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Cameron 2

Page 13

by Jade Jones

  Tiffany stood to her feet, wiped the residue off her nose, and then sauntered over to two guys. They both stood at the foot of the queen size bed. Their jeans were down around their ankles as they waited impatiently for Tiffany ‘service’ them. The next thing I saw shocked the hell out of me!

  Tiffany walked over to the guys and dropped to her knees. Taking the Pharrell look-a-like’s dick in her mouth, she grabbed his homie’s dick in her hand and proceeded to jack it off.

  What the fuck is going on!

  Tiffany’s head bobbed up and down the length of one dick, while she beat the other one, rotating between the two every few seconds.

  “I told you this bitch go hard in the paint,” the Pharrell look-a-like told his homie.

  I couldn’t even watch this shit any longer. I slowly turned around…

  Chapter 21

  The constant sounds of a mattress creaking woke me up…When I finally opened my eyes I was facing the dirty, stained carpet of an unfamiliar bedroom. Loud rap music was playing in the background but it didn’t muffle the sound of the bed squeaking.

  I was lying on my stomach, practically hanging off the edge of the bed…someone was on top of me…

  Tears slipped from my eyes and landed on the dirty carpet when I finally realized what was going on. I quickly tried to get up—the cold steel barrel of a gun instantly connected with the back of my head.

  He cocked the hammer. “Don’t even think about it, bitch,” a familiar voice said.

  More tears slipped from my eyes after I realized I had no choice but to allow Lamont to finish his business.

  Why is this crazy shit always happening to me, I thought. I can never catch a fucking break!

  I resumed looking at the dirty carpet trying to imagine myself in a different place during a different time…Suddenly I noticed a cap-less office pen lying on the floor a few inches from the bed.

  “Damn, you got some good shit,” he groaned as he pumped in and out of me from behind. He removed the gun from the back of my head and placed it on the bed beside him.

  Here’s my chance!

  I slowly reached down, careful not to alert Lamont of my intentions. The last thing I wanted was for him to grab the gun again. I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot to me.

  “This dick feel good? Huh?” he asked. “Mmm…got damn, girl!”

  I reached as far as I could in an attempt to retrieve the pen. My fingers brushed it a little, pushing it a centimeter or so further away from my grasp.

  Shit! Come on, I coached myself. Please!

  I stretched my arm muscle as far as it could expand—The minute I grabbed the pen, I reached around and jammed it into Lamont’s shoulder blade!

  “Aaahhh! Fuck!” he screamed in pain. He fell backwards and gripped the end of the pen that wasn’t lodged deep inside him. “You fuckin’ stabbed me?!” He screamed in shock.

  I quickly jumped out the bed. With only a shirt and my panties on, I darted out of the bedroom!

  “You fuckin’ bitch!” Lamont yelled after me.

  People were still dancing and partying, completely oblivious to what was going on in the bedroom…or maybe they just didn’t care. I shoved people out my way as I made my way to the front of the house. I felt someone running after me, but I was too scared to turn and look!

  When I finally made it outside, I noticed Tiffany standing on the porch smoking a blunt. “Cameron? What the—”

  Pow! Pow! Pow!


  People screamed and ducked at the sudden sound of bullets tearing through the night air!

  Tiffany and I ran towards my truck which was parked across the street from the house. People were running in every which direction outside trying to avoid the possibility of becoming a victim.

  This motherfucker is crazy!

  Pow! Pow!

  A sharp pain shot through the back of my leg and I fell onto the wet ground, landing right on my stomach! “He shot me!” I screamed in panic. “He shot me!”

  With trembling fingers I grabbed my bloody leg. The bullet had only grazed my calf muscle, but my leg still hurt like hell.

  “Cam, get up! Come on!” Tiffany screamed. She quickly helped me to my feet. “We gotta get the fuck out of here!”

  I looked over my shoulder and noticed Lamont leaning against the door frame with his gun aimed directly at us!

  Mustering up what little strength I had left, I ran to the side of the truck and climbed into the passenger seat. Tiffany wasted no time as she hopped into the driver seat and started the truck up.


  “Aaahhhhh!” Tiffany and I screamed in unison after the back window had been shot out.

  Tiffany quickly peeled off, barely escaping the chaos. We were this close to dying! I was actually shocked and surprised that I was not dead.

  Tiffany didn’t stop speeding until we had no choice but to stop at a red light—which was a few blocks from the party we had just left.

  “Shit,” I cursed. My leg was on fire. I couldn’t believe that crazy motherfucker had actually shot me! “Why would you bring me to this fuckin’ party, Tiffany?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  Tiffany’s entire body trembled as she turned to face. Tears were running down her cheeks. “I…I didn’t know—”

  “Why would you let him do that to me?!” I screamed. “Where were you?!” The salty taste of I quickly wiped it away but I didn’t stop blaming Tiffany for everything that had happened tonight. “This is all your fuckin’ fault!” I screamed.

  “Cameron, I’m sorry!”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. “How could you let this happen?! You were too busy bein’ a nasty lil’ bitch that you didn’t know or care about what was happening to me!” I was livid. “And that drink, bitch! You gave me that drink!” I didn’t know what came over me but I suddenly snapped. “You bitch, I’m so sick of you!” I yelled, punching and hitting Tiffany in every part of her body that I could reach.

  “Cameron! Cameron, stop!” Tiffany cried.

  “What did you do to my drink, bitch?!” I screamed punching Tiffany repeatedly in the head.

  She held her hands up in an attempt to block my blows but the assault didn’t cease.

  “Cameron, please! Stop!” she screamed. “You’re bleeding, Cameron! Stop! You’re bleeding! You’re bleeding between your legs!”

  I suddenly stopped attacking her long enough to notice the small pool of dark red blood forming beneath me. “Oh my God!” I gasped.

  “I’m taking you to the hospital, Cameron,” Tiffany said quietly as she continued to drive. She didn’t bother to wipe away the blood that was now trickling from her busted lip.

  “After you do that,” I said in tears. “I want you to get your shit…and get the hell out of my house. I never want to see you again.”

  Tiffany was silent as she drove us to our destination.


  I had suffered from a miscarriage after falling onto the ground. Words couldn’t express how saddened I was by the loss. I didn’t even know how I would break the news to Jude. The crazy thing was, after I was informed that I had lost the baby, I realized how accustomed I had grown to becoming a mother. I might’ve talked that abortion bullshit, but I had no intentions of actually going through with it. Unfortunately, the decision had been made for me.

  Tiffany dropped me off at the emergency room and left right after. That was totally fine by me. I didn’t want her scandalous ass sticking around. I couldn’t stand the sight of her because I didn’t know what I was capable of doing to her.

  I thought Pocahontas had did me dirty. Tiffany had to have been thrice as bad!

  My doctor wanted to keep me overnight for close observation but I refused to stay. After all the shit that had happened today, I just wanted to go home. After nursing my wounded leg and prescribing me medication, I checked myself out and caught the taxi home.


  As soon as I made it home, I noticed that Tiffany’s car was still
here! I could’ve sworn that I deliberately told this bitch to get all her shit and get the fuck up out my house. After walking into the condo, the first thing I noticed was the sound of the shower water running in the master bathroom.

  I placed my clutch down on the end table in the foyer and slowly made my way inside my bedroom. My heart beat faster with each step I took. The bathroom’s door was slightly ajar.

  Slowly but surely, I made my way towards the bathroom—the moment I pushed open the door, my mouth immediately fell open!

  Jude was in the shower and Tiffany had just pulled her panties down her legs, preparing to join him. Oh hell no!

  “What the fuck?!” I screamed.

  Jude and Tiffany both turned their head in my direction.

  “Baby…” Jude opened the glass shower door and reached for the white towel on the nearby towel rack.

  Tiffany’s crazy ass had the nerve to smirk at me. That immediately set me off!

  Jude stepped out of the shower—I charged full speed at Tiffany’s treacherous ass screaming like a madwoman.

  We both flew into the glass shower doors, shattering them upon impact.

  “Cameron?!” Jude yelled.

  I ignored him as I sent a fury of blows to Tiffany’s face and head. One right after the other. This bitch was going to pay! She had to feel my pain! I was taking all of my anger and frustration and exerting them into every punch I sent into her.

  “Cameron! Get off her, baby!” Jude grabbed my arm and I completely blacked out. Without thinking, I grabbed a nearby shard of glass and sliced his hand.

  “Aaahhh! Shit! Fuck!” he yelled jumping back. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Blood poured from a deep gash in the center of his palm. “You fuckin’ b—mmm! Shit!” He grabbed his hand and stood to his feet. “Damn!” he screamed before punching the wall. He stormed out of the bathroom cursing.

  I had just walked in on my best friend about to climb in the shower with my man. I didn’t know what the hell to think. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I didn’t want to believe Jude would do this to me but he was pretty upset over the whole Marcus thing. Hell, he could have been doing this as a means of payback.

  I slowly looked down at Tiffany who was crying and cowering. Her hands were covering her bloodied face.

  I slowly climbed off top of her and allowed her punk ass to run out the bathroom.

  I took my time standing to my feet and took in the damage caused. The bathroom looked a mess. The shower glass doors were completely shattered. The shower water was still on spraying the walls and floor. Blood streamed the cracks of the tiled bathroom floor.

  Suddenly, I heard the front door slam shut. I assumed Jude had just left. Making my way towards Tiffany’s room, I noticed the door was locked.

  “Bitch, open the mothafuckin’ door!” I screamed.

  There was no response. After pressing my ear against the bedroom door, I heard her sobbing softly inside.

  “Don’t cry now, bitch! Open the damn door!” I yelled. “Tell the truth! Is this why ya mama kicked ya ass out?! You’s a grimy bitch, Tiffany!” Tears streamed from my eyes as I cursed her out. “You ain’t shit! You scandalous as fuck!” I yelled. “You’re a dirty bitch, hoe!”

  Suddenly, I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the door. I assumed she might open it for me but she didn’t.

  “I’m sorry, Cameron,” she cried. “I’m some of type of friend, right?” she forced a laugh.

  I pounded on the bedroom door. “Open the door, Tiffany!”

  “I spiked your drink at the party,” Tiffany suddenly admitted. “I don’t know why I did it,” she cried. “Well…I think I do know…you’re my best friend, Cameron,” she said. “But I hate you,” she laughed sadistically. “I fucking hate you…” She suddenly began sobbing softly.

  This chick is all over the place, I thought.

  “Tiffany, just open the door,” I said in a calmer tone.

  “You’re right, Cameron,” she said. “I’m not shit. I just tried to sleep with my best friend’s man…and seriously had no motive,” she paused. “I don’t know what the fuck has happened to me, Cameron.”

  I pressed my forehead against the door. “It’s the drugs, Tiff,” I said. “You need help.”

  “I used to be so sure of myself. So confident,” she said. “Now I don’t even know who the fuck I am…”

  There was suddenly silence on her end of the door. “Tiff, what’s going on?” I asked. “Open the door.” I grabbed the door knob and began shaking and turning it but the door wouldn’t budge.

  “I’m sorry for everything I did, Cameron…”

  I banged on the door. “Tiffany, open the goddamn door!”



  I punched and kicked the door in anger. “Open this door!” Without deliberation, I retrieved my cell phone and called 911.

  Chapter 22

  I sat on the steps of my front door with my face buried in my hands, crying. The paramedics wheeled Tiffany’s body on the EMT stretcher towards the back of the ambulance truck. The white sheet that was pulled entirely over her body was drenched with tiny specks of dark red blood.

  Tiffany had slit both her wrists using a shard of glass from the broken shower doors. The copious bleeding had ultimately led to cardiac arrest. She was dead by the time the police officers knocked the bedroom door down.

  Suddenly, I felt someone slip their arm around my shoulders as I cried. I looked up at Jude and laid my head on his shoulder.

  “This is just too much,” I said. “Tiffany…she…” My voice trailed off. I couldn’t bring myself to say it. “I lost the baby,” I finally admitted.

  Jude pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. “It’s gonna be aight, babe. Sometimes we hit speed bumps that we have to get over before we can enjoy the rest of life’s journey.”

  “Are you upset?” I asked wiping my tears away.

  “I’m a lil’ disappointed, yeah. But everything happens for a reason,” he said. “Maybe it wasn’t meant for us to have this baby now. We have plenty of time though. You got school to worry about…” His voice trailed off.

  I laid my head back on his shoulder.


  A week had quickly elapsed after Tiffany’s funeral. Things were slowly but surely going back to the way they used to be. Jude’s court date was scheduled for next week and I couldn’t have been any more nervous and on edge. Not to mention fall semester classes would be beginning in a mere few weeks.

  Jude ‘magically’ managed to scrape up twenty-five thousand dollars. I never told him that I had followed him the night he had robbed Kevin. Nor did I mention the dope I had caught him with. However, I knew he had given it to Tez to distribute. Jude wasn’t about that life and he knew it.

  Unfortunately, twenty-five G’s could only go so far. The mortgage was paid off for the remainder of the year but I didn’t know if Jude would get convicted or not. And if he did, I didn’t know how many years he would get in jail.

  That stripping shit was dead. I already decided that when school started back I would not be end up juggling classes and dancing. I had one two left and I didn’t want to end up struggling to finish. Especially since I had come so far.

  Finally taking girl, Tiffany’s advice I had planned on working a regular job to support myself. It was time to start going about things the right way.

  Standing in the doorway of the master bathroom, I watched as Jude tied up his mid-length dreadlocks before slowly undressing. I couldn’t help but admire his chiseled body.

  “You just gone stand there?” he asked with a mischievous smile. “Or are you going to join me?”

  A smirk played in the corner of my lips as I lingered in the doorway of the bathroom. He shrugged nonchalantly before sliding the shower door open and climbing in.

  Without a word, I walked over towards the bathroom’s his and hers vanity and placed the glass of cranberry juice I had been drinking down. After st
ripping naked, I climbed into the spacious, marble shower behind Jude.

  He groaned in pleasure as I multitasked between washing and massaging his upper back. Suddenly, in one swift movement, Jude turned around and pinned me against the marble shower walls. His rigid dick pressed against my inner thigh as his warm breath tickled my neck.

  His fingers brushed against my throbbing clit and I nearly lost it. It had been quite some time since Jude and I had last made love with everything going on around us lately. His touch was intoxicating and I couldn’t fight the soft moan that escaped through my lips when he slipped two fingers inside.

  Jude slowly withdrew his fingers before slicking my clit with my own juices. He didn’t say a word as he knelt down onto his knees in the shower. The shower spray’s stream of water pelted Jude’s back as he lifted my leg over his shoulder. Our gazes never disconnected as he lowered his head into my pussy.

  The minute his moist tongue massaged my clit, my knees practically gave out from the pleasure. Pushing his head away, it was apparent that I was silently tapping out before he could even get started.

  “Uh uh, bay. Don’t run,” he ordered before firmly cupping my ass in his hands to hold me in place.

  Before I could respond, he quickly returned to the task at hand. His thick lips encased my pearl before he began sucking on it passionately. My right leg trembled as his tongue slipped inside my pussy.

  Evidently, Jude was not satisfied with my lack of cooperation. He quickly stood to his feet, stepped out the shower and guided me by the hand to follow him. Not bothering to turn the shower off, he pulled me closer to him.

  “I see you can’t handle it, huh?” he chuckled.

  “Make me handle it,” I said before biting my bottom lip.

  Without deliberation, Jude lifted me up in his arms and carried me over towards the vanity. He gently placed my wet body down on the counter and spread my legs as far as my flexibility would allow.

  I watched in wantonness as he lowered himself to his knees and buried his head between my thighs. I quickly pushed the glass of juice away out of fear that I might knock it off the sink.


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