Hot Blue: A Western Romance (Red Velvet Series Book 2)

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Hot Blue: A Western Romance (Red Velvet Series Book 2) Page 6

by Leanore Eliott

  “So? I bet his brother would give you a whirl, dip and twirl.”

  Bren felt downright mad with her blood rushing through her body and her face was flaming. “Him? Travis looks at me like all the guys have for my whole life. No flicker of interest really, like I could be a friend and not a bedmate. Except when he found out his brother wanted me. He also likes to play around, he’s lazy and…” Bren was staring at the huge grin her mother wore.

  “Yeah.” Daisy nodded. “Seems like you know who you want all right.”

  “You are an evil woman, Daisy Plush.”

  “Nope. I’m a wicked woman. You think I’m gonna stand here and let you whine and moan about how you lost your chance?” Daisy planted her hands onto her ample hips.

  Bren took a step back.

  “Are you gonna just do that and nothing else? Cause, I can see what you know to be true. You sure ain’t confused about which twin you want. All you gotta do is stay in his path. Stay in front of him. He’s already shown you that he wants ya. All I’m sayin’ is it’s up to you to be his choice.”

  She let her mama’s words sink in. “So, you’re sayin that if I don’t give up, I’ll get him?”

  Daisy clicked her tongue. “Nah, I ain’t saying let it be a tossup. No way. You have to be all the woman that I know you are inside. Be there…right in his face and don’t back down!”

  Bren was beginning to see what she was saying, but she still felt afraid and she never was good at being an extrovert. She was the wallflower, pressed right up against the paint, blending in with the décor.

  “This time, you can’t hide, baby girl.” It was like Daisy seemed to know what Bren was thinking. “You gotta peel yourself away from the wall and see what a beauty you really are. All you lack is a little confidence.”

  “I have come a long way, but I’m still not sure…”

  “Well, luckily, you’re a woman.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Cause you can use beauty as the bait.”

  Bren scoffed at that. “Oh, brother. Me? No way.”

  “He said you were the loveliest—”

  “Yeah, so why do I need a makeover then?”

  “It will be a reminder to him. What he saw in you. Beauty will be the bait.” Daisy grabbed onto her shoulders and propelled her out to the hall. “But you, yourself, Bren, will be the real hook.”


  Kanda Kincade was enraptured. She held her cheeks in her hands and watched a magnificent looking man cooking her dinner.

  “So, what do you do?” he asked as he set plates on the table in front of the bed.

  Kanda gulped “I’m—well, I—?”

  Wade laughed. “It couldn’t be that hard a question.”

  Kanda took a deep breath. “I’m a rancher.”

  He turned and grabbed a pan full of whatever it was he cooked and set it next to the plates. “Oh, yeah?”

  She nodded her head. Here it comes and now we’ll see if he’ll still wanna ‘mine me’.

  “You mean like the Triple K is a ranch? You do the same work?”

  “Yep.” She looked directly at him. “The exact same work.”

  Sitting down, he proceeded to fill her plate. “Don’t tell me you work for the Triple K?”

  Kanda sighed. “No, I can’t say that’s exactly true.”

  Wade looked relieved.

  “You might say that…I am the Triple K.”

  Dropping his plate, he stared at her. “But I met Mrs. Kincade.”

  “Marge is my Mom.”

  He shook his head. “Oh, wow.”

  Kanda grew concerned at his reaction. “What difference does it make?”

  “Well, I was supposed to avoid you, I think?” He laughed.

  “You think?”

  “Yeah, she told me to stay out of…” He gazed into her eyes. “…your way.”

  Kanda was struck speechless by the look in his eyes.

  “Then, I practically knocked you from your horse!”

  “Nah, I don’t think that was your fault.”

  “I think it was. You see, I have this mineralizer and it emits a signal to verify ore deposits and such.”

  Kanda took a bite of food. Wow, what was this stuff? It tasted divine. It figures the man can cook as exquisitely as he looks.

  “The only problem is, you aren’t supposed to use it around animals. It’s the high frequency.”

  She gazed up at him.

  “So, you see, it was my doing.”

  She shrugged. “You didn’t know I was there though.”

  “No, I didn’t. But, I’d better apologize for it.”

  Kanda took another bite and stared into his steely blue eyes.

  “Because, I’m really glad it happened.”

  Kanda had trouble swallowing the food.

  Wade placed his hand over hers.

  The passion in his eyes made her shiver all over. Say sumpthin’, Kanda! Her mind floundered. She just didn’t know how to act or what to say.

  He chuckled and patted her hand before letting go. “I’m a brash sorta guy, usually. I just go after what I want.”

  Kanda swallowed and took a sip of her drink. “Is that a warning or a promise?”

  His eyes rounded a little, and then he burst out with laughter.

  She smiled. “Usually, I—”

  Reaching out, he took a hold of her hand again.

  “I go at something head to head. No fear, no doubts.”


  She shook her head. “Just not in this case.” She thought about how her brain hadn’t worked right from the minute she caught sight of this man. How she’d be lucky to string two coherent words together. She was almost paralyzed with awe this entire time with him. Yes, she was afraid. Afraid? Her body shook all over.

  Wade looked concerned again. “Are you hurting from the fall?”

  Kanda felt the warmth from his hand along with the heat in his searing eyes and she just wanted to get up and run. Run away as fast as she could. “No.” Do I tell him the truth? How can I? What would he do? Would he take advantage of it? Kanda smiled. God, I hope so. A chuckle escaped her.

  “You could just tell me the truth.”

  Kanda felt shocked. It was like he’d read my mind! She cleared her throat as she gazed around at the cabin to avoid his hot stare. “I think you are the sexiest piece of beef I’ve ever had on my land.”

  Wade’s eyes widened a little.

  “I think if I let ya? You’d send me to heaven.” She now gazed directly at him. “I’m just not sure if I’m ready for that. Don’t get me wrong. I ain’t ever had fear of nothing my whole life. Why, I broke my first horse when I was twelve years old.” She grinned at him. “But you? I think you’re positively dangerous and I may be the one who gets broke.”

  He just sat and stared at her.

  Kanda could get lost in that blazing pair of blue eyes. She waited for his response.

  “Well, I asked, didn’t I?” He shook his head. “I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever met one of you before now.”

  Kanda was puzzled by the remark.

  “A real woman.” He stood up, going around the table and to the bed. He scooped her up. “I’ve met some beauties too. Some that made men drool. Most times, they weren’t my type either and they were always playing some kind of game.” He looked into her baffled eyes. “You? Are a rare thing; a woman who tells the truth. And the kind that does make me drool. I’ve wanted to have you from the minute I found you. I just didn’t know if you felt attracted to a man like me.”

  “A man like—you?” Her voice was a mere whisper.

  “Yeah, an outbacker. I’m not a cowboy or what do you call ’em? A sophisticated American male.”

  Kanda smiled. “I think that’s what I like about ya. You’re nothing like any man I’ve ever met.”

  He lowered those yummy lips and kissed her.

  She sucked in her breath. His kiss was forceful and urgent as he pushed his t
ongue in and swarmed her senses. She thought the room spun around her. A kaleidoscope of color hit her mind while she felt like she was floating on air.

  He held her aloft in his arms the entire time. He finally broke the kiss and gazed at her face.

  She felt like she was a melted slab of butter; she was so weak from just his kiss. This was a feeling she’d never experienced before. He’s in charge all the way and God dammit—I like it!

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Someone yelled from the cabin doorway.


  All Tangled Up with Nowhere to Go…

  The Circus was never like this!

  Bren had been situated into a room of her own. A man came in and brought a lovely tray of food for her dinner. He introduced himself as Pedro. A rather tall, very good-looking Mexican man. His brown eyes danced at her like he wanted to say something, though he never said anything but what his name was.

  She was a bit relived that it wasn’t Bert, because he didn’t smile and he made her nervous as hell. But he was security supposedly, and she had to admit, he could scare most anybody off the ranch if he needed to.

  After she was done with her meal, Pedro came back in and drew her a bath in the overly large bathroom with the brass claw foot type of bathtub, sitting in the middle. “Mama Daisy said you were to get the star treatment.” He gave her a wink and set everything up. “She says you’re to get some sound sleep and be ready in the morning.”

  “Ready?” Bren asked.

  He nodded his dark head and left.

  While she sat in the bath, she thought of the rose scented bath she’d drawn for Trevor. She tried to keep her tears at bay while she thought of the way he looked at her and the way he’d touched her when they were in the cook’s cottage. His body had felt so warm. It was like being wrapped in a hot silken blanket of sleek skin and it did make it hard for her to think clearly at all.

  She remembered his deep rumbling voice as he held her tight. “I wanted to just take your breath away, you know? Bring you here and strip you down. Then, I was going to get very fancy and eat fried chicken from your sweet, luscious body. But I want you so much that I just can’t wait.” He then wrapped his arms around her and plunged his hard cock into her very wet pussy.

  Bren gasped with the hot memory. Tears rolled down her cheeks and slipped into the steaming bath water. She sat up and wiped them away. I will have that back! I didn’t turn my life and his upside down to just walk away! She got out, toweled off, dropping her nude body onto the canopied bed and immediately drifted to sleep.


  The next morning, she awoke and stared up at the silk canopy. I need to get back to my apartment and pack up, then move into the cook’s cottage at the ranch. And I will follow Ma’s advice. I won’t quit the job and I won’t run away!

  Before she could finish the thought, Daisy burst into the room. “You have breakfast comin’!” She stared at Bren. “And even though, I run a house of wicked repute?” She nodded her head at her. “You’d better not tempt Pedro. Him and all of my crew have a real weakness for us Plush type girls.”

  Bren stared down at her naked breasts. “Oh!” She hastily pulled the sheet up.

  Pedro came in just then and strolled over to the bed. He motioned his head at her.

  “He wants ya to sit back,” her mama informed her.

  Bren carefully scooted back to the headboard.

  Pedro placed the tray over her lap. “Muy…baby!” he cooed in his thick accent.

  “Pedro!” Daisy called. “She’s not clientele!”

  He smiled down at Bren. “I would be her man for free, Mama Daisy. Just look at her. She is muy bonita!”

  Clicking her tongue, Daisy grabbed his arm. “She’s got a man, Pedro.”

  “Why she here then? He not a good man to let her go.”

  Daisy steered him to the door. “Just go and make sure the rest of the ladies are fed, sí?”

  After she ate and dressed, Daisy took her to the second floor, ushered her into a room and sat her down. “Now, I got people who are gonna come in here and they’re experts at what they do. I want you to sit like a porcelain doll and do whatever you’re told.”

  Bren did just that. After about five minutes, she wondered why she was going along with this crazy idea in the first place. She stood up, headed to the door and it flung open.

  A woman stood there, carrying a huge black bag. She was big, busty, dark, and she wore a colored scarf over her hair. “Hello, I’m Coco and you must be the woman who’s life is about to glitter!”


  Cabin at Flat River

  Wade swung her around and stared at the man who stood in the doorway. “I think I’m gonna ask you what the hell you’re doing in my cabin!”

  Kanda’s eyes shot over to the door and then back up at him.

  “You put my sister down!”

  Her gaze shot back over to Trevor. “Now Trev, don’t get all worked up.”

  Trevor was red in the face. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been riding five hundred acres for the last day looking for you!”

  Kanda just grinned at him. “I’ve been—here.”

  He shook his head. “I never would’ve believed it. You taking off like that!”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you!” Kanda blinked her eyes at him.

  Wade seemed to relax and he set her down in the chair. “She was thrown from her horse and I was taking care of her.”

  Trevor’s gaze swung down to her long man shirt, barely covering her shapely thighs. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  At his insulting sneer, Kanda felt her blood boil. “As you can see, I’m fine now.”

  “This just isn’t like you. I mean, here alone with some strange man?”

  Her heart was pounding in her ears. Yeah, it wasn’t like me at all. She was about to find out what it would be like to not be alone and unloved. “I think you have bigger problems to deal with Trev.”

  “Like what?” He took his dusty hat off and stared at her.

  “Like the fact of Bren Plush being heartbroken over you.”

  He looked like she’d punched him in the gut and then he cleared his expression. “What do you know about that?”

  “I know she was desperate for some reason. She was looking for you and she was upset when she left town.”

  He looked sort of pale all of the sudden. “Left…?”

  “She was cryin’ and going on about how she messed up and lost ya.”

  He jerked his head back.

  Kanda knew she was elaborating a bit, but she really liked that he looked panicked at the news.

  “Do you know—um…?”

  “Do I know where she went?” Kanda finished for him.

  He nodded and stepped closer, his hat clenched in his hands.

  Kanda suddenly felt sorry for her brother. For the first time in her life, she felt sympathy for him. He’s clearly hurting. Why—he loves her! Kanda felt bad for misleading him; she knew Bren was coming back. But at the same time…she thought she might just be feeling different now about some things and she was gonna break her own steadfast rule. She was going to interfere. “She went to Victoria, to a ranch just off the 70 at mile marker 30.”

  He stood for a long, tense moment. Then, he gazed over at Wade.

  “I’ll make sure Kandy gets back to the Triple K, mate.”

  Trev’s eyes widened at the rarely used nickname.

  Kanda shook her head at him with a stern warning in her eyes.

  Still standing in the doorway, Trevor looked unsure.

  “I’m a big girl, Trev. I can take care of myself.”

  “I’ll tell Mom that you’re okay.”

  Kanda grinned at him. “Oh yes. I’m sure she’s gonna be thrilled to pieces about this.”

  Trevor laughed for the first time since he busted in. “And you can bet I’m gonna glorify it as much as possible.” He winked at her. “Seeing as to how we Kincades seem to be real good at
elaboratin’.” He turned and left.

  Wade sighed and walked over to where she stood. “Well, I suppose we should get going.”

  Kanda looked at him. She took in that strong jawline and stared at those yummy lips, her eyes boldly straying lower to his wide chest, which she knew, was hard as stone.

  “Hello?” he called to her.

  Her eyes shot up to his face.

  “You seemed lost there for a minute. I said I’d better return you to your ranch.”

  Nodding her head, she knew she had been lost. It all had been like a dream and she’d gotten close to having her trip to the moon. Here he was, the very man who could be the astronaut. Then, her brother had to go and mess it all up!

  She also knew she wanted to be with this man. What would another type of girl do when in this situation? How can I tell him that I want to—want to be with him? She couldn’t believe she was gonna do something like this. Releasing a huge sigh, her eyes rolled in her head and her knees buckled.

  He caught her in his arms and she met with that hard chest. “Are you okay?”

  The warmth from his body felt so good and she didn’t answer.

  Wade scooped her up with ease and swung her around. He then placed her gently onto the bed

  Kanda had never fainted, not in her whole life. She hadn’t now either, but she knew that she just crossed a line she never believed herself capable of. She’d used the oldest female trick in the book to get what she wanted. No—none of this was like her at all. And as she smelled the fresh scent of his neck? She was God damned glad about it!


  The Ruby Red Suite at the Plush Rooster Ranch

  “You’s got to sit still, dolly!” Coco reprimanded her for the tenth time in the last hour.

  “I just never wore much makeup and I’m afraid I’m gonna look like a clown!” Bren defended.

  Coco set her blush brush down. “You are now officially insultin’ me, princess.” She squared her shoulders. “I ain’t no hack working for a circus, you know. I’m just bringing out your best features is all.”


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