The Arrogant Genius: The Lost Planet Series, Book Eight

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The Arrogant Genius: The Lost Planet Series, Book Eight Page 5

by Webster, K

  I hold my tongue. She wouldn’t lie about her capabilities. Not when it could mean one of us could be hurt. We help each other into our zu-gear and shoulder our rucksacks.

  “What’s the plan?” Julie asks.

  “Avrell believes ingesting raw meat from one of those rabid wolves may be the cure he needs.”

  “Ew,” she says, pulling a face. “Why in the hell would he want to do that?”

  “Well, you saw those other…alien things. They ate the meat raw. They aren’t infected with The Rades. Avrell thinks there may be antibodies of some sort in the raw meat that will cure him and the others.”

  Julie doesn’t look convinced. “He’s the genius, I guess. I’m just glad to be out of that room. Do you think we’ll be able to track one of those bastards down?”

  We’ll have to. “We saw one of them run into the tunnels underneath the prison. We’ll start there and see if we can hunt it down. You’ve got a zonnoblaster, keep it with you. There’s also a knife in the front pocket of your rucksack.”

  “Excellent,” she says, sounding almost enthused. I guess I would be too if I’d been stuck in bed for days on end.

  I haven’t been down in the tunnels since the guard first escaped and kidnapped Willow. We’d come so close to losing her I’d vowed to never go down there again. The tunnels are dark and dank. A cold chill seeps through and coats my skin, despite my zu-gear. Every time we turn around a corner, I expect to come face-to-face with another one of those monsters.

  Julie holds her zonnoblaster up in front of her like she’s a pro, efficiently scanning each tunnel with the flashlight we affixed to the top before signaling me to go forward. It’s like she has no fear.

  “So, what’s your story?” she asks when we’ve cleared the last of the shorter tunnels and reach the long one that will bring us to the outdoor access.

  I shrug. “No story, really. Same as everyone else, I guess.”

  “C’mon. We may be eaten alive by alien monsters. The least you could do is give me the juice. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” She sends me a teasing look behind her mask.

  I’ve never told anyone about the circumstances behind my sentencing to Exilium, never dared. I didn’t want them to think any less of me. We all had reasons for being sent to the prison and not all of them were good ones. Most of the women couldn’t help their circumstances, but I could. Maybe I’m a monster, too.

  “Well, you know I was a nurse on Earth II?” I say as more of a question. At her nod, I continue. “I worked on the terminal illness ward. The place where they send everyone who isn’t important enough or wealthy enough to afford a cure for their illnesses.”

  “I’ve heard of those,” Julie says. She’s not teasing anymore. Her voice is somber over the communicator in my ear.

  “It’s part of why I volunteered to work with the infected here. It’s all I’ve been doing since I could work. No one else wanted the job and my parents needed the money.”

  We pause at a sound coming from the shadows at the end of the tunnel. A moment stretches into eternity and when the only sound I hear is the heartbeat in my ears, Julie signals me forward.

  “Anyway, I helped the doctors care for the patients. We didn’t have degrees or any other training than what we learned on the go—the hospital administration didn’t care about the patients in the terminal ward. They were dying anyway, so why waste the good nurses on them?”

  “Assholes,” Julie mutters.

  “I agree. These people were suffering. They were never given the proper care or even a basic level of pain management. Working there was some of the darkest days of my life. People young and old, men and women. They’d beg me to end their pain.” My voice falters and I swallow hard to regain control. “You see, the hospital received a grant from the government for the people on the terminal ward to help pay for their care. Except the money didn’t ever go to the patients.”

  “Naturally,” Julie growls.

  It’s an unfortunate truth that the wealthy are the only people who matter on Earth II, those who can afford to pay exorbitant prices for health care, amenities, and education. Everyone else merely serves to support their wealthy counterparts’ lifestyle. We’re a means to an end.

  “So I would take care of these people who led the worst kind of existence. Eventually, my parents were killed, and I had nothing left to live for. I felt like the patients I was looking after…like I was on the long, slow march to death. But it was the children who had it worst of all. I couldn’t take watching them suffer.

  “One day, I snuck to the pharmacy where they kept the narcotics. I managed to steal enough for every patient in the terminal ward.” My voice drones on, robotic. I tell the story as though I’m viewing it from someone else’s point of view. “I gave them all a fatal dose. There were about twenty patients total. I sat with them until they quickly died. Then, I turned myself in.”

  Julie is quiet for a long time.

  I don’t blame her.

  I don’t think what I did was right. I killed twenty people. Men, women, and children. No one has the right to play God with anyone else’s life. But I have to believe that killing them was better than watching them suffer in pain for years in some cases while the hospital got rich off their misery.

  “That’s some juice,” Julie says faintly.

  “You asked for it. Now it’s your turn,” I add quickly, wanting to get the stain of the memory off my mind. “Why were you sent to Exilium?”

  Before she can answer, a blood-curdling howl pierces the shadows around us. I fumble for my zonnoblaster and stick close behind Julie, already trembling at the thought of seeing one of those things again.

  But I have to do it for Avrell. If he’s right, this cure could save us all.

  Julie’s flashlight cuts through the darkness, but only barely. I twist this way and that, trying to see through the gloom to spot the monster before he finds us.

  “Keep close to me. If you see it, shoot it. Don’t hesitate. If he charges, run like the motherfucking wind and don’t look back.”

  “What about you?” I ask.

  “I’m going to do the same, don’t you worry.” She pauses, holding up her free hand. “Did you hear that?” she asks.

  I tilt my head and listen closely. The amplified sound of snorting and claws pawing at the ground filters through my suit’s headphones. The beast is near.

  Julie mimes for me to be quiet as we inch closer to the hatch that leads to the outdoors. Her light flashes over the ground and I stop her with a hand on her arm. There are tracks the size of lions leading from the hatch into the shadows.

  My palms begin to sweat inside my minnasuit. We alter our path to follow the tracks. Every sliver of darkness feels like it’s the monster about to leap out and attack, every sound rattles me to the bone. Julie stalks forward like a marauder, however, and I cling close to her side so as not to get left behind. Being lost in these pitch-black tunnels with a monster on my tail isn’t a scenario I’d like to spend much time thinking about.

  The howl comes again, this time closer. The sound licks down the length of my spine and curdles in the pit of my stomach. There are side rooms off this tunnel. It must be in one of them, watching, waiting. Looking for something to eat, somewhere to hide away from the aliens that had been chasing it.

  It could have come into the prison like the first one had. Come in and eaten any one of us if it caught us unawares.

  We can’t let that happen.

  I won’t let it happen.

  I tap Julie on the shoulder and motion that we should split up and search the side rooms. Being the badass that she is, she doesn’t question me and nods, taking the rooms on the left side. I take a deep, steadying breath, but it doesn’t soothe my nerves.

  The first room holds equipment of some sort and is small enough for me to flash my light over its contents and move on to the next. This one is bigger, requiring that I go inside and peer around giant stacks of boxes to make sure it isn’t hi
ding behind one of them. I’ve cleared half the room when I hear it.

  The snuffling, grunting sound.

  The beast.

  It’s in the room with me.

  My heart drops to my feet and I consider running. Running and running until my legs give out from exhaustion, but I hold firm. This is for Avrell and the others. They deserve to live. I have to do this for them.

  I thought he was silly calling me his mate. He barely knows me and when he was healthy, he could hardly stand to be in the same room with me and vice versa. But maybe he wasn’t.

  Maybe, he was meant for me.

  And I for him.

  I only want the chance to find out.

  Gritting my teeth, I continue my survey of the room, going from stack to stack, my heart tripping each time. Then, there’s a howl. One that is so close, I can smell its fetid scent through my suit. Sweat and rotting meat.

  It’s on the other side of the stack. I can hear it grunting and clawing at the ground again. I’ll only have one chance to make a shot and I can’t miss.

  I have to do this.

  For Avrell.



  Three Solars Until Kevins Arrive…

  They’ve been gone a long time. So long it makes me wonder if they’ll even return. Did they perish? Did the creatures kill them? Pain lances through me at that thought. Losing Zoe would mean the end for me. If I can’t have her, what’s the point of living?

  I try to move from the bed, but I’m too weak. It’s imperative that I make it to the control room to view the cameras. But I don’t know that I could bear seeing her unmoving form on the screen. If I saw a beast feeding on her, I’d take a blade to my throat because it would be my fault.

  I sent her away.

  I did this.

  My body aches, but I don’t think it’s from The Rades. It’s from the prospect of losing my mate. I’m absolutely certain she’s mine. There’s no way she can’t be. I feel it in my bones. The way it pulses through my heart. How it rattles inside my nog.


  And my mate isn’t a precious thing.

  She’s fiery and volatile and tougher than zutametal.

  Zoe isn’t the type to let herself get killed easily. She’ll come back to me. Her mission will be a success. I absolutely know this.

  Still, as time passes, I begin to worry. I grow weaker and weaker, each moment less lucid than the last. My strength bleeds from me, soaking the bed below me in perspiration.

  Come back to me, stormy one. Be my mate. Let me love you. I want to father your young. We can be happy.

  Tears of loss leak from my eyes. Time passes too quickly and too quietly. I’m going to die without her. I’ll enter The Eternals alone, forced to spend eternity with a gaping hole of loneliness inside me.

  Black eats away at my vision, drawing me deep into unconsciousness. At least there, she’s alive and well. I happily chase her into the dark.

  * * *

  “Don’t let it get in!”

  I kiss her plump lips, eagerly shredding her minnasuit from her body, my cock hard and aching.

  “Hurry, block that door!”

  Her blunt nails dig into my bare shoulders, scraping me as she draws me nearer.

  “He went that way. Run!”

  My mate with her stormy eyes and ornery smirk tugs at my hair and moans my name. Avrell. Avrell. Mine.

  “Shit! Watch out!”

  I touch her full breast, eager to watch it grow as her stomach swells with my child.

  “Be careful, Zoe.”

  She cries out when I pinch her nipple and bite at her lip.

  “Behind you!”

  Zoe pleads for me to push my cock inside her tight, waiting body. Begs. Practically cries for it.

  “Blast him!”

  I tease her slick cunt with the crown of my cock. Slowly, I enter her hot depths, shuddering with pleasure.


  She whimpers and touches her clit, but I grab her wrist, pinning her to the bed. Her face twists into a furious scowl. I laugh because she’s adorable when she’s angry. Always has been.

  “Cut him open.”

  I rock my hips at a slow pace to tease her. It works her up into a frenzy. Eventually, I put her out of her misery, reaching down to toy with her clit.

  “Yes, I need more of that. A bloody piece.”

  She cries out when her pleasure overtakes her, clenching around my cock.

  “I’m going to check on him. You deal with…that.”

  I’m unable to hold back any longer, filling her with my potent seed. I just know I’ve made her pregnant. I just know it.

  “Seriously? I’ve been out there for damn near twenty-four hours chasing a goddamn wolf for your ass—one that managed to slip inside the prison and wreak havoc—and you’re in here rubbing one out?”

  A hand smacks at mine, forcing me to blink my eyes open, chasing away my vivid dreams. The reality of seeing Zoe in the flesh, though, makes it all worth it. Her dark hair is messy and wild, but hope and triumph gleam in her eyes.

  “I was at the good part,” I grumble. “I was about to immobilize you with my toxica. No talking or moving while I kiss you all over.”

  Zoe rolls her eyes. “Sounds horrifying if we’re being honest.”

  “You sure didn’t complain when you came hard around my big cock.”

  “Avrell,” she hisses, her cheeks turning a pretty pink. “That was a sex dream. It’s not happening.”

  I reach a shaky hand to touch her face. “Oh, but it will, mate. As soon as I’m well enough, I’ll take good care of you.”

  “You’re burning up hot,” she groans. “At this rate, you’ll never get the chance. Here.” She holds up a dripping green hunk of raw meat. “Eat this and then maybe you’ll get your shot to do something with that thing.”

  The thing in question is my cock that’s tenting the sheets. At some point during my feverish dreams, I stripped out of my clothes. It makes me wonder if Zoe covered me. Did she see my cock? Did she like it?

  I open my mouth to ask her those questions, but the woman shoves a rancid piece of meat into it. A hiss escapes me, disgusted over the pungent flavor. My cruel mate covers my lips with her palm.

  “Chew it up, Doc, or I’ll be forced to hold your nose and make you swallow it whole.” Her gray eyes flash brilliantly. “I know I didn’t just stalk that thing all over this damn prison to have my efforts wasted by your picky taste buds.”

  I snarl at her but begrudgingly chew on the meat. Once I swallow it down, she shoves another piece into my mouth. She manages to get a few more pieces into me before my stomach begins to roil violently. A howl of pain sears through me and I clutch my stomach.

  All I see are her terrified eyes before I snap mine closed, blacking out from the pain.

  * * *

  “…and I sat on the roof, staring up at the stars wondering if there was anything out there waiting for me.”

  I inhale her sweet scent even though I can’t open my eyes.

  “Had I known it was you, I would’ve flipped the sky off right then,” she teases, her voice a little teary. “But I suppose I do like the banter between us. Keeps it interesting.”

  Fingers stroke through my hair, caressing my scalp. A rumble escapes me as I bask in the lovely sensation.

  “Wake up for me, Av,” Zoe pleads. “You need to eat more meat before it goes bad. You’ve been out for hours.”

  I don’t want to eat any more of that meat. My stomach clenches at the reminder.

  “I just want to eat my mate,” I murmur. “Mmm.”

  “Typical male,” she grumbles, but I hear the relief in her voice. “You’re going to eat more meat and then we’ll negotiate the rest.”

  Her finger begins drawing shapes over my bare chest. My cock awakens, eager for my mate’s touch. A small laugh escapes her. I realize she’s climbed into the bed with me, her body curled around my own. If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake from it. Her
finger trails lower and lower, teasing me.

  “Climb on, mate,” I murmur.

  “No, crazy ass. You’ll die.”

  “Happily.” I smile, wishing I could open my eyes. “Maybe even impregnate you on my way to The Eternals. Take good care of our son.”

  She smacks me on the chest. “No, you idiot. You’re going to live. I’m not taking care of our kid all by myself.”

  “So you admit you’re my mate.” My dick twitches. “Mine, stormy one.”

  “I admit nothing,” she sasses. “All I know is I’m not doing the single mom gig for our hypothetical child. You’re going to stay alive and annoy me until the end of time. That’s the deal. I won’t negotiate.”

  “When I’m well, I’m going to pin you down and lick you until you go mad with pleasure.”

  “We’ll see about that.”


  “Arrogant ass.”

  “Beautiful, mean mate.”

  Warm lips brush against mine. I open my mouth, greedy for more. She surprises me by kissing me with her sweet tongue. A groan of need rumbles from my chest. It’s difficult, but I manage to pry my eyes open to look at her. Her dark hair curtains around us and her eyes are closed as she kisses me sweetly.

  “I don’t want to die without knowing your touch,” I murmur.

  She pulls back, frowning at me. I expect her to argue like usual, but instead, she nods. Her lips fuse against mine once more as her hand slides down my torso. I stop breathing when her small hand wraps around my cock.

  “Like this?” she whispers, a teasing lilt to her voice.

  “Mmm,” I rumble. “Just like that.”

  My breathing grows ragged as she strokes me up and down. It feels far better than any time I’ve done it myself. I’m once again enamored by my mate, growing more addicted to her with each passing moment.

  “Are you going to eat more raw meat after this?” she purrs.

  “Anything you want, mate.”

  “You have to call me the head doctor.” She laughs against my lips. “From now on, you’ll refer to me as the queen, too.”


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