Wowing her students with a fire extinguisher demonstration he knew he was a hit. It was perhaps unwise to let every one of them try on his helmet—he hoped he wouldn’t get headlice. He scored extra brownie points for the hundred or so pushups he did with seven-year-olds sitting on his back (as if he was their own personal amusement ride). Now he was drinking cheap, instant coffee that tasted like shit, and had one of the fifth grade teachers hanging off him.

  The teacher, Samantha, had curled her arm around Zane’s and to his disappointment led him away from the table filled with the homemade snacks he’d been enjoying. She was leaning far too close for comfort, pressing her massive breasts against his arm as she chatted about something completely inane. Zane had lost interest in what she’d said about thirty seconds after she’d started speaking but hadn’t walked away from her to be polite. Now he wished he had. He’d tried unsuccessfully to extract himself from her snake-like arm and her perfume was cloying, the sweet scent invading his nostrils and making his head spin.

  Cleo was speaking with Mary, his mother’s friend who’d been working at the school since Zane and Cleo were students. Cleo looked different when dressed for work; a knee length navy blue business skirt, a lilac button-down blouse with tiny flowers printed on it and pointy flat shoes made up the ensemble. Even her makeup was understated. Gone was the bright red lipstick and heavy eyeliner that he was used to seeing on her. Instead, she wore a pale pink lip gloss. Either way, she looked beautiful.

  As he held her in his arms last night, he’d run the backs of his fingers against her alabaster skin. It was silky smooth like a rose petal. As she slept, he’d called her mi pétalo, my petal before leaning down to kiss her, the barest brush of his lips against hers. That was the only time he could get so close. Sure, she let him hold her and even drop the odd kiss to her forehead, but she pushed back damn hard whenever she felt like he was stepping out of line.

  Despite his natural tendency to be anything but, he was being the perfect gentleman with Cleo. How couldn’t he be? With what she and her sisters were going through, he’d be a prick to add something else to the list of things she needed to deal with. That didn’t stop his cock screaming at him to get laid though. Whenever he stayed with Cleo, he had to use every ounce of willpower not to wake her up with his face pressed between her shapely thighs, followed by his shaft buried deep within her.

  “Zane? What do you think?” Samantha asked.

  “Um?” Zane stalled, trying to think of a way he could gently let Samantha down. Whatever the question was, she was fluttering her lashes wildly at him and smiling sweetly waiting for his answer.

  “It’s okay, why don’t you just go and talk to her? Ask her out on a date?”


  “You know exactly who I’m speaking about. You haven’t taken your eyes off Cleo since you followed her in here.”

  “That obvious, huh? She’s got too much going on to have me telling her what I want.”

  “Or you could be exactly what she needs.” Zane looked down at Samantha and smiled. He suddenly liked this girl. Hell, a woman’s advice on what to do to win the heart of the girl who’d gotten away and had re-entered his life in such a tragically spectacular fashion couldn’t hurt. He hadn’t been lucky enough to even score a kiss.

  “Zane, you need to go. The bell�
��s about to ring.” Cleo’s curt words snapped his attention to her. He didn’t even realize he’d still been looking down at Samantha smiling. He was suddenly very aware of how close they were standing. He patted Samantha’s hand and she immediately released his arm, stepping away from him. Reaching out, he shook her hand.

  “Nice meeting you, Samantha. Thanks for the chat. I’m sure I’ll speak with you again soon.”

  “Bye Zane.” Samantha smiled, making a quick exit and leaving him and Chloe standing there. She glared at him, cold fury radiating from her.

  Zane was taking a chance, but at this point what did he have to lose? “Walk me out?” Cleo didn’t even wait for him to say the obligatory goodbyes, stalking out of the staff room before he could catch her arm.

  “Thanks for the morning tea, Mary. See you all later,” Zane called as he hurried out after Cleo. He’d heard girls saying before that they don’t chase men but if they were tattooed bad boy they’d powerwalk. Zane, on the other hand, had no problem chasing a woman if she was worth it. So far he hadn’t found any that really were.

  Until Cleo…

  “Hey, Cleo, wait.”

  Spinning left on her heel, she yanked open a door, he was almost jogging down to catch up. “Get in,” she seethed. As soon as he’d stepped into what looked like the stationery supply closet, Cleo had the door slammed closed and the dim globe swinging from the ceiling switched on. It smelt like a library inside the room, the familiar and comforting scent of paper and books filling his nostrils until Cleo stepped closer to him again. Crossing her arms protectively over her chest, she stared at him. “What the fuck was that? Jesus, Zane, I don’t believe you. You’re…unbelievable,” she whisper hissed.

  Zane gripped her shoulders gently and turned her, pushing Cleo against the door, before locking it. The last thing he wanted was for their conversation to be interrupted. Something told him it was make or break time with his girl.

  “Cleo,” he breathed. “It was nothing, I promise.”

  Her hands fisted the button down shirt of his uniform at his waist, pulling him closer to her. The conflict in her eyes was obvious. Uncertainty was eating her away. Leaning against her, he caged her in. A small moan escaped her lips before she pressed them together tightly pursing her lips like an old schoolmarm would. Zane’s dick swelled knowing that he affected her too. Unable to keep from touching her, he ran his hands down her sides until he was gripping the soft skin just below her ass. “I promise,” he rasped again, arousal making his voice huskier than usual.

  “Sam’s not the girl for you.” The absolute certainty in her voice encouraged Zane more, plumping his cock further. He was way past a semi now, his constrained shaft tightly pressing against his uniform cargo pants. He didn’t want to push her, but he needed to hear her admit her feelings. He’d spent the last two nights with her curled in his arms after she’d cried herself to sleep, every inch of her perfect body pressed against his, their arms and legs intertwined as she relived her nightmares and decidedly more pleasurable dreams. The words she spoke in her sleep were…enlightening. Moaning his name over and over again, she dry humped his leg until he’d almost blown in his boxer shorts. That fine thread of restraint he was displaying was almost spectacularly snapped last night.

  “Are you jealous, Cleo?” he asked, leaning in close to her and sucking her lobe between his lips, his tongue flicking at the tender skin.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly as he moved further south, running his nose down her throat, inhaling the coconut and vanilla scent on her skin. His lips barely connected with the column of her neck, his breath fanning over her as he fought to rein in his lust. The hitch in her breath as he pressed an open mouthed kiss below her ear had his hands hiking the material of her fitted skirt up.

  “Zane,” Cleo moaned. “You can’t—“

  “Can’t what mi pétalo? Let me kiss you.” When Cleo’s grip on his waist tightened, Zane’s hips instinctually thrust forward, grinding his cock into the flat plane of her belly. Her gasp of desire obliterated that final thread of restraint. Falling to his knees, Zane’s fingers curled under Cleo’s skirt and he yanked it upwards revealing the rich purple satin and lace panties she was wearing. His fingertips found the thin elastic band that wrapped around her hips and he realized with another jolt to his cock that it was a thong. Damn, Cleo’s naughty side didn’t go completely into hiding when she was at work. Instead she covered it up, melding the two sides of herself flawlessly. Zane leaned forward brushing his nose over her mound and was immediately rewarded by Cleo’s soft moan. Her tangy fragrance filled his nostrils and a fresh wave of arousal hit him square in the gut.

  Hooking a finger into her thong, he looked up at Cleo waiting for her permission. Zane took it as given when she gave him the barest of nods under her heavily lidded gaze. Tugging her thong to the side, he admired her pussy for the barest of seconds before burying his face between her legs. He licked and nipped, worshiping her tender folds as she shook against him. He was ravenous, unable to get enough of her arousal. But Zane needed more, he needed to get closer to her. Nudging her legs further apart, he twisted his shoulders and pressed his face deeper into her core, until he could lick her from perineum to clit. Rubbing his finger around her opening, Cleo shuddered and hooked a leg over his shoulder. Rocking her hips she began to ride his face as he pressed a finger into her slick heat. Her pussy tightened, sucking him in as he found the textured surface of her g-spot. Zane brushed his finger gently over it as he slid in and out of her, hearing Cleo slam her head against the door as a mewling moan left her lips.

  Damn, she was hot. The noises she was making were driving him insane with lust. His cock needed to be freed, like yesterday. Reaching down with his other hand, he yanked open the button fly of his cargo pants, pulling his cock from inside his snug fitting boxer shorts. Little moans and panting cries filled the room as Zane continued to lash her with his tongue. He was almost lost in the moment, but not quite. Remembering where they were, Zane knew he needed to keep Cleo quiet but he couldn’t withdraw his mouth from her succulent pussy. Cleo’s boss could very easily be right on the other side of the door. There was no way he’d risk her. Reaching up with his free hand he intended to press his fingers against her lips to quieten her when she engulfed his index and middle fingers in the warm wetness of her mouth. Sucking and rolling her tongue over his digits, Zane groaned, feeling the loving caresses straight down to his balls. He wasn’t sure whether it was the vibration of his voice against her skin, or his renewed feasting on her that sent Cleo over the edge into a fierce orgasm. Her pussy rhythmically clamped down on his embedded finger as she frantically ground her clit against his mouth. She sucked hard on his fingers using her teeth to scrape their length as her tongue lashed him.

  Cleo’s ministrations pushed Zane over the edge too, his nuts drawing up tight against his body sending pearly white cum shooting from his freed cock against the door of the storeroom as wave after wave of bliss washed over him. Grunting with each pulse of his dick, Zane extended the life of Cleo’s orgasm, bringing her down gently from her high.

  The bell chose that moment to sound, snapping Cleo’s body upright and tearing apart the intimacy of their encounter.

  “Fuck.” Panic sounded in Cleo’s voice. “I have to get to my classroom.”

  By day Ann Grech lives in the corporate world and can be found sitting behind a desk typing away at reports and papers or lecturing to a room full of students. With her quirky glasses and shiny leather briefcase, she has the librarian look nailed. All laced up tight in her pencil skirts and killer heels, her students can only fantasise about what she gets up to in her spare time. If only they could see those tattoos! Oh, and those notepads of story ideas tucked away in odd places that would be sure to have them fanning themselves!

  By night she’s a wife and mum and a purveyor of saucy stories that are filled with lust, raunchy scenes and ultimately love. Ann’s an avid reader of anything sexy and firmly believes in
the motto ‘leave mummy alone, she’s reading or writing.’ Because of that, she is pretty hopeless when it comes to getting dinner on the table on time or cleaning the house.

  She also publishes her raunchier short stories under her pen name, Olive Hiscock.

  Ann loves chatting to people online, so if you’d like to keep up with what she’s up to:

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  One night stands series:

  One night in Daytona

  The Adversaries’ Trilogy:

  Adversaries’ Lust

  Adversaries’ Pain

  Adversaries’ Love

  Upcoming releases:


  One night in Daytona by Ann Grech


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