The Alpha's Mail Order Bride- The Complete Series

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The Alpha's Mail Order Bride- The Complete Series Page 12

by Jasmine White

  “No,” Nashoba shook his head emphatically. “Not at all. The truth is that we have no idea why our females have become infertile, but the elders and I have begun to suspect that someone is actively working to keep us from reproducing. For a while there I thought Johnson might even be the one behind it, but now that we know even his females were suffering the same problem, I don’t know what to think any longer.”

  Akala nodded and looked as if she was about to say something else, but she stayed silent instead. Nashoba could see that she was trying to process everything that had happened to her over the last few days, and he decided not to press her any further. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and to beg her to stay, but he didn’t know how he could convince her that he wanted her for her and not just for her ability to bear his pups.

  He could tell that Akala struggled with her own thoughts. He worried about pushing her too far, but there was no way to explain what he and his tribe needed without putting pressure on her to commit to being his mate. Nashoba had always envied the younger members of his clan and their easygoing way of casually dating and experimenting with love and relationships. He’d never made time for that, and now he faced a major threat to his people and his own future if he didn’t find someone to mate with as soon as possible. How could he possibly explain that to Akala while still convincing her that he loved her for who she was instead of what she could give him?

  “What took you so long?” said Machk.

  He pulled the last branches off the hidden vehicle and pulled open the passenger side door for Nashoba and Akala to climb into. Seconds later they were on the road, bouncing along the rutted track and heading away from Kintawep land, back to the safety of their home.

  “Are you okay?” asked Akala.

  Nashoba’s head had lolled onto her shoulder, and he felt impossibly weak. The world around him was soft and fuzzy, as though he was experiencing it from behind a muslin shroud. His tongue felt thick in his mouth, and pain seared every muscle in his body. It was as though he’d run several marathons while being hit with baseball bats the entire way.

  “Leaf,” he mumbled, “wearing off. Tell… Haley…”

  “We better get him back quickly,” said Akala, her arm snaking around him to keep him from bouncing around the cab of the truck.

  Nashoba fought to stay conscious, but the darkness took hold of him. He’d pushed his body too far and too hard, and now he could do nothing to keep from falling into sleep.


  “How are Nashoba’s parents treating you?” asked Haley.

  With Nashoba recovering from his wounds, and Haley’s bed and breakfast too far away from the safety of the Choctaw tribe’s village, everyone had agreed that the best place for Nashoba to rest was with his parents. He’d been asleep for nearly thirty-six hours, aside from one brief attempt to wake him and get some fluids into him, and although Akala had been offered a ride to the airport to go home after everything she’d experienced, she had declined the offer and decided to stay until Nashoba awoke.

  “Oh, they’re nice enough,” replied Akala, sipping her tea and glancing over her shoulder to ensure that they weren’t within earshot, “but they keep asking me all these personal questions. They want to know when I’m moving in with him, if I have names picked out for our pups yet, and they even asked me if Nashoba has been a gentle and kind lover.”

  Haley laughed hard, putting her hand to her mouth to avoid spurting tea all over the table. “They did not ask you that!”

  “They sure did.” Akala smiled. “They’re quite lovely people though. It’s obvious they care about their son and they want him to be happy.”

  “Have you made any decisions about what you want to do now?”

  “I don’t know. I feel pretty shaken up over what happened with Johnson, but I’d be lying if I told you I hadn’t been thinking about Nashoba the entire time I was being held there. I have feelings for him — I can’t deny that — I just don’t know if I can handle all of this pressure. This thing with the infertility and Nashoba needing an heir. It’s a lot.”

  Haley reached across the table and took her friends hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Do what’s right for you, honey. Nashoba’s a big boy, and he can handle whatever you decide to throw at him. The last thing this tribe needs is for you to agree to join us with hesitation in your heart. It’s a big deal for a human to become mate to a tribal leader, and you need to be willing to commit to that for life.”

  “How is Nashoba doing, anyway? He looked awful when I went to check on him this morning, and I’ve been trying to stay out of there so he can have his rest.”

  “He managed to break a third rib on his raid to the compound, but it’s healing nicely and I’m happy with how the bruising is progressing. Honestly, most of the rest of his wounds are superficial scratches that pose no serious threat. Mostly, he’s just exhausted from the medicinal leaf I gave him. He’ll be a little groggy when he wakes up, but if he can stand and move about, then he’s fine enough for anything else.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Akala’s eyes drifted down to her tea cup. Memories of Johnson and his hands on her body pushed to the front of her mind, and she struggled to keep them at bay.

  “Everything okay?” asked Haley.

  Akala shook her head. “Hmm?”

  “You drifted off there. What were you thinking about?”

  “Oh,” Akala fought the tears that threatened to fall. “He saved me just in time. Johnson was about to… he was going to force himself on me, and then Nashoba was there. He looked like hell, but he fought for me anyway. I was ready to die out there rather than let Johnson use my body the way he wanted to.”

  “Nashoba should be awake soon,” said Haley, using the soothing and calm voice she reserved for patients. “Go to him and talk about this. It’s not healthy to keep it inside, and both of you need to lay all your feelings out before you can make any decisions on what to do.”

  Akala nodded and chewed her lip. She didn’t think she could speak without crying, and she wasn’t sure what she even had to say anyway.

  “I’m going to take Nashoba’s parents to the market soon,” continued Haley. “That should give you two some privacy to talk about things and figure out where you each stand. If you’d rather not be alone, we can stay here, but it’s what I think is best for you.”

  “No, it’s okay,” said Akala. “I’m not afraid to be alone with him.”

  The two women gathered up their brunch dishes and brought them to the kitchen to wash and put away. They didn’t speak except to ask one another to hand them a towel, or to explain which cupboard something belonged in, and the simple work felt nice for Akala. She could shut her mind off from the decisions she knew she’d have to make before long, and it gave her a chance to feel something approaching normal for the first time since she’d left her home to come meet Nashoba.

  “Well, that’s that,” said Haley, putting the last plate away. “I’m going to grab Nashoba’s parents and head out now. We should be gone most of the afternoon, but I’ll have my phone on if you need to call me for anything, okay?”

  “Are you sure it’s safe to wake him up?” Akala plucked at a stray thread on the dishcloth in her hands. “I mean, I don’t want to interrupt his rest if that’s what he needs.”

  “No, it would actually be best for him to get out of bed and eat something. Try to get some fluids in him at the least.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours then.”

  Akala saw her hosts off and turned to go back into the house, hesitating in front of the door that led to Nashoba’s old bedroom. She’d hoped that she might have been able to come to some sort of conclusion about what she wanted to do before she spoke to him, but the truth of it was that she was torn on whether or not she should stay here with him. It was clear that he needed someone in his life, but how could she ever be sure that she was the one best suited to fill that role? Entering into a serious relationship with a man was one thing, but
becoming his co-leader in a tribe of werewolves was another entirely.

  Not wanting to stall any longer, Akala pushed open the door and went to Nashoba’s bedside. She sat next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, the warmth of his bare skin sending powerful signals to her brain. He was the most handsome man she’d ever known, there was no getting around that. Lying there half-covered with a thin sheet, he looked so toned and attractive, even despite the battle scars he’d earned over the last few days.

  “Nashoba,” she said softly.

  He grunted and rolled over, his eyes fluttering open and wincing at the daylight streaming in through an open window.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Awful,” he mumbled. “But happy to see your face.”

  Akala blushed. “I’m happy to see yours too. We’ve all been worried about you.”

  Nashoba struggled to sit up, finally managing it with a bit of help from Akala. She poured a glass of water from the carafe Haley had left waiting for him, and watched as he drank it down in one gulp before holding his glass out for a refill.

  “How long have I been out?”

  “A day and a half,” she replied. “Haley said something about the after affects of some leaf she gave you, and that it was best for you to sleep it off.”

  “This is a little embarrassing, but I really need to use the bathroom. Can you, uh, help me up?”

  Akala laughed. “Sure thing. After all, you did save me from an evil villain. Helping you get to the toilet is the least I can do.”

  Doing her best not to look down at his naked body, Akala helped Nashoba to his feet and supported him as they walked to the bathroom. She left him at the front door where he insisted he could handle things from there, and she told him she’d wait for him in the kitchen. When he came down to find her there, he seemed to be walking without too much difficulty, and he’d put on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, saving her the embarrassment of having to avoid staring at his privates.

  “I assume my mom is to thank for this spread of food,” he said as he settled into a chair.

  “She and Haley have been cooking for the last two days straight. There’s enough food in the fridge to feed an army, so let me know if you need more.”

  “This looks fantastic.”

  Nashoba tucked into a plate of food and ate with the appetite of four fully grown men. Akala nibbled at a few pastries, but she spent most of her time just watching Nashoba eat. Few words were exchanged between the two, most of them involving requests for Akala to pass more food in Nashoba’s direction.

  “That feels a lot better,” said Nashoba when he had finished eating. He stood and helped clear the table, stacking dishes in the sink while Akala put the leftovers back in the fridge. He stopped her when she went to tackle the washing. “No, don’t worry about that now. I think we should talk first.”

  “I figured that might be coming,” she said.

  “You don’t seem very happy about it?”

  “Just nervous,” she replied.

  Nashoba motioned for them to move to the couch, and she took a seat next to him, allowing him to reach out and take her hand in his. It felt comforting and nice, and without thinking, she slid into his arms to lean against his shoulder.

  “Things have become so crazy over these last few days, I don’t even know where to start.” he said. “I want you to know that what I said about needing to produce an heir, that’s not why I want you to stay here with me. I don’t want to scare you off, but I’ve fallen in love with you, Akala. I want you to stay because I want you around me, and although I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t important that you someday bear our children, I want you here for you alone. The rest of it can wait as long as it needs to.”

  “I want to believe that’s true, but how can it be? If I choose to stay here with you, it’s about so much more than just us. You’re the leader of your tribe, and I’d be walking into a lot more than just a relationship.”

  Nashoba guided Akala’s face up to his and kissed her on the lips. His fingertips brushed her hair aside and cupped the back of her head, holding her gently while their tongues explored each other’s mouths playfully.

  “Let’s not make any decisions now,” he said softly between kisses. “Just be with me now and we’ll figure the rest out later.”

  Akala nodded and kissed him again, wanting his body more than she even had that first night they’d slept together on his deck. She wanted to feel the heat of his skin against hers, and for the time being, she was happy to forget about the decision hanging on her shoulders. As Nashoba lifted her shirt over her head and undid the clasp of her bra, freeing her breasts to his touch and his mouth, Akala’s mind cleared of all worry, and she let herself fall into Nashoba’s love.

  They undressed each other slowly and carefully, Akala taking special care around Nashoba’s wounds, but there was an underlying urgency, a hunger, for the physical attention they each desired. Nashoba’s fingers were strong and direct when he slid his hand down her belly and into the downy patch of hair that covered her sex. He dipped into her, his fingertips slickening in the folds of her pussy before he rubbed them lightly over her swelling bud. Akala gasped when he pressed down with just the right amount of force, swirling his fingers around her clit in a motion that sent her straight to a stomach clenching climax.

  “That was quick,” he said with a grin, his hand roaming up over her body to tease her nipples.

  “Let me return the favor,” Akala said between panting recovery breaths.

  She slid to her knees before the couch, positioning herself between Nashoba’s legs. His cock was already stiff and pointing upward, ready for her lips when she lowered them down over his shaft. He groaned with pleasure and ran a hand through her hair while she moved her head up and down on him, sucking softly with each stroke of her lips on his cock.

  Akala grabbed his shaft just above his balls with thumb and forefinger, and she moved her hand up and down in rhythm with her lips as they glossed up and down over his raging hard cock. She loved hearing the tiny grunts of pleasure he made each time she squeezed a little harder or flicked her tongue across his head, and she soon had him right on the verge of cumming.

  Instead of bringing him all the way to climax, Akala pulled back and stood up, lifting a knee up onto the couch and then straddling him with her wet pussy poised right over his throbbing hard cock. She kissed him passionately, her tongue dancing into his mouth while she stroked his shaft with her pussy, rubbing her clit against the rigid flesh and enjoying his desperate desire to be inside her.

  Finally, she lifted her bottom just a little higher, and then settled her opening over his shaft, lowering herself down on him inch by inch, his cock stretching her open as she sank down on it. Akala leaned back a little, bracing herself by placing her hands on Nashoba’s legs near his knees, and she moved her hips up and down, feeling herself open up to him and taking in his look of pure hunger as he watched her move, her breasts pointing upwards with perfectly erect nipples begging for his hands.

  He did reach out and squeeze her breasts, and then one of his hands slid downwards again, his thumb finding her clit and massaging it as she bounced up and down on his cock. The angle of his penetration made him hit just the right spot inside her, and she felt another climax welling up from deep within her.

  Nashoba reached out and grabbed Akala’s arms, pulling her forward to his mouth for a long passionate kiss. His hands settled firmly on her bottom, squeezing her cheeks and grinding her body against his. He was grunting in regular intervals by this point, and Akala was right on the verge of another orgasm from the way her sex rubbed against his pelvis. She whimpered with pleasure, her lips mashed tight against his as the first ripples of her climax trickled through her body, a precursor to the massive wave that followed close behind.

  Her pussy clenched hard, and she felt Nashoba’s fingertips dig deep into the flesh of her cheeks as he found his own climax. Akala could feel his hot cum squirt
ing into her in powerful bursts, and she pulled away from his mouth to cry out in ecstasy. Nashoba buried his face in her neck, his hips pushing upwards into her as he muffled a cry of his own, his teeth biting softly into Akala’s neck as they both held each other and convulsed with the last echoes of their shared climax.

  “I really needed that,” said Akala when their bodies had calmed down.

  “So did I.” Nashoba smiled and brushed a strand of hair from Akala’s face, tucking it behind her cheek. “Did Haley say when they’d be back from the market?”

  “Not for another few hours, I think. Why?”

  “Because I’m not done with you yet.”

  Nashoba pushed forward off the couch and stood up, never breaking contact with Akala. His cock was still hard inside her, and he carried her like that towards the bathroom and into the shower where he let her down onto her feet.

  They kissed for a long time under a hot stream of water, and then they made love under the spray until they both climaxed again. When they were finally clean and exhausted, they went up to Nashoba’s bed and curled up to take a nap.

  “I was thinking about something today,” said Akala, lying spooned inside Nashoba’s arms.

  “Oh, what was that?”

  “I think it’s best if I stay here for a little while at least. I…” she hesitated, “I still need time to think about things, but do you think it would be okay if I did that thinking here instead of going home?”

  “I think that would be just fine.”

  Akala could hear the smile in Nashoba’s voice, and she smiled herself, feeling happy and comfortable there in his embrace. There was nowhere else she could imagine being in that moment, but still there was that small voice of concern deep within her. She wanted to marry Nashoba, that was undeniable, but she couldn’t tell him that just yet because she didn’t know if she could handle all the rest of it. Marrying Nashoba meant taking on a certain role within the Choctaw tribe, and that was something she didn’t know if she was strong enough for.


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