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The Arrogant Genius: The Lost Planet Series, Book Eight

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by Webster, K

  The Arrogant Genius

  Copyright © 2020 K Webster & Nicole Blanchard

  Cover Design: IndieSage

  Editor: Emily Lawrence

  Formatting: IndieSage

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  About The Arrogant Genius

  The Lost Planet Series Note


  1. Zoe

  2. Avrell

  3. Zoe

  4. Avrell

  5. Zoe

  6. Avrell

  7. Zoe

  8. Avrell

  9. Zoe

  10. Avrell

  11. Zoe

  12. Avrell

  13. Zoe

  14. Avrell


  Join The Faction

  About K Webster

  About Nicole Blanchard

  About The Arrogant Genius

  It should have been simple…

  Work together, find the cure. Save our people.

  Except nothing with these aliens is simple.

  Especially not an alien like him: Dr. Avrell Dracarion.

  Rude. Arrogant. Ripped.

  He treats me like a child, but he certainly doesn’t look at me like one.

  Beneath those filed down fangs and carefully manicured claws, there’s a beast lurking, waiting to claim me as his mate.

  I won’t be claimed by anyone, least of all a jerk like him.

  Need to catch up?

  Start the Series

  The Lost Planet Series Note

  In the beginning, there were many who survived the initial blasts of radiation and the resulting catastrophic environmental disturbances. The morts, the only inhabitants of Mortuus, The Lost Planet, ever changed from the effects of the radiation, learned to adapt and, more importantly, to survive. In doing so, they became highly skilled and intelligent, capable of surviving even the worst conditions.

  The planet was dangerous and life wasn’t easy, but the morts had each other and that was all that mattered. They flourished in the protective shell of an abandoned building they converted into living quarters. Morts were given jobs, trained from birth in order to pass knowledge from generation to generation. Eventually, the morts hoped to extend the facility and conquer the wild, untamable outdoors.

  Then, disaster struck.

  The Rades, a disease contracted from complications of the radiation, began to infect increasing numbers of their population. First, there was fever, followed by sores, then finally madness and, inevitably, death. Quarantining the infected helped, but by then it was too late. Women, children, and the elderly, were the first to go. One by one, morts caught The Rades and died. Whole families wiped away.

  Until only ten males remained.

  Salvation came years later when the morts discovered a ship filled with aliens—female aliens. Knowing it was their only chance at survival, they snuck on a passing ship and brought five females home to study—and to breed.

  Now, everything is different.

  More females have been discovered, having taken over a prison far away from the Facility. They conquered their alien leaders and managed to steal their freedom. Then, disaster struck.

  The Rades returned. The aliens who used to inhabit Mortuus vow to come back and annihilate the morts, take everything they’ve worked so hard for.

  The only hope is a cure.

  Their only wish is to survive.

  As an attack looms, they have to be ready to fight…or risk losing everything.



  Exilium, Many Solars Ago

  They are doing nothing to prevent the spread of The Rades. Rekking nothing. It’s a shock that everyone here hasn’t caught it. Perhaps they have but aren’t presenting symptoms. There’s so much to explore now that I’m here.

  Several females watch me warily as I pass by. I’ve decided to remain suited at all times until I can create a sterile environment that is contagion free. It’ll be impossible for me to treat the sick if I fall ill too.

  I’m mentally making lists.

  Lists and lists.

  The ill. The recovered. The seemingly immune.

  I’ll need lists for all three.

  Supplies. Locations. Medications and tools.

  Lists for those too.

  So much to put into order before I can even begin. But I don’t have lots of time to spare. This illness moves quickly and is quite vicious. I’ll need to utilize some of the aliens here to assist, as well as put Theron and Hadrian to work. Everyone who is capable will have a role in aiding me in my efforts to eradicate this disease.

  Finding an inoculation that prevents anyone else from catching The Rades is of utmost importance. There are mortlings being brought into this world, and they’ll be sent to The Eternals if we’re not aggressive in combating this illness.

  By the time I reach their poor excuse of a Medical Bay, I’ve mentally made many lists. All of which I will begin divvying out duties to both morts and humans as soon as we all meet. For now, I need to see the doctor in charge.

  Irritation is already clawing at me the moment I see her dark hair. She’s facing away from me as she bends over a bed, caring for one of the sick. One sweep of the Medical Bay, and I find it sorely lacking in all areas. I’m thankful I brought my own supplies so I can jump right into what I need to do.

  But first, I must deal with her.


  The most obnoxious female on this rekking planet.

  My nemesis.

  I won’t even acknowledge the fact that I find her incredibly attractive. I’m a male. She’s a female. We don’t see too many of them, so it’s natural for me to feel that way. If she kept her lips pressed together, I could tolerate her.

  But she can’t.



  The moment she opens her mouth, I’m ready to throttle her. I swear, the woman lives to torment me. Argues with everything I say. Challenges my every word. It’s maddening.

  And over the comms, when she’s had enough, she just shuts off the channel. Now that I’m here, she can’t turn me off. I won’t go away. She’ll learn that quickly.

  “I’ll need a full report on the sick. It’d be beneficial if you could categorize each patient based on their stage of the disease,” I bark out. “Now, female.”

  She whips around, her dark, wavy hair flying around her like the violent winds of a geostorm. Light gray eyes almost glow like a magnastrike, ready to split the earth where I stand if she were capable. For such a small thing, she radiates power. So. Much. Power.

  “Here to save the day, Doc?” she sneers, her lips curling up into a wicked smirk.

  I should be irritated by her taunting words, but my cock does a jump in my suit, seemingly pleased at how pretty her lips are.

  And they are pretty.


  I bet they taste sweet too.


  “Someone must,�
� I say, walking past her to observe the female in the bed who is pale and shivering. “How has your cure worked, hmm?”

  “It’s coming along,” she lies.

  I regard her, loving the way she shakes with anger. She’d been upset when I’d gone off on her for testing on herself. It’s surprising she never contracted the illness, but she doesn’t have the wherewithal to turn that information into something useful. Like an inoculation. That’s where I come in.

  “I’ll need eight vials of your blood. Now. I’ll also need a sample of that patient’s blood. Once I have a proper list of all the infected, I’ll—”

  “Slow your roll, asshole,” she growls. “This is my hospital. My rules. My patients. You came here to find a cure, but I won’t have you taking over. I’ve worked hard to help these people.”

  “Shush, woman.”

  She does shush at my barked order.

  Her pink, pouty lips part for a moment, and lovely silence fills the air. Who knew those words would actually work on this female? I begin making another list—one for Zoe—when a screeching surges past her lips. Her face turns from red to purple. And then she’s charging like a starved sabrevipe and I’m a rogcow.

  She’s mad.

  The Rades have finally overtaken her.


  She flings one of her useless fists at me. It glances off my hard chest and she groans before shaking out her hand. Her beautiful face contorts into a pained expression.

  “That fucking hurt!”

  “Then why’d you do it?”

  She screeches again. “Because you told me to shut the fuck up!”

  “Less words, but same intention, I agree. I don’t understand why you chose to hurt yourself over it, though.”

  Her mouth is once again silenced at my words. Words I know will rile her up, yet I say them anyway. Truth is, I know I’m on borrowed time, but I find great satisfaction in poking at her. It’s one thing for her to run her mouth from over a screen. It’s a whole other in my presence.

  “You’re fucking with me.” Her dark eyebrow hikes up her face. Eyebrows aren’t supposed to be lovely, but I do admit hers are quite eye-catching.

  “Perhaps.” I smile at her with my friendliest one I give my patients.

  This seems to infuriate her more.

  “Oh, fuck no. You can’t act all agreeable but have that evil gleam in your eyes. I see you, Doc. You’re a real Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, aren’t you? I bet you’re a sadist who secretly loves seeing his patients in pain.”

  I stalk over to her, gripping her delicate jaw with my gloved hand. Gently, I squeeze her flesh and tilt her nog up. Her breath hitches and her nostrils flare.

  “I only want my patients healed and healthy. Don’t ever presume you know how I feel, stormy one.”

  She glowers at me, trying to push me away to no avail. I’m stronger than her. I’m in charge now. She’ll soon learn.

  “However,” I say lowly so the patient on the bed doesn’t overhear. “I won’t think twice about dealing with your unruliness like my father once did me.”

  Her gray eyes burn with intensity. She tries to growl out some words, but my grip tightens, effectively shushing her.

  “I’m not sure how things were done on your wretched Earth II, but here, we pull the naughty one over our knee and take a firm hand to their rump.” I flash her my polite, doctor smile. “I won’t think twice about doing the same for you.”

  I release her and start backing away.

  “You motherfucker,” she hisses. “You ever touch me again and I’ll cut your balls off!”

  “Put it on the list,” I tell her in a bored tone. “We have more pressing issues.”

  “Everything okay in here?” Hadrian asks from behind me.

  “No!” Zoe snaps as I say, “Perfectly fine.”

  Hadrian’s retreating footsteps can be heard as he leaves me to face off with the woman with electric fire in her eyes.

  “Where were we?” I ask. “Oh, that’s right. You were to get a tablet and start taking notes, female. Time is of the essence.”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  I drag my gaze over her small form. Nice, bouncy breasts. Slightly flared hips. Slender legs. Everything about her is so lovely. Besides her vicious tongue, she’s seemingly harmless.

  “Hmm,” I say, not convinced. “I’d rather you not. I have work to do. Work I’ll need your assistance with.”

  She marches up to me and pokes me right in the gut. “We’re co-workers. I’m not your nurse or your assistant or your fucking pee-on. Your equal and you’re lucky I’m giving you that. You want things done then you can run it through me first. I’ll be damned if you come in here and take over like the arrogant douchebag you are!” She pokes me again. “And you will never spank me. Got it, Doc? Never.”

  “Hmm.” I walk past her and start rifling through a drawer to see what sort of supplies are in this room.

  “Hmm? Is that what you say when you’re done talking?” She huffs. “I’m not done, asshole.”

  “I don’t have time to argue with you, woman. I need a workspace. I need supplies. I need a system. I need rekking lists.”

  The patient on the table starts coughing. I watch Zoe transform from violent storm to delicate breeze as she rushes over to the table, fussing over the patient with care. Her smile is genuine as she tells the woman it’s going to be okay. That the doctor has come to save her.

  She’s talking about me.

  Zoe may hate me with every fiber of her being, but she can’t hide hope. I hear it in those few words. Latch onto them. Use them to fuel me forward and give me strength.

  I walk over to Zoe and gently place my gloved palm on her back as I greet the patient.

  “I’m Avrell,” I tell her. “We’re going to heal you. Together.”

  Zoe stiffens under my touch, but she doesn’t move away. I like that my fingertips seem to buzz with a current of power that pulses from this small woman, linking her to me. It’s unusual and fascinating. It makes me want to ponder this connection for hours, trying to understand every facet of it.

  If only there were more time.

  “Hang in there, Eleanor,” Zoe says, her voice gentle and soothing.

  “Try and rest,” I say to Eleanor and then guide Zoe away from the table.

  She steps away from me, crossing her arms over her chest. Her cheeks are slightly pink and she won’t look at me.

  Did she like my touch?

  I think I might make a list so I can understand her like I’m trying to understand the disease and how to cure it. I’m ticking off all the things that make up Zoe in my nog. All the things I know she is.


  Strong in spirit.

  Breathtaking to look at.



  Supple lips.


  Flashes of vulnerability beneath her hard exterior.

  Easy to rile up.


  “Are you even listening to me?” she demands, her gray eyes blazing with fury.

  I’ve been watching her full lips move and move, but I’m stuck on one thing about her that I suddenly can’t begin to understand.





  But she is. I suddenly feel it clenching around my heart. Tight. So tight. Unrelenting. Suffocating. Maddening.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  “I’m sorry,” I utter, unable to tear my gaze from her lips. “I wasn’t listening to a single word you were saying.”

  “Oh my God. Typical man. Unbelievable.” She lets out a derisive snort. “I think you may be worse than Theron.”


  A manchild, as Molly always says.

  “Hmmm,” I grumble, flinging open a cabinet to check the supplies there too.

  “I said,” she grits out, annoyed at my dismissal. “Go find Hadrian and he’ll show you to your room. You can make your dumb lists
to your heart’s content and then we can reconvene later.”

  “I’ll rest later,” I tell her absently. “Assessing the state of this Medical Bay and getting started is my priority.”

  She pops up between me and the cabinet, thrusting a tablet into my chest. There’s not much room between us, and when she attempts to push me back, my body remains still.

  The current.

  It pulsates once more between us.

  Need. Need. Need.


  I drag my gaze from her delicate hand, along her thin arm, along the column of her throat, and back to her lips. She licks them, making my cock jolt like it’s been struck by a magnastrike.

  “Zoe,” I hiss, glaring right into her gray eyes now.

  Her lovely eyebrows are knitted together, confusion flickering in her eyes. “What kind of weird voodoo magic have you got going on right now? You’re weirding me the fuck out, man.”

  Ahh, so my mate feels it too.

  And yet she doesn’t pull her hand away from me.


  I grip her fragile wrist in my gloved hand and pull it away from me. I pluck the tablet from her hand but don’t let go of her wrist. She gasps when I step forward, crowding her.

  “What is this voodoo magic you speak of?” I murmur, bringing her wrist to my face so I can watch the vein beneath the skin pulsate erratically. “I don’t know these words.”

  “It means you touching me fucks with my head. I hate you, dude bro. You’re an arrogant asshole.”

  And yet…

  I flash her a knowing grin as I push a button on the tablet. “We’ll put this on the list as well.”


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