Working It Out - full-length erotic novel (Xtrm BDSM novel)

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Working It Out - full-length erotic novel (Xtrm BDSM novel) Page 10

by Teri Trojan

  ‘I gather the shoot is at two-thirty. I’ll come round to the gym to re-style you once the first shots have been done. I can do the make-up too.’

  ‘Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll need much. Some of the shots will have my face covered. Well, half covered.’

  ‘I’ll be there anyway. Mr Andreas ordered it and you always do what he tells you.’

  ‘Were you having a massage as well this morning?’

  ‘Not much point now you’ve done my hair.’

  ‘Not a problem. We can arrange it so the style isn’t lost. Might have been better if we’d done that first, but it’s too late now. Come through.’

  Shoanna was ordered to strip to her panties and lie on the bed. Her hair hung down at the back so the carefully styled curls were kept in place. A large, muscular-looking woman came in and started work on her front.

  ‘Nice shape. Good muscle tone,’ she said in a deep voice. Shoanna studied her, wondering if this was actually a woman or a man. Large hands pummelled and pushed until she was almost ready to yell “stop”. ‘Could do with a bit of waxing down there. Untidy. I’ll call Clarinda back. Can’t think Mr Andreas likes you like that.’

  ‘He doesn’t complain.’

  ‘All the same, you need sorting.’ She stomped out of the room and the girl who had done Shoanna’s hair came in with a tray of dishes covered with a cloth.

  ‘Quick bikini wax?’


  Or do you want the full works?’

  ‘No way. Just a trim if you really think it’s necessary.’

  For the next half hour she lay in agony while wax strips were pressed into her pubic hair and ripped away. ‘That’ll do. I don’t want a bald pubic area. You’re a total sadist, you know.’

  The girl smiled. ‘I’m sure he’s worth it. I’d shave every hair off my body for a night with him. What’s he like? Really like, I mean?’

  ‘As if I’d tell you. Do you look after all his women friends?’ Shoanna asked, suddenly curious.

  ‘I’ve done a few, at his request. But I think you’re something different. It’s the first time he’s asked for a photo shoot.’

  ‘I see. Well, it may not be what you think. I don’t know what you’ve been told about it.’

  ‘Nothing much. I assume it’s professional and personal pictures for his use.’

  ‘Not at all. It’s for a website. I’m … I’m a wrestler.’

  ‘Good heavens. You don’t look like one. Thought they were all brawn and beef. You look more like a – well, a model, I suppose.’

  ‘Never can tell, can you?’

  So, this girl had looked after several of Andreas’s lady friends. Shoanna felt unreasonably jealous but she was surely not so naive that she could even think she was the first? He was much too experienced and, honestly, so was she. Admittedly, he was taking her to new heights, and she was willing to do things with him that she had never done with anyone else. For some inexplicable reason, she trusted him completely. She bit her lip. Tara thought she was crazy, and maybe she was. Should she really trust someone so completely? She had been willing to try anything with him, and she didn’t really know him at all. He had the sort of kit lying around that she’d seen in bondage and punishment pictures of the kinkiest kind. It obviously turned him on, being on control, but she’d also proved he liked being the submissive at times. She loved both scenarios and so it was a perfect arrangement. While it lasted.

  Once she was dressed in what she called her fighting gear, Shoanna felt like a completely different person. The photographer was professional to the core. He posed her, took careful, angled shots to emphasise certain places. He managed to take pictures of erotic holds with Anderson’s body left unrecognisable but showing off her own shape perfectly. The hairdresser stood watching, fascinated by the spectacle.

  ‘Didn’t even know this sort of thing went on. You get paid much?’ she asked.

  ‘Pretty good,’ Shoanna muttered.

  ‘OK,’ the photographer said after a while. ‘Andreas wants the she-cat look for some of the pictures. None of the fluffy hair look, but everything sleeked back and hard. Can you do a sort of tight knot on top of her head?’

  The girl nodded and set to work. All the careful twists and curls so painstakingly put in place during the morning were wetted out and the hair scraped back. She twisted it into a tight bundle and stabbed pins through it to make a knot high on the head. Hard, slanting lines were drawn over Shoanna’s eyebrows and the eyeliner elongated to give a distinctly cat-like expression. She pulled on the black leather suit, minus the hood, and stood legs apart, hands on hips, waiting for her prey.

  ‘Excellent,’ the photographer said. ‘Quite a different look. Like it. You could hold your own in a dark alley any time.’

  ‘It has been known,’ Shoanna muttered, remembering where she’d met Andreas not so long ago.

  After a couple more hours, she was weary and quite sick of posing this way and that. ‘You must surely have enough by now,’ she protested.

  ‘I need to have every shot Andreas could possibly want. I don’t want to come back for more and I doubt you would either. But we’ll call it a day.’ He put down the camera. ‘Have you thought about videos? I believe they sell well. Proper bouts, I mean.’

  ‘No doubt the boss man will want that if he thinks it will work, but not yet. Not at this stage.’ Anderson was quite certain of what was necessary.

  ‘Thanks, everyone. I need a shower now and I’d like to get myself looking normal again.’

  The photographer packed up his equipment and handed his cards to everyone. ‘Call me if you fancy a practice session any time. Think I could quite enjoy some of those holds.’ He nodded and winked.

  Shoanna rose up straight and said curtly, ‘You can speak to Anderson. He’ll give you my terms.’

  The hairdresser, Clarinda, packed up her things and smiled. ‘Any time you need any help, let me know. Make up or hair or any other treatments.’

  ‘Thanks. I’ll bear it in mind. Now if you’ll excuse me.’

  She went into the changing room ready to strip off for a shower. Andreas was standing there, waiting for her.

  ‘Hello. What are you doing here?’ she asked.

  ‘I came in to see how it was going. Looked terrific. Must say, I like this image I’m seeing. You look tough as nails and quite an adversary. I want you, Virgo. I want a bout with you right now.’

  Shoanna sighed. She felt exhausted after all the posing and treatments she’d undergone all day but how could she refuse him anything?

  ‘Is there a room free somewhere?’ she snapped, falling into her role immediately. She might as well make it worthwhile if she was doing it at all.

  ‘Through here.’ He opened a door at one side and led her into another small gym, bare of equipment and with a soft mat in the middle.

  She looked at the man. He was dressed in the business suit and silk shirt and tie he’d put on that morning.

  ‘You need to change. I don’t want to mess up your suit.’

  ‘Then you’ll have to strip it off me, won’t you?’

  ‘Is this part of my deal?’

  ‘Only for special clients who might pay extra for the service.’

  She stared at him, not sure what he was suggesting. Special clients would get extra services? She would never buy into that as a deal.

  ‘There are things I’d do for you but I won’t sell myself short for other clients. However special. You promised me there would be no sex involved.’

  ‘Then as Virgo, you tell me that – in role. Forget who I am. Assume I’m just a client you’re meeting for the first time.’ She grinned.

  ‘Take your jacket off.’ He did so. She snatched it from him and hung it on a hook. ‘Shirt. Tie. Trousers. Leave them on the side. And next time, I’d prefer you to come to me ready. It’s your time and money you’re wasting.’

  He stood in his minuscule briefs and she surveyed his beautiful body. She drew in her breath
and tried to push away the erotic images he provoked in her. She was in charge and about to be a professional. She walked close to him, slipped out her leg behind his knees, and decked him, landing over him with a cross body press, just as she’d been taught by Anderson. His breath was crushed from his body and he gasped. She moved to one side and, still clad in the black leather coverall suit, straddled his torso in the sitting position.

  ‘You haven’t told me which holds you’d like.’

  ‘I’ll leave it to you, Virgo. Whatever you like.’

  ‘It’s what you like that matters. How about being stretched? Do you like that?’ While she was talking, she manoeuvred her long, leather-clad legs against his ankles, pulling his legs apart as far as she could push them. He gasped for breath. She held him there until he begged her to stop. ‘So, you have you limits, do you? How about being crushed between my thighs. Do you like that?’ She engineered him into a body scissors position she had used on him that first night when she was fighting in the street. He closed his eyes and lay back in ecstasy. She could feel his steady, fast pulse beating, even through the leather of her costume. She laughed, tossing her head back at her own power. She saw his prick pulsing and ready to spout, and gently placed her knee over it to stop it. He smiled, realising that she was in complete control, and tried to relax. A swift movement and she lay her head over his feet, her own body stretching along his length so that her ankles could clamp each side of his head. She slid further along him so his head was clamped between her knees. It took every ounce of her self-control not to think of him as Andreas, the man who could turn her on at the flick of a finger as her pussy was close to his mouth. Remembering the way he could suck, lick, nip at her was turning her body into the now familiar fluid state. She drew in her breath and forced herself to be a professional working wrestler.

  ‘Had enough?’ she snapped.

  ‘Oh yes. You are truly amazing. Come here, woman. Let me loosen that zip and see your beautiful body.’

  Was this his ultimate test? Was he trying to break her down? Undoubtedly, plenty of these so-called clients would have the same idea. She decided not to obey everything her body was telling her and follow her brain. She stood up and placed a foot firmly on his stomach.

  ‘How dare you?’ she almost shouted. ‘What do you think I am? I’m not some sex object for you to play around with. If you want that sort of encounter, I suggest you find a back street somewhere. Those girls need the money more than I do. I suggest you get up and dress yourself. You can leave when you’re ready.’ She stormed out of the room, shaking violently and hoping to heaven she hadn’t ruined the best thing she’d ever had going. In the changing room, she stripped off her black leather suit, the one she’d actually turned down the previous night and hung it to dry. It was hot and sweaty. She would have to find some way of keeping it fresh, but undoubtedly Anderson would know how to deal with it.

  She stood under the shower, looking round to see if Andreas would join her. Had she blown it? He had told her to stay in character so he should be pleased to see that she could.

  He’d said nothing about the evening ahead. Should she return to his place or go back to the flat? Andreas had promised her a guided tour of the house so she could choose a room for her own use. She’d assumed he meant right away, but there had been no opportunity for discussion. She dressed and went into the reception area. Will was standing waiting.

  ‘You ready?’

  ‘Is Andreas expecting me this evening?’

  ‘Of course. I understood you are moving in and we’re sorting out your rooms.’

  ‘Yes. Have you actually seen Andreas this afternoon?’

  ‘He’s just left and called me to collect you. Why?’

  ‘I just wondered. It’s all right. I thought he might be angry, but obviously not.’

  ‘He’s very pleased with himself about something. No idea what.’ The man stared at her, a slight grin breaking at the corners of his mouth. She smiled a relieved smile and went out to the car.

  ‘Is there something to drink in here? I’m parched.’

  ‘There’s water there. You are not to have any alcohol, I’m told.’

  ‘Water’s fine. But why the ban on booze?’

  ‘I only do as I’m told. I think he has plans for the evening ahead.’

  Shoanna gave a shiver of anticipation. They both needed a bit of relief from the tensions of the day. What might he have in mind? She’d been dominant today so it must be her turn to be submissive. She loved either but confessed to herself it was the latter that really thrilled her. She must be some sort of weird, she decided. To each his own. They stopped outside the house and she went inside, expecting Andreas to greet her. But he was nowhere in sight. What was she supposed to do? Having no territory of her own, she felt slightly awkward. Will had disappeared too so she stood in the massive hallways, trying to decide where to go.

  She went into the large drawing room and sat on the sofa, picking up a magazine from the coffee table. She was starving but didn’t like to go in search of food. It was already near eight o’clock and she’d had only a light snack for lunch. After half an hour, she decided to go to find the kitchen. Everywhere seemed deserted and she couldn’t even smell food cooking. What was going on?

  She went into the small dining room where they’d had dinner with her playing the innocent girl in the corset outfit. She went through the door Will had used to serve the dinner and there was the empty kitchen. No dinner cooking. Nobody there. She looked in the fridge and took out some cheese and salad. That would have to do. She broke off a piece and began to bite into it. A buzzer sounded and immediately, Will stormed in.

  ‘What are you doing? You shouldn’t be in here.’

  ‘I was hungry, and as nobody was around, I thought I’d help myself. What’s going on?’

  ‘Andreas has made plans for you. You are to come with me now.’

  She put the cheese down and followed him. She hoped the surprise included food and drink. She was feeling positively weak from hunger; after all the exercise, it wasn’t surprising.

  ‘Go in there and change,’ Will said. ‘He has laid out your clothes.’

  Meekly, she did as she was told. In yet another room she hadn’t seen before, there was a very brief emerald green cocktail dress lying on the vast bed. It was strapless and barely covered her nipples, while the skirt was hardly long enough to cover her pubic hair. Much movement and she was likely to suffer a wardrobe malfunction of epic proportions. Still, she was happy to wear it if it was for Andreas’s pleasure. There were no panties, of course, and a pair of very high heels completed the outfit.

  She was about to leave the room when she noticed a leather jewel case on the dressing table. She opened it and found the most gorgeous emerald necklace she had ever seen. A shower of tiny stones fell from a gold circle. She must be expected to wear this with the dress. She clasped it round her neck and smiled into the mirror. It was wonderful. A pair of long, dangling earrings, also with a matching shower of tiny emeralds, lay in another box so she hooked those into her ears. If the dress hadn’t been so skimpy, she would have loved to be at a glamorous party somewhere. Where was she supposed to go now? She pushed open the door and went onto the long, carpeted corridor. A door opened and Andreas stepped out.

  ‘Ah, she’s here at last,’ he called into the room. ‘You look perfect. Come and meet my friends.’

  ‘But this dress is for you, isn’t it?’

  ‘Perfect. They are connoisseurs of the perfect female form. This is Shoanna. Miklos and Davide.’ He indicated the two men as he named them. ‘Business colleagues with an interest in … Well, the sort of thing you have to offer.

  Chapter Ten

  ‘Good evening.’ Shoanna addressed the men as coolly as she could manage. ‘I wasn’t expecting company. Perhaps I’m wearing the wrong outfit if you are potential clients.’

  ‘Not at all. You have perfect taste,’ Miklos replied. ‘We like to see the reality as well as the m
ore formidable partners.’

  ‘What would you like to drink?’ Andreas asked.

  ‘Whatever I’m allowed,’ she sniped, still smarting from being told not to drink alcohol. She couldn’t help wondering exactly what was expected of her this evening. She was hoping for a sexy romp but now, despite the provocative clothing, she was participating in some sort of interview at best or a free sampling session at worst.

  ‘Your usual mineral water, then,’ Andreas said as he handed her a glass. He poured champagne for his guests and she felt like some demoted servant. ‘Perhaps you’d like to serve our meal now?’


  ‘Of course. It’s in the usual place.’ He nodded towards a door at one side. She went through and saw three plates set on the table ready to be served. She took them into the dining area and placed them in front of the three men. Her stomach rumbled but there was no place set for her at the table. Andreas nodded to one side of the room, where evidently she was expected to wait until they’d eaten their first course. He lifted his empty glass and shook it towards her for a refill. She was ready to pour it over his head, but restrained herself. She felt used. Humiliated. Angry. She poured it carefully, smiling sweetly at the men as she did so.

  She picked up the empty plates and took them into the kitchen area. Fresh plates of hot food had appeared as if by magic, and she carried them to the three men. The food smelled wonderful and her stomach rumbled even more. There was nothing left over for her and she was beginning to feel quite weak. What was he playing at?

  Pudding was served and, finally, coffee. With each course, there was a different wine, and the three men were enjoying themselves immensely. None of them attempted to touch her but were certainly making the most of every view afforded by the skimpy dress, one or other of them asking her to pick up something from the floor or reach across the table. She did as she was told, unsmiling and without comment, while he men all watched avidly from whichever direction they could.

  At the end of the meal, she stood waiting for her orders. She glared at Andreas, wondering why she was being punished this way. Then it came to her. She had been expecting to be submissive this evening. This was his strange and quirky way of punishing her. Making her act like a servant while dressed in a provocative and undoubtedly expensive way, was his unique comeback for her treatment of him this afternoon.


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