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Titus Page 9

by Carly Fall

  Abby’s eyes quickly filled up with tears, and Macy grabbed her hands. “It will all work out, Abby. We’re all here for you. I’ll be by your side, as will the others. Right now, Noah is just scared. He’ll be there for you when you need it most.”

  Abby cried as Macy gave her a hug, burying her head in the space between her shoulder and neck. She knew in her heart that everything would work out between Abby and Noah, and Noah would be able to get beyond what spooked him. Right now, the male just seemed to be in shock that he would be a father at any time now.

  “Thank you, Macy,” Abby said, wiping her eyes. “These damn pregnancy hormones have me crying at the drop of a hat. I’m usually not a crier.”

  Just then, Alaina and Faith walked in.

  “Reporting for kitchen duty, Abby!” Faith exclaimed.

  As Abby wiped her eyes, she told Faith not to ask about the tears, then gave her directions on what needed to be done. Alaina, on the other hand, stared at Macy.

  She tried to ignore the female and turned to get the milk, as Abby had instructed.

  As she set the carton down on the counter, Alaina grabbed her bicep.

  “We’ll be back in a minute, Abby!” Alaina called as she dragged her into the Great Room.

  Once alone, Alaina smiled. “You did it, didn’t you?”

  Macy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. You look different.”

  “You’re being silly.”

  She turned to leave, then Alaina said, “Tell me, or I start spreading rumors.”

  Spinning around, she confronted her dear friend. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Oh, yes, I would.”

  Macy grimaced at her. “You … you Colonist!”

  Alaina threw her head back and laughed, and Macy did, as well.

  “So, did you get some?”

  “It’s none of your business, Alaina. I don’t kiss and tell.”

  Alaina hugged her. “Well, whatever happened, you look like a new person.”

  Just then, Annis walked in with the crying baby, Michael.

  “Ah, Macy. I’m so glad I found you!”

  Alaina said hello and glanced at the baby as if it were a ticking time bomb. She then left to head back to kitchen duty. Alaina never wanted children as she was afraid of her Colonist genes making the child a monster.

  “What can I do for you, Annis?”

  She sighed. “He was fussy all night long, and both Cohen and I are just exhausted. I was wondering if you could watch him for just an hour or so? We’d love to catch a nap.”

  “Of course!”

  She stretched out her arms, and Annis lay the little bundle in them. She shushed him and rocked him, and after a moment, he fell asleep.

  Annis shook her head. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  Macy stared down at the little brown face and grinned. “Go sleep so I can enjoy my time with my little saint.”

  She sat down as Annis left, again confounded by the gift of life. How special it was to give birth, to be responsible for another’s every need, to know the babe you held in your arms was a part of you and your mate. The wonderment brought tears to her eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered to Michael, who sighed and slipped deeper into sleep.

  Chapter 22

  Titus went down to the gym the next morning, not feeling like a zombie since Simon’s death. It felt good to be motivated again, to want to get out of bed.

  As he worked out with Blake, he didn’t even mind the Billy Idol blaring through the speakers. Blake seemed to go in cycles with his music. A month ago, he’d played the Rolling Stones over and over again, which Titus hadn’t minded. Today, he even found himself humming along with old Billy.

  “I told you he’d grow on you,” Blake said as he lifted the barbell while Titus spotted.

  He didn’t know if he’d ever like the music, but today, it didn’t irritate him. Perhaps it was a step in the right direction.

  “I think I can do more weight,” Blake huffed.

  Titus bent down and put on fifty more pounds. “You’re really getting strong.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Titus set the weights on the bar, his thoughts turning to Macy. Being with her had been quite an experience. The female knew what she liked during sex, and he found it such a contradiction to the character she presented to everyone. The kind, sweet, gentle, and frumpy Macy had become a tiger in bed. He couldn’t help but wonder who she had become so experienced with.

  She had said it occurred when she lived in the bunker, so before he even got there. Five males and one female all living together under one roof in very close quarters could have meant that she’d had multiple partners, but she hadn’t indicated as such.

  Blake lifted the bar off the holder and brought it down to his chest. He strained to get it back up, but his arms shook as he tried to push.

  Titus gave him a few seconds to work through it, but could tell Blake wouldn’t be benching the extra fifty pounds.

  He reached over and lifted the bar, setting it on the stand.

  “I had that,” Blake whispered as he tried to catch his breath.

  “No, you didn’t. You probably would have crushed your ribs if I hadn’t been here, so do the right thing and say, ‘thank you, Titus, for saving my ass.’”

  Blake sat up and stared at him, grinning. “What’s going on with you? Where’s the sullen, miserable son of a bitch I’m used to?”

  Titus shrugged.

  Blake stood and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Good to see you coming around, buddy.”

  They spent the next hour fighting. Blake got the upper hand on him every time, but at least it seemed his head was in the game as he got in a few good punches and kicks.

  As Blake took him to the floor for the third time, he tried to maneuver his way out from under him with no success. Finally, he tapped out.

  Blake rolled off of him and they lay side by side on the mats, both breathing hard. Exhaustion rolled through him, and he shut his eyes.

  He wanted to explore more of sex with a female, and he wondered if Macy would be interested in getting together later.

  Blake stood and offered him his hand. “Good work today, Titus.”

  He took it and Blake pulled him up. “Thanks, man.”

  “You seem different today, more like you’re actually here instead of just going through the motions. It’s good to see.”

  Titus nodded, but didn’t offer up an explanation as to why he seemed changed.

  “You’re still not going to tell me why?”

  “There’s nothing to tell, man. Nothing at all.”

  Blake narrowed his eyes. “Whatever you say. I’ll figure it out. I used to be in the motherfucking F.B.I. That’s what we do—figure shit out.”

  Titus arched his eyebrow and hoped this conversation would end sooner rather than later. He and Macy had agreed to keep their arrangement on the down low, and he wouldn’t be the one to spill the secret.

  “And look where all that figuring got you. Are you still number one on the F.B.I.’s most wanted list, or has someone else taken your place?”

  Blake threw his head back and laughed. “I don’t know. It would be good to find out. I’d like to be number one on someone’s list.”

  “I’m heading upstairs. I need a shower.”

  Blake walked with him to the door. “So, how long does it take to dry that pretty-boy hair you got going on?”

  “Long enough. I’ll catch you later, man.”

  He had a feeling the next question would be something along the lines of why didn’t he cut it? He recalled the way Macy had wrapped her finger in it as she screamed his name while having an orgasm.

  Nope, he wouldn’t miss that again for the world.

  Later that evening after dinner, he walked into the Great Room and headed for the bar. He had a craving for vodka and Sprite, a drink he used to sh
are with Simon. As he poured, nostalgia crept in.

  The first time they’d acted on their attraction to each other had been shortly after their introduction to the Saviors. After Micah and Jael had left, they’d hung around the Black Cuff, both skirting the pink elephant standing between them. They’d each ordered a vodka and soda, careful to keep their sunglasses on while they watched the crowded dance floor writhing and thrashing to the techno music.

  One particular couple had caught both their gazes. They’d danced just out of reach of everyone in the shadows. She’d moved her ass toward him, and he’d grabbed her hips. The male had glanced around, then unzipped his pants and pushed the female’s skirt up around her hips.

  He could only see flashes of them while the strobe lights went on and off, but the glimpses of passion he did witness had made him hard. The female had grabbed the railing while the male held onto her shoulder, pushing into her from behind. She’d reached down between her legs, and a moment later, the light had flashed on her, her mouth open in ecstasy, and a few seconds later, the male’s face had mirrored hers.

  “I want to do that to you,” Simon had said above the music, not meeting his gaze as he’d laid his hand on Titus’ thigh.

  At that point, the thought had terrified him, but he also trusted Simon more than anyone. The male always seemed to look out for him, especially when it came to Micah.

  Titus had talked about leaving Micah and having them try to survive on their own. Simon had always argued against it, saying they didn’t have the tools or knowledge to do so. Titus had stayed with him, not only because he agreed with him, but because of his serious physical attraction to the male.

  He hadn’t understood it then, but he’d gone with it because it felt right.

  Simon’s confession had only increased his sexual desire, and he’d realized he longed to be with the male in a carnal way, as well.

  Downing the rest of his vodka and soda, he’d then taken Simon’s hand and laid it on his crotch.

  Their gazes had met, and after a trip to a convenience store for lubricant, Titus had become Simon’s lover in the dirty back alley of the Black Cuff. No, it definitely hadn’t been romantic by any means, but it had been pleasurable and left him wanting more.

  “Titus, would you like to watch a movie with me?”

  The soft voice brought him back to the present, and he glanced over at the couch. Macy sat in the shadows, and he hadn’t seen her. She flipped on the sixty-inch television, and he couldn’t think of a better way to spend his evening. Noah had broken up the group patrols so that everyone wasn’t on every night, and tonight would be his night off.

  “I’d love to. What are you watching?”

  Chapter 23

  Although they had been watching an action movie, Macy had drifted off into a deep sleep, her head on Titus’ shoulder. She had longed to lay her head on his lap, but it would only bring speculation on what was going on between them. In fact, she’d planned only to lay her head on the back of the couch next to his shoulder to avoid the gossip, but somehow, she’d landed snuggled up next to him, her head buried in his hair.

  “Macy, you need to wake up,” he whispered, grabbing her arm.

  She tried to ignore him, but he persisted.

  “Macy, you’re needed!”

  She raised her head and opened her eyes, finally becoming aware of the chaos moving into the silo, and followed Titus toward the sounds.

  Chase and Noah dragged a bloody Roman in between them while Hudson, Titus, and Beverly met them in the kitchen.

  Beverly, dressed in her robe, did a quick inspection of Roman’s torso, then gave Hudson a nod. He ran into the hallway leading to the catch-all, and a moment later, came out wheeling a gurney.

  “Put him on there,” Beverly ordered. “Where’s Cohen?”

  “There was an ambush,” Noah reported. “Cohen is healing Nico, but wanted Roman to come back here, stat. He said it would be safer for him.”

  “What type of injuries?” Beverly asked.



  Knife wounds could sometimes be deadlier than a gunshot, and she would be using a lot of energy to heal Roman, especially if vital organs had been hit.

  “Macy!” Beverly called as she leaned over the gurney. “You’re with me. Hudson, let’s get him downstairs.”

  Her heart thumped in her chest as she tried to clear the last of sleep from her head. She stepped up to Beverly’s side as Beverly wiped her eyes with her hands. Apparently, she’d also just been woken.

  Beverly pulled open his jacket, de-holstered the guns and handed them to Hudson, then stepped back. “Titus, Hudson, let’s get him in the elevator.”

  The four of them rode downstairs to the gym where Beverly had set up a small corner for medical issues. A locked metal cabinet held the supplies they’d need, but Macy would be the one to do most of the healing.

  She glanced down at Roman, his black t-shirt wet with blood, his neck, hands, and arms crimson. Tears stung her eyes, but she took a deep breath and pushed her emotions aside. Yes, she and Roman shared a special past, but right now, she needed to focus on the present and get him healed.

  “He’s lost a lot of blood,” Beverly muttered. “Once we get this t-shirt off him, we’ll be able to see the wounds better.”

  The doors opened, and Titus and Hudson pushed him through the gym to their makeshift hospital.

  Beverly shoved a key into the cabinet and pulled out with a large plastic Ziploc bag filled with gauze pads, tape cotton balls, and syringes. Then she grabbed the scissors and handed them to Macy.

  “Cut his shirt while I get the IV started.”

  She sliced the shirt up the front and pushed it to the sides. After palming a few gauze pads, she dabbed the blood away as she searched for its origin.

  “He’s got a huge laceration on his left side,” Macy murmured. “And it looks like there’s one in the stomach.”

  Beverly slid the I.V. gauge into his arm. “He needs fluids, and I think we’re going to need a transfusion, as well.”

  “I’ll donate,” Titus volunteered.

  Macy glanced up at him as Beverly told Hudson to go and get the other gurney. She admired that he’d volunteered to help. Pure SR44 blood would assist in Roman’s healing.

  Titus met her gaze and gave her a small nod of encouragement. She imagined Roman’s internal injuries were substantial, and she needed all the support she could get. It would be a long night.

  “Macy, go ahead and get started and I’ll tend to the outer injuries,” Beverly ordered.

  Taking a deep breath, she laid her hands on Roman, one on his chest, the other on his thigh.

  Relief flooded through her when she poured her energy into him and found his. He was in bad shape, but with his energy present, he had a good chance of survival.

  As she worked on his kidney, slowly mending the flesh back together, she also sensed damage to the intestines and liver.

  A few moments later, she felt the rush of Titus’ blood enter Roman, only increasing his energy and his ability to help her heal him.

  How odd to be working on her old lover while the blood of her new lover washed through him.

  Four hours later, as she exited Roman’s body, her knees felt weak, her limbs and head ached, and she wondered how she would ever make it to her bedroom.

  Large hands landed on her waist. She opened her eyes to see Titus next to her.

  He smiled. “Are you okay?”

  She stared into his maize-colored eyes—the color similar to hers, yet so different, and she felt cared for. She nodded.

  He gripped her waist tighter, and she realized she had begun to sway. Laying her head back against his chest, she closed her eyes and wondered if she would fall asleep on her feet.

  “Do you need anything else from her, Beverly?” she heard Titus ask.

  “I don’t think so. I know these healings drain her, so if you could escort her to her quarters, that would be helpful.” />
  “Do you know where she’s supposed to go?” Hudson asked as he mopped up the blood under the gurney.

  Titus nodded.

  “Then take her, and I’ll stay here with Beverly and Roman. Make sure her phone is working, though, in case he springs any leaks.”

  Gods of Health, she hoped not—at least not for a few hours. She didn’t have it in her to do any more healing.

  “I will.”

  She allowed him to lead her across the gym, which seemed like a six-mile trek. On the ride up the elevator, she almost fell asleep.

  As they entered the kitchen, the buzz of the males coming in from the night’s patrol startled her. They asked questions about Roman, and Titus answered as she swayed against him.

  “I need to get her to bed,” Titus proclaimed firmly after a few moments. They walked down the narrow hallway, and she considered begging him to let her crash there on the tile.

  Another quick elevator ride downward, and they were at the door in front of her quarters.

  Titus pushed it open, and she staggered toward her bed, uncertain if she’d ever get there.

  When her face hit the pillow, she sighed with relief. A moment later, a blanket was placed over her shoulders, bringing her comfort. She wanted to ask Titus to lie with her, but the debilitating exhaustion didn’t allow her to form words, and it pulled her under.

  Chapter 24

  Titus pulled an overstuffed chair from the sitting area next to the bed and stared at Macy as she slept.

  Frankly, he felt nothing but awe as he gazed at her slim form under the covers.

  He knew a Healer required a lot of energy, but he’d never seen someone give so much to another. There’d been a few times he had been certain she would simply crumple to the floor, but she’d straightened up and continued her process.

  He’d never given much thought to a Healers; he just knew they were a necessity. What would it feel like to be fully submerged in another body, using not your hands, but your soul, to heal?

  The idea boggled his mind.

  When Roman had first come in, he’d seen the panic on her face, which she’d quickly calmed. The worry had come and gone until she began the healing. He’d never witnessed such concentration, such determination to help someone.


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