Working It Out - full-length erotic novel (Xtrm BDSM novel)

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Working It Out - full-length erotic novel (Xtrm BDSM novel) Page 7

by Teri Trojan

  Shoanna stopped in her tracks.

  ‘His property, did you say? I’ll have you know I’m nobody’s property. I do what I want and when I want. Anything I have done with Andreas is because I wanted it. He does not own me, nor will he ever.’

  ‘You clearly don’t know the man. He is very powerful and I’ve never known him fail to get his own way and achieve everything he wants in life. You need to know what you’re getting into, dear girl. Don’t play away from home. He’ll always know if you do. Now, shall we get down to work?’

  ‘I’m not sure. You’ve given me something to think about. I need to know more about what I’m getting into.’

  ‘We may as well use the time we’ve set aside. Come on.’ Shoanna gave a shrug and approached her trainer. ‘First of all, see if you can drop me onto the mat.’ She moved towards him, slid her foot behind his knees, and gave a tug. His knees buckled and he fell. ‘Good move.’

  ‘I had some self-defence lessons.’

  ‘So I understand. Andreas mentioned you’d decked him in the street when you first met. Good work. You need to follow that first move with a body press, to hold down your opponent. Use the element of surprise to maximise the effect.’

  She dropped on top of him and flung her body across his torso. She felt a rock-hard abdomen beneath her and knew he was allowing her this move. He was tough and could have turned her over with one slight movement.

  ‘OK. Not bad.’

  ‘But you could get out of it with scarcely a twitch.’

  ‘Of course, but I’m not one of the clients who wants to be submissive. OK. Let’s work on this. A lot of pleasure is given when you stretch limbs and let them feel your power. You have a well-honed body and have obviously done a good deal of fitness training. Like I said, you’re a lovely-looking woman and men will be attracted to you from the start. That’s a real plus.’

  ‘Thanks. Most men, but not you. I suppose that’s quite a relief. So, how do I stretch someone?’

  ‘Don’t forget this is erotic wrestling. Men will come to you to be sexually aroused but without the usual method of completion. They will want to gain their satisfaction from just the moves and holds. Don’t let it happen too quickly. Tease them. Make them hold back. I’m sure you can be very good at that.’

  ‘I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.’

  ‘I’m not in the business of paying compliments. Don’t forget many of these clients are happily married and have this quirky desire for something their wives don’t want to know about. Others just enjoy the sensations of being pinned down and are willing to pay for the privilege of something out of the ordinary.’

  ‘They could jack themselves off in front of a video. Sit with a heavy weight on top of themselves if that’s what turns them on.’

  ‘Not quite the same, dear girl. It’s the interaction that pleases. Now, if you put your legs against one of my ankles and push hard, holding yourself against my other leg, that will stretch me apart and put pressure on the genitals. If you can also lean on that area … That’s right, that is a huge turn-on for most men.’

  ‘I should point out that you are not totally immune. I can feel you beneath me.’

  ‘Don’t get personal, dear. Anyone will react if they are rubbed, even if you’re not the right person doing the manipulating.’

  She pressed herself harder and felt his muscles harden again as he fought against it. She pushed some more and felt him relax again. She let go and took hold of his arms, pushing them way above his head, bracing her feet against the mat. She was lying over him with her full weight holding him down.

  ‘Good girl. You’re a fast learner. Now, move up the mat and hold my head between your knees. Yes, you’re going to sit on my face pretty well. Clamp hard round my ears but do take care to keep them flat against the head. Seeing the power in your thighs, I don’t want to be paying out compensation for injuries.’

  For the next hour, she practised different moves and holds. The more she could do, the better it felt. She was laughing when Anderson suddenly begged her to stop and let him go.

  ‘Come on. You’re not supposed to beat me. You’re going to be very good at this. You’ll get top money for every hour or half-hour session you do. Never get greedy and try to do too many in one day, though. You’ll get tired too easily, then be exhausted and unable to give proper satisfaction. Andreas wouldn’t like it if you’re too exhausted for him at night.’ He smiled. ‘OK. That’s it for today. Same time tomorrow. I guess you’ll be ready to be marketed in just a few days. You’re an excellent pupil. You’ll need to talk costume with Andreas. I know he will have firm ideas about what you need to wear.’

  ‘I assumed a leotard would do.’

  ‘Certainly not. We’re selling a complete package here. A fantasy. But I’m sure you know all about that, from what I hear.’

  ‘What do you know about my private life?’ She hated the idea of anyone discussing her activities, especially with Andreas.

  ‘Nothing, really. Will mentioned items of clothing he had seen around the place. And if Andreas is taking such an interest in you, you have to be something very special. He is very particular about his women friends.’

  ‘So he has a lot of them, does he?’

  ‘I’ve no idea, but I expect a powerful man like him has plenty of choice. But I gather you are to be exclusive. At least in any sexual encounters. Will gave me the brief before I started working with you. I suggest you don’t do anything to incur Andreas’s displeasure. You’d regret it, believe me.’

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

  Shoanna left the gym and walked home. She reflected on Anderson’s words. What was she doing? Was she really happy about this bizarre situation? She was virtually being bought, body and soul, by a man she scarcely knew. She had to make some decisions, and fast.

  Chapter Seven

  When Tara came home from work that evening, she challenged Shoanna.

  ‘Where the hell have you been? You might have let me know you weren’t coming back last night.’

  ‘I didn’t know I wasn’t. Anyway, since when have we ever told each other our every move? You went out and I didn’t know when or if you were coming back here.’

  ‘Does this mean you’re planning to move out?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Andreas has offered me an apartment at his place, but I haven’t agreed to it yet. If I do go, I’d like to keep this place on. I’ll still pay my share of the bills and everything. Then if it doesn’t work out, I’ll still have somewhere to come back to. What do you think?’

  ‘You’re bonkers. You’ve only just met this guy. And how would you afford to keep paying for it?’

  ‘I’m going to be earning a lot of money soon. Tara, it’s all very exciting. I’m going to become an erotic wrestler.’

  ‘What the hell does that mean? From what I’ve seen, wrestlers are huge, beefy blokes or slightly weird women. All muscles, no sensitivity to pain, and probably half of them are just butch anyway.’

  ‘This is different. You don’t actually fight the men. They just want various moves to give them sensations they like. Things their wives don’t do for them.’

  ‘Weird, like I said. And what do you get out of it?’

  ‘Fun. And loads of money. Don’t knock it till you know a bit more about it. You might like to try it yourself eventually.’

  ‘I’ve never been paid for sex and don’t intend to start now.’

  ‘It isn’t sex. OK, so plenty of the guys evidently come, but that’s it. Never penetrative sex. I’m completely safe. There’s always someone nearby if they try anything on I don’t like. Loads of them are happily married but, like I say, they don’t get their particular needs satisfied by their wives.’

  ‘It’s your life. You do what you want. And how about Andreas? Is he happy with you doing all that?’

  ‘His idea. He runs the gym. And he owns Stacey’s. He’s gorgeous, very sexy. But I’m not under any illusions about him. I suspect I’m flavo
ur of the month and he wants sexual exclusivity ‑ for now. Have to admit, he’s imaginative and I have no problem with staying just with him. After the last two nights, I’d never have the energy for anyone else even if I was tempted.’

  ‘And you’re going again tonight?’

  ‘I think so. Haven’t made firm plans but he’s calling me later.’

  ‘Good luck to you.’ Tara went to her room with a scowl on her face that indicated she was far from happy. Shoanna sighed. Her friend had voiced some of her own fears, not that she would admit it to her.

  Andreas had spoken to his gym manager to ask how the training session had gone.

  ‘She’s a natural. Willing to try anything I ask of her. She’s very fit. I think she’ll be great,’ Anderson reported.

  ‘Thanks. When are you seeing her again?’

  ‘Tomorrow. Afternoon.’

  ‘OK. I’ll call in to take a look. Have you shown her some moves?’

  ‘A few, but it’s early days.’

  ‘Thanks. See you tomorrow.’

  Andreas sat back in his office chair. He thought about this girl, literally picked up from the street. He smiled at the memory. He hadn’t met anyone quite like her. His women were usually stylish, usually wealthy, and usually garnered from his clubs or the charitable functions that, as a respected businessman, he was expected to attend. He had always avoided encounters with girls like Shoanna who probably weren’t a great distance from the street girls paid for by many men. He had a great sexual appetite and it was unusual to find someone who matched him. She seemed willing to try anything and he felt she still had so much more to give. He wanted to try her taking charge of him. A rare feeling. He was always totally in command in his sex life, but he suspected Shoanna could probably bring everything to a new level of excitement. He felt himself growing hard at the thought of her, a pressure developing that he wanted only her to ease. He picked up his phone and called her. What should he try tonight? Dress her in something she was thrilled to wear, or let her choose? He had a vast collection of sex toys and fetish garments. She answered his call.


  ‘Are you free? Will you come over?’ he asked.

  ‘Not free, but you can afford me. Sorry. Bad joke. I’d love to come.’

  ‘Many times, I hope. I’ll send Will to collect you.’

  ‘OK. See you soon.’

  She called to Tara.

  ‘I’m going out in a few minutes. I’ll see you tomorrow. Won’t be back tonight.’

  ‘As you like,’ Tara replied, still sounding disgruntled.

  Shoanna sighed and went to change. She’d already showered when she came home from the gym. She gave little thought to what she would wear, expecting that Andreas would want her to wear something he provided. It seemed to turn him on as much as it did her. She wondered whether she might be more dominant tonight. She had been submissive before but she wasn’t sure how much he’d like her to take charge. He struck her as being a man always in control of everything.

  She pulled on a short skirt and simple top and went back into the living room. There was a car horn sounding outside and she picked up her keys and bag and went out. A sleek sports car was parked by the kerb. She glanced along the road to see if the usual limo was waiting, but the door opened and Andreas himself spoke.

  ‘Thought I’d collect you myself. I left Will preparing supper for us.’

  ‘I see. Thanks. That will be nice. I hadn’t got round to eating.’

  ‘How did you find Anderson?’

  ‘Interesting. I rather enjoyed it, actually. Not entirely sure how I’ll do but I’m certainly willing to give it a try. I shall need to earn some money after you resigned from my job for me.’

  ‘Sent them a fax this morning. I wanted to be sure you had the time to give the plans a fair trial.’

  ‘And if it doesn’t work out?’

  ‘I’ll find you a job in one of my organisations. But you’ll succeed. I’m certain of it.’

  ‘I’d like to share your confidence.’

  He pressed a button on the dashboard and the large gates to the house swung open.

  ‘That’s really cool,’ she said. ‘I love it.’

  ‘I’ll fit a control to your car so you can come and go when you want to.’

  ‘I only share a car with Tara. She’ll need it if I do move here.’

  ‘You’ll need it when you start running your business properly. Let me know what you’d like and I’ll arrange it for you.’

  ‘Andreas, you should realise that I don’t have any spare money. I can’t afford a car.’

  ‘Maybe not yet. I’ll loan you one for a while if it bothers you to accept it as a present.’

  ‘I hardly know you. Why would you give me a car?’

  ‘I know enough about you to know you’re exactly what I want in my life.’

  ‘But for how long? I mean to say, what do you know about me?’

  ‘I know all I need to know.’

  ‘And I know nothing about you. I know you’re very sexy and have a huge appetite for all manner of things. You’re obviously very successful in businesses I know nothing about. You have a guy looking after you and probably a load more people hovering in the background, I haven’t even seen.’

  ‘That’s good for starters. What else do you want to know?’

  ‘Are you married? Got a family?’

  ‘No to both. I never wanted a family. Nor a wife. I need to be free to explore whatever takes my fancy. I’m successful because I work hard and have no ties. I’ve been lucky to make plenty of money. Now, let’s go inside and see what there is to eat. I’m starving.’

  They went straight into the dining room. A much less lavish affair than the previous night and there was no suggestion of dressing up in anything other than the rather boring outfit she had arrived in.

  ‘Is there something wrong?’ Andreas asked, seeing her puzzled look.

  ‘Not at all. I thought you might disapprove of my outfit. Want me to change into something – well, more to your taste.’

  ‘I thought we’d have a civilised supper and talk. You seem to want to know about me and I’m willing to tell you what you want to know.’

  ‘I see. OK, just as you like.’

  By the end of the meal, she knew something of his background. He’d had parents who died in poverty, living in Greece, leaving him as a teenager fighting to stay out of trouble. His father was British, so he had come over to Britain as soon as he possibly could, working anywhere and everywhere to gain a living and experience. A Greek restaurant had taken him in; when the owner died, he continued to run it for the widow. He made it profitable and a great success and inherited it when she finally died. By the time he was 25 he had made his first million.

  ‘I quickly learned that money breeds money,’ he said wiping his mouth after finishing the delicious lobster they’d been served by Will. ‘Now, enough talking. Let’s sit comfortably and enjoy a brandy.’

  ‘OK. Thanks.’ Shoanna felt marginally disappointed that there seemed to be no plan for the evening. He hadn’t mentioned sexual exploits at all and she wasn’t sure what was expected of her.

  ‘I’ll put some music on. What do you like?’ She named a couple of her favourites and he tapped in some instructions to his sophisticated equipment.

  ‘I love this band too,’ he said and came to sit beside her. He slipped an arm round the back of her seat. She felt almost as if they were a normal couple, spending a quiet evening together. The thought was slightly disconcerting. ‘Something wrong?’ he asked.

  ‘Not really. This just feels a bit odd. Almost normal,’ she replied.

  ‘And we’re not normal?’

  ‘Not so far,’ she muttered.

  ‘Disappointed?’ Andreas ran a finger along her neck, sending shivers down her spine. He pushed his long, sensuous fingers into her hair and she felt herself thrilling deep in her core.

  ‘Not if you continue to do that.’ She turned to him and pulled h
is face close to her. She kissed him gently at first until a growing urgency began to take over. She pressed him down onto the long sofa and lay on top of him. She felt his erection beginning to press against the fabric of his trousers and loosened the belt, before unbuttoning the garment.

  ‘Let’s go to the bedroom,’ he murmured. She ignored him and held him down. He relaxed and laid back. He lifted his arms to pull her towards him, but she took his hands and stretched them above his head.

  ‘Stay there,’ she commanded. She snatched at his shirt and tugged it undone, popping several buttons off. He lay supine and compliant. He wanted to see what she would do to thrill him. She gently pulled at the soft hairs on his chest with her lips. She bit his nipple, making the tiny hub become firm and hard. He groaned. She moved down his body, nipping, licking, teasing him. He raised his arms to hold her but she slapped his hands and pushed them down again. She stood up and dragged off his trousers. His cock was pushing hard against the narrow pouch that was the pants he wore for once. She caressed it, making him shudder again. When she finally had him lying naked, she raked her long fingernails over him, much to his delight. She looked around for something to restrain him but there was nothing available for what she wanted.

  ‘OK. Now we can go to your bedroom. Get up and lead the way.’ She fastened his belt to his wrist and held him on the leash. She paused on the way to touch his cock. She stroked it and gave it a slight tug. He tried to embrace her again but she would not allow it. With a wicked grin, she unbuckled his wrist and applied the belt to his large erection. His dark eyes, now misty with desire, looked pleadingly into hers.

  ‘Witch,’ he muttered. ‘Don’t leave me in this agony. I want you.’

  ‘You’ll have to learn patience. Control yourself. Like you make me do.’ Her own thong was already soaking and her self-control near breaking point, but she was determined to have her way on this occasion. He opened the door to the bedroom with the four-poster and she pushed him down. She still held the belt round his penis, totally in control. She tethered it to the bedpost. ‘Don’t you dare move.’

  She went to examine the contents of the bedside table. As she expected, there were several toys in there and she took time selecting them.


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