Make Me Scream

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Make Me Scream Page 24

by P. J. Mellor

  She glanced around the little apartment she’d called home and realized it felt more like a real home than anywhere she’d lived for years.

  Walking into the bathroom to check one more time, she stopped, staring at the now familiar face in the mirror.

  She was running away. Again.

  Fred had never been the real problem. In truth, she could handle the Freds of the world. The real problem was her inability to trust. Because she felt her judgment was flawed, she didn’t trust herself, and that trickled down into an inability to trust anyone.

  But she knew in her heart, she could trust Devon. Did trust him.

  “Devon!” Francyne hurried across the courtyard. “Devon! Have you checked your messages?”

  He frowned at her from where he stood with Rick and Todd.

  “Not lately, why?”

  “Well, I just checked them. There was a message from, well, I forget who, but he wants to buy your book! But I’m confused, he said he wanted to buy your cookbook. When did you write a cookbook?”

  He blinked, too stunned to speak for a second. “I sent a proposal by e-mail, but I didn’t think anything would happen. At least, not so soon. Are you sure that’s what he said?”

  “I wrote down the number. You can call him back tomorrow.” She clasped her hands, a big smile on her leathery face. “This is so exciting! I—oh!”

  The men turned to look at what had caught Francyne’s attention.

  Grant and a man in a dark suit walked across the courtyard; a tall, thin woman with shoulder-length blond hair and a definite limp walked between them.

  Devon squinted. There was something familiar about the woman.

  She shrieked and broke away, running toward Todd, who was also running in her direction.

  Todd caught her in his arms, swinging her around while they both laughed and talked at the same time.

  “I’ll be damned,” Francyne said softly, watching the display. “It’s Alexis!” She tugged on Devon’s arm. “Let’s go find out what’s going on.”

  “Okay. I didn’t even realize Todd knew Alexis.” He started across the courtyard but before he could take more than a step Francyne’s hand on his shoulder halted his progress.

  “I guess now would be a good time to tell you Todd is Alexis’s brother.” She shifted from foot to foot. “I’d have mentioned it sooner only I was sworn to secrecy.”

  “He just told me he was a cop.” Devon shook his head. “How much more difficult would it have been to just add he and Alexis were brother and sister?”

  “Well, that’s part of why he was here. He was looking for Alexis in his spare time. I—”

  “Hey, Aunt Francyne,” Grant ambled up, leaving Alexis and Todd talking quietly by the firepit. “Devon.”

  “Aunt Francyne?” Devon struggled not to yell. “What else have you been keeping from me, Francyne? Any other relatives or spies I should know about?”

  “Oh, stop acting like a drama queen! I couldn’t tell you about Todd or Grant. You’re a smart boy, if you think about it, you’ll figure it out.”

  He turned to Grant. “Grant? Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  In response, Grant flipped open an official looking badge. “I’ve been here investigating the disappearance of Alexis Stewart.” He nodded toward Alexis. “My partners and I have been following leads as well as keeping our eyes and ears open around here, the last known address for Ms. Stewart. Seems her brother was correct when he reported possible foul play involving Ms. Stewart and her estranged husband, Vincent Gregory. He held her just a few miles away, out by the fishing shanties. Our break came when one of the fishermen reported hearing screams. Gregory broke her leg when he abducted Ms. Stewart and has had her locked in a fruit cellar in an abandoned house for several months. She was tortured as well as being repeatedly beaten and molested. She’ll more than likely have to have her leg surgically repaired.”

  “Oh, my Lord!” Francyne grasped her chest, her gaze shooting from Grant to Alexis and back. “That poor baby! Is she going to be okay?”

  “Yes, Aunt Francyne, according to the doctor who checked her out, she’ll recover. At least physically. Gregory wasn’t as lucky. She was attempting an escape when our agents closed in. During the ensuing scuffle, Gregory was shot. He died at the scene.”

  Jamie had just closed her suitcase when a knock sounded. Hurrying to the door, she couldn’t help but think about how differently she reacted to a knock now.

  A bunch of brightly colored balloons greeted her when she opened the door. They were tied with purple ribbons. Her gaze followed the ribbons down to…a purple vibrator, light catching on its embedded sparkles.

  A pair of long feet clad in brown leather flip-flops appeared next to the dildo.

  On up was a pair of strong legs that disappeared into a pair of khaki cargo shorts. A Hawaiian-print shirt in tan, orange, purple and green completed the ensemble. But it was what she saw above it that took her breath away.

  Devon stood looking at her, a smile she could only describe as hopeful on his face.

  “Hi. I told Francyne you probably wouldn’t be impressed by her lucky vibrator, but she insisted.”

  Heart expanding, Jamie blinked back tears. In response to his words, she pulled him into the apartment and closed the door. “I’m more impressed with the real thing,” she said, pulling him down for a kiss that quickly escalated.

  He severed the kiss, pulling back to look at her. “I hope you know I wouldn’t share Francyne’s wacky ideas with just anybody.” He kissed her forehead, then bent to look in her eyes. “I love you.”

  Choking back tears, she could barely say the words. “I love you, too.”

  “What’s not to love?” He grinned down at her. “Of course, I wouldn’t object if you wanted to prove it.”

  With an answering grin, she tugged his shirt over his head while she backed him toward the bedroom.

  Damn, he loved it when a woman—especially this woman—knew what she wanted.

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  Sara pressed her fingers to her mouth to stop from gasping as she watched the man and woman writhe together on the tangled bedsheets. Daisy’s plump thighs were locked around the hips of the man who pushed relentlessly inside her. The violent rhythm of his thrusts made the iron bedstead creak as Daisy moaned and cried out his name.

  Sara knew she should move away from the half-opened door. But she couldn’t take her gaze away from the frenzied activity on the bed. Her skin prickled, and her heart thumped hard against her breasts.

  When Daisy screeched and convulsed as if she were suffering a fit, a small sound escaped Sara’s lips. To her horror, the man on top of Daisy reared back as though he’d heard something. He turned his head, and his eyes locked with hers. Sara spun away, gathered her shawl around her shoulders, and stumbled back along the corridor. She had her hand on the landing door when footsteps behind her made her pause.

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  Lord Valentin Sokorvsky’s amused voice halted Sara’s hurried retreat. Reluctantly she turned to face him. He strolled toward her, tucking his white shirt into his unfastened breeches. His discarded coat, waistcoat, and cravat hung over his arm. A thin glow of perspiration covered his tanned skin, a testament to his recent exertions.

  Sara drew herself up to her full height. “The question of enjoyment did not arise, my lord. I merely confirmed my suspicions that you are not a fit mate for my youngest sister.”

  Lord Valentin was close enough now for Sara to stare into his violet eyes. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His body was as graceful as a Greek sculpture, and he moved like a trained dancer. Although she mistrusted him, she yearned to reach out and stroke his lush lower lip just to see if he was real. His hair was a rich chestnut brown, held back from his face with a black silk ribbon. An unfashionable styl
e, but it suited him.

  He arched one eyebrow. Every movement he made was so polished, she suspected he practiced each one in the mirror until he perfected it. His open-necked shirt revealed half a bronzed coin strung on a strand of leather and hinted at the thickness of the hair on his chest.

  “Men have…needs, Miss Harrison. I’m sure your sister is aware of that.”

  As he moved closer, Sara tried to take shallow breaths. His citrus scent was underscored by another more powerful and elusive smell that she realized must be sex. She’d never imagined lovemaking had a particular scent. She’d always thought procreation would be a quiet orderly affair in the privacy of a marriage bed, not the primitive, noisy, exuberant mating she’d just witnessed.

  “My sister is a lady, Lord Sokorvsky. What would she know of men’s desires?”

  “Enough to know that a man looks for heirs and obedience from his wife and pleasure from his mistress.”

  She felt a rush of anger on her sister’s behalf. “Perhaps she deserves more. Personally, I cannot think of anything worse than being trapped in a marriage like that.”

  His extraordinary eyes sparked with interest as he appeared to notice her nightclothes and bare feet for the first time. Sara edged back toward the door. He angled his body to block her exit.

  “Is that why you frequent the servants’ wing in the dead of night? Have you decided to risk all for the love of a common man?”

  Sara blushed and clutched her shawl tightly to her breasts. “I came to see if what my maid told me was true.”

  “Ah.” He glanced back down the corridor. “Daisy is your maid?” He swept her an elegant bow. “Consider me well and truly compromised. What do you intend to do? Insist I marry her? Go and tell tales to your father?”

  She glared at him. How could she tell her father that the man he regarded as a protégé was a licentious rake? And then there was the matter of Lord Sokorvsky’s immense wealth. Her father’s seafaring enterprises had not faired well in recent years.

  She licked her lips. His interested gaze followed the movement of her tongue. “My father thinks very highly of you. He was delighted when you offered to marry one of his daughters.”

  He leaned his shoulder against the wall and considered her, his expression serious. “I owe your father my life. I would marry all three of you if such a thing were allowed in this country.”

  “Fortunately for you, it is not,” Sara snapped. His face resumed the lazy, taunting expression she had come to dread. “As to my purpose, I thought to appeal to your better nature. I wanted to ask you not to dishonor my sister by taking a mistress after you wed and to remain true to your vows.”

  He stared at her for a long moment and then began to laugh. “You expect me to remain faithful to your sister forever?” His eyes darkened to reveal a hint of steel. “In return for what?”

  “I won’t tell my father about your dishonorable behavior tonight. He would be so disappointed in you.”

  His smile disappeared. He stepped so close his booted feet nudged Sara’s bare toes. “That’s blackmail. And there’s no way in hell you would ever know whether I kept my word or not.”

  Sara managed a small triumphant smile. “You do not keep your promises then? You are a man without honor?”

  He put his fingers under her chin and jerked her head up to meet his gaze. She found it difficult to breathe as she gazed into his amazing eyes. Why hadn’t she realized that beneath his exquisite exterior lay a deadly iron will?

  “I can assure you, I keep my promises.”

  Sara found her voice. “Charlotte is only seventeen. She knows little of the world. I am only trying to protect her.”

  He released her chin and slid his fingers down the side of her throat to her shoulder. To her relief, his air of contained violence dissipated.

  “Why didn’t your parents put you forward to marry me? You are the oldest, are you not?”

  She glanced pointedly at his hand, which still rested on her shoulder. “I’m twenty-six. I had my chance to catch a husband. I had a Season in London and failed to capitalize on it.”

  He curled a lock of her black hair around his finger. She shivered. His rapt expression intensified.

  “Charlotte is the most beautiful and biddable of my sisters. She deserves a chance to become a rich man’s wife.”

  His soft laugh startled her, and his warm breath fanned her neck. “Like me, you mean?”

  Sara stared boldly into his eyes. “Yes, although…” She frowned, distracted by his nearness. “Emily might be a better match for you. She is more impressed by wealth and status than Charlotte.”

  “You possess something neither of your sisters has.”

  Sara bit her lip. “You don’t need to remind me. Apparently I am impulsive and too direct for most men’s taste.”

  He tugged lightly on the curl of her hair. “Not all men. I have been known to admire a woman with drive and determination.”

  She lifted her gaze and met his eyes. Something urgent sparked between them. She fought a desire to lean closer and rub her cheek against his muscular chest. “I think I will make a far better spinster aunt than a wife. At least I will be able to be myself.”

  His lazy smile was as intimate as a caress. “But what about the joys of the marriage bed? Might you regret not sampling those?”

  She gave a disdainful sniff. “If what I have just seen is an example of those ‘joys,’ perhaps I am well rid of them.”

  His fingers tightened in her hair. “You didn’t enjoy watching me fuck your maid?”

  Sara gaped at him.

  His smile widened. He extended his index finger and gently closed her mouth. “Not only are you a prude, Miss Harrison, but you are also a liar.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. Sara wanted to cross her arms over her breasts. She trembled when he stepped back and studied her.

  “Your skin is flushed, and I can see your nipples through your nightgown. If I slid my hand between your legs, I wager you’d be wet and ready for me.”

  Sara’s fingers twitched in an instinctive impulse to slap his handsome face. She waited for a rush of anger to fuel her courage, but nothing happened. Only a strange sense of waiting, of tension, of need—as if her body knew something her mind hadn’t yet understood. She let him look at her, tempted to take his hand and press it to her breast. Somehow she knew he would assuage the pulsing ache that flooded her senses.

  As if he’d read her thoughts, he reached out and circled the tight bud of her nipple. Sara closed her eyes as a pang of need shot straight to her womb.


  His low voice broke the spell. She covered herself with her shawl and backed away. As soon as she managed to wrench the door open, she ran. His laughter pursued her down the stairwell.

  Valentin stared after Sara Harrison as his shaft thickened and grew against his unbuttoned breeches. He absentmindedly set himself to rights and considered her reaction to him. She needed a man inside her whether she realized it or not. Perhaps he should reconsider his plan to marry the young and oh-so-biddable Charlotte.

  His smile faded as he followed Sara down the stairs. John Harrison had a special bond with his eldest daughter. Knowing Valentin’s sordid history, would John allow him to marry his favorite child? It was interesting that she hadn’t been offered to him as a potential bride to begin with.

  He strolled down one flight of stairs and made his way back along the darkened corridor to his bedroom. There was no sign of Sara.

  Valentin surveyed his empty bed and imagined Sara lying naked in the center, her long black hair spread on the pillows, her arms open wide to welcome him. He frowned as his cock throbbed with need. Sara Harrison would not be a complacent wife. To lay the ghosts of his past, he needed to settle down with a conventional woman who would present him with children and leave him to his own devices.

  Before leaving town, he’d spent an uproarious evening with his friends and current mistress, composing a list of the qualities a man
required in a society wife. One of her sisters would definitely be a better choice. He suspected Sara would be a challenge.

  Her frank curiosity stirred his senses. He’d wanted to part her lips and take her mouth to see how she tasted. He’d forgotten how erotic a first kiss could be, having moved onto more interesting territory a long time ago. Her innocence and underlying sensuality deserved to be explored. Wasn’t that what he truly craved?

  He stripped off his clothes and let them drop to the floor. The meager fire had gone out, and coldness crept through the ill-fitting windows and door. At least he had a few days’ grace before he needed to make his decision. John Harrison was not due to return to his family until Friday night. Valentin climbed into bed. His brief, interrupted tryst with the enthusiastic Daisy had done little to slake his desire.

  Valentin tried to ignore the unpleasant smell of damp and mildewed sheets as he closed his fist around his erection and stroked himself toward a climax. Imagining it was Sara who touched him made him want to come quickly. He didn’t allow her image to destroy the sensual buildup of sexual anticipation that burned through his aroused body.

  He pictured her startled face as she’d watched him fuck Daisy. Had she wanted to touch him herself? The thought made him shudder. His body jerked as he climaxed. He closed his eyes, and a vision of Sara’s passionate face flooded his senses.

  His last thought as sleep claimed him was of her coming under him as he took his release deep inside her again and again.

  All characters, companies, and products in this book have no existence outside of the imagination of the author. Events depicted are purely fictional and are not inspired by any person living or dead.

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