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Titus Page 18

by Carly Fall

After slipping on his jeans and t-shirt, he went to his quarters to freshen up a bit. The room sat far too quiet and too lonely for him, yet still occupied. It almost seemed that Simon's ghost lived here, or maybe it was just his memories. This room represented his past, while Macy's represented his future.

  He quickly changed his clothes and left, glad to vacate, and rode the elevator up to the main floor.

  A short time later, he entered the War Room and nodded at Blake, Hudson, and Axel, then took a chair. Kade sat in the corner at the bank of computers, his fingers tapping away at the desktop while the laptop sat open on his thighs.

  Blake and Axel talked quietly, which was a new one for Blake. Titus had never seen him quiet about much of anything.

  The rest of the Warriors trickled in, and ten minutes later, all were seated. Nico looked as if he hadn't slept in months. Purple rings hung under his eyes, his hair looked as if he'd try to pull it out by the roots, and he still wore the clothes from last night that had Alaina's blood on them. Anger didn't describe his facial features, and he frankly looked as if he needed to kill someone so he wouldn't explode from the inside out.

  "Okay, boys, and Annis. Listen up."

  Everyone looked at Noah, giving him their full attention.

  "Last night was a rough one. I'd like a report on Alaina and Macy. Nico, is Alaina going to be okay?"

  "She's going to be fine. She's very beat up and had some mild internal damage, but Cohen fixed most of that. She needs rest." He glanced over at Cohen. “I’m eternally grateful, my friend.”

  Cohen bowed his head. “Of course, Nico. It’s what I’m here for.”

  Noah nodded. "Good. I'm happy to hear Alaina’s doing well. Now, Beverly hasn't seen Macy. Titus, you were the last one with her. Is she okay?"

  He nodded. "Yes. I ... uh ... I checked in on her again today, and she's fine physically."

  "And what about mentally?"

  He shrugged, not feeling comfortable airing her private thoughts to everyone. "I think time will heal all wounds."

  "Okay. Well, we lucked out last night. Titus, you did excellent work. I think your fast thinking on the GPS probably saved both their lives."

  Murmurs of agreement came from everyone around the table and he kept his gaze on the wall just above Noah's head, uncomfortable with the praise.

  "Did either of you get a good idea of what happened there?"

  Titus gazed over at Nico, who jumped into the story without hesitation. The longer he talked, the angrier he became, and Titus understood it. The way the females had been treated had just about made him physically sick.

  "Alaina was barely conscious, but she heard the scuffle and the conversation they had as Macy killed him."

  Hudson let out a low whistle. "I never would have expected that from her. I didn't think she had it in her."

  Mumbles of agreement ensued.

  "Especially because she's a Healer," Cohen said. "I'm able to come to terms with the killing of another being because of my Warrior training. Psychologically, I can make the two mesh together. Macy hasn't had that training. I imagine she's very upset and confused right now."

  "You're probably right," Hudson said. "I'll have Bev go have a talk with her."

  Titus fidgeted in his seat. He would be the one to help Macy get through this and find herself again. No one else.

  He needed to tell her his feelings, and if she reciprocated, they would let the others in the silo know. Then, everyone would back the hell off and let him handle his female. It was that simple.

  A thought occurred to him—what if she didn't share his feelings and she was fine with their current arrangement?

  No, he needed to move beyond the friendship. After realizing he may lose her, his train of thought moved to a mating ceremony.

  If he considered their long relationship, he could swear he’d felt love from Macy in everything she did. No, she had never said the words, but actions spoke the loudest. Or, maybe it was simply her nature, and she didn’t love him like he thought.

  Nico continued. "One thing Alaina did say, and it should probably be corroborated by Macy, was that Daniel said something about him being a small part in a larger picture, and that killing him would only make things worse."

  Noah sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Well, he could have been bullshitting. Who knows? I guess we'll find out in time."

  "I don't like the sound of that," Roman mumbled.

  "No one does," Noah replied. "But she had to do it. If she didn't, he would have killed them both."

  "That's what I think," Nico said. "He realized he was on his way out, and he was grasping at straws."

  "Let's hope you're right."

  A bad feeling settled into Titus' stomach, making him squirm a bit. If Daniel hadn't been lying, he wondered what lay ahead for them. Whatever it would be, it wouldn't be anything good.

  "Okay, let's break. Everyone stays in tonight—no patrols. We all just need a quiet night to recoup and make sure Alaina and Macy are healing and to let them know they've got all our support."

  Conversations broke out among the Warriors. Hudson talked with Cohen and Annis about dinner while Axel and Rayner discussed setting up a shooting range in back and getting some target practice in.

  All he could think about was getting back to Macy.

  Standing, he slipped out of the room and headed for the elevator.

  Chapter 48

  Macy lay in bed staring at the ceiling. She didn't know when Titus had left, but she woke missing everything about him—his scent, his touch, his smile, and the way he had cared for her since she’d arrived home.

  If only there could be more between them.

  Her door opened and she glanced over to see him coming in. She grinned when their gazes met.

  "Hey. You're awake."

  "Yes," she said as he came over to the bed and sat down.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "A bit better. A little sore across my shoulders, but I think that may be the remnants of stress."

  He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Roll over and I'll give you a backrub."

  She did as told and lay on her stomach. As Titus worked the muscles in her shoulders, she drifted off into a blissful place.

  She loved how comfortable they were with each, and even after such a short time of being lovers, it seemed like they belonged together.

  "That feels really good," she mumbled as the past twenty-four hours disappeared, and all that mattered was this very moment as they sat in the quiet with Titus kneading her back.

  After a few minutes, she felt his lips on her shoulder, sending a shiver down her spine. He continued to rub her shoulders, but placed kisses down her spine to her lower back, then he stopped.

  "Please, continue," she whispered with a grin.

  He did, covering her whole back with slow kisses, his hands moving down her ribcage and over the swell of her breasts as his hair caressed her skin.

  He massaged her rear, then she heard him stand up. A moment later, his body covered hers and he grabbed her left hand and stretched it above her head. His legs pushed hers open, and she groaned as his fingers found her secret flesh.

  Her body hummed and pulsed, the need to be consumed by him almost overwhelming. A moment later, she felt the tip of his erection at her core and moaned as he entered her and laid his full weight on top of her.

  As he kissed her cheek and shoulder, his heavy breathing tickled her ear.

  "I love this. I love being with you, Macy."

  He began to move his hips in slow rotations, then he pushed his hand between her and the bed, finding her swollen sex and rubbing her clitoris.

  "I love the feeling when you come when I'm inside you. I love the way your face looks. I love the little cries of pleasure that come from your lips. I love the way your body pulsates around mine."

  She couldn't speak as she gasped for breath, unable to move as he had her pinned against the mattress. As his body pleasured hers, his words caress
ed her soul.

  “I love the way we laugh together, the way your smile lights me up from the inside. I love the moments of peace you give me, how you make me forget everything.”

  Just as the first tremors of orgasm began, he pulled out and roughly flipped her over. He immediately re-entered her, steadying himself on his elbows as he looked down at her.

  "God, you feel so good, Macy."

  She reached up and pushed his hair back from his face and ran her hands over his cheeks, his whiskers tickling her palms. He stared down at her as he moved his hips faster, each thrust once again quickly building the shockwaves in her body.

  “I love your kind soul, your bravery, your pure goodness.”

  He shut he eyes for a moment and groaned, then stilled his movements.

  "I never want this to end,” he whispered.

  She grabbed his back and pulled him closer to her as she closed her eyes. He set his full weight on her, his mouth claiming hers as his hips began rotating again. A light sheen of sweat covered his skin and each muscle in his back moved in rhythm beneath her touch as she traced his spine.

  A few moments later, his kiss buried the moan in her throat as the orgasm rocked her. Light shone behind her lids and the energy moved throughout her body.

  "I love you, Macy," he whispered against her lips.

  She gazed up at him, shock rolling through her. Certainly, he couldn't have meant what he said.

  His face scrunched up into the most adorable grimace as his seed spilled within her, and she couldn't help but smile.

  He rolled off of her, his breath heavy. She enjoyed the heaviness of his weight on top of her, and she missed it, feeling almost chilly.

  She pulled up the blankets around her and moved to her side to face him. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted while his hair fanned all around him and the pillow. She reached out to touch his chest and ran her fingers over the few sparse hairs that grazed her palms.

  She traced her fingers down to his belly button, and looked at his thick sex lying on his lower belly.

  He was so beautiful.

  "Did you hear me?" he whispered.

  "I ... I think so."

  He opened his eyes and gazed at her. "I love you, Macy. I want you to be mine."

  Her heart thumped in her chest as a bit of confusion tore through her. How could she ever compete with Simon's ghost?

  "Titus, I don't know what to say."

  He winced as though she had slapped him and turned away. "I understand. You'd rather keep things the way they are. That's fine."

  "No! No!"

  She moved over to him and laid her head on his chest. She took a moment to get her thoughts in order because although his declaration caused goose bumps to travel over her skin and excitement to course through her, she didn't want to be second string.

  "Titus, I'm afraid. I'm scared I'll never be able to compete with Simon's ghost. I feel like there's you and him, and I'm the convenient third wheel."

  He sighed. "I can see how you'd feel that way. But Macy, when you disappeared, I realized that Simon is my past. As much as it pains me, he's dead. Do I miss him? Yes, I do, but each day seems to get a bit easier, especially with you in my life.

  “When I was down in my room earlier, I felt the memories of Simon. They were almost oppressive and threatened to drag me down that awful place I was for so long."

  Her breath caught in her throat as he opened her eyes and looked at her.

  "But when I'm here with you, I see my future."

  Tears formed in her eyes, and she quickly blinked them away. "Are you certain?"

  "I don't think I've been more certain of anything in my life."

  Her heart grew wings and felt as though it may flutter out of her chest. She couldn't stop smiling.

  "I love you, as well, Titus. I've loved you for a long time."

  He grinned and turned toward her so they lay face-to-face. "You have?"

  She nodded.

  "How long?"

  She cupped his cheek. "Probably since the bunker."

  "Really? Even after how crappy I treated you?"

  She nodded. "You were such an asshole."

  They both smiled.

  "Macy, will you mate me? I want you as mine forever."

  Her breath caught in her throat. Was he serious? It had been such a short time since they'd been lovers, and he'd been through so much and she'd just had her own horrible ordeal ...

  "Titus, I—”

  A knock sounded at her door, and they looked at each other in surprise.

  "What do we do?" Macy whispered.

  He shrugged as the pounding intensified. "If you want, I'll wait in the bathroom."

  Gazing at her, he could see her weighing the pros and cons of the situation.

  "No. Just get decent. I don't care who knows about us anymore."

  He nodded and stood, pulling on his jeans while she grabbed sweatpants and a sweatshirt from the dresser.

  Taking a deep breath before she answered, he knew that when whoever was behind the door saw him and Macy together like this, it would spark a wildfire of rumors.

  She opened the door.

  "I've tried to call multiple times, but there was no answer,” Beverly said. “I need you, Macy. Abby's blood pressure is dropping, and so is the baby's. We need to get it out now."

  Macy’s eyes widened. "I ... I don't think I can."

  Beverly pushed into the room and seemed surprised to see him. She looked him over from head to toe and he saw the questions flash through her gaze. What was he doing here? Why was he half-dressed? And why did the room smell like sex?

  Instead of asking them, she turned back to Macy.

  "I need you to help me. We've been over the plan."

  She shook her head. "Have Cohen assist you."

  Beverly laid her hand on Macy's shoulder, her voice sounding as if she tried to reason with a small child. "But we talked in detail about it. I don't have time to get Cohen up to speed. Please."

  Macy glanced over at him and he smiled and nodded. He had faith his female could get beyond her fears and confusion and help deliver Abby's baby.

  She turned back to Beverly and gave her a weak smile. "Okay, let's go."

  Chapter 49

  Macy's entire body trembled as she stepped into the elevator with Beverly. She half-expected to be questioned about Titus, but instead, Beverly went over Abby's plan again.

  She tried to listen, but visions of Daniel's death kept entering her mind. Closing her eyes, she needed to focus or she'd be useless.

  "I know this will be difficult for you, Macy, but we need you."

  She nodded as tears stung her eyes.

  They entered the kitchen, then rode the other elevator down to the gym. Abby lay on a gurney in the corner with Noah by her side. As they approached, Noah seemed worried and pale, while Abby rested with her eyes closed.

  "Everything going okay?" Beverly asked.

  "I guess so," Noah answered.

  Beverly bustled about preparing to do the C-section. "I've already got the epidural in, so we just need to turn on the juice, and then we can get started. Noah, I would suggest you wait outside the gym."

  "No, I want to be here for her."

  Beverly smiled. "I know you do, but here's the thing. If you go down, as I'm predicting you will, then you become a distraction for us. If we're distracted by you, then we can't focus on Abby. If we can’t focus on Abby, this will not go well. So, please, go wait outside the gym."

  He glanced at both of them, then stood and kissed Abby's forehead.

  "She's right," Abby said, her voice laced with sleep.

  "I know. I'll be right outside, okay?"

  She nodded.

  The gym door opened, and Hudson strolled in. "Noah, you got no business being in here, my friend. Your big ass will just end up on the floor. Come with me and let's get some whiskey."

  "I was on my way out."

  Hudson clapped Noah's shoulder and looked at Be
verly and Macy. "My doha and her baby are in good hands."

  As the two males strode out across the gym, she looked down at Abby. She had to be strong for her friend and make sure that both she and the baby came out of this safely.

  "If you need anything, Bev, just yell. We'll be right outside!" Hudson called.

  Beverly turned to her. "Ready?"

  "I guess so."

  She laid her hands on Abby and tried to focus. Her role would simply be to monitor the baby and Abby. She wouldn't be doing any healing. Surely, she could do that.

  As she closed her eyes and concentrated on putting her energy into Abby, Daniel's face flashed behind her lids.

  She could hear the sounds of the pipe slicing through his flesh and organs in her ears, the echoes magnifying with each second.

  The brief glimpse of terror on his face when he realized he would die, and then, nothing but ash.

  She'd taken a life.

  She'd broken her vow to heal.

  Tears streamed down her face, and her legs shook as if they'd give out at any moment. She didn’t feel the healing energy anywhere within her.

  It was gone.

  "I can't do this," she whispered and looked over at Beverly. "I'm sorry, but I can't focus. I can't get past the killing. My ability is gone."

  "I need you, Macy!" Beverly hissed.

  "I know, and I can't be here for you. I just can't do it."

  Beverly glared at her, then yelled for Hudson.

  "What's up?" he called from across the gym.

  "Get Cohen in here."

  Noah came in, his hands curled into fists. "I don't want Cohen to do this! I want Macy!"

  "She can't, Noah," Beverly said.

  He turned to her. "Yes, you can! This is my mate and my child we're talking about! I need you to pull it together, Macy! You are ordered to help deliver my child!"

  She trembled under his girth and glare. His outburst only made it worse, and she couldn't stop the tears if she tried.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  "Look, Noah," Hudson said. "Cohen's healed Abby before, remember? It's not like this is a new thing."

  "But this is delivering my child! I don't want his energy down there." He stepped closer to her and pointed at the gurney. “Get over there and do your damn job, Healer.”


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