His Rules Bundle (BDSM Erotica)

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His Rules Bundle (BDSM Erotica) Page 6

by Lyla Sinclair

What a humiliating position that would be! “What?” I asked. “Why?”

  “You’re not allowed to ask questions, only to obey. This will be your only warning. Next time, there will be consequences. Now put your soles together and spread your thighs…like a frog.”

  Although shocked by his description of what he wanted from me, I obeyed. He leaned over the bed and examined the area between my thighs very carefully. He ran a finger around my pussy lips. Even in this position, my clit stood at attention, hoping for a caress of its own. “Smooth,” he said. “Now, get on your hands and knees facing away from me.”

  I did as he asked without argument this time, not wanting to find out what types of punishments he doled out for misbehavior.

  “Spread your knees farther apart,” he said and I did.

  I closed my eyes to the humiliation, but I could sense him behind me, examining me. His hands grasped the two sides of my buttocks and pulled them apart. “Nice job,” he murmured. “All right, lie on your back again.”

  I turned over and waited for further instructions, but found that I couldn’t meet Richard’s gaze.

  “Spread your legs wide and put your finger on your clit. I want to watch you pleasure yourself.”

  Pleasure myself? I thought we would pleasure each other.

  But I slid my finger between my pussy lips and rolled it over my hungry nub, then began the circular stimulation it craved so much. My eyes fell closed.

  “Look at me, Lauren,” Richard said. I lifted my lids slowly and our eyes met, his dark gaze penetrating me almost as effectively as his cock could. I felt a jolt in my clit and moaned.

  “Does that feel good to you Lauren?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Run your finger over the skin of your pussy lips.”

  Reluctantly, my finger left my clit and traced a path around my lips.

  “Smooth, aren’t they?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And how does that make you feel?”

  I didn’t know what to say. Did he expect a particular response?

  He crossed his arms and cocked his head. “The truth, Lauren.”


  “Excellent,” he replied nodding his approval at my state of discomposure. “Now, show me how you make yourself come.”

  Yes! I wanted to come. If I had to do the job myself, so be it. I slid my finger back between my pussy lips and let my eyes fall closed. I dipped my finger inside and covered it in cream. It circled around inside my lips in a tease, then flicked back and forth across my clit. But, soon, I gave in and pressed harder, rotating my finger in a circle on top of my clit.

  “Ohhhh…” I moaned. I lifted my hips in a series of pelvic thrusts. The pressure was building, and knowing Richard was there to watch made me that much more ready to explode.

  A preview jolt hit me. I jumped and called out “Oh! Ahhh…”

  A few more seconds of this and I’d come for sure.

  “That’s enough, Lauren.”

  What? My eyes popped open.

  “Get up off the bed.”

  Dazed and breathing hard, I scooted to the end of the bed and stood, a bit dizzy as the blood in my body tried to decide where to rush next.

  Richard opened a door I’d never been through and motioned for me to enter. When I did, I realized it was a huge walk-in closet. Everything inside was masculine and perfectly organized from the color-coordinated suits to the shoes, each with its own built-in wooden cubby hole.

  At the back were mirrors on the right and left walls, as well as an ornate free-standing full length mirror in front of the far wall. I could see myself approaching it as Richard led me to the corner on the right.

  “Stop here. Turn and keep your eyes on the closet door,” he said. This meant I was facing away from whatever he was doing behind me. I heard the sound of keys rattling and hinges. “Put your hands behind your back,” Richard commanded.

  I obeyed without question, and quickly felt cold steel around both wrists. A sense of fear rushed through me. I’d never been handcuffed before, certainly never while naked. The sense of vulnerability was now almost overwhelming. I tried to control my breathing.

  “Ah, you make an excellent slave, Lauren.” After more rattling, my right ankle experienced the same sensation as my wrists. I looked down and saw a silver band, and realized it was attached to a chain.

  “But, I—“

  “Be careful, Lauren,” Richard said in a warning tone.

  I pressed my lips together.

  Richard stood and turned me toward him. He reached down between my thighs and pushed his finger into my pussy.

  “Hah-ah-ah…” I moaned. I hoped there was more where that came from.

  But he slid it out of me and showed it to me. “Wet. Good. That’s how I want you. Wet and waiting.” He reached up with both hands and caressed my breasts. “But then anyone can get you wet, can’t they Lauren? Take Sven, for instance.”

  Oh no! He was still angry about Sven. I’d tried to explain to him how that misunderstanding had happened, but apparently, the memory of what he saw was stronger than any explanation I could give. So this was my punishment.

  His caress became something rougher and he grasped my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and pinched until I cried out.

  He releases them, then leaned in very close until his lips were against my ear. “Tell me the truth Lauren. What I just did to you was painful, but it also made you hotter for me, didn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “What was that?”

  I cleared my throat. “Yes Sir.”

  “Wonderful… All right, you’ll wait in here until I return. Don’t make a sound or you’ll be punished. Oh, the door can only be opened from the outside and you’re not allowed to leave, obviously.” He motioned toward the chain running from my leg to the back wall.

  He walked out and shut the door.

  Chapter Two

  Of all the things I’d imagined happening, I hadn’t expected Richard to simply walk away and leave me tethered and alone. I strained at my handcuffs and my new “ankle bracelet” to see if this was for real. It was.

  My wrists were truly shackled behind me. I paced the length of the closet and found I could get to the door, but it was indeed locked.

  Strange. The door had a peep hole, like those normally installed on front doors. I could see clearly into Richard’s bedroom. What in the world was that for?

  Over the next half hour I stood, then sat in a chair in the front corner of the closet, then stood again, trying to find a position that was comfortable with my hands behind my back and my ankle shackled. There wasn’t one.

  Gradually, I became aware of sounds coming from the other side of the wall. Not the side next to Richard’s bedroom, but the other one, which I guessed shared a wall with the rumpus room.

  Voices rose and fell, glasses tinkled, people laughed… Was he having another Monopoly party? Was he doing things with other women I wanted him to do only with me? I was angry and jealous. Then I had an even scarier thought.

  What if I were part of the entertainment? The sex slave he was going to drag out in the middle of the party to service anyone who wanted me? Could he be that angry? I must have paced nervously for hours, waiting, wondering.

  But finally, I heard a woman’s voice clearly, as if enhanced by a microphone. “On behalf of the Charity League, I’d like to thank Mr. Richard Benson for hosting tonight’s gala…”

  Relief swept over me. Richard wasn’t out there making other women do his bidding as he’d done to me and the other “losers” of the game that first night. And I was certain he wouldn’t parade me out in front of his Charity League group.

  I was finally able to relax as the party died down. I sat and rested my back against the closet door, hoping Richard would return to me soon.

  I’d nearly dozed off when I heard his voice c
oming from his bedroom. Was he talking to me? As I stood, another voice chimed in with his…

  A woman’s voice…happy, or maybe drunk. Why was she here?

  When I peeked out the peephole, I saw Richard standing directly in front of the closet door with a slinky brunette in a long shimmery gown.

  The bedroom light was off, but enough light shone from the bathroom to give me a clear picture of what was happening. As Richard took a last sip from a champagne flute, the brunette fastened her full lips on his throat as she began working the buttons of his shirt.

  He allowed her to pull the shirt off his arms, exposing his wide shoulders and thick biceps. She trailed her tongue down his chest to his stomach and sucked on a spot near his navel.

  Jealousy screamed through me like a hurricane. I wanted to stop them, but I couldn’t open the door. And did I want anyone to see me like this?

  Richard dropped down onto the bed in a seated position. She immediately fell to her knees and tore at his pants as though desperate to get to his cock.

  My chest ached. Had he brought me here only to watch him make love to another woman? I hated him.

  Except I didn’t. In fact, since I’d met him, I’d thought maybe I could even love him. I’d certainly found him fascinating and titillating in a way no other man had ever been to me.

  And now?

  I couldn’t avert me eyes. I had to see what would happen next. With all my might, I wished this woman would pass out or get sick from the liquor or from food poisoning. I didn’t care how, I just wanted this to stop.

  She freed his cock and attacked it with her mouth, running her tongue up and down the shaft, then enveloping it between her greedy crimson lips. I wanted to kill her.

  Richard groaned. His hands wove through her hair and caressed it. I had a memory flash of doing the same thing when Sven was between my thighs, moments before we were aware of Richard’s presence.


  As the brunette continued to feast on Richard’s cock, he turned and looked directly at the closet door. I froze. It was as if he was seeing me there. Looking right into my eyes.

  I was angry. I was hurt. I was so jealous, it was lucky I didn’t have a weapon that would travel through wood at that moment.

  The brunette released his cock and began tonguing his balls. His eyes fell closed and he groaned again, stabbing me in the stomach with the sound of his voice. I shook from head to toe with rage.

  He looked toward the closet door once more and smiled a triumphant smile. He knew I was watching helplessly as another woman ravished him.

  Suddenly, he touched the brunette’s shoulder and said something quietly to her. She seemed unhappy with whatever it was, but a few moments later, she disappeared from view. Was she still in the room? I couldn’t see.

  Richard pulled off his pants and picked them up along with his shirt. He headed toward the bathroom. I thought I heard water running. Was he showering alone? I resumed my pacing.

  A few minutes later, the closet door opened and Richard appeared, dressed only in a fluffy white bath towel, wrapped around his waist.

  “And how are you, my pet?”

  I was angry. I didn’t like what he’d done and I didn’t like being called his pet.

  “Is she gone?”


  “You know who.”

  “Oh, her. Yes, I sent her away. Apparently, we had a misunderstanding. She thought I wanted her to suck my cock, when all I wanted was to be with you.”

  He was paraphrasing my own words about Sven and throwing them back at me. Except mine really was a misunderstanding.

  “You’re an ass Richard,” I said angrily. “I wish I’d never met you.”

  He grabbed my wrist with one hand and one of his belts from a nearby hook with the other. Then he pulled me over to the chair in the front corner, sat down in it and yanked me face down onto his lap. The position felt especially precarious with my hands shackled behind me, as though I might fall on my head at any moment.

  My bottom was assaulted by three quick angry stings.

  “My slave is not allowed to address me with my given name,” he said. He punctuated the sentence with another thwack to my backside. “Would you care to try to address me again?”

  I was still angry, regardless of who had the upper hand here. “You’re an ass, Master,” I said.

  He swatted my rear end again. “Not quite the degree of respect I was looking for.” He proceeded to deliver one slow thwack after another to my bottom. I had just enough time for the sting to die down from one, and a fresh swat would sear through me. Liquid gathered in my eyes, but, far worse was the other liquid that pooled at the entrance to my pussy.

  I was angry, I was in pain, yet still my body yearned for Richard.

  “Please,” I finally whimpered.



  “Please what?” He delivered another searing lash to my bottom. This was nearly unbearable now, yet my pussy contracted and released as if it knew this was some sort of foreplay. I needed it to stop though. It hurt too much.

  “Please…” What was the right thing to say? “Please forgive me, Master…for being a bad slave…for everything.”

  He laid the belt across the tender skin of my backside. It moved slightly and I tensed. Had that been enough, or would I get swatted again?

  The belt snaked slowly across my ass cheeks, one side at a time. It slid down the back of one thigh and up the other. Was he lulling me into a false sense of security?

  The belt eased between my thighs and scraped the bare skin of my pussy lips.

  I whimpered—a pathetic puppy-like sound. This was humiliating, yet I needed him to do more. I felt like one raw, needy nerve-ending.

  He slipped the end of the belt between my pussy lips. It touched my clit and I jumped, nearly tumbling off his lap, but he pressed a hand to my back and steadied me.

  The belt scratched back and forth over the length of my clit. It was the most frustrating pleasure, exactly in the right place, but the touch was too light to be anything more than a tease.

  “I suppose you know that you have a spectacular ass,” Richard said. “Do you know what men are thinking when they look at it?”

  “No, Master,” I replied.

  “That’s for the best I suppose,” he said, as he rubbed the belt up and down some more. My hips began to undulate, trying to achieve more satisfaction from the contact.

  “Do you know the first night I saw you, when you walked into the room, I stopped breathing?”

  “No,” I whispered. “You had such a poker face most of the night. I didn’t imagine you were very excited over me.”

  He dropped the belt and began kneading my bottom with his hand. “To me, you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I liked the way you spoke…the sound of your voice…” His finger slipped down between my thighs to tease my clit.

  I couldn’t control the moan in the base of my throat. I was so relieved to have his touch there.

  “I didn’t want to feel that way, you know, like I could be falling…” His words trailed off, but his finger worked my clit masterfully. “You were mesmerizing during the game. I hung on your every word. And when I won and everyone was at my command, I thought of giving you to one of the other men, just to wipe the thoughts of us out of my mind.” He moved his finger ever-so-slowly in a circular motion.

  I moaned and writhed some more.

  “But, in the end, all I could bear to do was watch you with Lenore…and by the time that was finished, you had beguiled me with your moans and your sighs.”

  He slid a finger into my pussy.

  “Ohhhh! Oh! Yes!” I cried.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes Master,” I whispered breathily.

  He rewarded me by thrusting into me again. I was so come-starved, a finger fucking was as good as anything else at that moment. He kept it up and the pressure built throughout my body.

  “And once we were together,
you were all I could think about. All I wanted.”

  Richard was pleasuring me and telling me everything I wanted to hear, mirroring the same feelings I’d had about him since we’d first met. It was too much. I would come at any moment.

  “But the day I thought you were coming to be with me and me alone, I found you with Sven’s face between your thighs.”

  His movements stopped.

  Chapter Three

  “Please,” I begged.

  Without a word, he pulled me up and dragged me by the arm to the back of the closet. “Get on your knees,” he said.

  I knelt down carefully since my hands were still shackled and I wouldn’t have them to catch me if I lost my balance. He dropped the towel from around his waist. His hard cock pointed at me accusingly.

  “Did you suck Sven’s cock that day, Lauren?”

  “No Master,” I replied.

  “Did you want to?”

  “No. I only wanted you.”

  “Regardless, now I have you here and, tonight, you belong to me completely.” He grasped my chin and turned my face toward the mirrored wall to my left. “Look at yourself. I’ve taken Lauren Hughes, partner in an accounting firm and turned her into my sex slave.”

  I saw the handcuffs on my wrists and the chain attached to my leg. Stripped of my business suit—and everything else—I did look like I was nothing more than Richard’s personal closet slave.

  “What would your boss, Mr. Chaney think if he saw you now?”

  Mr. Chaney was officially my partner now, rather than my boss as he was before, but either way, I didn’t want to picture his face at this moment.

  A frightening thought crossed my mind and I glanced around the closet to see if there were cameras.

  Richard chuckled. “Don’t worry. He’ll never know. This is a private matter, between you and me.”

  As angry as Richard had gotten over Sven, at least now he’d admitted to having feelings for me before. Maybe if I let him have his night of—whatever this was—I could win him back.

  Still holding my face toward the mirror with one hand, Richard took his cock in the other. He stepped forward and stood at an angle so that he could rub the tip around on my lips as I watched.


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