One Final Chance: a friends to lovers, stand-alone novel

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One Final Chance: a friends to lovers, stand-alone novel Page 12

by LK Collins

  Lifting her to her feet, I tug her dress over her head and toss it aside before stripping myself naked. The closest thing I see is the couch, and I lay her backward on the cool fabric. She so willingly waits for me to do whatever I want. So that’s what I do. I spread her slit open for me and tease her clit with the head of my shaft, rubbing myself back and forth.

  “Fuck!” she whimpers, clearly liking the friction. Her body quivers beneath mine, urging me to enter, but I love teasing her. I love watching how close I can get her just from rubbing her with the tip of my cock.

  “Please!” she begs me in such a sweet, seductive voice.

  “Please what?” I ask her, still teasing.

  “Fuck me!”

  “Not ’til you come.”

  “I can’t.”

  Her words are a challenge I gladly accept. Picking up my pace, I rub her clit faster and pinch one of her nipples. Her body arches, hot and clammy, just the way she gets right before she comes. Her eyes are on mine as she pants, letting me continue to torture her.

  “Yes, that’s it.” I give her my approval as her whimpers turn to moans and the instant her body trembles, I barrel inside her, slamming myself so rapidly I hear her breath catch. I’m moving so fast that I have to adjust my footing, My thrusts make her come wildly, and I don’t let up, pushing her into another orgasm almost as soon as the first one fades.

  Her noises and tight cunt are my ticket to pleasure, causing me to just keep going, My balls slap her ass, and all the veins bulge from my dick. Her eyes are closed as she lays there letting me do with her as I please. The vision of her under my control is so goddamn sexy that everything around me slows in this moment. I fight to keep in control, gripping her body tighter, but the second she clamps around me hard—her body thrashing, coming again—I let go.

  “Ooooohhh fuuuuck!” I shout, a blaze of whiteness filling her, I barely get it all out before I collapse on top of her, kissing sweat from her skin.



  “You like when I make you come with only the tip of my dick? Don’t you?” Parks teases me as we swim in the pool at the hotel.

  After we messed around earlier, I told him, “Coming that way could be my new favorite,” and since then, it’s all he can seem to focus on or talk about. Every comment is dirty, about how wet I was, or how tight my pussy was. I never would have thought that Parks had such a dirty mind, but I will admit that I like it.

  “Would you stop?” I tell him as we wade in the pool, wrapped up in one another’s arms. This is not the place to get all horny.


  “Because it’s—”

  “It’s nothing. You are the only one around to hear me and you fucking like it. I should make you come right now that same way.” He presses his hand against my lower back, causing my pussy to rub against his shaft, and I can’t help but giggle.

  “How are you always hard?”

  “You do this shit to me.”

  “Then, we should probably go back to the room so I can take care of you.”

  “I’ll still be hard,” he says, and I give in an improbable look.

  “Come on, let’s just do it here,” he begs me. The pool is empty, and I couldn’t imagine coming in the middle of this gorgeous place. “You know you want to.”

  And part of me does, but then I imagine getting caught, and my cheeks flare in embarrassment. Parks is gently rocking himself against me as we move around, unsuspectingly to any passers by. And right as I consider allowing him to do it, a family walks out onto the pool’s deck. They have three kids; two older ones that come running and jump right into the water, splashing us in the face. The mother yells at them, but they don’t listen. Parks and I just laugh and put a bit of space between the kids and us.

  “Sorry,” she says to us in a Southern accent, holding on to their tiny baby.

  “It’s okay,” Parks responds and rubs my tummy looking at the baby like I am. I can’t imagine that is what is growing inside me.

  “Thank God, we didn’t mess around.”

  “We wouldn’t have gotten caught,” he says arrogantly.

  I roll my eyes not believing him as one of the boys swims close to us, calling out Marco, and the mom yells at him. Parks and I take that as our cue to exit. As we dry off the mom says, “Sorry about those two,” while she is putting sunscreen on the baby.

  “It’s okay,” Parks tells her and rubs my stomach, “We’re expecting, so we need the practice.”

  “Oh, that’s great, your first?” she asks.


  “You here on your honeymoon?” and Parks says, “No, just a little R&R.”

  “Well, enjoy your time and congrats again,” she tells us all the while I find my eyes on her little one. The baby can’t be any older than six months old and seems so curious to the world around her.

  On the elevator right back to the room, Parks asks me, “You wanna go eat, or do you wanna get fucked?”

  “Oh my God, what is up with your mouth?”

  “Nothing, just speaking my mind. Don’t you like it?”

  “Oh . . . I like it.”

  “I bet you do.” He wraps me into a tight embrace and nips on my ear.

  “We should move here,” I tell Parks after we finish eating and are walking along the beach.

  “You think?”

  “Yes, it’s fucking gorgeous here, and this weather is amazing. Imagine eighty degrees year round.”

  “It would be nice.” One of his hands is around mine while the other carries our shoes, but he doesn’t seem to be as interested as I am in living the Hawaiian dream.

  “I’m serious,” I tell him, having so quickly fallen in love with Hawaii.

  “Babe,” he stops walking and looks me in the eyes, “we can’t move here.”

  “Why? Just look around, it would be a gorgeous place to do photography and raise the baby.”

  “Our parents would be devastated if we left Seattle.” And just like that my dream of sand and sunshine gets crushed.

  “You’re right.” I sigh, which earns me a wink from him.

  “Aren’t I always?”

  Jokingly, I bump him with my shoulder, but his pace doesn’t falter. The water is calm, the waves gently hitting the shore before shrouding around our feet. I’m too busy watching the way a shell is rolling with the pull of the water, that I almost miss Parks tossing our shoes to the sand. Too fast for me to run, he pulls his hand from mine, bends to scoop up water, and gives me an evil grin.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” I laugh, but he does dare, and then I’m drenched. He laughs right along with me and just keeps splashing. “Parks!” I scream and kick back at him; I’m sure not even getting any water on him.

  “You pushed me,” he says and finally stops, leaning forward resting his hands on his knees, panting as he looks at me. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous, baby.”

  “Whatever!” I tell him, wiping the water from my face and shoving my hair back.

  “I mean it,” he tells me and wraps me in his arms. “I love you so fucking much!” His lips crash against mine, and I don’t think he realized that he was just playing in the ocean, the same ocean that took Meg away from us so many years ago.

  But for a split second, I forgot about all of it. That’s what this trip has become, a release from the world we live in, which is exactly what we needed.



  “I’ve always wanted to see a volcano in person,” Fallon tells me as we drive up the mountain that leads us to the Kilauea Volcano.

  “Well, there it fuckin’ is, baby.” She smiles and looks to where I’m pointing.

  “Oh my God,” she says, sitting up straight in her seat and looking out the windshield like a child.

  The volcano is fucking gigantic. White smoke is billowing out the top of it and has been since the early eighties. That doesn’t always mean the lava is flowing, but we’re hoping today we can see some action.

  “How close do you wanna go?” Fallon asks me as we both climb out of the car and grab our cameras.

  “Shit, as a photographer, I wanna go all the way up to the mouth. But with you by my side, we’ll keep a safe distance.”

  The lava flows out of this thing at insane speeds and can reach up to one thousand feet in the air. I have a feeling I’ll have trouble actually watching the volcano with Fallon with me, the need to protect her and the baby is so strong.

  Like right now, my eyes are all over her. She is so gorgeous and so also clearly in awe as she takes the cap off her camera and begins to take some pictures. I’d typically do the same, but I can’t. Fuck, I love watching her do something she enjoys. The expression across her face is so ecstatic, and I have to capture it. Instinctively, I bring my camera to my eye and snap a few photos of her.

  She glances over at me. “Parks! We’re not here to photograph each other.”

  “Says who?” I snap picture after picture of her playful scowl.

  “Says me.” And just then, the volcano erupts. The hiss is so loud, and the ground below us shakes as if a jet is flying overhead. But Fallon is fearless, capturing the moment. Scorching hot lava spews from the top, bubbling and hitting the ground a few hundred feet away from us. Still, it seems she’s too close to possible danger.

  Another loud rumble goes off, and I grab her by the shoulders, dragging her to the car.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I don’t have a good feeling.”

  She doesn’t question me as we make our way down the mountain, and once we get back inside the car, we’re both out of breath. My stomach settles a little now having something around us to protect her.

  “You know, we were nowhere close to getting hit by the lava,” she says.

  “You don’t know that.” She giggles a little at my protectiveness and nods to the camera in my lap. “Did you get any good pictures?”

  I shake my head, pissed at myself for not even trying.

  She turns her camera on and flips through some of the shots she managed to take. “Wow!”

  “You like them?”

  “They’re fucking awesome.”

  “Why didn’t you take any?” she asks me.

  “I was too busy taking pictures of you and then panicked when the dang thing erupted.”

  “You knew it could happen.”

  “I know that, but all I thought about was you and the baby.”

  “Ah, Parks . . . you’re so sweet,” she tells me and grabs my thigh, touching very closely to my cock.

  I want her. That’s what she does to me; one simple touch has my body in overdrive.

  “Whoa. Slow down, baby,” I tell Fallon as she inhales her lunch.

  “I’m starving, aren’t you?”

  “I was until you started to eat like a vulture.”

  She giggles, grabbing her Sprite and washing down her food. “Sorry, it has to be the baby.”

  “Yeah it does,” I tease her and take a bite of my taco. We stopped by this popular food truck that has the best Hawaiian food on the big island, and it tastes unreal. Our time in Hawaii has been unbelievable. Tomorrow is our last day, and I want to make the most of the time we still have here. “What do you want to do before we go?”

  “What do you want to do?” she counters.

  “Don’t flip that shit back on me, I asked first.”

  “All I wanna do is eat,” she says through a mouthful of food, and I can’t help but laugh at her. She has sauce all on the side of her mouth, and I reach over to wipe it away. “You’re an animal; you know that?”

  “I know. I’m gonna miss this food when we’re gone.”

  “There’s plenty of good places to eat at home, sexy.”

  “Then you better start taking me to some,” she teases, and as we sit together eating in this gorgeous place, I can’t wait. I want to make sure that our life is as normal as possible. Since we decided to not tell Leo about the baby, I’m not going to be scared to take her out or anything like that. I want to pamper her and give her the life I’ve always dreamed I could.



  “Can I at least have a hint?” he asks me as the GPS directs us to the spot of the surprise that I booked.

  “No way!” I’ve made it this long, so I’m not about to spill the beans now.

  He opens his mouth to ask again, but and the GPS cuts him off with a robotic, “You’ve arrived at your final destination.” He looks around, confused.

  “There’s nothing . . .” A smile stretches my lips as his eyes widen when he spots the black helicopter coming in for a landing.

  “Yeah, there is.”

  “What are we doing?”

  I hand him his camera as I take mine and say, “Follow me, and you’ll find out.”

  We get out the car just at the blades come to a halt. The door to the helicopter opens, and a younger Hawaiian guy greets us. “How’s it, guys?” the man asks.

  “We’re good.”

  “Are you Fallon and Parks?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “I’m Keoni. We just left Kilauea, and it’s erupting. If you wanna load up, we might be able to catch it.”

  Parks kisses my check before we hurry to the helicopter, clearly excited for this adventure. “There are headsets there,” he says after showing us how to buckle up.

  Once we are safely buckled inside, Parks has his hand around mine, and the copter lifts from the ground. “I can’t believe you did this and didn’t tell me,” he says.

  “I wanted you to get the pictures you always wanted.”

  He kisses my knuckles, not paying a single ounce of attention to the scenery passing below us. His eyes are on mine, the way I love. That look, the reassurance he gives me, is what I live for.

  “I love you,” he says, and I don’t think I could possibly love him more.

  “Would you put your camera down for one second?” Parks has been ogling pictures for over an hour, and I’m ready to go shopping.

  “These pictures are amazing, baby.”

  And they are. The shots we got from overhead of the volcano erupting are unreal. I’m so thankful we got them, but it’s our last day in Hawaii, and I want to stop into some of the shops before we head to the airport. He relents and tucks the camera away before letting me drag him out of the hotel and down the sidewalk.

  “You wanna go in here?” he asks when I stop in front of a small, very Hawaiian shop that is literally stuffed with floor-to-ceiling merchandise. They have packed the entire place full, taking advantage of every spot they could. My answer comes in the form of me pulling him through the door.

  “Where do you even start?” he asks me, and I shake my head, not having a clue. Then I spot something that I have to have. It is a small white onesie with a lei printed around the neckline. I remove it from the rack, and Parks reads the words as I show it to him. “Aloha, Baby!”

  “Isn’t it cute?”

  “Yeah, for a girl. But what if it’s a boy?”

  “He’d look cute in it, too. All the babies would love him in it.”

  He rolls his eyes, and I hang on to it, definitely buying it, and ask, “Do you think it’s a boy?”

  “I do.”


  “I don’t know; I just feel that way. What about you?”

  “I don’t have a feeling one way or the other. Is that strange?”

  “No, not at all.” He drapes his arm over my shoulder and looks down at the onesie I’m clutching.

  “So, you’re really buying this?”


  “All right.” He walks us to the register and pays for the item. On the way out, he checks his watch and says to me, “We need to get going.”

  “Do we have to?” I complain.

  “Yes, we absolutely do.”

  I huff like a spoiled child not getting her way. I don’t want to go, but he opens the door to the rental car, ushering me inside without leaving
me much of a choice.

  “Don’t get like that,” he says, but I just pout harder, making sure to stick my lower lip out a bit more. He mumbles something to me and then closes the door.

  When he gets in on the driver’s side, I ask, “What did you say?”

  “That I hope it’s a boy.”


  “Because I can’t deal with you and a little girl, too much estrogen.”

  “Whatever.” I slap him across the shoulder, and he flinches as if I’ve really hurt him. Like testosterone is any better?

  “Wake up, baby,” Parks says to me standing at the door to his truck. It’s night out, and as I take in the sights around us, I realize we’re home.

  “Did I sleep the entire drive?”

  “Yup, you were snoring before we left the airport.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he says mockingly. “I must’ve been hearing things.”

  “Probably.” He leans in and kisses my forehead before scooping me out of the truck and cradling my body against his hard chest. “I can walk,” I tell him.

  “I know you can.”

  Clearly, he doesn’t want me to, and the serenity that surrounds me as he holds me like this makes me never want to walk on my own two feet again.

  Parks locks the truck, the alarm beeping as we head inside. My eyes are on his face, and there is a huge grin on my lips when he glances down at me.


  “Nothing. I’m just admiring the view, that’s all.”

  The house is dark and quiet. He flips a few lights on, and I assume he’s going to lay me on the bed, but he continues through to the bathroom, finally setting me down on the countertop.

  “Why are we in here?” I ask, and he pulls his T-shirt over his head, leaning to the side to start the shower. His eyes are seductive, telling me just what he wants, and even though I’m tired, I can’t resist him . . . I never can.


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