Nadya's Nights: Road to Vengeance

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Nadya's Nights: Road to Vengeance Page 14

by Indy McDaniel

  “Several,” he said. “The werewolf virus can be pretty tenacious. He should be out for a while. Once he wakes up, he’ll need a good meal and lots of water. Then it’ll be time for stage two.”

  She sighed, looking down at her boots. “I hope this works…”

  If it didn’t, she’d have put Ulbrecht through a whole lot of pain for nothing, which would make his fate really no better than if she’d left him with Vladimir. The only major difference was, at least this way there was a chance of curing him and keeping him alive.

  “I need a smoke.”

  “There’s a patio out back where you can do that,” Cyrus said, continuing to work on stage two of the cure.

  Nadya left the study and found the patio with relative ease. She shut the door behind her and pulled out her smokes, popping one between her lips and lighting it up. She took a long drag and looked up into the night sky.

  The pain meds started to kick in and her throbbing body parts ached a bit less. It had been a long night and it still wasn’t over yet. She’d managed to get Ulbrecht where he needed to be to get help, but there were still so many other things that could go wrong that she wasn’t feeling much relief at their arrival. Her nerves were still very much on edge.

  She felt a light breeze against her backside. She sensed more than just a gentle shift of the air was the cause. Reaching down into her waistband, she grabbed hold of her pistol and pulled it free, spinning around.

  As she brought the gun up, Remy grabbed hold of her wrist and twisted it. Nadya cried out and released the gun. It clattered to the stones below and discharged, firing a round harmlessly into the darkness. Remy grinned at her, showing off his fangs. She flicked her cigarette up into his face, nailing him right in one of his eyes. He released her and stumbled back, growling and wiping at his face.

  “Whore!” he snarled before backhanding her across the face and sending her slamming into the glass door leading back into the mansion. The glass shattered and Nadya fell through, gaining several cuts along the way. She laid half inside, half outside of the mansion, letting out a groan of pain.

  Cyrus came running when he heard the gunshot and caught sight of Remy grabbing hold of Nadya’s ankle and dragging her back out of the mansion. “Hey!” he yelled.

  Remy yanked Nadya to her feet and slammed his forehead into hers. Sharp pain streaked through Nadya’s head before darkness consumed her and she went limp in Remy’s arms. The vampire tossed her over his shoulder, flipped the approaching American the finger, and then darted into the darkness.

  Cyrus reached the broken door and jumped through it, chasing after Remy but by the time he made it into the backyard, he’d already lost sight of the vampire.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Past Horrors

  Forced into unconsciousness, Nadya’s mind became even easier to manipulate and that was just what Remy did.

  As her mind conjured up past events, she grew confused. Things seemed familiar but different. An odd sense of déjà vu mixed with a gut feeling that something wasn’t quite right. She didn’t know she was unconscious or that she’d been forced back into her memories.

  She found herself at the age of thirteen, standing in a shop. It didn’t look like a very good shop. The food being sold was stale and moldy, but Nadya’s gut rumbled with hunger. More than hunger. Starvation. She glanced back to the shopkeeper, seeing he wasn’t looking in her direction. She reached out and snagged a small loaf of bread, shoving it into her jacket.

  She turned and walked towards the exit, her heart pounding in her chest. Something told her to turn back, set the bread back down, and try looking somewhere else. Something told her this had all happened before and had ended very badly.

  But the ache in her gut argued louder. She kept walking.

  About three feet from the door, a large hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. She let out a cry and the rugged jacket she wore flew open, letting the bread she’d been attempting to steal drop to the ground and break in half.

  “Little bitch!” the shopkeeper exclaimed. “Little thieving bitch!”

  Nadya tried to back away from him, seeing the anger flooding through his face and wanting to get away from it. Her aching stomach shut up and now the parts of her mind that had been trying to warn her were screaming twice as loud to run.

  She turned for the door but the shopkeeper grabbed hold of her again. This time his fat fingers clenched around one of her unhealthily skinny arms. He tugged her back and she skidded along the floor, pain in her arm as he twisted it and flung her back into the shop.

  Nadya collided with a table filled with spoiling fruit. She dropped to the ground and a number of already bruised apples rained down on her. She scrambled to her feet, getting to her hands and knees before the shopkeeper slammed his foot into her gut. Her air rushed out of her and she fell flat on the ground, gasping for breath and – for several long moments – finding none. Her already pained stomach now hurt much worse in a different way.

  She heard the shopkeeper walking away from her then heard the door being locked. The part of her mind that told her this had happened before sighed in defeat and whispered to her that the worst was still to come.

  The scrawny Russian girl cried out as the shopkeeper grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair, tugging her up to her feet and dragging her towards the back of the shop. The keeper opened the door to the storage room and flung her through. Her back slammed against the wall and she let out a shriek before falling forward onto her hands and knees.

  The shopkeeper entered the storage room and pulled the door shut behind him, dousing the room in a murky darkness. He flicked the light on and approached the girl.

  “I’ll teach you to steal from me…” he snarled.

  Kicking her onto her back, he straddled her chest. His greater weight crushed the air from her lungs as he smacked her face back and forth. Nadya tried to squeeze her pinned arms out from her sides to block the blows but she couldn’t. Tears stung her eyes and streaked down her cheeks as they reddened from the smacks.

  Ending the blows, the shopkeeper reached down and knocked her shoddy jacket open, then grabbed hold of the neck of her dirty t-shirt and tore it open, revealing her small, pale breasts. Nadya squirmed harder as he rubbed them; her hunger totally forgotten as her stomach felt queasy.

  When the shopkeeper slid further down her body, she managed to get her hands free and beat against the man’s chest, trying to shove him away, but he weighed a great deal more than she did and as malnourished as she was, she just didn’t have the strength to fight him off.

  His hands grabbed hold of her jeans, which had been too big for her when she’d originally stolen them, and now that she weighed even less, only remained on her by the belt she’d managed to snag. The man unfastened the belt and yanked her pants down, revealing the thick patch of pubic hair between her legs.

  Nadya didn’t run around without underwear by choice, but it had been difficult to find any that fit her and weren’t completely disgusting. She wished she had worn some of the disgusting underwear she’d found; maybe they would have helped deter the shopkeeper from doing what he was about to do.

  She tried to kick at his round gut, but he snagged her foot and twisted it, making her cry out again. She watched through tear-filled eyes as he opened his pants up and she got her first look at a male sexual organ. It looked disgusting and she was thankful when he tilted his body forward, because it obscured her view of it.

  She was less thankful when he crawled back up her body. She decided she’d rather look at the disgusting thing for a year instead of what was about to happen. The man forced her thin thighs apart even though she tried to keep them firmly together.

  The part of her mind that told her this had happened before told her that she was stronger than this. She wasn’t really a starving, homeless girl.

  She was powerful.

  But she had trouble believing it in her current situation.

  As his penis dragged against the inside of her
thigh, she pleaded with him to just let her go. His response was to place a hand over her mouth – muffling her words – then thrust into her.

  Nadya’s body went tense and she let out a scream into the man’s palm. Blinding pain flooded through her at the rough penetration, followed closely by the tearing of her hymen. Fresh tears flooded from her eyes as he thrust in and out of her, scrapping her back against the rough floor.

  With his free hand, the man molested her breasts, pinching at her nipples. Nadya had known about sex for a while – as well as rape – and the differences between the two, but at that moment, things got blurred. All she could feel was pain and humiliation and she hoped the shopkeeper would just kill her; although that insistent part of her mind told her it wouldn’t happen.

  The keeper’s hot, stinky breath washed over her face as he grunted, making her feel even sicker. After what seemed like an eternity, but had actually been only a matter of minutes, the shopkeeper groaned and rammed once more into her. Nadya felt his sticky fluid enter her. The sick feeling grew even stronger inside her.

  Then the man was gone; out of her.

  She vaguely felt him grab hold of her hair and tug her up before taking hold of her under her arms and dragging her out of the storage room. Nadya’s mind started to shut down to block off the traumatizing events that had occurred, but was having a hard time of it. The shopkeeper carried her to the back of the store and opened the door that led out into the alley.

  “If I ever see you again, you’ll get more of the same,” he snarled then tossed her out into the alley.

  She landed on the ground and lay there, unmoving aside from the shallow rise and fall of her chest. Her clothes were disheveled and blood stained her thighs, but she didn’t have the strength to sit up and straighten herself out.

  Darkness crept into Nadya’s vision and she soon fainted.

  When she awoke again, it was six years later and she was a highly skilled assassin.

  A highly skilled assassin with a bad attitude.

  And as she tried to sit up in the dark room she found herself in, she discovered she was a highly skilled assassin with a bad attitude and a set of rusty manacles secured around her wrists and ankles.

  The unpleasant memory of her rape faded away as she surveyed the rather bleak situation she was currently in.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Torture Time

  Remy waited in the darkness of the room, watching his prey as she faded back into consciousness. He smirked cruelly; glad that the fun could now begin. He stepped forward out of the shadows and let her see him.

  Nadya’s eyes narrowed into a deadly glare; her fists clenched and pulled against the bonds holding her down. Remy stopped beside her and pulled a lever which caused the table she lay on to be lifted into a vertical position.

  “Pleasant dreams?” he asked. “Tuned in for the last few minutes. So traumatic.” He ran a finger along the side of her cheek.

  “Fuck off, cocksucker,” she snarled as she turned her head to snap her teeth down around his finger but he moved away too fast. He laughed and stepped away from her, moving over to a table set up in front of her. Nadya’s eyes moved over to it, noting all the tools lying on top.

  “Just so you know, after tonight, you’ll look back at that as a fond memory compared to what I’m going to do to you,” Remy said, picking up some metal shears. He moved back over to her and grabbed hold of her shirt, pulling it away from her. He brought the shears up to the bottom of her shirt and snipped it up the front to the neck. Cutting from the neck to the armholes of the shirt, he pulled it away, leaving her in her bra. He knelt down and yanked her boots off, tossing them aside, then sliced up the legs of her pants, pulling those away, too.

  “Poor, young Nadya. So ashamed of her body. When there’s really no need for it. Case in point…” He snipped through the straps of her bra and pulled it away from her. “Those are some marvelous tits.”

  Nadya tugged hard on her bindings, trying to break free and launch herself at him. “I’ll fucking rip your goddamn fangs out, you shit-sucking motherfucker!”

  Remy laughed at her verbal assault. “Such a rich, colorful character!”

  She glared at him as he turned his back on her and went over to the table of torture tools. He set the shears down and reached over to a small box. When he turned back around, he held up a pair of long needles. “I like my bitches with a few piercings, though.”

  He stepped back up to her, taking one of the needles in hand and turning it so the point aimed at her. She watched as he brought the needle closer, touching the tip of it against her nipple. Nadya clenched her jaw, trying to prepare herself for the pain.

  It wasn’t enough.

  As he pushed the needle into her nipple, spearing it and then pushing it deeper into her breast, her jaw clenched tighter. When he jabbed the second needle into her other nipple, her jaw opened and she let out a cry of pain. “You limp dicked swine fucker!” she screamed. Blood dripped from the small wounds, sliding down the lower curve of her breasts and trickling along her stomach.

  “Think,” Remy said, stepping back from her. “That’s just the beginning.”

  He grabbed hold of her by the face and slammed her head back into the table, dazing her. He quickly undid her bonds. She tried to force herself to move but she couldn’t get her body to react fast enough. Before she could start, her hands were being put into another pair of restraints.

  As she shook off the effects of the knock, she found herself standing in the room now, her arms stretched over her head and put into another pair of manacles. She felt the vampire strapping her feet into a similar pair bolted to the floor. Once she was secure, he moved back over to the table, which was now behind her. Nadya turned her head to try and see what he was up to but couldn’t get her head around far enough.

  The crack of a whip followed by the sting of the strike against her back caught Nadya completely off guard. She let out a shriek of pain. Another blow from the whip followed, lighting her back on fire with stinging agony.

  “I am gonna… fucking… kill you!” Nadya screamed through clenched teeth. “You motherfucker!”

  The warm wetness of her blood trickled down her back where the whip had broken her skin open. She swayed in the chains that held her, more and more of her weight being held up by them as the beating weakened her.

  After more than a dozen strikes with the whip, bloody welts covered Nadya’s back. Remy tossed the whip aside. He moved up behind her, touching his hands against her blood-splattered back, feeling the heat of her swollen skin. Nadya clenched her teeth as he touched her, trying to pull away from him. He lowered his head and extended his tongue, licking up some of her spilt blood.

  He licked his lips. “Mmm, you’re pretty tasty.”

  “Unchain me and fight fair,” Nadya shot back. “See just how fucking tasty I am, asshole…” She wasn’t exactly sure how well she’d manage in any kind of fight at the moment, but she was more than willing to give it a try.

  When Remy unshackled her the second time, she didn’t need to be dazed. The beating had weakened her enough that she didn’t have the strength to put up much of a struggle against him. Still, she gave it a try. His hands clamped down tightly around her wrists and tugged her back over to the table she’d originally been strapped to. She hissed in pain as her wounded back pressed against the wood of the table.

  Strapping her back down, Remy turned and bent down under the second table with all the tools on it. He came up with a car battery and some jumper cables. Nadya watched through half-lidded eyes as he set the contraption up, breathing heavily and trying to block out the pain in her back. “What’s the matter, asshole?” she muttered. “Leave your headlights on and kill the battery? Don’t worry, I’m sure I can find another car to drive up your ass before I fucking end you again.”

  Remy chuckled as he turned to her with the cables. “We’ll see…”

  As he clamped the cables to the tips of the needles protruding from her chest, Nady
a’s body came to life in jerks and twitches. She flailed wildly as the pain of the electric shocks hit her, her jaw snapping shut as she screamed through her clenched teeth. The needles stuck so deeply into her breasts heated up, scorching her.

  Her heart beat erratically, sent into an awkward rhythm. Remy left the cables attached to her for only about thirty seconds, but it was enough. She went limp when the shocks stopped, her body twitching sporadically on occasion as residual electricity flowed through her. She coughed hard, feeling her heart thudding against her chest. Her breasts throbbed, feeling every inch of the long needles that skewered them.

  “Probably shouldn’t have done that,” Remy said, setting the cables aside. “Almost lost you there. And there’s still so much more left to do to you.”

  Nadya could hear him shuffling things around on the table but couldn’t force her eyes to focus enough to see what he was doing. Part of her didn’t want to see. She was too tired to throw any more insults his way.


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